literary world

Chapter 19 Yellow Hair

Chapter 19 Yellow Hair
"Hey, Lao Yang, you two have grown up."

Taking off the wire, and dragging his pace to the meal distribution point, Fang Nan caught sight of Lao Yang and his wife standing next to the field manager.

"It's all thanks to Wu Gao." Lao Yang dragged Fang Nan aside, gave him a cigarette, and said sneakily.

Fang Nan was full of surprise: "I didn't see it, this kid Wu Gao took good care of you two, he didn't get kickbacks."

Wu Gao's old boy is a monkey and a monkey, he confiscated his introduction fee last time, but this time he asked him for 10 yuan a day with a shy face, obviously he was not the one who suffered.

Lao Yang's eyes only contained one word - you know!

"Hi, I also said that Wu Gao can't change his temper." Fang Nan smiled and went to the field manager to take the meal.

These days, it's not easy to eat boxed lunches. If there weren't so many Xiangjiang people in the crew of "Unparalleled World", I'm afraid it wouldn't be the same as the crew of "Miao Cuihua".

But this can't be said, the craftsmanship is good, the actors are well-known, the audience is willing to watch, and the crew has to raise their salary even if they pinch their noses.

From Fang Nan's point of view, the demands made by the actors from Xiangjiang were acceptable to the crew, nothing more than better food and lodging, and very few stars would open their mouths.

After a few years, when the new generation of domestic stars rises up, that request will be terrifying.

This group of people don't know whether they have been pampered since they were young or what, once they join the crew, they will eat what they eat from childhood.

There are too many dazzling requests such as what hotel to stay in, how many stars the hotel has, and whether the crew will provide RVs and fruits during breaks.

Fang Nan was lucky enough to see the contract of a TV actress in China. He typed up 4 sheets of such small requirements on A10 paper, and his scalp felt numb when he saw it.

While reminiscing, Fang Nan took the lunch box handed over by the stage manager, and sat down under the eaves not far away. At this moment, a group of extras began to line up for lunch.

"What did you shoot this morning?" Fang Nan asked Huang Mao who came over with a plate.

"Just pretend to be a passer-by on the street, and I'm going to take pictures at the pier in the afternoon."

Fang Nan nodded, and asked him again: "Why don't you follow Wu Gao's example and go to the production crew and become the leader of the group? He earns a lot now."

"I don't like it, I just like filming, I want to be a star." Huang Mao's expression was firm and his tone was firm.

Fang Nan glanced at him: "What's your name?"

Huang Mao said: "Huang Ze."

Fang Nan was not afraid of Huangmao's anger, so he blurted out, "You won't be popular."

There's nothing he can do, he's only heard of Huang Bo, not Huang Ze.

"Why can't I be popular?" Huang Mao quit and stood up angrily.

Fang Nan glanced at him, Shi Lang was at that age, he looked like a 30-year-old man with vicissitudes, with natural yellow hair, he had to wear a hat when he was an extra performer.

"You're not as good-looking as I am because of your looks." Fang Nan grinned and continued to hit the yellow hair.

When Fang Nan mentioned the pain point, Huang Mao sat down in frustration. After a long time, he raised his head and said abruptly, "Brother Nan, do you want to be a director?"

"How do you know?" Fang Nan asked him after he took a bite of his meal.

"You always like hanging around the photographer when you're fine."

"So what if I want to be a director?" Fang Nan agreed with Huang Mao's statement.

"If you become a director and ask me to be the leading actor, wouldn't I be popular too?"

Fang Nan's heart trembled when Huang Mao spoke cleverly.

What he subconsciously remembered were the stars of later generations, and he never thought that someone like Huang Ze would suddenly jump out.

"Yeah, why not? If everything remains the same, why don't I still do nothing?"

Thinking of this, Fang Nan nodded to Huang Mao, "Success, I promise you today, when I come out, I will take you to film a few movies."

As soon as Fang Nan's words came out, Huang Mao was so excited that he threw away the rice plate and stood up with a "plop", he was at a loss and said, "Brother Nan, you will be my own brother from now on, I will beat you wherever you point, let me hammer Wu Gaoducheng."

"Are you so sure I can get ahead?"

Huang Mao vowed: "Very sure!"

Fang Nan himself was puzzled, not knowing which shining spot on his body was exposed.

After eating and resting, the filming continued. The pier in the afternoon was very lively with the arrival of group performances and actors.

"It's a bit too tall, but it's okay to dress up." Guan Yonghe saw Fang Nan the first time, stepped forward with a smile and commented on his own style of the same style.

"Sister Guan, just wait and see if you're a veteran, I can only go so far."

Fang Nan's words made everyone around him laugh out loud.

This is not easy, after all, they are directors, assistant directors and other crew masters, and they are all from Xiangjiang.

It's not that Xiangjiang is so amazing.

But today, when the mainland has not yet developed, many people will unconsciously feel ashamed when they see Xiangjiang people.

This kind of self-ashamedness is like shopping, and a 2-meter-tall, handsome foreigner walks by, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

Fang Nan didn't care about these things, he should talk and smile.

What about the big stars from Xiangjiang?

I don't borrow money from you, and I don't flatter you for a role, why should I bow my head in front of you and be submissive?

That is to say, his unrestrained, bright and generous character, on the contrary, makes people look at him differently and adds a layer of goodwill to people.

After laughing and saying a few words, the shooting in the afternoon officially started.

When shooting a group scene, it is still the same old way to rehearse first, the group performers are familiar with the positions, and then take the test shoot. After a few test shoots, it is almost the same, and finally the real shoot. Two or three shots of the real shoot are enough for the director to choose from multiple angles, and one shot is completed.

Guan Yonghe has been famous on TVB for many years, he has filmed a lot of fight scenes and has rich experience, and he cooperated with Fang Nan very smoothly.

Here, as soon as Fang Nan completed a 360-degree turn in the air, she swayed backwards in front of the camera.

Fang Nan stepped on the water and rushed to the opposite side of the lake. She had already set the posture on the opposite side to go ashore.

After another scene ended, Director Huang, who was in charge of the action scene, applauded: "Ok, ok, Nan Tsai and Esther sister cooperated very well, everyone can take a break when you have time."

"I won't go down to rest, you guys pull me up to that tree, and I'll lie down on the tree."

Fang Nan pointed to a big tree not a few steps away, and shouted at the martial artists responsible for pulling him.

Fang Nan didn't want to get down, Wu Xing was also happy, it took a lot of effort to go up and down.

Therefore, several people happily pulled Fang Nan closer to the big tree, and after watching him reach the top of the tree, they quickly wrapped the wire rope around the trunk several times and tied it tightly.

"Everyone come over to eat watermelon salad, sister Chen, please eat watermelon for everyone!"

Fang Nan on the treetop could hear the field manager's words clearly.

"A fool won't go down if there's watermelon to eat." He muttered, and then he wanted to call the martial arts under the tree to put him down.

But looking down, the person is stupid, there is no one under the tree, those martial arts have already forgotten him when they heard about eating watermelon.

"Hey, hey, don't run away, come back first and let me go."

Watching the martial artists rushing to the distance, Fang Nan rested on the top of a tree and shouted at the top of his voice.

(End of this chapter)

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