literary world

Chapter 205

Chapter 205

The next day.

Taking advantage of the darkness, the two went out separately and met at Yinding Bridge. Gao Yuanyuan, who got into the co-pilot, asked curiously, "Isn't the car left for you? How do you drive the crew car?"

"Your car is too ostentatious. There is no film released, so it's better to keep a low profile." Fang Nan explained.

Gao Yuanyuan nodded his forehead to express his understanding, and then got out of the car with great interest: "Is the pickup easy to drive? I'll give it a try."

Fang Nan couldn't hold her back, so he got out of the car and changed to the passenger seat.

But before he could sit still and fasten his seat belt, Gao Yuanyuan had already let go of the clutch, kicked the accelerator and rushed out, causing his knee to hit the storage box with a "bang".

"Hey Yo"

Rubbing his knees in pain, Fang Nan said angrily, "Are you a tiger?"

Gao Yuanyuan said indifferently: "You sit still."

In the driver's seat, Gao Yuanyuan was busy with his hands and feet, and Fang Nan didn't dare to criticize him: "Drive a little slower."

Gao Yuanyuan is an old driver, needless to say his proficiency.

But after all, she is only in her 20s, has a lot of money, and is still a big star praised by the audience.

So sometimes the youthful exuberance in my heart, the impulse to enjoy the ultimate, will fly out of my chest inadvertently.

So, Fang Nan held his heart and watched her overtake again and again.

Pointing at the vehicles outside the window again and again, yelling at others, "Will you drive, and don't turn on the turn signal when turning."

"Will you drive and turn on high beam headlights?"

"It's terrible, don't dare to leave me."

After Gao Yuanyuan speeded up to overtake another car, Fang Nan, who was worried, couldn't take it anymore: "Take care of yourself, after a while, how many cars have you overtaken?"

"I'm in a hurry to catch up with the crew. Your boss started swearing on the phone yesterday."

Gao Yuanyuan bent out the mouth of the goldfish and said dissatisfied.

It's just overtaking a car, and Fang Nan sits next to him babbling like an old man, which makes her tired of listening.

"You deserve it. I can't even adjust my schedule."

"Tch, it's not because of you that I can't adjust my schedule."

Whispering about her boyfriend, Gao Yuanyuan suddenly said: "By the way, I heard a lot of gossip about you during the few days I was in Xiangjiang."

Fang Nan's face tightened: "What gossip?"

"Say you beat Du Wenzhe to the hospital. He and many people in Xiangjiang's industry want to boycott you and your movie."

Fang Nan breathed a sigh of relief, and said with disdain on his face, "Resist me, what ability does Du Wenzhe have?"

Du Wenzhe is also an artist under Emperor.

And Emperor and Fang Nan have a lot of business contacts with Tang Tang Film and Television, and there may be many cooperations in the future.

Emperor Entertainment, which is thriving in Xiangjiang, does not speak out. How many people in the entertainment circle of Xiangjiang are willing to take the initiative to boycott Fang Nan and Fang Nan's movies?

Therefore, Fang Nan didn't worry about any resistance at all.

Another one, Du Wenzhe did suffer a dark loss.

But when it comes to being hospitalized, it's too outrageous. Fang Nan knows this very well. Either Du Wenzhe wants to touch porcelain, or he won't be able to stay in the hospital.

As for whether Du Wenzhe would be outraged because of being humiliated, he chose to bypass the Emperor and face the media to accuse Fang Nan.

As a result, the people in the entertainment industry in Xiangjiang, who are grouped together, will feel sympathy, resentment, and pity, so as to achieve the effect of boycotting Fang Nan.

Fang Nan said it doesn't matter.

Public opinion war? He is good at it.

I don’t know that many filmmakers, scholars, and marketers in the mainland regard his several public opinion battles as classic public opinion battles?

Xiangjiang film people take mice, really want to help Du Wenzhe.

This time, he had to take off the underpants of some of the Xiangjiang filmmakers, so that the mainland audience can take a good look at how much shit they haven't cleaned under their buttocks.

Over the years, after Xiangjiang filmmakers went north to seek help, the domestic opening up of Xiangjiang films became wider and wider.

Some filmmakers in Hong Kong began to enjoy the huge movie box office market in the Mainland.

On the one hand, he treasures himself to the point of being sneaky when shooting a scene, and treats mainland filmmakers as thieves.

It doesn't matter if there is a big difference in the salary of the same crew, even a meal is divided between you and me, high and low, Fang Nan has long been displeased.

As big as guarding against house thieves, as small as eating other fellow filmmakers, he already disdains him so much, what else can he be afraid of to resist?

While Fang Nan was silently thinking about the possibility of Du Wenzhe jumping out, Gao Yuanyuan put on his handbag and got out of the car in a hurry: "It's here, you go up later, I'll go first."

"I'm going to buy some breakfast, what do you eat?" Fang Nan asked her.

Gao Yuanyuan ran back with a "thump thump thump" and said, "Buy some glutinous rice cakes, mung bean cakes, strawberries, coffee, milk, and if you look at it, buy some soy milk fritters. There are many people in the crew."

"Strawberry? Pull it down. I'll let your assistant buy it later. I'll order steamed stuffed buns and soy milk."

Fang Nan turned the steering wheel and left, bought breakfast and just entered Zhongtian International, Cai Yinong called to remind him to participate in the 13th Beijing College Student Film Festival.

"Need me to go?" Fang Nan was curious.

The Beijing College Student Film Festival is considered a semi-official film festival. He was invited to participate in the past two years, but he didn't go. It's too difficult for comedy films to win awards, and they haven't even been nominated.

"I'm going this time. You have nominated for the most popular director award among college students. In addition, you have to participate in a film forum. At that time, the Peking University Film Association will issue you an honorary consultant certificate."

Fang Nan was speechless: "Really?"

Cai Yinong: "It's true, it's confirmed."

Fang Nan was delighted, Peking University's honorary consultant certificate, even if it's useless, it's nice to say it.

"Success, I will definitely go then."

Joyfully carrying a big bag of breakfast into the set, the executive director and music teacher are guiding Gao Yuanyuan to walk and sing.

It was the same scene where Qian Songyi got drunk and went crazy, the difference is that Qian Songyi's song was changed from "Decent" to "I Remember I Loved".

"Come on, come on, eat breakfast first if you haven't eaten, anyway, the progress of this drama is seriously behind, don't care about the time for breakfast, just be a dead pig and don't be afraid of boiling water."

Putting down the bag, Fang Nan smiled and yelled to those who didn't have breakfast to eat breakfast first.

The on-site staff left with food and drink. Fang Nan frowned and sat next to Li Yufen and said, "I'll be your supervisor for a few days. You can hurry up."

With him in the crew, not to mention anything else, the atmosphere changed first, there were fewer laughing and laughing, and after a scene ended, there were fewer gags and less foreign workers.

Another one, in the entire shooting scene, no one knows the script better than him. Once the screen comes out, whether it is right or wrong, and what it should look like, he can often guide the actors in place with a few words.

Therefore, when Fang Nan found out that Gao Yuanyuan still couldn't let go, he went out with the executive director first.

"Let you let go, let go, is it that difficult? Have you never been drunk, and have you seen anyone else?"

In the whole scene, he accused Gao Yuanyuan of not performing well.

While speaking without any explanation, she directly rumpled her smooth long straight hair into a pile of messy straw.


Gao Yuanyuan, who was slumped under the sofa, just slapped Fang Nan in dissatisfaction, and was pulled up by Fang Nan again:

"Standing here swaying through a glass of wine and start singing in a crying voice, stepping on this table and turning around with your back to the camera, and then start kicking your feet and singing, finish 'I remember I loved ’, got off the table and collapsed on the edge of the sofa.”

Fang Nan couldn't finish speaking, he made another coherent movement, and then waved for Gao Yuanyuan to go himself.

In terms of depth, "You Who Came from the Stars" actually doesn't have much depth.

A poignant love story between an alien and a female star on Earth.

The reason why this drama is difficult to shoot is not because of Gao Yuanyuan's poor acting skills, or how deep the script is, but simply because the character of Qian Songyi is too weird and too strong.

A female character who can be funny, pretend, has a strong aura, and can play affectionate is too challenging for Gao Yuanyuan.

Of course, Li Yufen and other important behind-the-scenes team members have never filmed such subjects.

Fang Nan performed it in all directions, and Gao Yuanyuan finally stopped thinking about how crazy he was going to be, and how crazy he was going to go, and acted just like Fang Nan's hysteria just now.

The filming started again, and Gao Yuanyuan's roaring singing sounded on the scene.

The singing is sharp and piercing, without any sense of rhythm.

To use Uncle Ben Shan's skit lines this year, it means that others ask for money to sing, but she sings like hell.


As Gao Yuanyuan reclined on the sofa, crying out the last line, Li Yufen shouted "Ka" excitedly.

"Uh uh" cleared his throat, Gao Yuanyuan wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and got up and sat on the sofa: "Hey, I'm exhausted."

Before she could rest enough, Fang Nan said coldly, "Same scene, do it again."

After another shot, when Li Yufen shouted "pass" excitedly again, Fang Nan's "do it again" sounded again on the set.

"No acting, no acting, I can't act anymore."

Gao Yuanyuan, who collapsed on the sofa, waved his hands listlessly.

Li Yufen also looked at Fang Nan with a puzzled expression.

In her opinion, no matter which of the two shots is edited into the film, it will be perfect.

It's just that the second is better than the first.

"Director Fang, isn't it too strict? Both lenses can be used." Li Yufen couldn't help but speak.

Fang Nan nodded and admitted that it can be used, but he still said: "I know it can be used, but I just have to do it again."

He didn't explain to Li Yufen, but went straight to Gao Yuanyuan's side and urged, "Hurry up, the effect will wear off after a long rest, one last time, hurry up."

Gao Yuanyuan didn't know what to do, so he stood up bravely.

The third round of filming started, Gao Yuanyuan no longer needed to pretend to be hoarse.

There is no need to pretend to be tired like a dog.

Except for the drunken madness, the whole person is deduced, and the other people look tired, weak, and exhausted.

"OK, pass."

The third round ended perfectly, and Fang Nan shouted "Pass" first.

At the same time, he turned to Li Yufen with a smile and said, "Does the effect look better now?"

"If an actor has the potential to be tapped, try to make two as many films as possible, and choose the best from the best."

"Tang Tang Film and Television is not TVB. There is no need to pay too much attention to cost. I can accept some overspending."

Li Yufen joked, "President Cai can also accept it?"

Fang Nan laughed and said, "What do you say, starting a company is actually the same as living as a husband and wife."

"A couple with the same extravagant life will not have a good time; a couple with the same strong personality will not have a long life."

"How can we live a good life? One has to spend money lavishly, and the other keeps his hands on his pockets. This kind of couple usually quarrels, but their life is not bad."

A big boy in his 20s talked about life as a couple in front of her. Li Yufen thought it was funny, but she nodded her head understandingly: "Understood, the production team will overspend in the future, I will ask the producer to get you to sign."

After finishing speaking, she sighed at Fang Nan's back.

A boy in his 20s handles people, things, and work just right.

She couldn't help sighing that Fang Nan, who became famous as a teenager, really had a purpose.

Sure enough, there is no virtual person under the reputation!
(End of this chapter)

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