literary world

Chapter 218: Multiple Women 1 Drama Team

Chapter 218: Multiple Women, One Drama Exploration
Liu Qianqian met Fang Nan's request by destroying her own body.

Afterwards, the actor who was slammed by Fang Nan became Hu Ge who played Xiao Bei.


Xiaobei, who came from behind on a motorcycle with injuries on his face, was not the protagonist in this shot.

After Hu Ge was scolded three or four times and took a dozen shots, Fang Nan decisively shouted "Okay".

After watching the tens of seconds of coherent shots, and finding nothing wrong, Fang Nanchong's assistant director, Wang Liang, shouted, "Have someone bring the filming car from the hotel over, and finish shooting this shot overnight."

Du Kefeng stopped Wang Liang, and Fang Nan said: "Nono, believe me, I can take the camera out of the sunroof of the car and record the footage on the motorcycle."

Fang Nan flatly refused: "There is a shooting car, so it doesn't have to be so troublesome, and it's dangerous."

He has no doubts about Du Kefeng's ability and stability.

But under certain conditions, he is unwilling to take risks.

Furthermore, he doesn't like the sense of reality that some six-generation directors use blurry and shaky shots to reflect.

If a movie wants to attract the attention of the audience, the camera must first be steady so that the audience can clearly see the expressions of the characters.

The shooting car purchased by Wu Gao Yixin Equipment Leasing Company from Japan arrived very quickly. The guy from Hengdian greeted the second boss, Fang Nan, and then began to explain the shooting car to Du Kefeng and the photographers.

The things are not complicated, and there are staff in the control. Du Kefeng only needs to ask for it.

Therefore, several people got into the car quickly.

Hu Ge carried Liu Qianqian and waited for it.

Before the two started filming, Fang Nan told Liu Qianqian:

"Cry for the grievance. Don't use the expressionist set to express and replace it. Forget all the set taught by Mr. Beidian. Starting from the character's heart, this scene can't be acted out. I'm really sorry. I wonder if you have even the slightest acting talent."

"And then, Hu Ge, you are too. You have been making high-profile fairy tales and martial arts films in the past two years. I think you are a bit crazy now."

"In short, you two, don't use other emotions to substitute these two characters, you must understand the character's state of mind at this moment."

Seeing the two nodding their heads, Fang Nan shouted in person: ""Youth" three two one, let's go."

The camera car and motorcycle left one after another, Fang Nan rushed to the remaining staff and said, "I'm here today, pack up and go back to the hotel."

The crew of "Youth" is not many, about 100 people, and many of them have family members.

Liu Qianqian brought her mother.

Liu Sishi brought her mother.

Ni Ni also brought her mother.

Whenever Fang Nan saw these family members, he was quite annoyed.

Just thinking that in the next few years, some famous stars will be surrounded by assistants, makeup, styling, and costumes, so he feels unhappy.

Otherwise, you are looking for trouble for yourself.

As soon as the film crew moved their belongings into the car, Du Kefeng's filming team and the two leading actors also came back. Seeing Du Kefeng's ok gesture, Fang Nan waved his hand back to the hotel.

"Youth" stayed in a three-star hotel, and the overall facilities were okay. After the supper was noisy, Fang Nan went back to the room first.

"Youth" took three days to shoot, the actors were tired, and so was he.

Yelling every day, swearing exhausts a lot of energy, if you don't get enough sleep, how can you have the energy to swear the next day.

In the middle of the night, he slept soundly and heartlessly.

Several young actors in the crew are trembling with fear for tomorrow.

Afraid of acting badly, the director Fang Nan scolded him.

The last actor in the group, Hu Ge, refused to chat with Chen Kun after supper and returned to the room early, ready to light up the night reading.

Jiang Yiyan knocked on Fang Nan's door silently, but finally got nothing.

Liu Qianqian's mother and daughter's room.

Mama Liu carefully applied eye drops to the daughter who was lying on the bed.

Among the several family members of the crew, no one has more complicated feelings for the crew than her.

Before going to Japan, or in other words, before Liu Qianqian's Japanese record was released, she looked down on Fang Nan and didn't like "Youth in Youth".

Allowing my daughter to deviate from the famous line she and Chen Jingfei set up to film "Youth in Youth" is harming her daughter.

But the Japanese album of being a girl sold out.

Her dream of Liu Qianqian becoming famous in Japan as she became famous in China in just a few years was shattered in one fell swoop.

Daily monopoly more than 100 copies?

It is true that Liu Qianqian did not record all the MVs, nor did she appear in publicity, but this is not an excuse to sell more than 100 copies in Japan.

Disappointed, heart ashamed to return home.

Things that made Liu Xiaoli even more desperate came one after another.

Fang Nan's "Lost in Thailand" became popular all over the country. The domestic box office broke the box office record of "Hero" and won the national box office champion.

The project "Assassination of Novelists" with an investment of 3 to 5 million yuan was established.

Fang Nan jumped up suddenly, catching Liu Xiaoli by surprise, she offended Fang Nan too much.

Therefore, with Liu Xiaoli's intention to mend the relationship with Fang Nan, even if her daughter tortured her body to act and was scolded by Fang Nan, she still chose not to say a word.

She vividly interprets the set of maternal love that she believes in, the fragrance of plum blossoms that can't be smelled without going through a lot of cold.

Except for Liu Qianqian's mother and daughter.

Liu Sishi's mother and daughter did something again.

Liu Sishi can be said to be the one who is most afraid of Fang Nan among all the young actors.

After all, when she guest starred in "囧太囧", she had already endured a torture.

This child is timid, thinking of having his own role tomorrow, he tossed and turned anxiously on the bed.

And this Mama Liu is the graceful type, she was almost frightened when she saw her daughter, she comforted her first, but if the comfort failed, she decided to resign and forget about it, so she would not suffer this crime.

It's a pity that Liu Sishi is unwilling.

"Youth in Youth" was filmed for three days, and many insiders, big and small, visited the film crew, and they all said that the plot was full of tension, and she was reluctant to leave.

In the end, she was struggling and unable to sleep, and his mother also sighed.

After Liu Qianqian and Liu Sishi.

Ni Ni is the most relaxed and peaceful among the young actors.

After the play came back to the hotel, the first thing she did was to urge her mother to clean up the stove, after eating, drinking and washing up, she carelessly slumped over to the bed.

A heartless female version of Fang Nan.

The next day, she was caught by Fang Nan and sprayed wildly.

"You finished filming "Star You", but you can even make mistakes in basic positions?"

"Wouldn't it be okay to smile and say harsh words?"

"Is it okay to pretend to be weak?"

"The words are a mess."

In an alley outside the Railway Middle School, under the pressure of Fang Nan's madness, Ni Ni, who was stunned, completed the scene in unspeakable misery.

Even so, Fang Nan still got a knock on the head.

Crouching down with her head in her arms, Ni Ni said aggrievedly, "Why did you hit me?"

"I'll improve your memory. Everyone else is reading the script and working hard, but you're running around." Fang Nan couldn't finish speaking angrily, and shouted to the staff, "Turn to Xiaobei's house."

Xiaobei's shot was taken from yesterday's shot.

In this scene, Chen Nian and Xiaobei have a teasing scene where you come and go, which brings the relationship between the two closer.

In Xiaobei's dilapidated wooden house, Fang Nan pointed to the two boxes of instant noodles brought by the staff, and reminded everyone:
"Tear off the cover and label on the noodle box. "Youth" has not been picked up by Ruanguang, and I have to tear off the label on everything that is suspected of being an advertisement."

"I know the director."

There were several sounds of "Qua Cha Qua Cha", two buckets of bare instant noodles were placed on the low wooden table, and Fang Nan sat back in front of the monitor.

At the same time, Ni Ni moved a small stool and sat down beside him.

Fang Nan glanced at her: "Have you memorized the words? If you don't perform well in the future, I'll hit you again."

Ni Ni insisted: "I'm here to learn experience?"

Fang Nan had nothing to do with her, he could only watch the staff make preparations before shooting, while asking about the status of Hu Ge and Liu Qianqian who were holding the script.

"Director, the props are ready." The prop master pointed to the steaming instant noodles.

"It's not hot, it's not hot and ready to shoot."

Fang Nan asked the two leading actors at the table: "Sissy, Hu Ge, do you have any questions?"

Liu Qianqian said as always: "It can be filmed."

Hu Ge followed: "I can shoot."

Fang Nan nodded and looked at the executive director Huang Weiming. Seeing him nodding to show that the two actors had understood the roles of the scene, Fang Nan shouted, "Let's start shooting."

"cough cough"

"cough cough"

The penguin's iconic cough sounded on the mobile phone. Chen Nian picked up the mobile phone and glanced at it. The camera was fed back to the monitor. It was a set of penguin messages and Chen Nian's dark, small, greasy face.

"Have you had a fight with your boyfriend?" Xiaobei raised his head slightly, "Have you come to our house even if you have a boyfriend?"

Hours of silence.

The camera controlled by Du Kefeng switched back and forth on the faces of the two protagonists, expressing through the fine sweat that it is very hot and people's tempers are easy to explode.

Xiaobei chewed his noodles, and opened his mouth with a smile on his face: "Do you like me?"

Chen Nian quickly connected: "What do I like about you?"


After shouting, Fang Nan looked at Huang Weiming and said to the people in the room: "Think about it, wouldn't it be better if Chen Nian quickly raised his head when he said I like you, looked directly at Xiao Bei, and showed contempt in his eyes?"

"Don't feel it yet?" Huang Weiming asked the main screenwriter and director Fang Nan.

Fang Nan smiled and said, "No, I don't have any good feelings at all. The male lead is about to take the college entrance examination, and the female lead with excellent grades looks like a punk in the eyes of the female lead. She hates this kind of talent."

Huang Weiming said: "But the female lead has kissed to save the male lead. You know that the first kiss is always the most memorable."

Fang Nan was speechless. He didn't expect that the executive director he had worked with for a long time still had a virginity complex. The explanation was very reluctant, but there was nothing wrong with it. He had no choice but to explain:

"No, no, the hostess still doesn't think the male lead is so good. In her eyes, the male lead is just like those punks outside. He is a piece of mud that can't support the wall. Hu Ge, Sissy, when you try to figure out the script by yourself What does it feel like?"

"I'm the same as you." Liu Qianqian turned around and said.

"I don't think I like it either." Hu Ge echoed.

Fang Nan nodded at Huang Weiming and said, "Director Huang, then try what I just said."

The difference of one word is a thousand miles away.

Fang Nan himself was satisfied with the shot again, and Huang Weiming and others nodded in agreement.

After three or four times, the not-so-difficult scene in the first half ended. Fang Nan checked the time and chose to have dinner.

He was sitting outside and eating, when Wang Liang came over with a boxed lunch.

"Brother Nan, Hu Wen called and said that today is Ni Ni's birthday. She wants the crew to help buy a cake for Ni Ni, hold a simple birthday party, and take some photos to send back."

"Of course, if you don't agree, I will reject her later."

Fang Nan was surprised: "Is our company so humanized?"

Wang Liang smiled and said, "Isn't "You Star" too popular, and Ni Ni has also gained a lot of love from young people."

Fang Nan pondered for a while, then said, "Let's do it for her. I won't let anyone go out for publicity. The bosses of the company and CCTV have already agreed. It's really unreasonable not to do it on birthdays and not to post photos."

"Then I'll go out and get ready, so I'll finish work earlier in the evening?" Wang Liang asked again.

Fang Nan nodded: "All right."

As soon as Wang Liang left, the crew assistant came over again, "Director, director Zhang Yimou is coming to visit the set, and ask us where we are?"

Fang Nan was taken aback: "Huh? What class is he visiting?"

"Just visit the class."

"Tell him the location." Fang Nan didn't understand, he took the time to finish the meal, and filled a bowl of soup, wondering while drinking.

Zhang Yimou belongs to the lump in the northwest, and is currently fighting the world with Zhang Weiping.

What about him.

He belongs to No Men No School, because he is in Tang Tang Film and Television, and in recent years some people have classified him into the Shanghai School.

But no matter which one, he and Zhang Yimou couldn't match each other, and there was no intersection.

So Fang Nan was very curious about Lao Mouzi's arrival.

Fang Nan didn't feel the arrival of the old man, but the crew was very excited.

It is a historic moment that the two directors who are the best in commercial films in China are about to meet.

How many people are looking forward to seeing the two shake hands.

Apart from the good people, a group of young actors are even more excited.

Zhang Yimou, an internationally renowned director who brought Kong Li into the three major international film festivals.

Among Chinese people all over the world, Ang Lee, Zhang Yimou, and Wong Kar-wai are the only directors who have achieved international reputation.

Therefore, Hu Ge, Liu Qianqian, Liu Sishi, Jiang Yiyan, Chen Kun, including Ni Ni all pulled on their costumes to make themselves look more energetic.

Seeing this scene, Fang Nan felt very sad.

But it's not easy to blame.

In this era, actors all over the world yearn for Hollywood and the three major European film festivals, and are proud of winning foreign awards and being famous internationally.

Isn't he also secretly filming the feature film "Youth in Youth".

Of course, he won't belittle himself too much.

After all, the achievements of "Tai囧" are also very high, and it also makes him frequently appear on CCTV's major TV stations.

Although it is not as sensational as "Hero" won the North American box office weekly crown, it is not bad.

The old man came very quickly. After the two shook hands under the watchful eyes of the crew, Fang Nan personally led him into the set.

In the sweltering wooden room, after the old man greeted the actors and behind-the-scenes, Fang Nan said with emotion: "Your conditions are very difficult."

This Fang Nan is not against the old man.

"You are a young man" is definitely not as good as the crew of "The Golden Flower" with big investment and big stars.

Fang Nan smiled and said, "It's okay, I'll get used to it after a few more days of filming."

The old man asked again: "Is the whole scene in Chongqing? Or is there a team of people outside?"

Fang Nandao: "The current team is shooting in Chongqing."

"The actors are all very energetic." The old man nodded and smiled and praised the cast members.

Fang Nan couldn't say that a group of young actors almost exhausted him, so he took out a cigarette and handed it over, curiously asking, "Where did you come from?"

"I'm from the capital, I want to discuss something with you."

"What's the matter?" Fang Nan lit cigarettes for the two of them.

The old man took a breath of cigarettes, and said in a non-surprising way: "You write an application and submit it to the Olympic Organizing Committee, come over and be my coordinator."


In the wooden room, as the voice of the old man fell, Huang Weiming and others behind the scene, the actors, and the actors' families were all dumbfounded for an instant.

None of them thought that the old man came to Chongqing in person to find Fang Nan to join the Olympic coordinating department.

Fang Nan was also taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

In April, the Olympic Organizing Committee did announce that Zhang Yimou passed the customs all the way, and finally defeated Li Ang with a slight advantage, and won the post of chief director of the opening and closing ceremonies of the 08 Olympic Games.

Speaking of the selection of directors for the 08 Olympic Games by the Olympic Organizing Committee, Fang Nan couldn't help feeling a little melancholy.

He came from the original time and space in 01, and it took him 3 years to become an independent director.

Otherwise, in 04, he might not have received an invitation letter from the Olympic Organizing Committee.

In order to select Olympic directors, the China Olympic Organizing Committee has issued more than 200 invitation letters to well-known Chinese directors all over the world.

If he had achieved what he is now, he might have exhausted all kinds of brain cells to compete with Zhang Yimou.

Of course, some people look down on the post of chief director of the Olympics.

Old Chen, Chen Kaige is very good. In the first round of election, not only could he not come up with a creative plan, but he also read a poem in front of the leaders of the Olympic Organizing Committee:

Suddenly the sword came to collect Jibei, and the clothes were covered with tears at first.

But looking at the worries of his wife, he is crazy about poems and books.

Leaving aside the arrogant old Chen, facing Zhang Yimou's invitation, Fang Nan wondered whether to go or not.

In the end, he shook his head and refused.

The work of coordinating the Olympic Games is too complicated. If he goes, it will take a lot of time, and it will take two years from this year to 08 to post it.

And afterwards, he didn't benefit from it, and his reputation all belonged to the old man.

What's more, even if he doesn't go, the final result is still perfect.

Fang Nan refused, and Zhang Yimou smiled helplessly: "You want someone from the organizing committee to talk to you in person."

"No, please don't. I'm not going because I'm busy here, and I also believe that your current behind-the-scenes personnel have really reached the top level. It doesn't matter if I go or not."

The 08 Olympic Games is an important publicity for China to the outside world.

Such a large project is really carried out with the strength of the whole country, and a group of top behind-the-scenes teams have been assembled.

Whether he goes or not doesn't really matter.

"It's also good to make suggestions. There are many problems that need to be solved urgently, and multiple people have multiple strengths." The old man still insisted.

"It is not necessary to join the team to make suggestions. The organizing committee must trust me, and we can discuss through communication tools."

After smiling, Fang Nan said abruptly, "If you lack a pyrotechnician, I can introduce you to one."

"The pyrotechnician in "The Richest Man in Xihong City", right? Part of my reason for coming today is this person. Is he on the set?"

Fang Nan got up and rushed out of the crowd, Zhou Dalu, who was indifferent to the conversation between the two, waved his hands wildly and said, "Old Zhou, come here."

"Zhou Dalu Master Zhou, the designer of Bigfoot Fireworks, his ears are not very good, please speak louder to him."

After a brief exchange with Zhou Dalu, Zhang Yimou took the trouble to lobby Fang Nan again.

There were several reasons why he urged Fang Nan to join.

The first simple point is that the movies made by Fang Nan are loved by many people.

Many people in the circle will underestimate this article.

They even criticize Fang Nan's super high box office by saying that the film directed by Fang Nan is not artistic, like a clown.

But Lao Mozi knows that it is very difficult for a movie to be liked by so many people.

Because the tastes of many people have to be taken care of.

This includes people of different age groups, people of different genders, and people of different tastes.

It is very difficult to attract so many differentiated audiences into the cinema to watch the same movie.

The Olympics must cater to the tastes of most people.

Therefore, he needed Fang Nan's brain to help him control some details.


Fang Nan led more than a dozen people to Weta and went to ILM to steal the teacher. No one knows.

It is not unknown that his personal "Thirteen Swordsmen of Light and Shadow" has recently been working on an expression simulation system in the company and breaking through software barriers.

How could Zhang Yimou, the only technical director in the country, let him go.

Therefore, when he actually took up the position of chief director and had been busy for a while, he directly asked for someone from the organizing committee, and the first person he asked for was Fang Nan.

But at that time, Fang Nan was on a national road show, and later went to Thailand to receive honors, so he put this aside in advance, thinking that he would wait until someone else was busy.

Unexpectedly, "Lost in Thailand" has not been released yet.

Fang Nan joined the group again like a tireless old scalper.

That's why he had no choice but to come to Chongqing as soon as "The Golden Flower in the City" ended.

Zhang Yimou tirelessly and tirelessly persuaded like a mother-in-law with a bad mouth.

Fang Nan was so forced that he had no choice but to say directly, "You can help me solve the issue of the post-trial review of "Youth in Youth", and I will go to your place to hang up a idle job."

Contribute money and effort to the Olympics, of course it should.

He is from Huaxia, so of course he wants his country to get better and better, and he wants to pass the Olympics so that foreigners will reduce their prejudice against China.

But Fang Nan knew better than anyone that without him, he would have done well.

Before the Olympics, foreigners viewed China as ancient, conservative, and deeply prejudiced.

After the Olympic Games, many foreigners have seen the 5000-year-old splendid civilization of China, where the people are warm and hospitable, prosperous and strong.

It's a pity that the organizing committee didn't know, and Zhang Yimou didn't know.

They only knew that Fang Nan's achievements in some aspects of art were quite high, so he should appear in the preparatory team as a matter of course.

Fang Nan felt quite speechless.

A few years ago, he was not well-known, and when it came to the Olympics, he thought of either not doing it or making it big.

Now, he is famous, but the bidding time has passed, don't think about being a big one, or be a small one, and be the coordinator of a certain team.

Fang Nan asked a difficult question, but Zhang Yimou didn't wrinkle his forehead, and went straight out of the room with a slap on his buttocks.

Before leaving, he threw Fang Nan a "wait for my call".

"Damn, if the old man really gets it done, it will be quite troublesome."

Fang Nan frowned and muttered to himself, the people around were dumbfounded.

They couldn't figure out whether Fang Nan was laughing on the surface, secretly having fun in his heart, or what.

After all, it is the Olympics, and it may be an Olympics that you only encounter once in a lifetime.

If it was someone else, wouldn't you be in a hurry to agree?

As for Fang Nan, he was so desperate that he didn't want to go.

(End of this chapter)

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