literary world

Chapter 22 Dangerous scenes

Chapter 22 Dangerous scenes
The "Unparalleled World" crew's box lunch turmoil came and went quickly.

Zhang Weijian and Fang Nan at the center of the storm are both adults.

Fang Nan looked young, only 22 years old, but his psychological age was close to 40, long past the age of not giving up after a fight.

But even though the matter was settled, Fang Nan still kept an eye out, and always carefully checked whether there was any problem before hooking up the wire.

Later, Huang Weiming was even tinkered with, replacing all the martial arts in charge of Latavia with familiar mainlanders.

It's not that he judges the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, but the heart of guarding against others is indispensable.

Another benefit after the turmoil is that Cai Yinong adopted Fang Nan's suggestion and unified the food standards of the crew, so that everyone ate box lunches with a lower standard.

Everyone does not include the actors, directors, and Fang Nan, only the staff and extras.

Huang Mao couldn't figure it out, so he took the opportunity to ask Fang Nan, "Brother, something is wrong, why didn't those Xiangjiang people make trouble?"

Fang Nan snorted, "Do you know what meal supplements are?"

There is no absolute fairness in this world, if you insist on finding one, the only option is death!

On the day when all the performers ate their boxed lunches, they expressed their gratitude to Fang Nan more or less.

They used to think that Fang Nan was able to get along with him because Fang Nan had real skills, was unassuming, and was Wu Gao's "father".

Now Fang Nan is the leader because he is open-minded, not afraid of the stars from Xiangjiang, and admires him from the bottom of his heart.

Whenever there are more people around at mealtimes, Fang Nan doesn't get bored, it's not that he dislikes the group of extras having a meal, they chatter non-stop.

But the taste is wrong.

If he is the director of this film, a group of people are willing to surround him, which means that he is very successful as a director, the crew is united, and can make a good film.

But now he is just a small actor stand-in, what's the matter with a bunch of people surrounding him?

Isn't this embarrassing the director and deliberately provoking the director's authority?
Fang Nan took a bite of his meal and looked at the group of extras sitting beside him.

"Nan Zai, change to the horse-drawn carriage chase scene this afternoon, don't eat too much." Huang Weiming came to Fang Nan holding a boxed lunch.

"That's right, OK, then I'll eat less." Fang Nan nodded.

The sudden change of filming was somewhat beyond Fang Nan's expectations.

After all, the crew’s daily shooting plan is made in advance, and the change of shooting needs to be discussed with the actors to adjust the schedule, and the staff also have to be transferred, which is likely to cause dissatisfaction.

The temporary change of filming was indeed beyond Fang Nan's expectations, but it was not too surprising.

He knew that his current position in the crew was rather embarrassing.

Think about a small martial artist in the crew, the male lead is angry at him, and the director must be upset when he sees a group of people always around him, so what to do, let him go after the important scene.

And the carriage scene mentioned by Huang Weiming is the most difficult and dangerous scene to shoot.

Fang Nan thought about it himself, the carriage scene was almost his last scene.

But he thinks it's okay, "Unparalleled World" has already earned him a small 2000 yuan, and after two or three days of filming the carriage show, 2500 yuan is not bad.

After eating a few green vegetables, Fang Nan handed Huang Mao the unfinished boxed lunch. The play in the afternoon was a bit of a challenge for him, and eating too much was not conducive to his performance.

Entering October, the heat is gone, and there is less time to rest after eating. After a while, the field manager yelled that it was time to rest, and everyone was ready to start shooting.

Take the crew car to the location, the crew has arranged two carriages in advance.

At the same time, actors Guan Yonghe and Zhang Weijian who needed close-up shots, and the old actor who played Zhang Weijian's grandmother in the play also joined hands.

"Are you nervous?"

Beside the carriage, Fang Nan asked another Wu Xing.

This person will be in charge of running wildly in front of a car, while Fang Nan, who is acting as Guan Yonghe's stand-in, has to chase with another carriage, and jump into the front carriage to rescue the old actor halfway.

"It's okay." Young Wu Xing smiled at Fang Nan.

Fang Nan nodded, "Just don't be nervous."

For such a dangerous job, he was most afraid that his opponent, Wu Xing, was a newcomer who was easily nervous. If nothing happened to him, it would be too fucked up if he got involved in an accident.

"Nan Zai, and that one, come over and discuss how to shoot later."

Director Huang spoke, and Fang Nan and the two walked towards the other carriage one after the other. When they got close, Fang Nan jumped on his legs and sat on the groom's seat.

"Nan Zai, how fast the horse runs, are you confident to complete the action?"

After the actors, stand-in, martial artist, and horse trainer all arrived, Director Huang asked Fang Nan first.

On the screen, actors such as Zhang Weijian and Guan Yonghe are the protagonists; but behind the scenes, the little double Fang Nan is the real protagonist, and even the protagonists have to stand aside.

Fang Nan narrowed his mouth: "If you ask me, I must think that the slower the better."

He is not an idiot, nor is he as successful as JAKE. He can sell a lot of money for a dangerous action, and he must cherish life as his top priority.

Huang Weiming was speechless. He always felt that Fang Nan was a good person who could always meet or exceed the director's requirements.

Now it seems that this kid also knows how to be afraid.

Several people discussed carefully for more than an hour. Huang Weiming slapped him with a slap.

The two horses are reined, the track is laid, the camera is on the rig, and the test shoot without the actors begins.

With a sound of "start", two carriages started to stroll one after the other on the green field.

After a lap, Fang Nan, who gradually found the feeling, took the rein and began to accelerate slowly until the speed was almost 20 miles, then Fang Nan stopped and stopped shouting.

If the director wants to go faster, he has to pay more!
After another hour of tossing around, Huang Weiming saw that Fang Nan and Ma had almost found their feelings, so he waved his hand and went to the actor.

"You sit still later, I'm not responsible for the fall." Facing Zhang Weijian who was sitting beside him stiffly, Fang Nan half-truthfully said.

"I have been in the industry for more than ten years, and I have filmed this kind of scene at least a dozen times. You can rest assured that you can control the horse." Zhang Weijian was very tough.

Fang Nan didn't know if Zhang Weijian was bragging.

He only knows that when he used to cooperate with other actors in dangerous scenes, the other actors used to smoke, drink, sing K and so on to praise him. He didn't want to do anything else, but to take care of him when danger happened. Don't run away alone.

Just like this scene, if the horse goes crazy while running, and pouts his ass and picks up his picks, just ask the well-clothed actors if they are afraid!
Don't tell him there's a horse trainer around, the animals are mad, and even a trainer isn't easy to deal with.

After bluffing Zhang Weijian, the trial shooting with the actors started. After a simple walk around two corners, the first scene was quickly shot successfully. Seeing that it went so smoothly, Director Huang shouted: "Shangweiya, come on Nanzai!" Wia."

Fang Nan on the carriage got up and let out a breath of air. It was time to show his real skills.

 The first chapter in the morning will be released at 7 o'clock temporarily, and I will not fix it at night. As long as there are no special circumstances, I will definitely guarantee two chapters!

(End of this chapter)

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