literary world

Chapter 227

Chapter 227

The autumn wind is bleak in October.

Fangshan Shidu Scenic Area is still full of vitality, with green mountains and green waters everywhere.

The upcoming National Day holiday will add excitement to the scenic spots.

But Fang Nan and the two came by coincidence.

When they arrived, the sun was setting and many facilities in scenic spots were about to close, but there were a lot fewer people.

Approaching the scenic spot, facing the beautiful scenery outside the car, Liu Qianqian was as listless as she was on the way here, and looked dispirited.

Fang Nan knew in his heart that the beautiful scenery of Juma River, Donghu Lane, and Xianqi Cave would not have much effect on Liu Qianqian, so he went straight to Jiudu Qilin Mountain without saying a word.

There are two bungee jumping places in Jiudu Qilin Mountain.

Built in 1997 and 1998 respectively.

Two sites are located together, one with a height of 48 meters and the other with a height of 55 meters.

Fang Nan chose the latter without even thinking about it.

After measuring their weight and measuring their heart rate, they paid more than 300 yuan in cash and signed their names to the staff. Fang Nan and the two went up to the 55-meter-high diving platform smoothly.

Facing the rushing and whistling wind, Liu Qianqian's face was finally no longer so dull, revealing a trace of emotion.

"Are you afraid?" Fang Nan asked her.

"It's okay." Liu Qianqian pretended to be ambiguous.

Fang Nan believed it. Liu Qianqian had filmed a lot of costume dramas, and she was often hung by wires and flew around. She was definitely not as frightening as ordinary people.

But the height of 55 meters is far higher than the height of a few meters commonly used in filming, and the height is more than ten meters.

Fang Nan thought, she must feel somewhat unnatural in her heart.

With this in mind, Fang Nan supported her thin shoulders and stood on the edge of the platform.

Leaped over the railing with his arms and pointed down because it was too high to see any ripples, like a mirrored Juma River, he ran on her and said, "Don't be afraid, then you dare to jump?"

Liu Qianqian stopped talking, and even took a slight step back unconsciously.

For the first time in several months, she felt a sense of fear. Fang Nan hadn't asked the coach to tie the two of them with a jumping rope yet.

Seeing Liu Qianqian retreating, Fang Nan smiled and asked the coach to tie them up.

Unexpectedly, the coach behind him said that the tandem dance must be accompanied by a coach, or let Fang Nan jump first to prove his experience.

Fang Nan nodded without hesitation: "No problem, I'll jump first."

He has never played bungee jumping in his life, but he has a lot of experience in his previous life.

After all, starting out in martial arts, I like to find the feeling of flying in the sky when I have nothing to do.

Moreover, bungee jumping looks dangerous, but it is much safer than hanging steel wires in the crew. It is a good alternative entertainment facility and can also vent emotions.

Seeing that Fang Nan tied the skipping rope around his ankles and stood on the edge of the platform, Liu Qianqian retreated back calmly, and then saw Fang Nan's arms stretched out and he fell headfirst.

She shrank her pupils, put her feet up and raised her head to look down. She saw Fang Nan spreading his wings and swooping down like an eagle, with extraordinary majesty!
Look again, he played forward and backward roll again, completely forgetting himself.

"He's a master."

After the coach praised him for more than a minute, Fang Nan boarded the platform again without changing his face, and asked Liu Qianqian with an expression that he didn't want to be beaten: "Do you dare to jump now?"

"Actually, bungee jumping is also called Bungy Jumping in Xiangjiang. It means only fools do it!"

Liu Qianqian didn't say dare or not, but murmured such a sentence in a low voice. Fang Nan was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed inwardly, knowing that she had a sense of fear.

"What are you talking about, I'll ask you if you dare! I'll dance with you, and if you die with me, I'll be your back!" Fang Nan further provoked her.

Unable to evade, Liu Qianqian whispered resignedly, "Just jump and jump."

"Okay, I'll dance with you."

While repeating his determination to jump together, Fang Nan asked the coach to help him tie the jumping rope.

A thick jumping rope quickly tied the two of them together. On the edge of the platform, Fang Nan rushed to Liu Qianxi, who buried her head in her arms and hugged him tightly, and grinned: "If you get scared later, just shout out!"

"five four three two one."

"Crack" the iron fence of the platform opened, Fang Nan and the two coaches who shouted five numbers hugged each other and pushed down.


Fang Nan felt that he had made a huge mistake.

He shouldn't have tied up Liu Qianqian and pushed her down because he was worried about Liu Qianqian's tandem bungee jumping. His ears were almost deafened.

The greater the weight of the two, the longer the stretch of the jumping rope, and the higher the height of the bounce.

When rebounding from the bottom, Fang Nan felt his body and heart tighten suddenly, and he was tightly attached to Liu Qianqian who had completely turned into an octopus.

The numbness in his chest spread all over his body in an instant.

"It turns out that double dancing is also called couple dancing!"

Fang Nan's heart was ups and downs, and Liu Qianqian, who had fallen again, yelled "Ahh" hysterically again!
The sharp shouts barely stopped until the bounce was over.

When the two slowly ascended, Liu Qianqian looked up and said abruptly: "I'm thirsty!"

Fang Nan smiled knowingly: "Are you hungry?"

Liu Qianqian lowered her head in embarrassment: "It seems a bit."

"Be patient for a while, go back and eat."

Fang Nan felt relieved, and Liu Qianqian, who was in a depressed mood, knew that she needed water and food, obviously her condition was improving.

His director can be regarded as atonement.

On the way back, Liu Qianqian's spirit improved a lot, and the ordinary neon lights outside the car window made her pupils glow.

Fang Nan shifted gears and stepped on the gas pedal with relief, rushing home.

"When did you and Sister Zeng Li get married?" She said suddenly.

"It's not over yet, you and your mother remember to keep it a secret." Fang Nan was a little annoyed.

If he had known that a single bungee jump would have cured Liu Qianqian, he would not have exposed Zeng Li and the child, making his buried deepest secret two more insiders, Liu Xiaoli and Liu Qianqian.

As for the denial.

That's too fake, and others are not fools.

In the villa, Liu Xiaoli asked Zeng Li "Who is the object" and glanced at him, she understood what she meant, but she just pretended to be confused.

After all, Fang Nan is not the former Fang Nan.

In the past, if Fang Nan wanted to take Liu Qianqian away with a single word, he didn't even have to think that Liu Xiaoli would agree.

Liu Qianqian said again: "Won't you get married when you have children?"

"I have a fear of marriage. When I was talking about marriage with Zeng Li's family, I almost went into shock."

Liu Qianqian's eyes were full of suspicion, Fang Nan was a little annoyed, this girl just had a little bit of depression, so she started worrying about others.

Can it still be good!
Fortunately, Liu Qianqian probably hadn't had a good night's sleep recently, and started nodding her head after saying a few more words, so Fang Nan didn't have to answer perfunctorily while driving.

When they arrived at Yonghe Villa, Liu Qianqian had already fallen asleep soundly, even snoring lightly.

"What should I do?" Fang Nan scratched his head and asked Zeng Li.

Zeng Li rolled her eyes: "Let her go to bed first. You, the director, have hurt her like this, so you can gently carry her in by yourself. Seeing how thin she looks, she should only weigh a few dozen catties."

Fang Nan pretended to be dissatisfied and said, "How can it be said that I did the harm? This is called sacrificing for art!"

"Tch, I wanted to shoot a group of men's clothing, why didn't you say sacrifice for art."

"Can it be the same? If a man pretends to be a hooligan."

"I'm too lazy to break up with you, hurry up and hug Sissi in and have dinner."

Fang Nan had no choice but to gently carry Liu Qianqian out of the passenger seat and send her to the room that her aunt had packed up earlier.

After eating and washing, Fang Nan stayed in the room of Zeng Li's wife and his wife with a stern face, but he didn't expect that Zeng Li had a problem just as he hugged the beauty.

"My mother wants to settle accounts with you."

Fang Nan was startled: "You talked about having a baby?"

Zeng Li's mother has never been back since she went to England, and she doesn't even know that her eldest daughter secretly gave her a granddaughter.

"Shouldn't I say it?" Zeng Li asked resentfully.

Fang Nan nodded hastily: "Speak up, what does she mean?"

Zeng Li said happily: "She said that even if you are afraid of getting married, you have to hold the wedding, and you have to be carried to the stage."

Fang Nan's good mood disappeared all at once, and he looked at Zeng Li with a lonely look.

"Let me tell you, my mother's tone is very firm this time, and she must be serious. In short, you give me your household registration booklet, and I'll have someone get a marriage certificate and take a photo and send it to her to stabilize her for a while."

"The household registration is in Pujiang." Fang Nan's head drooped as he spoke.

Giving Zeng Li a title is naturally the right thing to do. After all, everyone gave birth to a daughter for her and continued his bloodline.

But thinking of Gao Yuanyuan, he couldn't bear it, he couldn't bear it!
More importantly, he is only in his 20s and in his prime.

Living a life of wife and children at such a young age is too easy to kill his enterprising spirit.

In this life with a handful of Wang Zha, is it really necessary to learn from Liu Bei's "The first emperor didn't start his business halfway, but he collapsed halfway"?
Fang Nan was not reconciled!
"You call now and have someone send it tomorrow."

Zeng Li made repeated requests with a straight face, but Fang Nan, who felt lost in his instincts, took out his phone listlessly, and he looked very much like Liu Qianqian in the morning.

After calling Ma Dayong and asking him to go to the company tomorrow and mail the orphan's account book with only one piece of paper, he was blindfolded and closed his eyes in depression.

Zeng Li glanced at her little man who hid under the blanket in anger like a child, and quietly patted the baby without explaining much.

And Fang Nan's depression didn't dissipate until he was woken up by his daughter's continuous crying, seeing Zeng Li, nursing the baby, or changing diapers.

No sleep for one night.

The next day.

When Fang Nan was breathing heavily, Liu Qianqian had already had breakfast downstairs.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Liu Qianqian saw him coming down, she immediately put down her chopsticks and ran upstairs, Fang Nan was confused, until she saw her rushing into Zeng Li's room, she realized that she was curious to see the child.

After a while, there were bursts of laughter upstairs.

Fang Nan laughed: "A child's every move is the real medicine to cure unhappiness."

Liu Qianqian stayed in Yonghe Villa just like that, Fang Nan and Zeng Li were very welcome, one because they had a talking partner.

One is because Liu Qianqian's condition recovers quickly, so it won't affect the progress of "Youth in Youth".

Fang Nan once asked Liu Qianqian if she wanted someone to dub the film instead of the original voice. He was afraid that Liu Qianqian's emotions would be affected again when she saw the finished film.

Liu Qianqian refused straight away. How could she give up at the end after going through so much hardship to finish "Youth in Youth".

Fang Nan readily agreed, "You are a young man" is a movie that Liu Qianqian wants to prove herself.

It is also his ambition.

Using the original sound is more conducive to competing with other movies for major awards during the awards season.

But there is another prerequisite.

"Youth in Youth" had to obtain the sign of the screening license.

Fang Nan walked out of the house with a headache.

In the community where Huang Lei and his wife lived, after having a meal and recognizing his goddaughter, he went to Laoguai Xu's studio to chat about the script of "Embroidered Spring Knife". He just left for Baoding, Hebei Province with two days left of the National Day holiday. "Red Cliff" crew.

He rushed to the Yishuihe studio where the crew of "Red Cliff" was located.

Seeing the shoulder-to-shoulder crowd in the distance, more than a dozen large military trucks, and three huge black-brown warships that looked like fortresses in the distance, Fang Nan couldn't help feeling that Wu Baige's handwriting was really great.

I feel deeply about the importance that Mr. Han of China Film Group attaches to Wu Baige.

"Damn, the director who was returned by Hollywood is so delicious!"

In such a scene, Fang Nan couldn't help complaining when he thought that China Film Group invested in "Assassination of Novelists" and asked for a script, a budget, and actors, but in the end they invested 1000 million US dollars.

He doesn't have any complaints about Wu Baige, a typical director of genre films.

His films can be summed up in three words: dove, gun, spark.

Without these three things, Wu Baige couldn't make a good movie.

Muttering jealously, Fang Nan got into the car intending to move on, but he didn't expect to be stopped by a middle-aged man who came out of the model house as soon as he got in the car.

"Badge?" Fang Nan looked curiously at the middle-aged man who stopped him.

"You are not allowed to enter without a badge."

Fang Nan understood, but was even more puzzled: "So strict?"

In order to prevent sneak shots, no matter which studio will allow strangers to enter.

But generally it is just for people to watch a little bit, and then draw a forbidden area. There are very few sets that only look at the badges but do not recognize people.

What's more, it's only 2006 now, how can there be such a crew in charge of people.

On his own film set, he only arranged for two people to sit at the door to guard against the paparazzi and prevent outsiders from running in randomly.

"Probably because there are too many people in the crew, I can't watch it."

Thinking so, Fang Nan pointed to his face with a smile: "Do you recognize me? Can't my face be used as a breastplate?"

The middle-aged man is very persistent: "Knowledge is useless, I only recognize the badge but not the person."

Fang Nan nodded, instead of embarrassing the field worker at the bottom of the crew, he took out his mobile phone and called Old Freak Xu, asking him to tell Wu Baige to let him go.

Unexpectedly, more than an hour passed after waiting, and no one came to pick him up at all, and he didn't see the field worker who was staring at him answering the phone.

Fang Nan was furious, and asked Old Freak Xu suspiciously, "Did you call Wu Baige?"

"Hey, he said someone will pick you up in a while, but you haven't come in yet? What the hell is going on? I'll ask again."

After a while, Old Freak Xu called again, saying he was waiting for a few minutes.

But Fang Nan waited for half an hour and still didn't wait for anyone to come. He thought there must be something wrong, so he called the phone again.

This time, within 10 minutes, Hu Xiaofeng, the producer of "Red Cliff", came in person.

"Director Fang, when did you come, why didn't you notify me in advance?"

"Hehehe," Fang Nan said with a smirk, "I've been standing outside for two hours, and I really can't get in without calling Boss Han. Your crew is too strict."

"Don't be joking. No production crew in China will leave you, the god of wealth in the film industry, outside for two hours. You can't finish learning. Go, go, go in." Hu Xiaofeng thought Fang Nan was joking, Pull him forward.

Fang Nan put on a serious face: "I'm not kidding, I've been standing outside for two hours, what's the big secret on your set?"

Hu Xiaofeng stopped in bewilderment, what secrets could the crew have on set?Of course not.

There is a problem if Fang Nan can't come in. At least it can be concluded that someone does not welcome this person.

Hu Xiaofeng didn't dare to guess randomly, and it was difficult to ask who Fang Nan called, so he kept urging Fang Nan to enter the set.

 I'm a little sleepy today, and I only have more than 4000 words.

(End of this chapter)

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