literary world

Chapter 229 "Running Man"

Chapter 229 "Running Man"

The first working day after the National Day holiday in 2006.

Like all the employees in the company, Fang Nan stepped into the company step by step and sat in his personal work position.

What he did was the first time since Tang Tang Film and Television moved to Jindu Road.

The difference is that he brought an extra breakfast.

The long-distance running place he had chosen earlier was not very good, and there were too many cars on the road, which delayed his breakfast time.

"Brother Nan, the organizer of the 28th Hundred Flowers Film Festival invites you to attend the film commendation event held in West Lake, Hangzhou on the 28th of this month."

"What movie was shortlisted for what award?"

After Fang Nan asked Hu Wen, he buried his head and drank the porridge.

""The Richest Man in Xihong City", "People on the Journey", "Thailand", and "Crazy Stone" invested by the company have all entered the shortlist."

"The nominated awards for "The Richest Man in Xihong City" include Gao Yuanyuan's nomination for Best Actress, and Shen Teng's nomination for Best Newcomer Actor."

"Wang Bao was nominated for the Best Newcomer Actor Award for "On the Journey" and "A World Without Thieves."

"Brother Nan, you were nominated for the best director award for "Lost in Thailand" and "The Richest Man in Xihong City". "Lost in Thailand" and "Crazy Stone" were nominated for best film nominations."

Fang Nan picked up a piece of steamed stuffed bun and said without raising his head, "Is there any hint from the organizer?"

Hu Wen was speechless: "Brother Nan, this is the Hundred Flowers Award. The public only knows who the award belongs to after voting by text message."

Fang Nan snorted, the only way to see the truth is that SMS voting is useful.

It really depends on the audience to vote for the awards, and the awards are not enough for him, Zhou Xingxing and Feng Dapao to share.

"Anything else?"

"The rest is the documents to be signed. In addition, Director Li of SMG wants to see you and ask you to set an exact time."

Fang Nan hesitated for a while, then said helplessly, "In the afternoon, the location is at the company."

SMG and Tang Tang Film and Television have been cooperating well, but because of "My Love from the Star", a small crack appeared.

The reason is simple to say.

After the TV series "Star You" came out, the effects of the screen and plot were particularly good.

Touching love, funny plots, handsome guys and beautiful girls, big cast and other elements made "Star You" instantly become the object of competition from many TV stations such as Lychee, Tomato, and Blueberry.

Cai Yinong is not stupid, she directly set a sky-high price.

The TV stations that secretly wanted to broadcast independently thought they couldn't afford it. When they were looking for cooperation, CCTV found Tangtang Film and Television, and wanted to win the first round of exclusive broadcast rights at a price that was lower than the sky-high price.

Cai Yinong agreed without thinking too much. Compared with the local TV stations, she definitely hoped that the dramas produced by the company would land on CCTV, which covered the widest audience.

It's a win-win.

Blueberry and Lizhi TV stations were very dissatisfied, accusing Tang Tang Film and Television of stabbing in the back after using their platforms to enhance the reputation of "Star You" in the industry.

But the most dissatisfied is SMG. They accused Tang Tang Film and Television of being dishonest and mercenary.

The reason is long before the filming of "Star You".

They proposed to Tang Tang Film and Television to purchase the drama, but Tang Tang Film and Television ignored this kindness.

SMG's dissatisfaction reached its peak when "Star You" achieved great success and became popular all over the country.

Personally angry that such a big achievement slipped away from his hands.

But Fang Nan was hiding in the mountain city at that time, Li Gang had no one to talk to when he was suffering.

Before the National Day, another big-name actor under Tang Tang Film and Television had an accident, so he waited until after the National Day.

When Li Gang came in the afternoon, Fang Nan had finished his breakfast and signed the documents, and then began to search for good tea in the cabinet. He had to listen patiently to this nagging.

As for who is right and who is wrong, it's not worth getting into. They are all for the benefit of each other.

His office is still very simple.

There are three cabinets that are as tall as a person, a cotton sofa, a desk, a computer and nothing else, which is convenient for rummaging through things.

The authentic Yuqian Longjing specially given by the boss of Zhejiang Audiovisual Company was found out soon.

After he brewed a cup and tasted it, he felt that the "spring tea is as expensive as oil" Longjing was fine, so Shi Shi ran out of the office just now.

Recently, there was no Tang Tang film and television crew outside, and everyone shrank at home, which seemed to be full of people everywhere in the company.

"Ma Dayong, what are you doing running around?"

Seeing Fang Nan, Ma Dayong put the drink on the table of a female employee, and hurriedly flattered him, "Brother Nan, it's hot today, I'm giving out drinks to our company's employees."

Fang Nan shouted seriously: "Ma Dayong, there are 516 people in the company, and 303 daily office workers. Your few bottles are not enough. You should be more generous and ask the boss who sells drinks to drive dozens of cases to you." .”

"Brother Nan, stop joking."

Ma Dayong's face collapsed, he walked to Fang Nan in two or three steps, and handed out a bottle of green tea: "Brother Nan, you have a bottle, come a bottle!"

Fang Nan didn't answer, and instead reprimanded with a more emphatic tone: "Instead of dealing with these delusional things, you might as well save more money and practice your skills."

"If you continue to idle around like this, I will give Yu Hai the position of monitor of your class."

"Take a look at your peers, juniors. Zhao Zhu, who joined Fang's class at the same time as you, is now a well-known producer in the circle. Several directors want to ask him to be a producer and help find funds."

"Look at the little fat man Wang Liang later. Now he directs outside plays. The crew of "Love Call Transfer" is full of beauties."

"Not to mention Zhou Dalu, who is now serving as the chief director of the opening and closing mode of the Olympic Games."

"Look at you again, you are still courting the little girl, disrupting the company's work order, and making things difficult for me, you're just like you!"

Ma Dayong groaned for a long while, then Ai Ai said: "Brother Nan, although I don't have the skills of Zhao Zhu and Wang Liang, I am loyal to you!"

After waiting for a long time, he didn't get any rhetoric, but a flattery. Fang Nan kicked Ma Dayong's half-pull ass angrily: "Go away!"

After kicking Ma Dayong away, Fang Nan went to the screenwriter's room, flipped through some rewritten scripts of "Xiu Chun Knife", pointed out a few questions, and then turned to a female employee to ask about the black cat.

In Beijing and Pujiang, he mostly stayed in the capital.

So the big black cat was given to a female employee in the company who likes cats, and the little black cat was taken away by Liu Qianqian earlier.

Hearing that the big black cat gave birth to three more cubs, two mottled and one black, Fang Nan turned away with a look of relief.

Half a day in the morning passed quickly while he was signing documents or strolling.

Not long after dinner in the afternoon.

Li Gang from SMG angrily asked the teacher for his crimes.

"If you don't do things like you, how can you not be trustworthy in doing things?"

"What? Oral agreement? Oral agreement is not an agreement?"

"SMG did not use advance payment to carry out the cooperation between the two parties based on their trust in Tangtang Film and Television and the character of your leader."

"Mr. Cai's cleverness this time is really too much!"

Li Gang's saliva flew all over the place, Fang Nan could only persuade him to drink tea.

Tangtang Film and Television is established in Pujiang, and it cannot do without the support of Li Gang's propaganda outlet, and there are opportunities to use him in every aspect.

Give the simplest example.

"Youth in Youth" is about to apply for a screening license.

Before the General Administration releases the dragon label, "Youth in Youth" has to go through two procedures. The first procedure is the review by the provincial department.

Regardless of whether a movie or a TV series is reviewed by the provincial department first, and then submitted to the capital by the local government, if the local government cannot pass it, there is no need to mention the screening permit.

So no matter which film and television company wants to gain a foothold in China, the first thing to do is to make good friends with some local people.

Therefore, Fang Nan could only listen to Li Gang's complaints, occasionally interjecting "the days of cooperation are still long" and similar kind words.

You can't be persuaded by this thing, after all, you still expect others to help you when the time comes.

"Oh, it's a pity. I knew at a glance that the show "You Star" was going to be popular, but I missed it in front of my eyes."

Fang Nan didn't say a word of cruelty, and Li Gang couldn't complain anymore, so he could only say regretfully.

"Let's work together again next time, the sun is long." Fang Nan smiled perfunctorily, and began to change the subject: "SMG's first three quarters of this year should be good. I see that "Come on, Good Man" in your station is very popular. , advertising is overwhelming.”

"Don't mention it, "Come on, Good Man" in the station has just started to pick up, and Mango Channel quickly launched a program "Happy Boys"."

"The two programs were originally split [-]-[-], and Mango made another "Metamorphosis". Have you watched "Metamorphosis"? Various topics are very hot on the Internet, and there is "Happy Camp", Mango Channel The ratings of these programs that were aired consecutively are losing ground."

Fang Nan was stunned: "The Metamorphosis? Is it just a script where two children swap families?"

Li Gang nodded and said: "That's the story."

Fang Nan blinked and took a puff of his cigarette, feeling a little depressed.

Wang Jingze's "The Metamorphosis", originally intended to be produced by himself to sell the copyright. After all, it is an old variety show that has lasted for many years, but he did not expect to produce it as early as 06.

"Who conceived this variety show?" Fang Nan asked curiously.

"A man from Mango Channel planned to travel abroad, and accidentally saw a HQ variety show in Europe, so he came up with "Metamorphosis" for children. This is good luck."

Fang Nan secretly despised Li Gang, the mastermind of Li Gang, who obviously changed his mind quickly and didn't stick to form, so he called it luck.

No wonder many achievers say 'luck is also a part of strength'.

Fang Nan asked again: "What's the current ratings of "Boys and Girls"?"

"The ratings are not bad, after all, our station is the first to do it!"

Fang Nan nodded his head, got up, sat back on the computer, went to the browser and typed a string of English, then returned to the sofa and said, "I have a variety show in my mind, are you interested in it?"

The "Metamorphosis" that has been released has sounded a wake-up call for him.

Many Korean variety shows were planned in the late 2000s. If he doesn't take advantage of these two years to make a few good TV shows, he is afraid that he will miss the blue ocean of variety shows.

And the reason why he outputted to the browser just now is to check whether "Running Man" has been broadcast.

No, that's fine.

This large-scale outdoor reality show that is popular throughout Asia is too profitable, at least it can earn him several movie theaters.

"You have an idea again? Let's hear it."

Fang Nan had an idea for a variety show, and Li Gang instantly became interested.

In his heart, Fang Nan's idea was absolutely reliable.

No matter in terms of Fang Nan's personal film and television record, or the variety show "Boys and Girls", Fang Nan will not come up with a variety show that is not popular.

Through his movies, you can know how big his brain is.

Fang Nan nodded: "Then briefly talk about my idea."

In the next hour or so, Fang Nan briefly explained the highlights of the variety show "Running Man" and some of its core.

He wasn't afraid that Li Gang would take his ideas back and do it secretly. Without his guidance, SMG wouldn't have the ability to figure out what kind of character design, tear off famous brands and other games.

After a long time, Li Gang smacked his lips and said, "After listening to you say so simply, I don't think there will be any shortage of funds."

Fang Nan chuckled, "Running all over the country requires a lot of money!"

His "running man" intends to create a large-scale outdoor variety reality show that integrates multiple elements such as stars, charity, funny, and cultural output.

In this way, funds are naturally indispensable.

Huaxia is not the country in South Korea where a train can take people to the sea for a few hours.

Huaxia is too big, and the members of "Running Man" have too many places of interest, historical sites, humanities and history to promote, so funding is naturally indispensable.

Li Gang tried to ask: "How much do you expect to spend for a season?"

"It's hard to say. In short, if your station wants to create a variety show that is popular all over Asia, then you have to do it with the determination to not cap the funding."

Fang Nan spoke so loudly, Li Gang, who looked at him differently, couldn't help questioning: "So confident? Popular all over Asia?"

"It seems a little big, so how about being popular in China and the countries around China?"

Li Gang glanced at Fang Nan, saw that he was not joking, got up and stretched out his hand and said, "Turn the ideas in your mind into words as soon as possible, and we will explain in detail at that time. Besides, don't engage in nonsensical things."

"Okay, this matter will be very fast, Director Li, you can wait at ease, I guarantee that you will be the first person to see the idea."

After sending Li Gang into the car, Fang Nan thought about whether the copyright of "Running Man" should be placed in Tang Tang Film and Television or Fang Nan Culture, while walking back.

It wasn't until he saw Liu Sishi and Ni Ni rushing into the actor's lounge that he quickened his pace and followed.

The small rooms for audition actors to rest passed one by one, and when they walked to the middle, Fang Nan looked up, and there was a piece of paper pasted on the door of the two rooms opposite each other.

Nizi was written on one, and poetry was written on the other.

"Private use of public equipment, this is it."

Fang Nan muttered and pushed Ni Ni's room away, and then saw Ni Ni and Liu Sishi sitting side by side on a double bed in a bold posture, and slapped the computer keyboards in front of each other frantically.

The flower band's "Can we not break up. Darling, don't go." was playing on the stereo

He walked softly to the side of the double bed, and Ni Ni and Si Shi, who had their backs to the door, were still typing on the keyboard in obsession. Ni Ni would pat the table from time to time, and said angrily, "Damn, I took another beat. "

Fang Nan glanced at the computer screen calmly, and found that it was the dance game called "Audition", he couldn't help but said speechlessly, "The reason you two came here so early is to play the game?"



As soon as Fang Nan made a sound, Liu Sishi was the first to react. She turned her head and saw that it was Fang Nan. She was timid and wanted to stand up immediately.

Unexpectedly, because the sitting posture is too bold, the left foot is on the bed, and the right foot is under the table.

So, the left foot that was anxious to put down hit the edge of the table with a "bang", making a "ouch".

As for Ni Ni, who sits in the same posture as Sishi, she chose a different way to get up. She stood up on the bed with force with her left foot, but she was safe and sound. Scary to scare people to death?"

Fang Nan was speechless: "It's your own nervousness. What are you afraid of in your own company? Sishi, see how your leg is doing. If it's not broken, you'll go to my office to rub some Diadajiu later."

Liu Sishi whispered: "It's okay!"

"Hey, then keep playing, don't keep playing, read books and learn dubbing skills. You two are too poor in lines, and if you can't dub your own voice in a few days, I will beat you."

"Cut, I'm used to it."

After Ni Ni cast a disdainful look at Fang Nan's back, he thought about poetry and said, "Continue, change to a quick song this time."

Sitting down again, Liu Sishi hesitated and said, "Ni Ni, why don't we go out and buy some books about dubbing."

"No need, people don't need to dub their own movies and TV shows. Besides, Sishi, why are you so afraid of him?"

Liu Sishi blushed and said, "Who said I'm afraid of him, I'm not afraid of him!"

Ni Ni leaned over to Liu Sishi's delicate and charming face: "Tch, it turns out that you are a little deer in your heart, so you like the face of the public!"

(End of this chapter)

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