literary world

Chapter 24 Wine Chapter

Chapter 24
There are four people at a small table, exactly one side.

After the last ray of sunlight disappeared from Han Zhizhi's body, Wu Gaonang, who was sitting with his back against the wall, shook his wine bowl and stood up, "Brother Nan, come, I respect you."

"Why?" Fang Nan asked him.

He doesn't really want to drink anymore. Tomorrow is the big event, don't drink too much to delay things, and drinking and smoking are too harmful to the body.

With his tongue out, Wu Gao pointed at the wine bowl in front of Fang Nan: "Drink, I'll tell you why I respect you after drinking."

Fang Nan had no choice but to drink up the small half bowl of white wine in one gulp.

Watching Fang Nan put down the empty bowl, Wu Gao stretched out his thumb: "You are awesome, why are you awesome, you wait for me to finish drinking."

Fang Nan was left speechless with each mouthful of Wu Gao's awesomeness. This is how awesome his mother opened the door for awesomeness, and the family is awesome together.

After drinking and missing half a bowl of wine, Wu Gao leaned against the wall and gave another thumbs up, "You are awesome, why are you awesome. Uh... I will tell you now."

"Two running carriages, do you know how fast the carriages are going? Faster than a car, he...just him, flew from one to the other with a swish, really desperate, one word - cattle Forced, I accept!"

"Wu Jing, do you know each other? He came out of Shaolin Temple and broke through the [-]th Bronze Man Formation. So what? Brother Nan's subordinates still can't get any favors, uh"

"And the day the crew of "Miao Cuihua" finished filming, you know what the director said to me behind his back, such a great director"

"And Gao Chang, Gao Chang is a ball, in front of Brother Nan."

Wu Gao's nonsense, blushing like a monkey's ass, made Fang Nan shy, and almost wanted to experience what it means to be drunk without being drunk.

Fortunately, his soul is still sober, and he knows that Wu Gao is talking nonsense.

As for Wu Gao's bragging about flying around, how good his kung fu is, Fang Nan also knew that it was because domestic people still don't know much about Wia.

After all, it was only 2001, and most of the films in China were semi-historical dramas such as "Yongzheng Dynasty" and "Kangxi Dynasty", or realistic criminal investigation dramas.

After a few more years, Xiangjiang's group of directors and behind-the-scenes swarmed to the mainland, not to mention hanging up and down, and it would not be uncommon for a bicycle to fly on a train.

Wu Gao was swaying and still talking nonsense, Fang Nan and Huang Mao were tired of hearing it, and threw peanuts into their mouths every now and then, just thinking he was empty.

On the contrary, it was Han Zhizhi who listened with radiant spirits and chatted with Wu Gao from time to time.

Fang Nan thought it was amazing, and always felt that there was something about this little girl that he couldn't understand.

"Just now you said that you followed the group leader, who did you follow?" Fang Nan took a sip of his wine and asked Han Zhizhi.

Han Zhizhi turned to look at Fang Nan and said, "The man's surname is Zhang. When I came during the day, he happened to be talking to the landlord. He knew that I was here for a group performance."

"Brother Nan, it should be Lai Zhang. The group leader in Hengdian is only named Zhang."

As soon as Huang Mao finished reminding Fang Nan, Wu Gao slapped the table like a madman, and stood up against the wall: "Fucking Lai Zhang, I will drive him out of Hengdian sooner or later, and Li Zhong, that bastard!"

Fang Nan was puzzled, and asked Huang Mao, "Did Li Zhong go to another film crew and fell ill?"

Huang Mao said: "No, Li Zhong ran to Lai Zhang's side."

Fang Nan nodded and didn't ask any more questions. He wasn't interested in such nonsense, "Have you ever worked as a group performer before?" Fang Nan continued to check his new neighbors.

Compared with Lai Zhang and Li Zhong, this girl brought him so much freshness.

First of all, she was not pretentious. The neighbor who had just met for an hour called for dinner, and she sat down after a short refusal.

Another one, Fang Nan still felt a little pissed about rushing to help him guide the coal stove.

"I did. I used to wait for work at the gate of Beijing Film Studio." In the dark, Han Zhizhi looked at Fang Nandao with sparkling eyes.

"BJ's here, it should be okay there, why did he come to Hengdian?" Fang Nan expressed curiosity.

Han Zhizhi asked Fang Nan, "Have you been there too?"

Fang Nan said honestly, "I haven't been there."

"Then how do you know it's okay over there?" Han Zhizhi asked without stopping for a second.

"This, indeed, I am impressed."

Just as Fang Nan finished apologizing, Wu Gao spat out "Wow". Although Fang Nan jumped fast, he still did not escape the nightmare. Looking at the filth on his trousers, Fang Nan couldn't help but panic, "Huang Mao, take this thing away quickly. , don't disgust me here."

Pulling and dragging Wu Gao out of the alley, and then back to the small courtyard, Han Zhizhi has already cleaned up the filth on the ground with a keen eye.

"I'll do it." Fang Nan wanted to grab the broom in her hand.

Han Zhizhi shrank her hands: "It's okay, you can go wash and change your pants."

Fang Nan said helplessly, "Success, then I will trouble you."

Han Zhizhi smiled and said, "You don't have to be so polite, we will be neighbors from now on."

Fang Nan nodded and went back to the house, no longer worrying about what kind of person Han Zhizhi is, good or bad; those who stand on the street or perform in the group let her go, and he doesn't expect to find someone to be his wife.

But from the bottom of his heart, Fang Nan prefers a girl like Zeng Li to be his neighbor.

Equally beautiful, but his personality is not hidden. Seeing how he lives, he dares to say that he is dead.

In the room, he wiped his legs with water and put on new pants. Fang Nan went out of the room to help tidy up the table.

After the courtyard was tidied up, Han Zhizhi whispered softly to Fang Nan, "Can I borrow your coal stove to burn some hot water later?"

"Use it, use it as you like." Fang Nan replied.

He didn't even know how to refuse such a docile and harmless girl.

Han Zhizhi turned on the coal stove to heat hot water again, while Fang Nan washed his body with well water in the usual way, and when he was done, he lifted the mosquito net and went to bed.

In October, there were fewer mosquitoes but they became bigger and more poisonous. The mosquito nets have not been removed.

"dong dong dong"

"What's the matter?" Fang Nan asked Han Zhizhi who was knocking on the door.

"I've finished boiling the hot water, can I turn off the coal stove for you?"

After Fang Nan said "put it off", the two of them had nothing to say for the whole night.

The next day, when Fang Nan ran in the usual way, finished his meal, and waited for the crew to pick him up at the gate of the film and television city, he ran into Lai Laozhang and Han Zhizhi, who was holding a ball head.

"Your play is still over, I went to see where you live yesterday." Lai Lao opened his mouth and asked.

Fang Nan let out a breath: "It will take two or three days, are you busy?"

"Come over to my place after filming. I have contacted a costume crew, and they will be here in a few days. I still lack a master like you." Lai Laozhang said seriously.

"What kind of masters are low-handed? They just use their lives to make a living. One day they fall, and they don't know how to live for the rest of their lives."

After complaining, Fang Nan asked Lai Laozhang, "What are you talking about in this play? It's too dangerous, and I dare not promise you right away."

"That's it, let's talk about it when the crew arrives."

Finding that Fang Nan was turning around and jumping over without talking about life and death, Lai Laozhang dismissed Fang Nan with one word.

He's not stupid either, the crew said what to do if they were intercepted by Wu Gao, who knows if Fang Nan is a white-eyed wolf.

However, in order to show his closeness, before Lai Laozhang left, he pointed at Han Zhizhi who was not far away and bared his teeth at Fang Nan and said wretchedly:

"The big beauty lives next to you. She can't sleep at night. She just digs a hole in the wall and takes a peek at her while taking a shower to satisfy her cravings. Don't get distracted, she's my man!"


Fang Nan smiled inexplicably, and said, "I know quite a lot of kung fu, but I haven't dabbled in licking kung fu yet."

(End of this chapter)

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