literary world

Chapter 242 Capture the Bear and Become Famous

Chapter 242

In the tide of applause.

Fang Nan led the actors and actresses to stand up and thank the audience.

I thought that the screening process of "Youth in Youth" is the same as other participating films.

The film team bowed to thank the audience for their presence—watched the movie—at the end, they stood up again to thank the audience—for the media to take pictures—and everyone left together.

But not without surprises.

When a film touches the hearts and minds of the audience, the mechanical program is completely disrupted.

Excited audiences don't care that theaters are rushing to make money.

They only know that "You are a young man", which exposes the social reality and dabbles in the theme of bullying, is a rare and good movie.

A movie that gets it right with a vulnerable female subject matter.

deserves to be treated warmly.

So when "Youth in Youth" is over, when the lights are on in the exhibition hall.

Fang Nan and the others were surrounded by the enthusiastic audience.

An old German lady excitedly grabbed Liu Qianqian's hand, and the German "chug chug" came out, Fang Nan and the others couldn't understand what she was saying.

Fortunately, Liu Qianqian can speak English, so she can communicate with her first foreign grandma fan.

at the same time.

Fang Nan also used English and a small amount of French vocabulary to communicate with the fans around him.

Facing Huaxia's almost crazy college entrance examination and other problems.

His explanation is that because there are too many people in Huaxia, the college entrance examination is an opportunity to surpass others. This opportunity may change the fate of a person's life.

Facing the end of the film, why should we leave hope for the audience instead of being cruel to the end, flattering this Berlin Film Festival in order to win awards.

Fang Nan explained that he didn't want to convey only the dark side.

Because there is still beauty in the world, and there is still glory in human nature!
As for whether "Youth in Youth" can win the award, he said with a smile that he would leave it to God to arrange.

The first screening of "Youth in Youth" is over.

Judging from the feedback from the fans at the scene, "Youth in Youth" is definitely a qualified movie.

The real problems revealed in the film are in line with the theme tone formed by the Berlin Film Festival over the years.

The Golden Bear Awards always pay special attention to political films or social reality films, especially avant-garde works with strong innovative significance.

What's even more ridiculous is that "You are a young man" from the perspective of women perfectly fits the slogan of women's rise that is currently prevailing in the West.

The people in Fangnan were all stupid.

He finished flipping through the official show magazine that night, and saw that the three major show magazines "Screen", "Variety" and "Hollywood Reporter" also mentioned this issue, and he was speechless for a moment.

How could he have thought so far.

"Youth in Youth" mainly discusses bullying, and now it seems that there is another very appropriate theme.

But these are all falsehoods, and whether you can win the prize depends on the taste of the judges.

However, the score of "Youth in Youth" is quite high. The score of 2.8 scored by several major magazines is second only to "Tuya's Marriage" with 3.1 points.

On February 2th, the fourth day of the opening of the 12th Berlin International Film Festival.

"Youth in Youth", which was screened for the first time the day before, was the first to appear in major German paper media.

All kinds of criticisms and applause from film critics rushed to the face.

The most criticized accused the director of not handling the end of the film well, so that the whole film failed to sublimate.

However, some film critics believe that the ending exudes the brilliance of humanity, which is the finishing touch.

A well-known film critic from Venice wrote a long article angrily saying that if "You are a young man" chooses to participate in the Venice Film Festival in September instead of coming to Berlin.

Only relying on the final ending part, we can fight for a wave of Golden Lion Awards that pay more attention to humanistic care.

Seeing this comment, everyone in the villa was very excited, which means that "Youth in Youth" is very likely to win the award.

Major European film critics are arguing whether "You are a young man" is good or bad, and when guessing the possibility of winning.

For the first time, some media focused on the director of the film, Fang Nan, and then shouted "mygod" in shock.

Fang Nan, who came to Berlin for the first time to compete, was only 28 years old.

The tabloid with the big headline [Another oriental genius director turned out to be born] was completely sold out.

The oriental genius director who brought his work to Europe last time was named Jiang Wen.

In 1995, at the age of 32, Jiang Wen brought his first full-length film "Sunny Day" to Venice, and sent Xia Yu, who was only 19 years old at the time, to the podium for best actor.

30-year-old Jiang Wen filmed "Sunny Day".

Now 28-year-old Fang Nan has made "Youth in Youth", which can also be classified as a youth film!
And, he has come to Berlin.

It has already started to compete for the Berlin Film Festival with outstanding filmmakers from all over the world.

After the publicity of some local paper media in Germany.

The film "Youth in Youth" that was shortlisted for the main competition has not yet won an award, but the director of the film, Fang Nan, has become popular first.

Several local media contacted Chu Peijun to request interviews.

With Fang Nan's consent, White Villa welcomes a foreign media reporter for the first time.

Fang Nan, Liu Qianqian, and the reporter sat facing each other.

The topic of conversation still revolves around movies, and it is difficult to get sympathy from others when talking about my childhood life in Europe.

Because there are not many other things here, because there are so many filmmakers who hid from XZ in Xiaodong during World War II and were displaced. Everyone has experienced hardships, so there is no need to be so hypocritical.

"I have known director Fang Nan since I was 15 years old, and I am a very good friend. The first time I heard this story, I had a strong desire to interpret the role of Chen Nian."

Facing the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" reporter's question about the relationship between the two, Liu Qianqian answered every word.

"In the past two days, many audiences have been waiting in line for the movie tickets of "Youth in Youth". Many European audiences who have watched the movie praised your performance. They think you will win the Best Actress Silver Bear Award. What do you think? Who will be the biggest competitor on the way to the best actress?"

"A lot. I have watched "Tuya's Marriage" and "Yela" with the director. I was shocked by the performances of Yu Nan and Nina Hoss. I think they are more likely to win the award."

After Liu Qianqian finished speaking modestly, the reporter once again asked Fang Nan about the same topic.

"I didn't think about the Golden Bear Award, nor did I think about the best director. I was already happy when I was shortlisted for the main competition unit. If I win it, I will lose my life."

Fang Nan ended with two lines from Xu Zhimo's poem.

After being interviewed by foreign reporters, in order not to be said to favor one another by domestic reporters.

Fang Nan asked Hu Wen to invite a group of domestic media reporters to the villa for a group interview.

Interviews come and go, in fact, there are only two questions.

Do you have the confidence to win the award?

Reviews of other movies.

Where did you go to play, what eating habits are you not used to, what did you buy.

Then, did you have a chat with the main creators of the other three domestic films?

These commonplace questions were all thrown by Fang Nan to Liu Qianqian and the other actors.

Seeing their tireless answers, Fang Nan admired them.

He really couldn't repeat a sentence three, five, or dozens of times with a smile on his face.

The professional ability of a star is really powerful.

After the interview was over and the media shut down, Fang Nan raised his head at Hu Wen, and Hu Wen nodded and clapped at the media:

"Dear domestic journalists, tomorrow's New Year's Eve, Director Fang will treat everyone to a barbecue in the evening. Come over then, you don't need to bring a camera or anything, a camera is fine."

After Hu Wen finished speaking, the living room of the villa burst into joy. Some wished Fang Nan the prize, some said thank you, and some said they would bring meat.

Fang Nan waved his hand to reject the kindness of several reporters.

To be honest, if they really paid for a few pieces of meat, the subsidy money saved from this poor trip is probably bottomed out, which makes people regret it from time to time, and there is no need for that.

As for why Fang Nan is so generous.

Still the same sentence, helping each other in a foreign land, and tomorrow is New Year's Eve, a meal is no big deal to him.

What's more, "Youth in Youth" has already sold the screening rights in several countries.

Several small countries such as Hungary and Denmark sold nearly 30 euros in a package, and Europe and North America are also discussed. It seems that "Youth in Youth" is expected to pay back, so Fang Nan is happy.

After the reporter left, Cai Yinong asked Fang Nan, "Do you want to call Nan Sheng?"

Fang Nan shook his head directly: "No need, she is a judge, her status is embarrassing, let's avoid suspicion."

The awards of the three major European film festivals are decided by several major judges.

The judges are open to the public, so the film festival has always had a good reputation.

Of course there have been disputes.

But whenever there is a big dispute, the chairman of the jury will reveal who so and so supports which movie and why, so as to tell the world audience that the dispute is due to the different visions, ideas, and personal preferences of the judges.

Not because of some nasty, sordid backstory.

But there is a saying called melon field plum.

Shi Nansheng's identity is too embarrassing, she is a judge and even a senior executive of Tangtang Film and Television, and Fang Nan is her boss.

So Fang Nan thinks it's best to avoid suspicion, in case "Youth in Youth" really wins the award and is confirmed!

The next day, New Year's Eve.

Fang Nan didn't go to the movies anymore, but went to Berlin with everyone.

They went to look at the Brandenburg Gate, which had witnessed the beginning of an evil age.

I looked at the Berlin Wall, which was full of graffiti and had been torn down long ago.

I went to museums, cathedrals, and world clocks that can display the time in dozens of major cities around the world.

After walking until he was exhausted and hungry, Fang Nan and his party hurried to the villa.

Back at the villa, the media reporters had already caught up with Zhang Yang, Yu Nan, Chen Kun, Li Yu and others sitting or standing and chatting, but several German barbecue chefs were busily busy.

"If there is no place to sit, just sit on the carpet. There are more people, so everyone will make do with it."

After holding a bottle of beer and bumping into Zhang Yang, Fang Nan sat down on the carpet casually.

"Falling Leaves Return to Roots" directed by Zhang Yang and starring Uncle Benshan is also an entry film for this year's film festival.

"Falling Leaves Returning to Roots" was placed in the grand view unit because the subject matter was too niche, and was not shortlisted for the main competition unit.

There is also a Chinese-language film from Taiwan, directed by Zhou Meiling, starring Liang Luoshi and Rainie Yang. The same-sex film "Tattoo" was also not shortlisted for the main competition.

But there must be something to say about this movie in the end, after all, all three major European countries have Teddy Awards.

"Director Fang, I wish you a successful start tomorrow."

After taking a big gulp of dark beer, Zhang Yang said with a smile to Fang Nan.

Just as Fang Nan was about to respond with a smile of "the same", Zhang Yang's smile instantly subsided: "In the afternoon, "Tuya's Marriage" had already won the Catholic Humanitarian Award in the main competition unit."

Hearing this, Fang Nan almost vomited blood.

The Catholic Humanitarian Spirit Award is said to be the weathervane of the highest award in the three major European film festivals.

So there is a high probability that the Golden Bear Award will be gone.

Fortunately, there are several awards for Best Director, Jury Prize, Best Actress, Best Screenplay, and Photography.

Thinking of this, Fang Nan hurriedly set up the beer cans, nodded and smiled at Wang Pingan who was watching from time to time not far away, and said, "Congratulations, Director Wang, "Tuya's Marriage" has a high probability of winning gold."

Congratulations to the host who initiated the party, Wang Pingan, who had been wandering outside the crowd, came over, smiled and took the award-winning Zhang Yang away.

"Zhang Yang's "Falling Leaves Return to Roots" also won the Humanitarian Spirit Award of the Daguan Unit. We who are engaged in literature and art can't afford it here. When we return to China, the two of us will invite Fang Nan to a restaurant to eat hot pot together."

"No problem, my expectations are small, and I will be satisfied with a prize. I'm afraid that you will capsize in the gutter, and if you don't admit it, I will spend the hot pot money alone."

Zhang Yang's half-truth and half-fake jokes caused Wang Ping'an to turn around and leave again.

By the way, it also lowered the atmosphere of the villa.

Fang Nan was at a loss, Zhang Yang and Wang Ping'an were messing with each other.

What's even more irritating is that the two of them won the prize before the closing ceremony even started, which made him look a little silly as a treat.

Others would probably think, idiot, I'm such a dickhead, what a treat!
"What's the situation?" Fang Nan looked curiously at Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang took a sip of beer and said, "This grandson is so fucking pretending, he always says that Yu Nan is his Kong Li when he meets everyone, and it's like giving him a golden bear. I'm so tired of hearing that ,"

Fang Nan was depressed. Could this be the so-called disregard of literati?

Or is Zhang Yang venting his dissatisfaction that "Falling Leaves Return to Root" was not shortlisted for the main competition?
He was lazy and got up far away from the angry Zhang Yang, chatting with Liu Qianqian, the domestic media, Li Yu and the others while eating and drinking.

Just when he heard Li Yu complain that the bureau asked her to cancel the competition, Cai Yinong ran over excitedly.

"Hollywood and Disney's film studio said they would buy the North American copyright of "Youth in Youth" for US$300 million. If the film wins, even if it is the best screenplay award, the other party is willing to raise the price to US$500 million."

Fang Nan was stunned: "500 million US dollars? Did you hear me right? Even if "Youth in Youth" can be released in North America, plus the video tape market, it won't be able to make so much money."

Cai Yinong vowed: "Really, come over tomorrow to sign the contract and give the deposit."

Fang Nan still didn't believe it: "What's the name of that Disney film producer?"

"Harvey Weinstein, this man is a well-known producer in Hollywood. "The Promise" hit the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, and he was the one who ran it. After his Miramax Films was acquired by Disney, this man currently belongs to the Disney."

Cai Yinong, Hu Wen, and Chu Peijun were so excited that they couldn't contain themselves, but Fang Nan seemed to be poured a basin of cold water.

He originally thought that "Youth in Youth" would not be expected by North American audiences, after all, the values ​​are different.

Hearing that the filmmaker is Harvey Weinstein, who is full of crimes, his heart suddenly turned cold.

As for whether Miramax will be acquired by Disney, he is too lazy to care about it.

All he knew was that Harvey Weinstein was notorious.

After sternly refusing to sign the contract with Weinstein, Fang Nan ignored Cai Yinong and the others with puzzled faces, and went upstairs in a "thump-thump-thump" manner. Today, on New Year's Eve, he almost forgot to call a few relatives.

Fang Nan's heart warmed when he heard Thong Wanzhuo's babbling on the phone.

Zeng Li's exhortation, "Berlin will be minus 6 degrees tomorrow, add a V-neck sweater to the suit", moved him very much.

When it was Gao Yuanyuan's turn, she insisted that Fang Nan bring back a prize, because many domestic netizens were eagerly looking forward to it.

After several rounds of phone calls, the party ended early because of tomorrow's main event.

The next day.

With the help of Chu Peijun and the stylist, Fang Nan took care of his hairstyle meticulously.

The glossy inch hair paired with Italian Cesare Attolini haute couture suit, and the high-necked black liner inside make the whole person look energetic.

Piaget watch and Tiffany platinum brooch eye-catching.

Putting on the last procedure—bow tie, Fang Nan rushed to the room and waited for a long time. Liu Qianqian and the others nodded: "Let's go."

After Liu Qianqian got up holding the red pleated skirt, she sniffed and said, "Director, I've never seen you so handsome before."

Ni Ni couldn't wait to agree: "Me too."

Fang Nan was just happy, but Ni Ni's words, "Sure enough, a man depends on his clothes and a horse depends on his saddle", made him extremely depressed instantly.

Compared with the red carpet of the opening ceremony that many stars are unwilling to participate in, the red carpet of the closing ceremony of the 57th Berlin Film Festival is really star-studded.

Tom Hanks, Matt Damon, George Clooney, Angelina Jolie, Charlize Theron, Anne Hathaway, Nicole Kidman and many other big Hollywood stars wore endorsement brand clothing and jewelry became popular blanket.

The "Youth in Youth" team slowly entered the arena. Before Fang Nan and the others walked on the red carpet to make final preparations, a reporter from New Entertainment Online found Fang Nan again.

"Director Fang, today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, let's wish the audience in front of the TV a new year."

On the edge of the noisy red carpet, Fang Nan said with a smile on his face: "Happy New Year everyone, I wish everyone a happy holiday, a healthy New Year, and a happy family!"

"Director Fang, the final awards will be decided after the red carpet. How are you feeling now? Are you nervous?"

"I'm fine. After all, it's the first time I bring my work to such a high-profile film festival. I'm very happy whether I win an award or not."

"After the last live broadcast, many domestic movie fans wrote letters to our station. The contents of the letter were all cheering for you, and the fans even specifically asked me to read it to you."

"Thank you, thank you, but it seems too late, we are going to walk the red carpet soon, we have some time left, let the actors give another New Year greeting to the domestic audience."

Fang Nan finished speaking quickly, and hurriedly stepped aside to let Liu Qianqian and others come forward.

By the time the last Jiang Yiyan finished speaking, the red carpet staff had urged them to go over and get ready to start.

When it was the turn of the "Young You" team, Fang Nan reminded Sissy and the others again: "Don't be nervous, just be natural."

Compared with no one caring about the red carpet of the opening ceremony, the team of "Youth in Youth" who stepped on the red carpet of the closing ceremony was applauded by many audiences at home and abroad.

After a few days of fermentation, "You are a young man" seems to have become a strong contender for the Golden Bear Award at this year's film festival.

Even though Chen Nian missed the Humanitarian Spirit Award because he pushed people down the stairs in the movie.

The final ending of the film also gave rise to polarized discussions, but "Youth in Youth" is still a rare good movie in the hearts of many fans.



Liu Qianqian's English name was called out one after another by the audience on both sides.

Obviously her performance in the movie has won the recognition of the audience this year.

There were more and more audience members shouting for Crystal, Fang Nan gave way with a smile on his face and let Sissy walk to the front.

Then I saw Sissy walking into the cinema hall with her head up and her chest out, like a snow white princess, in a posture not weaker than that of the European and American actress Fan.

"It's really possible for you to win Best Actress."

In the largest exhibition hall of the Movie Palace, after Fang Nan and his group sat down, Fang Nan smiled at Sissi beside him.

"How is it possible? I don't even dare to think about it myself." Liu Qianqian immediately shook her head and expressed that it was impossible.

In the past few days, she has read a lot of show brochures, and knows that compared with the audience, many film critics think her performance is flawed and not extreme enough.

So she never imagined that the queen of Berlin actress would fall from the sky.

It just strengthened my confidence to continue on this road to the end.

After the media, audience, and star actors entered the venue, the chairman of this year's film festival took the stage to deliver a speech.

Faced with the complaint of Paul Schneider, chairman of the jury, "Because I have to select dozens of shortlisted films from more than 5000 applications, so I have very little hair left", the audience roared with laughter.

And give warm applause as thanks.

The speeches were over, and the awards ceremony, which was free of messy performances, began quickly.

As expected, "Tattoo" directed by Zhou Meiling from Taiwan won the Teddy Award for Best Feature Film.

The three members of the "Tattoo" team sat behind Fang Nan and the others. When "Tattoo" won the award, Fang Nan and the others hurriedly got up and hugged Rainie Yang and the other three to congratulate.

Staged a compatriot love that made people cry.

Ni Ni, however, surreptitiously teased Liu Qianqian and Liu Sishi and said, "I've seen "Tattoo", and it felt just average. Next time the three of us will act in a movie with this theme, we will definitely win an award."

Fang Nan was speechless, and reprimanded Ni Ni, "Speak less."

Ni Ni was quite dissatisfied: "I knew I would not come, and I couldn't understand a word."

When Fang Nan and Ni Ni were talking, the Golden Bear Award in the short film category was won by "Contact" directed by Han Luo Smitsman.

Next, the best debut award was awarded to "Spicy Little Dancer".

Afterwards, the Silver Bear Award for Outstanding Artistic Contribution was awarded to 17 people including Angelina Jolie and Matt Damon.

Then there are 22 feature-length films shortlisted for the main competition unit, six major awards that require fierce competition.

Fang Nan took a deep breath and sat up straight.

Ni Ni couldn't help teasing again: "Brother Nan, have you prepared your acceptance speech? Did you include me in your acceptance speech?"

"I didn't even expect to win the award, so I prepared some acceptance speech."

Ni Ni rolled her eyes: "Cut, do you think I believe it? If you really win the prize, Brother Nan, you take me with you, and I will be honored."

After Ni Ni finished speaking, Liu Qianqian said quietly, "Take me with you."

Looking at Liu Sishi again, she also showed hopeful eyes.

"If you take the golden bear, I'll bring you with me." Fang Nan said with a smile, and Liu Qianqian and the others rolled their eyes in unison.

After the Silver Bear Award for Best Music was won by director David Mackenzie with "Haarlem", Shi Nansheng stepped onto the podium.

At the same time, Fang Nan's rough right hand was grasped by a pair of delicate hands, and the grip became tighter.

Fang Nan glanced at Liu Qianqian who was concentrating on the stage and staring at the stage with her back straight, and let the palms feel pain.

"Best Actress, Nina Hoss, Yella!"

"Huh, Nina Hoss actually defeated Yu Nan."

The moment the award came out, Liu Qianqian took a long breath to show her strength.

Fang Nan smiled knowingly, and comforted him, "You are only 19 years old, so you will have a chance."

Unexpectedly, when he said this, Liu Qianqian's eyes turned red.

"I'm already 20. I've said it several times, but you still can't remember." She grabbed Fang Nan's arm and tried to hold back the tears.

Outsiders don't know, but she knows in her heart how much she has paid for "Youth in Youth".

Breaking up with Chen Jingfei, returning to China secretly, living alone in the mountain city, the career trough brought about by the Japanese debut arranged by the mother, the mental breakdown during the filming, completely cutting off the long hair that had grown for more than ten years, how many disputes with the mother
She never wanted to talk about these things, but today's failure shattered her emotions that had collapsed for a long time.

She knows it's hard to win a prize, but she just can't help it when it comes to it.

The most exasperating thing is that Fang Nan, who should know her best, keeps mispronouncing her age.

"I'm trying to make you happy." Fang Nan said with a smile to Liu Qianqian who was full of grievances.

Liu Qianqian glanced at Fang Nan, her heart throbbed for no reason, then she pursed her lips, touched the tears on her eye bags with her ring finger and middle finger.

"The penultimate jury award." She gently reminded Fang Nan.

""Tuya's Marriage" Wang Anan!"

"I rely on!"

As soon as the awards came out, Fang Nan's mind crashed on the spot.

The plot was messed up. When he had given up on winning the award, "Tuya's Marriage" unexpectedly won the jury award without dying.

What does this mean? It means that "Tuya's Marriage" has no chance with the final big prize bear.

"I go."

"I put on the wings of an eagle, and the butterfly effect is too big."

When Fang Nan was alone in shock, Liu Qianqian, Chen Kun, Ni Ni, Liu Sishi, Jiang Yiyan, and everyone present were already staring at Paul Schneider, the chairman of this year's film festival, who came onto the stage.

"What did you say on stage?"

When Ni Ni impatiently asked Liu Qianqian, Paul Schneider said the word "Fang Nan" in Chinese, which was not very correct, and the word "Fang Nan" resounded through the audience.

""Better Days" fangnan!"

"Boom" burst into applause, and Fang Nan's head was about to crack.

When he sat on the chair with a dazed face, countless people jumped on him.

And the chairman on the stage, Paul Schneider, still sighed with emotion: "The youngest director of the Golden Bear Award was born!"

 6800 words, usually a little more than 3 chapters.Among them is a chapter on making up the difference.

(End of this chapter)

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