literary world

Chapter 244 Popularity explodes after winning gold

Chapter 244 Popularity explodes after winning gold


Li Gang was still in communication with the leader of the Tomato News Production Center, whether to broadcast Fang Nan's award-winning newsletter in the morning news, and was concerned about how to introduce the plot of "Youth in Youth".

The domestic portals with faster timeliness have already edited the copy overnight, and put Fang Nan and "Youth in Youth" on the front pages of the major portals regardless of their care.


【Fang Nan wins gold in Berlin - the birth of the youngest Golden Bear winner】

On February 2th, the first day of the Lunar New Year, when the Chinese celebrate the Spring Festival, the 18th Berlinale International Film Festival held at Potsdamer Platz in Germany ushered in a grand closing red carpet and awards show.

At this year's Berlin Film Festival, Chinese filmmakers represented by Wang An'an competed fiercely with 13 outstanding films from 21 countries.

In the end, the young Chinese director Fang Nan, who was only 28 years old, stood out and won the final award of the 57th Berlin Film Festival - the Golden Bear Award for his feature film "Youth in Youth"!

Director Wang An'an won the jury award!

Slag waves:

[The 57th Berlin Film Festival was a surprise, Fang Nan became the biggest winner in Berlin]

The Berlin Film Festival, the three major film festivals in Europe, has always been criticized for its strong political meaning and love of niche films.

During the film screening of this year's film festival, the film critics of the gold-winning film "Youth in Youth" were even more polarized.

The content of the film has also changed from the Chinese countryside, farmers, women, etc. that were covered by Chinese-language films in previous years.

But the result was beyond everyone's expectations.


[The 57th Berlin Film Festival closed, "You Are Young" won the Golden Bear Award, "Tuya's Marriage" won the Jury Prize]
【For the first time in 14 years, Chinese-language films have once again stood on the highest podium in Berlin】

In the middle of the night, many portal websites in China put Fang Nan and "Youth in Youth" on the front page. To be honest, not many people saw it.

It's the middle of the night again for the New Year's Eve.

Not a fan of the Berlin Film Festival, or Fang Nan, Liu Qianqian, etc., who is willing to wait for news.

But wait for the morning to come.

Domestic common people lie on the bed with their eyes open and turn on the TV.

It doesn't matter if you don't pay attention.

The overwhelming news swept in.

CCTV morning news:

At two o'clock in the morning on February 2th, it was eight o'clock in the evening local time in Germany.

The 57th Berlin International Film Festival opened the awards ceremony for the closing ceremony at the Berlin Film Palace.

Fang Nan, a young Chinese filmmaker, won the Golden Bear Award at this Berlin Film Festival for his genre film "Youth in Youth".

The film "Tuya's Marriage" won the jury award.

The host solemnly finished the broadcast in the form of a text message.

As soon as the screen changed, Fang Nan was crazily hugged by Chen Kun, Tong Dawei and several strange faces, and the envious eyes of the guests on the scene jumped out from the screens of hundreds of millions of TVs.

After that, it was the entire process of Fang Nan taking the stage to deliver his acceptance speech.

The clarity of the footage is obviously obtained through special official channels, the first-hand staged shots of European local media.

After CCTV personally ended.

Originally hesitant about the plot of "Youth in Youth", hundreds of TV stations across the country, including Tomato, Mango, Lychee, Blueberry, and Beijing, broadcast Fang Nanwai's award.

Incompetent TV stations copy the newsletter of CCTV according to the script.

Those who have the ability to send reporters to the TV station of the Berlin Film Festival will proudly present Fang Nan's interview in order to boost the ratings of the station.

The fate of many TV stations across the country made Fang Nan completely angry.

In the past, he was a comedy director in the minds of many young audiences, a director who could wrestle with Feng Dapao.

But many people who are old, have no access to the Internet, and have no interest in movies after contacting the Internet, who know him.

Who is Feng Dapao?

People who only have time to go to the movies when they have free time recognize Fang Nan.

So at first this kind of people might not feel that Fang Nan won the award, just an award.

But when there is more information and communication, I know that Fang Nan won the award in Europe.

There are still many countries participating in this award. The last time a domestic filmmaker won an award was in 1993, 14 years ago.

Many people felt that it was great.

After the Chinese New Year's tea and dinner, there is such an exchange at the wine table.

Knowing that Fang Nan is only in his 20s, and the films he makes can easily earn over [-] million yuan, if Zhang Yimou's "Golden Flowers in the City" hadn't been released a few years ago, Fang Nan would have been the number one box office hit in China.

There is a lot of chatter.

Some older people in China were even more impressed with Fang Nan.

Fang Nan's popularity soared crazily because of "Youth in Youth" Berlin won the gold medal.

But Fang Nan has won awards, bonuses, and citizenship.

The gold winning of "Youth in Youth" also caused many messy emotions among those involved in the movie.

Han, who has a big family and a big business, is always one of them.

His mood is complicated.

At first, he was reluctant to invest money in "Youth in Youth".

In order to take care of Fang Nan's emotions, he invested a symbolic amount of 300 million. He did not expect that Fang Nan, who went to Berlin for the first time, won the Golden Bear Award.

Who would have thought of this?
Hearing that "Youth in Youth" sold like crazy in Europe after winning the award, Mr. Han was naturally in a bad mood.

Fortunately, China Film Group has a big business and needs to invest in so many movies every year, so there are always times when it is wrong.

Furthermore, a drama movie is a drama movie. Even if a foreign country wins an award, it may not be able to drive a movie-watching craze for domestic audiences. This is common sense.

Boss Han is in a mixed mood.

Jiangzhou was very frustrated.

The Emperor and Fang Nan have collaborated in several films. "Assassination of the Novelist" is too expensive, and Fang Nan needs all the cooperation beyond the bottom line, so the investment allocated to the Emperor is pitifully small.

Almost every time it is 200 million, 300 million.

When it was the turn of "Youth in Youth", Fang Nan finally opened his mouth to the Emperor because China Film was not optimistic about it.

However, Jiangzhou chose to invest 200 million as usual because of the subject matter.

Just this one moment fully supports his eyes.

This year, he hasn't had a good time!
Fortunately, Boss Yang didn't take "Youth in Youth" as an issue. Literary and artistic films can only survive in the deformed soil of Europe.

Domestically, just two words, ha ha!
But what should be needed, Jiangzhou, as an investor, has obtained the distribution rights in Xiangjiang and Taiwan.

"Youth in Youth" made the management and Fang Nan full.

There are also many benefits for the actors in the film and behind the scenes.

Needless to say, all the behind-the-scenes salary increases.

After all, in the career column, the honor of the Golden Bear Award at the 57th Berlin Film Festival is automatically added.

Actors benefit even more.

Benefits such as increased salary, increased popularity, increased fan bonding, recognition in front of many international filmmakers, affirmed acting skills, and door-to-door endorsement film appointments are rolling in.

Liu Qianqian is still in Berlin.

Her agent in China impatiently made an international long-distance call, urging her to return to China, saying that many brands came to her and wanted to sign a contract of intent.

Once the New Year's Eve is over, it is necessary to shoot advertisements for promotion.

The manager made a phone call to Berlin, but was scolded back by artist director Chu Peijun.

She was helping Liu Qianqian talk about her status as the Chinese brand ambassador for the Lady Longines watch, so how could she run around.

After the main actor Liu Qianqian, Liu Sishi, Ni Ni and others have more or less received some endorsements, but relatively speaking, their endorsements are relatively low-end.

Behind the many good news, of course, there are also regrets.

Hu Ge, another leading actor of "Youth in Youth", has not yet recovered.

But when Cai Yinong informed Hu Ge of the award-winning news of "Youth in Youth", he also gave him a reassurance.

As long as he has confidence in himself, cheer up.

Tang Tang Film and Television, Fang Nan will not give up on him.

In Berlin, in a white villa not too far from Potsdamer Platz, Cai Yinong looked curiously at Fang Nan.

"What are you going to England for? The domestic movie fan support group organized a lot of people to pick you up at the plane, but you disappeared. Many movie fans must not be disappointed?"

Fang Nan was speechless: "Why do you have nothing to do to deal with this scene?"

There are still a few days left in the Spring Festival, and he originally planned to fly to England to reunite with Zeng Li's wife and son, and apologize to his mother-in-law by the way.

After all, my daughter was kidnapped and gave birth to a child.

Not even a decent wedding.

The reason why he wanted several million dollars from "Youth in Youth" was to use it as a bride price for Zeng Mama.

Hu Wen, the director of publicity, took over the conversation: "Brother Nan, this is a serious business, often communicating with fans offline will make it easier for fans to become sticky and win favor."

Fang Nan became angry: "I'm behind the scenes, do you think I'm an actor in front of the scenes?"

Hu Wen didn't flinch at all and said with a smile: "I know, but your popularity is not lower than that of first-line stars."

"What do you mean, why do I have to go back?"

"That's for sure. So many movie fans are looking forward to it. I managed to organize it."

Fang Nan gave Hu Wen a painful look.

He is not very keen on the set of traffic fans being greeted and sent to pick up the airport, but he will not completely veto or criticize it.

Because what Hu Wen said is right, offline activities can indeed increase fan stickiness.

Fans are part of the food and clothing of actors and stars in disguise.

An actor with high popularity can really decide many things.

Endorsements and roles may be affected by popularity.

Zhang Weiping's gang wanted Jay Chou to be included in the crew of Lao Mouzi's "Golden Armor", didn't they just because of Jay Chou's popularity?

"Golden Armor" also broke the box office record of "Lost in Thailand" in one fell swoop.

"Only this time, the next time will not be an example!"

Fang Nan frowned and glanced at the assertive Hu Wen as a warning.

Deciding to return to China, Fang Nan made an apology call to Zeng Li, and after obtaining an understanding, he and a group of people rushed to Frankfurt, and then flew directly to the capital.

In order to meet the fans to pick up.

It was two o'clock in the afternoon on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year when Fang Nan and his group got off the plane.

As soon as the group of them appeared in the passageway, the dense crowd began to gather crazily. Gradually, more and more people gathered, shoulder to shoulder and kept rushing towards the group of people.

"Brother Nan, congratulations on winning the Golden Bear Award at the Berlin Film Festival!"

"Sissy, congratulations, "Youth in Youth" shined brilliantly, and showed confidence on the red carpet!"

"Sishi, well done"

"Ni Ni."

Zhao Ritian, the deputy head of Tangtang Company's official fan group, led a few die-hard fans who were specially selected to present bouquets to Fang Nan and his party, and the high-spirited Fang Nan and others praised him.

at the same time.

The spotlight flickered wildly.

Fang Nan raised his head and saw that there were many domestic media in the crowd, and today's event was quite the limelight.

Countless young people poured in like a torrent of steel, making it difficult to move.

When everyone was helpless, the airport security finally came in.

"Tomorrow you will personally pay for the media to hold an apology press conference."

After standing unscathed in the circle surrounded by security, Fang Nan said coldly to Hu Wen.

"What's the apology?"

"Why do you apologize? Airport security is for you personally? Where did you get the right? That is, there are not many passengers this time, otherwise look at what we will be scolded for!"

"You are the publicity director, maintaining the company and the company's artist image is the first element. Are you maintaining or ruining the artist's image?"

Standing out of the encirclement with a smile on his face, before getting into the car, Fang Nan's smile instantly subsided, and he gave Hu Wen a hard education.

Hu Wen did a huge stupid thing without knowing it.

Even now, people are still curious about celebrities.

Ordinary people who saw this scene on TV may lament that the stars are too popular, the airport is blocked by crowds of movie fans, and even the police help to evacuate the crowd.

But who is Fang Nan.

He is too aware of the bad nature of today's incident.

It is also very clear that ordinary people's novelty towards celebrities will gradually disappear.

In a few more years, with the development of the Internet and the increase in the exposure of celebrities, the audience will no longer have the curiosity to see the true face of the stars.

Why shouldn't they be shouted and beaten by everyone for their behavior today?

Instead of suffering a few years later.

Fang Nan took advantage of this opportunity to give the company's publicity director a boost in memory.

Don't hurt others or yourself in the future.

Countless movie fans cheered and got into the car. Fang Nan simply waved his hand to the outside through the car window, and let the driver speed up slowly.

It's not that he's unkind.

But only when he and the rest of the actors leave, the pressure at the airport will be reduced.

"Where are you two going?"

After seeing no more fans, Cai Yinong asked Fang Nan and Liu Qianqian about their destination.

"Take me to the Four Seasons Hotel in Chaoyang, where my mother and manager are waiting for me." After speaking, Liu Qianqian asked Fang Nan, "Where are you going?"

"Take me to Yinding Bridge, and go back to catch the jet lag." Fang Nan yawned and blurted out.

Liu Qianqian was inexplicable: "Isn't your home in Lama Temple?"

Cai Yinong was curious: "When did you buy a house in Lama Temple again?"

Fang Nan was stunned, and blinked his eyes: "I have a lot of houses. If you have money and don't want to take risks to invest in other things, you can also use it to buy a house. I guess the house price will not drop in five years."

Sure enough, Cai Yinong was led to a distorted rhythm: "Really? If you tell the truth, I really have money."

Fang Nan rolled his eyes, this woman will take [-] million from him in the next few years, can she have no money?

Liu Qianqian's expression revealed her curiosity about her residence in Yinding Bridge. Fang Nan, who was decisively aware of this, rushed to the driver and said, "Really, let me go down. I haven't exercised for a long time. I'm going to run back."

He was not afraid of being discovered by Liu Qianqian that he was stepping on two boats.

The reason why she doesn't want to be exposed is purely because she doesn't want to destroy her good image in the eyes of others.

But to be honest, there is also some embarrassment!
When the car stopped, Cai Yinong asked before Fang Nan got out of the car, "Should I go and talk to China Film about the domestic distribution, or should I send someone else?"

"Let Zhao Zhu go. He is a film producer. You have to go to foreign film festivals after you take a break. I also need to take a few days off. After that, I should be busy with film release promotion and follow-up works."

"Then we should urge Zhao Zhu to hurry up and not waste the publicity of winning the award."

"Theater chains will have to wait until mid-March at the earliest to arrange the schedule. Anyway, you asked Zhao Zhu to urge the release and the theater chains, so I'm leaving."

After speaking, Fang Nan pushed the door of the car and got out of the car, carrying his bag and jogging all the way.

The gate of No. 28 courtyard of Yinding Bridge was locked tightly, but when the gate was opened, a wall-like hanging flower gate passed through, and happiness rushed over.

Under the eaves, in the long corridor connecting the houses, red lanterns hang high.

Fang Nan stood in the yard and counted. There were 18 lanterns hanging in the main room, east and west hatchback rooms, and corridors.

The koi in the pond are also doing well.

It was not like usual, every time he came back, he found koi carps floating on the surface of the water.

The green bamboos in the corner of the small courtyard are growing gratifyingly, and there is still snow on the branches and leaves.

He took out the key and opened the second entry to the main room. There was a charming aroma from the room. He put the bag on the table, turned on his mobile phone, took off his clothes and went straight to the wooden dummy.

He was sweating "papapapa" and was about to call it a day when his phone, which hadn't been turned on for a long time, rang.

"Come home, sleep for a while, and come out to have a drink or two with me in the evening."

President Han invited him to drink, Fang Nan couldn't find an excuse, so he agreed.

After punching the wooden dummy, and doing dog boxing and Tai Chi again, Fang Nan turned on the computer after washing up, and posted an apology blog for his wrongdoing at the airport.

Then I went to bed and squinted for a while before leaving for the meeting.

(End of this chapter)

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