literary world

Chapter 255 Our Dreams

Chapter 255 Our Dreams

The sunset is westward.

Producer Pang Hong couldn't help being anxious.

Every time Fang Nan yelled "click", the crew had to spend tens of minutes to reschedule hundreds of people. If this dragged on, today they would have to subsidize the group performance for an overtime fee, and the budget seemed to be overrun.

"Director Fang, I looked from a distance, and I feel that the team is doing well. What's the problem?"

Pang Hong was in a hurry, and the sweaty and restless staff were also in a hurry.

Thousands of people crowded together, and the scene was like a big steamer, a big steamer full of sweaty smell.

The sticky body, the soaring smell of sweat, that taste is nothing to mention.

Pang Hong asked, Fang Nan looked at the setting sun in the sky, got up and walked to the actor's place, and said by the way: "There is a problem with the performance."

Because the executive director didn't tell a good show, the actors didn't know what emotions and expressions to use to perform the scene.

So that in the final screen presented:
Zhou Xun replayed the scene with his own understanding.

Zhao Yanzi was hesitant to believe that he was still the executive director, with a puzzled expression.

Chen Kun is like a special extra performer who is beautiful and has a few lines, he follows the director's orders dully and then goes on stage.

With all the attention, executive director Qian Yongqiang questioned: "If there is any problem, they are all top domestic actors."

He was not a fool, Fang Nan said that there was a problem with the performance, not that there was a problem with the actor, but he was complaining in disguise that he didn't do a good job in the play.

So he turned his head, thinking that no matter what Fang Nan did, he would tie the three actors to his carriage, and everyone would share weal and woe.

Qian Yongqiang's sophistry of forcibly changing concepts.

Seemingly defending the actors, but actually pushing the three actors to the forefront, Fang Nan was dumbfounded.

The reason why he took so long to shoot a scene was so vague, which made all the group performers and ordinary staff confused.

It's just to save face for Qian Yongqiang, not to cause big conflicts, just to simply establish his personal prestige.

Unexpectedly, Qian Yongqiang mistranslated his imitation ambiguity into vernacular, so that everyone at the scene could understand it, and at the same time gave the three actors a backstab.

Roll your eyes, curl your lips, curl your lips.

Zhou Xun, Zhao Yanzi, and Chen Kun, who have been in the circle for many years, responded immediately.

The three different movements of the three filled the meaning of sarcasm.

The expressions are much more vivid than when they were filming just now.

The humming of the group performers and the dissatisfaction on the actor's face made Pang Hong's face turn green: "Director Qian, leave this to Director Fang first, you can contact Zheng Zidan and ask him why he hasn't arrived yet. "

He set up several major actors in the production team one by one. Zhou Xun was unwilling to come when he heard that he was playing a monster, so he used Fang Nan as a bait to win Zhou Xun.

Zhao Yanzi is similar.

So he made a decision on who to choose among Qian Yongqiang, Fang Nan, and the actors.

Qian Yongqiang left with resentment, Fang Nan was too lazy to care about this brainless executive director.

"It's getting late, listen to me about the next scene, hurry up and finish the filming." He said to the three actors.

"For all the assistant directors, the lineup of group performances remains the same, what was just now, will be what it will be later."

"As for the actors, it's good for Chen Kun to see Pei Rong showing the joy of remaining alive after the catastrophe, so that it can reflect the danger of the desert mission."

"Xiaoxun, when you see Pei Rong's expression is very complicated, she has more thoughts."

"Then Mr. Zhao, when you saw Xiao Wei, your heart became more complicated. I will summarize a few points for you."

"1: This woman is so beautiful."

"2: The woman was brought back by her husband, so she should be on guard."

"3: The smile that welcomes Xiao Wei must reflect generosity. Your generosity makes so many soldiers sincerely call you sister-in-law, and it will make you drink poison voluntarily and turn into a monster later in order to protect the generals in the general's mansion. The plot makes sense."

After Fang Nan finished speaking, Pang Hong and those who were close to him clearly felt the gap between Qian Yongqiang and Fang Nan.

When Qian Yongqiang talked about the play, he was talking about how the actors stand and what expressions they use to perform the deadly task of the scene.

Fang Nan helps the actors to analyze the psychology of the characters, so that the actors can deepen the impression of the characters, instead of teaching the minor details.

Zhao Yanzi's eyes shifted from the script to Fang Nan's face: "My God, my character's psychology is too complicated."

Zhou Xun: "Director, did Xiao Wei and Wang Sheng fall in love at first sight?"

"Otherwise? If it wasn't love at first sight, you would have eaten his heart long ago."


"All departments will conduct self-inspection and take pictures in 5 minutes."

After saying a few words, Fang Nan returned to the monitor with a "thump, thud, thump".

Wu Gaodao: "Lao Yang is going back to set the table. I have a few drinks tonight. You should finish it early."

Fang Nan nodded his head, "You guys go first, I'll finish the filming, Zhao Zhu, you remember to contact Liu Qianqian from the crew of "The King of Kung Fu", she is also an artist of the company now."

He signed a 10-hour work contract with the crew of "Painted Skin", so it won't delay eating out every night.

Zhao Zhu: "Yes, we will go there first."

Wu Gao, Wang Liang, and Zhao Zhu left, and the crew of "Painted Skin" started another filming.

At the end of just 2 minutes, the scene was dead silent. Next to the monitor, Pang Hong whispered to the other party, "It's almost done."

"Producer Pang, there is a lot of difference, let's do it twice." Fang Nan rubbed his chin.

Pang Hong was anxious again: "What's wrong."

Fang Nan said bluntly: "Zhao Yanzi didn't perform, and he blinked too many times, it's easy for the audience to play."

The three actors on the scene, Zhao Yanzi and Chen Kun are from the academy, and Zhou Xun is Ye Luzi.

Compared with Zhou Xun, an experienced actor, Zhao Yanzi's performance is too formulaic.

In the same action of picking up a cup to drink water, Zhou Xun will choose to hold it standing, lying down, or sitting, without limitation.

But the academic Zhao Yanzi had to sit upright before he went to hold a cup to drink water.

Because this is the rule taught by the teacher.

Such a formulaic performance, with Fang Nan only helping to analyze the character's psychology, Zhao Yanzi's performance seemed a little flustered, focusing on one thing and losing another.

"Play it back and I'll watch it again."

At the end of the replay, facing Zhu Yanzi's big eyes flashing from time to time, Pang Hong took the initiative to yell to do it again after a few minutes.

At the same time, Fang Nan picked up the walkie-talkie: "Give Teacher Zhao a few drops of eye drops. Are her eyes too dry and blinking non-stop? Also, tell her, and I'll give her a few minutes to figure out the scene." role psychology."

After shouting, Fang Nan changed the communication channel: "Lighting director, ask the assistant to set up the headlights."

He repeated it twice, three or four times, and at the end of the fifth time, Fang Nan finally let go and shouted "Pass", and the entire Han Street was filled with group performances in an instant.

After watching the 2-minute shot, Fang Nan and Pang Hong greeted each other and were about to leave when Qian Yongqiang, who hadn't seen anyone all afternoon, walked over.

"Zheng Zidan has returned to Xiangjiang."

Pang Hong and Fang Nan looked confused: "Ah? Not in the hotel?"

"His wife is pregnant, and he said he wants to take a few days off."

Pang Hong's face turned pale in an instant, while Fang Nan indifferently packed his personal belongings, preparing to participate in the banquet set up by a group of friends.

"It's all his announcements at night?"


"I won't be shooting today. I'll pack up my things and go back to the hotel. I'll have someone change the notice overnight." Pang Hong frowned.

Fang Nan, who was on the sidelines, reminded: "It's not about changing the notice. I think you should go to Xiangjiang to talk to him, but you are dissatisfied. Let's discuss it. There is no need to fix this."

Pang Hong: "The film crew is left to you. I will fly to Xiangjiang tomorrow. By the way, you should go first. My friend is probably in a hurry."

"to make."

After greeting several main characters and actors of the film crew, Fang Nan left the film and television city, and when he arrived at Lao Yang Hotel, there were already a dozen people sitting in the box.

Wu Gao, Yang Guangzhi and his wife, Wang Liang, Zhao Zhu, Huang Ze, mother and daughter Liu Qianqian, Chu Peijun, mother and daughter Ni Ni, mother and daughter Sishi, Jiang He, deputy general manager of Tangtang Xiaobailou Office, and others.

Seeing Liu Qianqian's mother and daughter, Fang Nan subconsciously shifted his gaze.

"Huang Ze, what's your situation? I'll have someone notify you to join the group early. Why are you only in Hengdian now?"

Tang Tang Film and Television did not participate in the investment of "Painted Skin", but Fang Nan still arranged for Huang Ze to have a supporting role like Lizard Monster through his directorship.

Huang Ze explained: "Lin Hao asked me to go to the capital to audition for a role, which delayed me for two days."

"What play?"

"Romance films are not suitable for me, so I refused."

Fang Nan was speechless: "You have to be confident, why aren't romance movies suitable?"

Wu Gao took a deep breath, and criticized the younger brother who brought him back with one hand: "Indeed, Huang Mao is still as timid as before. These days, the bold and the timid will be starved to death. Everything has to go forward, no matter what. We have to take on all the plays, if there are too many shoots, there will always be one that will be popular."

"Damn it, Wu Gao, when did you see our circle so thoroughly?"

After Fang Nan finished teasing with a smile, Yang Guangzhi took the opportunity to pick up the conversation: "Boss Wu has a big family and a big business now, and the world he sees is really different."

"Pull it down, I'm a worker who runs errands for you two."

"You've got it." Smiling to stop Wu Gao's yin and yang, Fang Nan looked at Chu Peijun, Ni Ni, and Sishi: "Why are you in Hengdian?"

""Shooting the Condors" has resumed filming." Chu Peijun reminded the boss who doesn't care about daily affairs.

Fang Nan wondered, "Has Hu Ge been discharged from the hospital?"

Even if he doesn't care about daily affairs, he won't be ignorant of Hu Ge's discharge from the hospital.

"Come on, let's shoot some supporting roles first."

"Understood, let's drink now."

Fang Nan took off his coat and sat down between Lao Yang and Wu Gao in a T-shirt.

"Other people usually see more, and Lao Yang sees less. The first cup is to respect Lao Yang and his sister-in-law. I wish you a prosperous business!"

After Lao Yang got bored with the drink, he broke the stage and said, "It's really choking."

Fang Nan was depressed: "What's wrong?"

"In the past two years, there have been more big hotels and guesthouses outside, and crews are generally reluctant to come to small restaurants like ours."

After Lao Yang finished speaking, he took his wife and clinked glasses with Fang Nan, Chu Peijun, Jiang He, Qianqian and others one by one, and said sincerely:

"A'nan, speaking of it, I have to thank you Tangtang Film and Television, the crew of your company have ordered boxed lunches from our house in the past few years, otherwise my small shop would really be unsustainable."

"Do you two want to make a big deal out of the past? Or do you just like to play small fights like this for peace of mind?"

Fang Nan's expression of wanting to help was obvious. Lao Yang and his wife looked at each other, looked at the exhaustion in each other's eyes, and shook their heads in unison: "Forget it, it's good now, just earn less every year, don't go Take a risk."

"It's really good."

Fang Nan nodded in approval of the ordinary life that Lao Yang and his wife wanted.

Desire knows no bounds.

Back then, he only wanted to be a first-line director.

Later, he wanted to break through the technical barriers brought by Hollywood special effects blockbusters.

Then he thought about international distribution, and the rapid expansion of his desires caused him to have less and less time for himself. He stayed at home for less than two months a year, and he was very tired.

So he was quite envious of the retirement life that Lao Yang and his wife were about to live, visiting relatives and friends, and traveling around.

Watching Fang Nan and the three pairs of mother and daughter finish drinking, Zhao Zhu, who was more aggressive in his work, said curiously: "Brother Nan, you said in the afternoon that President Shi has been asking for money, how much is she going to spend on the land on the Bund? "

"Who knows, I just asked her to plan an office building for shops, and she came up with a design plan for a skyscraper."

"The government stipulates that there must be a cultural palace in the building complex, and then there is a theater with a shopping mall that the company wants to build."

"If there is enough space, I still expect her to build one or two apartment buildings. The employees must have a place to live. Anyway, it will cost several billion. She will exhaust me to death."

The people at the table were stunned, but Zhao Zhu was okay, and even came up with an idea: "Brother Nan, it will take many years to rely on the company for so much money, the government will not allow such a long delay, the only way is financing, Huayi now We are planning to go public."

When it came to financing and listing, Fang Nan took a sip from his wine glass.

Leaning slightly, he looked around, frowned and said something from the bottom of his heart to the people on the table:

"Everyone here today maintains a close relationship with Tangtang Film and Television. Even Wu Gao has known President Cai for several years. So I will not hide it from you. I never thought of letting Tangtang Film and Television raise funds to go public."

"Why? The Tangtang Film and Television in my imagination is the place where we people will settle down in the future, and it is a family-like existence."

"Everyone lives in the entertainment industry. Some of you have probably heard of the complexity of this industry even if you haven't seen it."

"So I thought, why don't we gather some friends and artists we can talk about together and create a less disputed, less smoky place that belongs to all of us?"

"For this private land, I am willing to give up financing and listing."

"My idea is very simple. It doesn't matter if you lose a part of your wealth. It's good to bring everyone together like relatives."

"In the future, I will also distribute part of the shares that can be used for financing to some of the people who have paid for the company without compensation."

"In the future, everyone is a shareholder of Tangtang Film and Television. We are all partners of this company. We all work together towards a set goal. In this way, my dream and your dream will become everyone's dream !"

As soon as Fang Nan finished speaking, Zhao Zhu, Wang Liang, and Ni Ni, who were already in high blood, were the first to get excited: "Then what is our goal?"

"The first goal is to make Tangtang Film and Television a leading film and television company in China. What do you think?"

Fang Nan looked at Ni Ni with a funny face.

(End of this chapter)

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