literary world

Chapter 258 Olympic Theme Song

Chapter 258 Olympic Theme Song

With the summer vacation of 2007 coming slowly.

on the small screen.

Dozens of TV stations across the country launched another round of frenzy for ratings.

But in the end, Tomato TV won the first place with the TV series "Struggle" and the variety show "running man".

"Struggle", which tells about the passion of youth, has attracted many young people, and the variety show "running man" has covered audiences of all ages across the country.

Children, old people; men and women, once they watch this incomparably novel variety show, they will all be amused by the content inside.

The advanced game concept, changed from usually glamorous and slovenly, bold stars, special effects, music, charity, cultural promotion and other elements made the ratings of "Running Man" break through 10% when it was broadcast to the sixth episode close.

Multiple authoritative ratings sites assert.

The appearance of "running man" may greatly increase the ratings share of variety shows in 2007, and it is expected to exceed the ratings share of news for the whole year, ranking second in the country.

While the folks are pursuing "running man".

A number of official organizations also spoke highly of "Running Man"'s way of promoting culture and charity through games and interviews.

I think the official "Cultural Engineering Award" at the end of the year will definitely make Tomato Taiwan soft.

The ratings and attention of the first episode of "Running Man" were higher than the first, which made Tomato earn advertising fees and sponsorship fees. It is said that it broke through nine figures early.

For this reason, Yan Hong regretted it all.

She never dared to imagine that a variety show could make so much money.

When the two sides were negotiating the price.

Although she considered Fang Nan's fame as an international director, she didn't forget that "Boys and Girls Go Chong Chong" has only average ratings. Now it seems that she was wrong.

On the small screen, Tomato TV established the victory.

The box office strangler on the big screen has not yet really reached a fever pitch.

Dozens of movies are waiting to enter the theater, among them is "Embroidered Spring Knife", which is closely related to Fang Nan.

Therefore, when Fang Nan received the release dates of major movies before and after the summer vacation from the company, he was completely confused, because he had only heard of the ones he had seen:
June 6 "Pirates of the Caribbean 12 At World's End"

July 7 "Transformers"

July 7 "The True Colors of a Man"

July 7 "Golden Week of Bean"

July 7 "The Untold Secret"

August 8rd "Fuse"

August 8 "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix"

"Heaven's Mouth" on August 8

September 9 "The Sun Also Rises"

September 9 "C Ten Detectives"

October 10st "Iron Triangle"

And after Hollywood blockbusters and many Hong Kong films, there are many domestic films that he has never seen or heard of.

Martial arts films such as "The Secret Mansion" and "The Peony Pavilion", as well as some anti-Japanese war films, and suspense films under the guise of supernatural and horror.

Judging from the movie release list in front of us, all domestic movies hit the street.

Only Jiang Wen's "The Sun Also Rises" hangs alone.

But Fang Nan can't care about these things now.

He wants to focus on how "Embroidered Spring Knife", which was arranged by China Film to be released on Friday, July 7th, will break through the encirclement.

"Director Fang, adjust the shooting schedule, remember to come and help me stand for the premiere on the 19th."

Feeling stressed, Old Freak Xu called Fang Nan.

"Embroidered Spring Knife" is not the elegant and smart action movie he likes, but he has to take it seriously.

"Seven Swords" hit the street, and "Embroidered Spring Knife" hit the street again, his life will be even more difficult.

No employer or film market is willing to give three chances to directors who have rushed to the street one after another.

"Definitely." Fang Nan agreed without the slightest hesitation.

The two "Embroidered Spring Knife" have a total investment of 6000 million, most of which come from Tangtang Film and Television. At the moment when the company is extremely short of money, it is unreasonable for him not to go to the platform.

Putting down the phone, Fang Nan rubbed his eyes and walked out of the hotel. On Wansheng Street, he walked around for a while, opened the closed door of a convenience store, and a gust of cold air rushed towards his face.

"Director Fang!"

"Hey, Xiaolu, your role is almost over." Fang Nan asked Li Xiaolu, the heroine of "Nightclub" with a smile.

After handing over the script of "Nightclub" to Zhao Zhu and Wang Liang, except for Xu Shanzheng, he didn't care which actors they chose, and the final cast was not bad.

He personally invited Xu Shanzheng.

The actor who plays the robber is the company artist Zhang Jiayi.

The male clerk is Qiao Renliang, one of the members of "Come on, Good Man" recommended by Tomato Channel.

Li Xiaolu knew Wang Liang because of her participation in "On the Journey". When Wang Liang sent out the invitation, she was willing to lower the salary to join the group, so she got the role of the heroine.

With a good cast, the shooting equipment supported by Wu Gao for free, and a small shooting location, the production cost of "Nightclub" did not exceed 500 million.

With such a small amount of money, Fang Nan didn't bother to follow the company's various messy procedures, so he paid it out personally.

So the play is his sole proprietorship.

Li Xiaolu pursed her lips and smiled, revealing a pair of dimples: "It will end tomorrow. Director Wang said that the cut of this drama will last eight to ten minutes, so the number of scenes is very small."

Fang Nandai closed the door and nodded, "Then I would like to thank you in advance. I will be closing tomorrow, so I probably don't have time to come over."

Glancing back, seeing the crew surrounding the monitor, Li Xiaolu said coquettishly, "Director, your thanks are too perfunctory."

When Fang Nan thought about it, it was true that the Golden Horse actress only received hundreds of thousands of dollars for the filming of "Nightclub", which was really unreasonable.

"How do you want to thank you? If the box office of the movie is good, can I give you a red envelope?"

"How about you treat me to dinner?"

"I guess it's a bit difficult recently. I have to join the team later, and I don't finish work until two or three o'clock at night."

"It's just two or three o'clock for supper." Li Xiaolu smiled coquettishly.

Are you willing to wait at two or three o'clock?
Fang Nan came to his senses in a flash, discussed the people in front of him up and down, not to mention smiling Bai Meisheng, but he was indeed able to talk.

More importantly, he thought this woman would be very sensible, so she wouldn't stalk her afterwards, and he didn't hear that she had a boyfriend.

So there is nothing to worry about.

Thinking of this, Fang Nan, who had been away from home for a few months, couldn't help but freeze up.

"That's fine. I live in Room 608 of the VIP building. I'll call the front desk later and have supper in my room at night."

"Director, how are you doing? How can you invite someone to your room for dinner?"

Fang Nan, who was very angry, looked at Li Xiaolu, who was extremely shy, and said, "Hi, you don't understand, there are some things that can only be romantic when two people hide in the room!"

Before Li Xiaolu could respond, Ma Dayong in the supermarket shouted.

"Brother Nan."


"I brought you some frozen top tea from my hometown."

Fang Nan said angrily, "Understood."

Called by Ma Dayong, Fang Nan left Li Xiaolu aside and went to the shooting scene. After reviewing today's few shots, he felt that there was nothing wrong. He said hello to Xu Shanzheng and Zhang Jiayi and left.

"Di Di"

"Hey, Director Zhang, is there anything I can help you with?"

"Your "bjbj" can't be used as the theme song of the Olympics, change to something else."

He had just arrived outside when Zhang Yimou called.

After listening for a while, I learned that Lao Mouzi was soliciting the Olympic theme song works from him as the chief director of the Olympics.

Fang Nan hastily refused.

This incident itself is a good thing.

But it is very easy to mess up.

Because all the songs participating in the audition will hide the information such as the song name and author, and will be produced by secret ballot.

Once he comes up with "You and Me", he will definitely collide with the original author. This thing is not something that can be done with a "heart-to-heart".

Also, when did he apply for the theme song with "B**J"?
"Your company helped to declare. Some time ago, the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee collected theme songs from everyone in the world. The problem now is that the quality of the more than 7 songs that have been collected is uneven. Musicians are calling for papers for the second time."

"Put it down. I play pop music. I can't make music at the level of the Olympics."

"Just wait, the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee will contact you."

Fang Nan was very depressed when the phone was hung up.

From the bottom of his heart, like many netizens who have listened to "You and Me" in Yuan Shikong, he doesn't like this song very much.

I think the lyrics and music are too plain, and they don't sing the Olympic fighting spirit.

But how to say this song, it really fits the high-level strategic thinking, otherwise he really wants to try it with "Dream Chasing Heart", thinking of the few lines in this song are quite burning:
【run ahead】

【Facing cold eyes and ridicule】

【How can you feel the vastness of life without going through hardships】

[keep running]

【With childish pride】

【How can you see the brilliance of life if you don’t stick to it】

【It is better to indulge in burning than lingering on one's last breath】

Fang Nan shook his head and walked towards Hengdian Film and Television City, "Let's wait for the Olympic Organizing Committee to call."

When he arrived at Han Street, the filming location of "Painted Skin", Qian Yongqiang had already done the preparatory work, and when he made a fool of himself last time, Qian Yongqiang lowered his posture when facing Fang Nan again.

If I feel that the play is not in place, I will ask for advice. Recently, I frequently ask for guidance in the play.

Fang Nan and him had no grudges in the past, and now they have no grudges, but they were also happy to teach the two, and the atmosphere of the crew was once very harmonious.

"Director Fang, trouble is coming, and that guy refuses to do it himself." Seeing Fang Nan coming in, Qian Yongqiang stepped forward and whispered.

Fang Nan shrugged indifferently: "Continue to use a substitute."

Most of the fighting scenes in the crew of "Painted Skin" were on Zheng Zidan.

But this person is different from Cheng Long who dares to fight desperately. As long as he is capable of martial arts in dangerous scenes, Cheng Long dares to try himself.

Although Fang Nan didn't like Cheng Long, he admired his work attitude.

Zheng Zidan was much worse.

Before he shoots an action scene, he has to ask the crew to minimize the risk before he dares to go into battle cautiously.

Zheng Zidan's ideal action scene, Fang Nan thinks, is probably to let him dodge on the ground to show his skills.

Therefore, facing the scene of parkour on the roof a few days ago in "Painted Skin", Zheng Zidan has been avoiding it.

Fang Nan did not discriminate against this point, he should cherish his life, everyone is afraid of death.

But no matter how you put it, I think this person is exaggerating a bit.

After all, many netizens put Bruce Lee first, Cheng Long, Li Lianlian, and Zheng Zidan second all day long, in such an order.

However, it is much better than those actors in the later generations who are text substitutes, even hand substitutes, foot substitutes, back substitutes, or actors who cut out pictures directly.

This kind of actor is the one who really makes people look down on Fang Nan.

"Mr. Zidan's martial substitute is wearing makeup."

After Qian Yongqiang finished shouting, Fang Nan said to Huang Ze, who had put on makeup and played the role of the lizard spirit, "Be careful when you go up later, we're all playing the show today, you're a mother who has no foundation, don't fall off the roof, Let me and your mother have no way to explain."

Huang Ze was depressed: "Brother Nan, can you hope that I will order well."

"I'm telling the truth. If you really want to develop in this direction, you have to work hard and learn more. Zhang Zhen filmed the company's "Xiu Chun Knife" and specially practiced knives for two months. You have to learn from him in this regard."

"I see. After filming "Painted Skin", I will enroll in a martial arts class."

"I'll introduce you to one then."

After a few simple instructions, Huang Ze was pulled up to the roof. At the same time, Zheng Zidan's action double was also put on makeup and ready, and went up to the roof together with the photographer, lighting engineer, and martial arts instructor.

"Okay, okay, ready to start shooting."

In front of the monitor, Fang Nan asked through the walkie-talkie.

"Director, you can shoot one scene first."

After receiving the reply, Fang Nan ordered the recorder to start filming.

With a sound of "boom", the rubble shattered, and the sound of fighting from the roof of Han Street was fed back to the monitor. Ya's pull crookedly did two backflips on the roof.

Seeing what was going on, Fang Nan picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "That's it, the rest of the actors, Wu Zhi designs the next shot."

The headlights of the production crew were on the roof, everyone was idle, Zheng Zidan smiled and handed Fang Nan a cigarette: "Director Fang, our two dramas are about to collide."

Fang Nan didn't understand: "Which play?"

""Embroidered Spring Knife" will be released on July 7, and "The Fuse" will be released on August 20."

"Oh, if you leave it for more than ten days, it's not considered a collision. This year's summer vacation is too competitive, and a week's time difference is already pretty good."

He knew that it was a very good action movie, but I can't remember the exact box office. It probably didn't exceed [-] million. Zheng Zidan's most popular movie should be the "Ip Man" series.

And instead of worrying about "Fuse", he might as well worry about "Transformers", this is the real enemy.

"Director Fang, you are sensitive to the market, which movie do you think has the highest box office this summer?"

"'Transformers', how about it, let's bring together two promotional teams to report to the group to keep warm and cooperate with each other in publicity?"

Zheng Zidan smiled happily: "That's definitely the best, I'll let the publicity team contact your company."

After reaching an agreement with Zheng Zidan, the filming continued, one shot after another until four o'clock in the morning. The scene of "Painted Skin" in Hengdian finally ended, and the crew moved to the western town of Beibao Film and Television City.

"Old Qian, I'm going back first. You go back and hand over the crew to Producer Pang. You don't have to call me when you leave tomorrow. See you in Ningxia."

After exhorting Qian Yongqiang, Fang Nan went back to the hotel in the actor's car first. Looking at Li Xiaolu who was like a ghost in the corridor on the sixth floor, Fang Nan slapped his forehead on purpose, and blamed himself: "Oh, I forgot to give you the room card. .”

Li Xiaolu didn't expose Fang Nan's lie: "I just woke up too."

"Really? That's pretty good. You've recharged your energy. I'm too tired. Later, you can take the initiative and go in. You go to the wine cabinet to get the wine. Take what you want to drink. I'll let the guest room deliver the food." Come."

"Why don't you call room service later?" Li Xiaolu shyly glanced at Fang Nan.

Fang Nan smiled knowingly: "That's fine."

Leaning slightly, an exclamation sounded from Room 608.

(End of this chapter)

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