literary world

Chapter 262 "The Girl Who Chased After Those Years"

Chapter 262 "The Girl I Chased Together During Those Years"

There is a rumor in the circle.

The young director surnamed Fang has a hot temper, which often makes many actors in the crew unable to come to the stage.

Zhou Xun, Zhao Yanzi, Chen Kun, Wang Bao, Xu Shanzheng and other big-name actors who have been scolded and hurt by this person have been famous for a long time, or have become popular in the past two years.

Many people scoffed at this rumor.

Fang Nan's appearances are indeed rare, but every time he faces the camera and the media, not to mention being polite, he has never acted aggressively.

From outsiders' perspective, Fang Nan's character is quite humble.

There are so many singers in the music world who hold this idea, so much so that when Fang Nan's voice is like Hongzhong, when he unexpectedly cursed "Sing if you want to sing, if you don't want to sing all the f*ck off", many singers on the scene couldn't help but get excited.

They didn't expect Fang Nan to be so daring.

It was even more unexpected that Fang Nan, who always appeared on TV with a smile on his face, would be so imposing behind a cold face.

It's just full of evil spirits.

Ella patted her chest: "Oh my god, I was scared to death."

Hebe: "Too manly."

After Zhang Jingying said "Wow", she covered her mouth in fear.

The expressions on the faces of more people were different, and like many people, they were trembling with fright.

Some were shocked, some covered their mouths and smirked, some were curious, some were joking, and some were adoring.

But the people with the most expressive faces belonged to the dozen or so members of the SM idol group opposite Fang Nan.

That expression is really mixed.

They couldn't understand what Fang Nan said, but Fang Nan's angry tone, the expressions of the bystanders and the interpreter's embarrassed and bewildered expression, they knew it was not a good word.

and so.

Some of their facial features were distorted with anger.

Someone made a gesture to break up with Fang Nan.

Some people whisper to each other frequently.

But from the beginning to the end, no one dared to jump out and make two gestures in front of Fang Nan.

No one is a fool, why don't you understand the reason why a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake?
But the attitude must show.

Seeing that the inviting party's interpreter was like a puppet, the SM team leader started to dance and chatter angrily.

The SM team leader and captain tried their best to ask who this person was and what he said just now, with a resentful expression of revenge, the interpreter couldn't help laughing.

But as the master, he took the initiative to skip the part where Fang Nan cursed.

Instead, he recalled intercepting Fang Nan's Baidu Encyclopedia.

"Who is it? You don't know Fang Nan? If you don't know Fang Nan, you always know Feng Junhao in your country. He is equivalent to Feng Junhao, the hottest director of the younger generation in your country in recent years."

"No, it should be even hotter than Feng Junhao. Fang Nan just won the Golden Bear Award in Berlin this year."

"By the way, the adaptation of "Star You" in your country is the copyright purchased from Fang Dao's company."

""My Destiny" is "You Are My Destiny" directed by the adaptor."

"There is another song "Like Being Shot" that is popular in Korea, which is adapted from Director Fang's "I Remember I Loved"."

"Is there any concept here?" The translator hesitated for the last time.

Behind the team leader, someone asked a member of the team from Huaxia: "Han Geng, is this translator talking?"

"I don't know each other. I haven't been back to China in the past two years." Han Geng shrank into the crowd pretending not to know.

A group member whispered in Korean: "What should we do now? Do we want to say hello? This is a senior."

Speaking of this, I have to mention the failure of South Korea to steal Chinese Confucian culture, which made its own country a bit deformed.

in China.

The age difference is one day, two days, one year, two years, three years. We are the same age and can eat, drink and play together freely.

Not so in South Korea.

In Korea, even if you were born a day or an hour earlier, you are considered a senior.

Such seniors can order their juniors to fulfill all unreasonable demands on campus.

If the requirements are not fulfilled, the seniors will swear at each other at least, and punch and kick at worst, and they cannot resist, because it will attract more seniors to take even more tragic revenge.

Some people suffer from mental illness because of this, serious ones even die.

In the workplace, "As long as it is an order from a superior, one must obey it without questioning or resisting it."

Otherwise, they will suffer "special treatment" from their predecessors.

The Korean entertainment industry has even exposed too many cases of juniors who couldn't bear the torture of seniors in the crew, and thus embarked on the road of self-destruction.

This kind of deformed junior and senior culture has been criticized by young Koreans.

But because this kind of "culture" has penetrated into the bone marrow of Korea, it still exists deeply today.

A vicious circle has already formed.

The reason for this can be summed up in one sentence - the dragon slayer has finally become the new dragon!

Facing the abnormal culture of Korean juniors and juniors.

Faced with the strict hierarchy in Korea, the film industry is larger than the TV industry, the TV industry is larger than the music industry, the singer is larger than the idol singer, and the music industry is larger than the variety show industry.

Faced with Fang Nan who was even better than Feng Junhao.

Facing Fang Nam who is inextricably related to the SBS screening of "You Who Came from the Star".

Superjunior and the SM team leader all bowed together, Fang Nan was shocked to see it.

"Get out." He said in a very tired way.

The farce was over, Fang Nan returned to his rest room, but it was impossible to be safe, and more singers came to visit.

It wasn't until a vice president of the organizer arrived that he put away his almost stiff smile in good time.

Fang Nan didn't know the person who came here, and he did have business contacts, but he didn't understand.

For example, the "New Martial Arts Competition" and "Romantic Literature Award" jointly organized by Fangnan Culture, Zha Lang, and Baijia Publishing House have achieved very good results.

Nearly 25 netizens and judges jointly selected Li Xin, Tong Hua, Gu Man, and Wei Luo as the "Four Little Flowers".

Among them, Li Xin and Tong Hua became famous because of their "time travel novels".

Another 'thousand yuan' security plan, training for [-] people.

In addition, "Ghost Blowing the Lantern", "Tomb Raider Notes", "Living with the School Girl" sold well, and "Three-Body Problem" was published in a mess. Fang Nan had one head and two big heads.

"We predict that the market size of online novels will definitely exceed 10 billion next year, so we are determined to launch an electronic version of Migu Reading after Migu Music has established a solid position, and then we will strengthen cooperation with Mr. Fang and Fangnan Culture .”

"I don't understand these things. You can talk to Mr. Yan when the time comes. Of course, I also hope that the two companies can continue to cooperate sincerely."

"Sure, of course I also have a small suggestion."

Fang Nan nodded, "Say it."

"Although Dream Literature has increased the remuneration and benefits of authors, compared with Shanda Literature, it started later, and there are still fewer star authors. This aspect needs to be strengthened."

"Understood, I will remind President Yan to increase his efforts in poaching people."

The two chatted about related business again, and Liu Qianqian and her assistant Feifei came in.

The upper body is a white T-shirt with a gray wolf printed on the chest of the T-shirt, and the lower body is short denim.

"The company isn't so lonely that it can't borrow dresses."

Liu Qianqian was dressed as if she was going out for a walk, Fang Nan saw that both ends were angry.

He himself likes to be more lifelike.

However, it is not recommended that the actors in front of the stage are too slovenly.

The actors in front of the stage are highly competitive and have many opponents.

It is possible that a simple booger-picking scene, an ambiguous sentence, a candid shot that makes people look fatter, or a PS picture may be infinitely enlarged by a caring person, and become a star that cannot be washed away for many years. point.

The most famous such as the Yang function "stinky feet".

Don't underestimate these, because some actors really lost the chance of brand endorsement because of poor clothing, and even lost a lot of fans.

Fang Nanhuo's other point was that he had completely forgotten about the cartoon "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf".

A cartoon with such a large production value and so many derivative products can solve too many of his worries.

If he had made this cartoon before 2005, he wouldn't have to worry about the funds Shi Nansheng needed.

Fang Nan looked annoyed.

"You don't need to walk the red carpet, why are you wearing such fancy clothes?" Liu Qianqian insisted.

"Don't you need to walk the red carpet?"

Fang Nan was surprised, but the staff who came in with Liu Qianqian affirmed it.

The first mobile wireless music Migu Hui did not have a red carpet.

Liu Qianqian smiled triumphantly: "Look!"

Fang Nan said, "Then let's enter the stadium."

With the triple blessing of the status of a movie actor, the starring role of "Youth in Youth" and Fang Nan.

Liu Qianqian jumped to the front row from the corner position of the previous ceremonies.

It doesn't matter where you sit, the first row doesn't even have four or five rows to watch the next song and dance.

The status is solidly highlighted.

The invisible agreement that movie actors are greater than singers seems to be universal.

After the host's simple opening remarks, the awards ceremony began.

There are too many awards to be given out.

Every time a trophy is awarded, the award-winning singer will more or less sing a song or two, so that the first Miguhui does not have so many vain procedures.

Fang Nan was quite happy about this.

He came to watch the concert live.

And the quality of each song is not bad.

Even the salivary songs like "Not Afraid Not Afraid" are much more pleasant than the songs of the later generations.

"Have you ever heard of Like Shot?"

After Xiaogang's "Blue Flowers", Liu Qianqian asked Fang Nan.

Fang Nan nodded: "Yes, what's the matter?"

"Is it better than your original version? Why didn't you write more Korean versions?" Liu Qianqian teased Fang Nan.

"Then I also need to know Korean. By the way, the filming of "The King of Kung Fu" is almost finished, right? How will Mr. Chu arrange your schedule for the second half of the year?"

"Miss Xi Jun has been contacting the screenwriter, but she couldn't find a good script. After filming the summer commercials for two advertisers, she was free again."

Fang Nan frowned and nodded his head: "What script does she want? Or how did she position you?"

Not having a good script is a cliché.

The Chinese film market has hundreds of movies a year, and only four or five are the best.

Huayi, which took the lead in this line, dropped one or two because it has worked with many good screenwriters.

In the Hong Kong area, one or two departments were removed.

Another film by a director like Lin Hao, who came out of nowhere by surprise, is almost enough.

Therefore, scripts are hard to come by.

"How do you position it? It's basically that except for the scripts of your famous directors, you don't accept scripts for general scripts, and you don't accept scripts for TV dramas, so there is nothing to do."

"By the way, Miss Xi asked you to ask me, when will the long-planned "Assassination of Novelists" be filmed? She said that there is a beater in it who is especially suitable for me, although the character seems to be a bit of a villain in the early stage."

Fang Nan was very depressed.

After talking for a long time, it turned out that this was a trap for him, and the abduction still abducted himself.

It's only natural for a company drama to take care of its own actors.

But it's too careless.

After all, he plans to use the character of Tu Ling in "Assassination of Novelists" to see if he can have a friendly battle with Yang Function.

Now it's out of play.

"I'm shooting "Painted Skin" after I'm busy. The main character, the red-haired ghost, has already been made. After the filming, I will do another post-production for a year, and it will be released in 09."

Fang Nan looked melancholy at the stage.

The unhappy Fang Nan made Liu Qianqian confused.

The company has a total of five actresses, Hai Qing, Mei Ting, Si Shi, Ni Ni and her.

According to Chu Peijun's description, the beating girl is a character who is young, in her 20s, with a cold face, good at martial arts, tall and long legs.

Looking at it this way, Hai Qing and Mei Ting will be automatically eliminated if their images do not match.

The remaining Sishi and Ni Ni fit the characters, but the investment of several hundred million in "Assassination of Novelists" will not let the two who have just become famous to play.

So apart from her, Liu Qianqian really couldn't think of anyone else to play.

Could it be that Fang Nan wanted to use his role to lure people into Tang Tang Film and Television?

Thinking of this, Liu Qianqian asked curiously and abruptly, "Who do you want to play?"


Fang Nan was startled, and quickly shut up, almost revealing the little girl in his heart.

"The company doesn't have an actress surnamed Yang. Brother Nan, don't you want to use the unspoken rules of the role? Then I will talk to Sister Zeng Li."

Liu Qianqian was taken aback by the guilty Fang Nan, and then made a half-truthful joke.

Even an inexplicable little jealousy rose in my heart.

Girls are young, beautiful and have long legs. It is understandable that you, Fang Nan, are holding back because of concerns about your family, because I am also bound by morality.

But it's okay to think about it anyway.

In the end, there was a guy named Yang, what does the guy named Yang look like, and have sister's legs?
Liu Qianqian "swished" her thighs onto her second legs, her white legs slammed in front of Fang Nan, and her eyes stared at Fang Nan's face angrily.

"Stop making trouble, I'm a decent person."

After praising himself in a serious manner, Fang Nan's heart froze, Liu Qianqian was still looking at him, obviously too monotonous and serious words could not make him clear up his doubts like this.

"By the way, I suddenly had a good idea."

One plan failed and another plan was made, Fang Nan changed the subject without making a fuss.


Liu Qianqian smiled softly, and said noncommittally, "What idea?"

Fang Nan rolled his eyes and said nonsense, "Look, if "Youth in Youth" is considered a youth film, then this youth is painful, and many people can't bear to look directly at it, and can't bear to watch it a second time."

"Now, let's make another youth film, and this time the youth film we made is sweet, and also has you and Hu Ge as the leading actors. Look, this topic will come up immediately, as long as the quality is not bad , the box office is absolutely smashing!"

After Fang Nan's nonsense was finished and Liu Qianqian was still doing well, Cheng Long on the other side interrupted abruptly: "Fang Nan, I now believe that you are the most profitable and marketing director in the mainland, not bragging!"

Liu Qianqian was not fooled: "Where do you shoot the sweetness?"

He and Fang Nan have known each other for several years, and he knows that the director has a sharp tongue.

Don't look at him when he was interviewed, he looked like he didn't talk much.

But this person's ability to fool and beat chicken blood in private is also an existence that can be seen at a glance.

So the ghost knows whether what he said is true or not.

Maybe it was to prevent her from making a small report in front of Zeng Li.

"Which aspect?" Fang Nan scratched his head, very depressed.

Why is this girl Liu Qianqian not short-sighted? She just kept digging into it, and her posture of asking the bottom line was really a headache. He never thought that he would talk so deeply.

For a moment, he was speechless.

"Fang Nan, tell me, you won't be afraid that I'll take advantage of you, right? I can't make youth films, or are you fooling little girls? Let me tell you, youth films are nothing more than fighting, falling in love, and swearing, why? Shoot sweet."

The best third person, Cheng Long, spoke again, but he made a mistake.

Because his "speaking foul language" woke up the dreamer little by little.

If someone asks Fang Nan, which is the most foul language movie he has seen in his previous life, and which has a good box office and good reputation.

Fang Nan would blurt out ""The Girl I Chased Together in Those Years""!
 The missing three chapters were added within two weeks.

(End of this chapter)

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