literary world

Chapter 265

Chapter 265
"Painted Skin" finished, Fang Nan flew back to the capital from Hedong Airport without stopping.

Who would have thought that as soon as he landed, he would be blocked by more than a dozen entertainment journalists with great powers.

He suddenly had a headache.

In the past month, no work of his has been released.

But has been in the vortex of public opinion, at the cusp of the storm.

The chief director of the Spring Festival Gala, the theme song of the Olympic campaign was killed, "Embroidered Spring Knife" and "Transformers" collided.

Of the three things that are closely related to him, none of them is easy to agree with, and there are many mistakes.

Faced with the attitude of more than a dozen entertainment journalists who would not give up if they could not get first-hand news, Fang Nan silently took out his large sunglasses to cover up the helplessness on his face.

"Hi, Director Fang. I'm a reporter from Zhalang Entertainment. As the first Spring Festival Gala director hired by CCTV, will you carry out drastic reforms for the 08 Spring Festival Gala?"

"Draft? Certainly not. The Spring Festival Gala has been held for more than 20 years, and the format of the program has become concrete, and ordinary people are used to it. The most I can do is to work harder on the content, and there is no reform."

"Hi, Director Fang. I'm a reporter from Tudou Video. I want to ask how you will solve the argument that the Spring Festival Gala is a northerner's Spring Festival Gala that will inevitably appear in every Spring Festival Gala?"

"I'll try my best to cook glutinous rice balls and dumplings in one pot. Don't ask questions about the Spring Festival Gala anymore. Save the suspense until New Year's Eve."

Fang Nan was about to cry, the reporter's questions became more and more acute one by one, how to solve the differences in customs between the north and the south?
He has a fart to solve things determined by the culture of the earth!

"Hello, Director Fang. I'm a reporter from Sohu Entertainment. What do you think of the global box office of "Transformers" breaking through [-] million dollars? There are rumors that some departments are suppressing this movie. What do you think about the suppression?"

"Breaking 7 million U.S. dollars? That's pretty impressive. The total box office of the domestic film market this year should not be so much. In this regard, we have to learn more from the Hollywood film industry."

"After all, today is different from the past. In the past, content was the king of movies, and audiences were willing to support them if the stories were good."

"Nowadays, they are all blockbuster visual effects movies. Visual effects blockbusters don't need content, and visual effects alone can attract audiences to pay voluntarily. Evolving and getting better and better.”

"The production of special effects is the weakest link in China. From this point of view, the gap between us and the Hollywood film industry has not only failed to narrow, but the gap has become wider and wider because of the emergence of special effects."

Fang Nan talked a lot, but he didn't mention the suppression.

As a beneficiary of the bureau's special policies, netizens can complain and abuse, but he can't follow suit.

Otherwise, you will become a real villain.

The story of the farmer and the snake will not happen to him.

What's more, his remarks to reporters were not all aimless.

The production of film and television special effects should indeed attract the attention of major domestic film and television companies. Now that they are spending money on the layout, they can still compete in the future.

If we wait until the Chinese film market becomes the second largest and the largest film market in the world.

Major special effects companies from the United States, South Korea, New Zealand, and even Japan came to China to open branches, earning a lot of money from domestic film and television companies, and it will be staged again.

Others don't know, but Fang Nan knows it very well.

In the original time and space, the domestic special effects teams boasted of hype, eight out of ten, can actually only do foreign subcontracting.

What is subcontracting?

It is the leftover special effects that foreign special effects companies do not want to waste time doing, and the fart has no gold content.

The only special effects team in China that can really do the general contract is more, that is, the visual effects team of "The Wandering Earth".

But this team is also very weak, and there is actually a huge gap between the technology and foreign visual effects teams, otherwise it will not be able to reach the point where the funds cannot be sustained, and in the end it is still a slow start.

Taking advantage of the media, Fang Nan once again reminded the major domestic film and television companies. Fang Nan ignored the regretful reporters and got into the car in the parking lot.

When I got home, Gao Yuanyuan was there after filming "Intimacy", and his face was no less tired than Fang Nan's.

She has only made one low-budget movie in the past six months, and she takes care of the elderly most of the time, but she is also very tired.

"My mother doesn't like to watch the movies you usually shoot because she finds them noisy. I heard that you were the director of the 08 Spring Festival Gala. I'm very happy. You should try your best to make her happy with the Spring Festival Gala!"

"Guaranteed to complete the task assigned by the leader!"

Fang Nan threw down the bag, smiled and saluted, then hugged the beautiful woman into his arms.

Gao Yuanyuan twitched his lips and pushed Fang Nan away: "Fuck you, if I were your leader, I would order you to squat at home every day and do housework."

"Why?" Fang Nan was puzzled.

"Forget you to go out and pick flowers and weeds."

Knowing that Gao Yuanyuan, a big girl in the capital, must have gone online again to find out about his scandals, Fang Nan couldn't help shouting loudly: "Ah, I am really more wronged than Dou E. You can be wronged by squatting in the desert every day while filming and eating sand and dust." , is there any reason?"

Filming, there is no gossip.

The entertainment circle is still a natural right and wrong circle.

Lao Mouzi, Feng Dapao, Chen Kaige and other great directors in the early years failed to set an example.

So when Fang Nan became famous through "The Unknown", there have been many scandals in these years.

There are some gossip targets that you can't even think of.

Fang Nan's miserable cry made Gao Yuanyuan laugh, but she still said unreasonably: "Who will believe it? You can really let go of Zhou Xun, Zhao Yanzi, Sun Li, Liu Yan in your crew ?”

"Let's prove it with practical actions."

Fang Nan carried Gao Yuanyuan on his shoulders angrily.

In the bedroom, Fang Nan had consumed a lot of calories to prove his innocence, he was hugging Gao Yuanyuan and chatting, when the doorbell in the bedroom rang.

"Get dressed, I'll open the door." After Fang Nan patted Gao Yuanyuan's buttocks, a carp got off the bed handsomely.

The person who came was Lin Hao with his T-shirt rolled up to his chest, followed by Huang Bo who was even more shabby than him.

"Brother Nan, we came to drink with you."

Huang Bo raised his hands full of plastic bags for lunch boxes.

Fang Nan wiped the sweat from his brow: "Come in, come in, I just happened to be hungry too, why didn't you call Xu Shanzheng and Wang Bao together?"

"I called them, they are all busy people, they are filming outside."

Lin Hao explained after entering the door.

"You two go to the restaurant to fix the table first, and I'll go to the cellar to get the wine."

Fang Nan rushed to the back room like a gust of wind, while Huang Bo and Lin Hao wiped the tables and set the stools, and slipped into the study room after finishing their work.

"If someone succeeds, what books do you read? I haven't heard of "When Nietzsche Weeps."

""Commentary to the Thirteen Classics", hey, do you think this book is an antique? Is it an ancient text?"

Huang Bo handed the old book to Lin Hao.

Lin Hao glanced at it, unable to tell the truth from the fake, but hurriedly said: "You put it down quickly, don't make it broken and you won't be able to pay for it."

At the same time, Fang Nan shouted outside: "The wine is here, what are you two doing, come here quickly."

"Brother Nan, is your "Thirteen Classics Commentary" an antique? What is it about?"

Huang Bo who walked outside asked curiously.

"It was given by Ma Weidu. I don't know if it's an antique. This book is the commentary on the 13 classics such as "The Book of Songs", "Yi Jing", and "Shang Shu". I read it and played with it."

After explaining the "Thirteen Classics" to Huang Bo, Fang Nan took advantage of the opportunity and placed a bottle of Moutai in front of the two of them.

"One bottle per person, drink as much or as little as you want."

"I guess it's enough, Huang Bo and others will bring some." Lin Hao took the initiative to admit his cowardice.

There are very few people in the entertainment industry who can't drink, and his alcohol capacity is actually good, but he is afraid that he will get confused and forget his business.

"Whatever, eat."

Fang Nan picked up a piece of roast duck that should have come from Quanjude.

"Brother Nan, how is the box office of "Embroidered Spring Knife"? Can it be postponed?" After finishing a glass of wine, Huang Bo asked Fang Nan.

"The box office is 8000 million, which is not bad. There are a few more days to draw, there are too many blockbusters, and it is impossible to postpone."

"This year's summer file is too intense."

Lin Hao said with emotion, and said excitedly: "Have you watched "Transformers"? I'm rough, and the visual effects are really awesome. It's just 10 years from "Titanic" to "Transformers". Hollywood's visual effects The production is hitting its stride."

He is a director who can accept new things, and his starting point is simply that the overall production level of the film has improved.

So on the contrary, he didn't worry about the backwardness of domestic special effects like Fang Nan.

Hollywood movies are movies too.

Movies belong to all mankind.

"I saw it, it's really awesome! Brother Nan, can your "Assassination of Novelists" achieve this kind of visual effect?" Huang Bo asked curiously.

Fang Nan took a sip of his wine: "That can't be achieved, there is no problem in being number one in the country, take your time."

The three of them chatted while drinking like this, until Huang Bo pricked up his ears, heard the sound of slippers in the yard, and found Gao Yuanyuan with long wet hair loose, the atmosphere suddenly became more lively.

If the news about Fang Nan and Gao Yuanyuan's cohabitation is published, it will definitely be a super explosive and popular event.

Fang Nan was recognized by countless women as the number one diamond single in China.

He is a talented [international director], and his money has gone to [multiple companies]. For such a person, there are too many single women in and out of the circle.

If it is found that Fang Nan has been captured by Gao Yuanyuan, what will the press conference be like?

"Brother Nan, has Gao Yuanyuan eaten? Let's eat together."

"Yeah yeah."

Huang Bo and Lin Hao ignited a raging heart of gossip as they sang and harmonized.

"It might be too greasy, let me ask."

Fang Nan walked to the entrance of the restaurant: "Yuanyuan, Lin Hao and Huang Bo brought some roast duck over, would you like to roll two pieces?"

Gao Yuanyuan said in a low voice: "I brought some vegetables over here, and I will go there after frying two vegetables."

A plate of green vegetables and a plate of tomatoes are served on the table.

Huang Bo and Lin Hao praised Gao Yuanyuan.

Fang Nan said speechlessly, "Stop pretending, eat quickly, the two of you probably already guessed it."

"No way, I should be hiding it well. Last time I ate at home, I went out for a walk before I came back after eating." Gao Yuanyuan looked in disbelief.

"The whole country is suspicious of your relationship, and the two of us just settled down today."

Huang Bo laughed, and Lin Hao grinned obscenely.

"Just know what's in your mind, and I don't want to make it public for the time being." After exhorting, Fang Nan lazily talked about this, and looked at Lin Hao: "Are you here today just for a small gathering and drinking?"

"By the way, I almost forgot the business."

Lin Hao concentrated his mind, and took out a roll of binding paper from his pocket and handed it to Fang Nan: "The newly written script is the same as "Crazy Stone", and Huang Bo will be the leading role this time, there is a high probability that he will make money. See if you want to invest."

"So it's time to repay the favor." Fang Nan took the script understandingly.

Turning over the first one, the title of the script "Crazy Racing" came into view.

After hastily flipping through two pages with Gao Yuanyuan, he confirmed the investment.

As Lin Hao said, "Crazy Racing" is a companion piece to "Crazy Stone", with the same narrative and humorous plots, so the box office of the movie will not be less.

"Voted, you can talk to Mr. Han again, and then we will see how much share you will give us."

Lin Hao was taken aback: "Go to China Film?"

"That's right, with China Film's distribution capabilities, this time at least it will push you into the billion-dollar director club."

Now Lin Hao was excited.

There are only four members of the [-] million yuan box office directors club in the mainland, Zhang Yimou, Fang Nan, Feng Dapao, and Chen Kaige. If he becomes the fifth member, he will be considered as a step up to the sky.

Praise and accolades will follow!

"I'll go now."

Fang Nan guaranteed the ticket, and Lin Hao, who was full of wine and food, stood up excitedly, and pulled Huang Bo out of the restaurant.

The guests left, Gao Yuanyuan cleared the table and asked Fang Nan in the courtyard, "Why are you going this afternoon?"

"I want to stay at home and rest for a long time, and I also want to go to Beijing Film Studio to have a look."

"You can't drive after drinking, take a taxi?"

"Taxi?" Fang Nan thought about it and was afraid of trouble again, "Then let's pretend to go watch a movie." He suggested.

Gao Yuanyuan smiled sweetly: "That's a good proposal."

Since the two of them became more and more famous, they haven't been to the cinema together for a long time. It's a pity to think about it.

Cinema, a resort for couples to cultivate their relationship.

Fang Nan went out first, and waited at Yinding Bridge for a while. Gao Yuanyuan, who was wearing high-heeled sandals, a round woven hat, and a blue dress, came looking for him with a handbag on his back.

But even if she is dressed in a casual style, it still attracts passers-by to turn their heads frequently.

Especially after Qiao Xiaoyanran and Fang Nan stood beside the bridge, the rate of turning heads was even higher.

"Temperament is something you can't hide."

Fang Nan gave a secret compliment in his heart, but complained: "What are you doing in a skirt? You're wearing jeans."

"I didn't bring my jeans, how do I wear them?"

"How do you watch a movie?" Fang Nan was depressed.

He was thinking about which movie theater has VIP rooms, Gao Yuanyuan said: "Then let's go to the Sanlitun Theater on the Old Tianqiao to watch cross talk. There are private rooms inside, so I don't know if they have been booked in advance."

"Alright, there aren't many people looking at that thing, let's go."

While holding Gao Yuanyuan's catkin, Fang Nan spat viciously on the ground, thinking, "I'm so envious of you passers-by and novel-readers!"

"Jiuqi opera drum Tianqiao City, how many tourists do not remember home" is a true portrayal of the old Tianqiao in Beijing.

But no one could have imagined that the Sanlitun Theater would one day be known by cross talk lovers all over the country because of a man named Guo Degang and an organization called Deyun Society.

(End of this chapter)

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