literary world

Chapter 273 "The Rabbit That Year"

Chapter 273 "The Rabbit That Year"

Many films were forced to give up participating in the 44th Golden Horse Horse Festival, and the organizing committee temporarily canceled the announcement of the judges' status, which caused a wave of conspiracy theories in the three places on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

The biggest argument is that the films participating in the 44th Golden Horse Awards are too strong, and the Golden Horse officials want to praise Ang Lee's "Lust, Caution".

Had to suppress Wang Sunglasses, Hou Xiaoxian, Fang Nan, as well as "Tu Ya's Marriage" and "Blind Mountain".

Fang Nan didn't care about these, "Youth in Youth" did not lack one or two awards.

Up to now, this film has won nearly 30 awards at home and abroad.

At the 26th Golden Rooster Awards held in Jinji Lake, Suzhou last month, "You Are a Young Man" still won the three awards of Best Film, Best Director, and Best Cinematography in the absence of Fang Nan.

Also last month, at the first Huading Awards, Hu Ge and Liu Qianqian won the audience's most satisfied star with "Youth in Youth".

Among them, Qianqian Fan won the best song fan group of the year.

At the first Asian Film Festival in the next few days, "Youth in Youth" won the Best Picture Award again, and Hu Ge and Liu Qianqian also won the individual Best Actor and Actor awards.

So "Youth in Youth" was forced to withdraw from the Golden Horse Horse Show, Fang Nan remained calm.

For a film that has been proven by many film festivals at home and abroad, it doesn't matter if it has a Golden Horse or not.

But the netizens were very noisy, especially after "Lust, Caution" won the Golden Horse Seven Awards, the criticism of the Golden Horse became even greater.

Seeing this situation, many media started chasing and intercepting Fang Nanwei, always wanting him to come forward to criticize the Golden Horse, which made Fang Nan extremely annoyed.

How to answer this kind of thing?

No way, he strengthened Mediaa's security team to prevent the program from being leaked, and at the same time began to appear elusive.

Crazy in the No. 28 courtyard, Beijing Film Studio, Media, Wukesong [where other teams of the Spring Festival Gala are located], CCTV and many other places.

The movement of snakeskin is vividly displayed.

North Film Studio.

In the director's studio in Asia's largest studio, "Assassination of Novelists" officially started.

The entire film team is very busy.

Actors who were not photogenic watched the incomparably real city towers, watchtowers, and towers in amazement.

Huang Weiming, one of the directors of the film, led two foreigners, Lu Qing and other special effects staff, as well as actors Huang Bo and Chen Kun to communicate frantically.

Another outbound actress, Guan Xiaotong, was wrapped up like a small green rice dumpling, scurrying around inside and out, which was very lively.

"It's a bad movie."

Huang Bo and Chen Kun looked at each other sadly.

They've never made a movie where the villain is air.

Lu Qing asked them to fight at the designated location, but they didn't know what to fight, but they saw the model of the red-haired ghost on the computer, tall, mighty, lifelike.

But the reality is air, and what they are facing is a green screen, and there are no red-haired ghosts, which makes them very headache.

The two of them were still wrapped in green leather, and brought the motion expression capture system Lu Qing said.

"The director is here, the director is here."

The two were anxious, and amidst Guan Xiaotong's call, Fang Nan walked in, dusting off the snowflakes on his green coat.

"It's snowing outside, hurry up and go home to collect your clothes."

Entering the director's studio, Fang Nan joked and sat down in front of the monitor and a row of computers.

After watching some leftover shots, he said to Huang Weiming and Lu Qing: "The filming will officially start today. During the time before the Chinese New Year, at least shoot all the scenes in the novel, and return the Beijing Film Studio and the rented machines as soon as possible." go back."

In order to create the different world in "Assassination of Novelists", he rented the Beijing Film Studio for more than a year, opened up several buildings to be demolished, and jointly built an ancient city of nearly 4 square meters with a studio, which cost a lot of money.

In addition, there are several scenes in the movie, and the shooting machine used is a 3DIMAX video recorder rented from the Canadian IMAX company. This broken machine costs several thousand dollars a day, and it is expensive.

It doesn't work if you don't rent it. Only other people have the technology and have this kind of machine.

At that time, I sent a letter saying that I wanted to rent a machine and a special film, and the manager of the IMAX company who was in charge of contacting the outside world was in disbelief.

I feel that the Chinese film crew of "Assassin in Red" is laughing, how capable is it to shoot?
Until Huang Weiming placed tens of thousands of square meters of scenery in front of him in the form of remote video.

The other party was pinching their noses to discuss the lease and the price of the film.

Therefore, if the shots of the other world were shot one day earlier, it would save an extra day of money.

As for Chen Kun and Huang Bo who are still ignorant, it is easy to handle.

As the director, Fang Nan naturally had the scene after the camera came out in his mind. Although he had to edit it later, it was enough for the two of them to visualize the fight.

Bring Chen Kun, Huang Bo, Guan Xiaotong, Huang Weiming, and Lu Qing to the green screen.

Fang Nan set up positions for the three actors, and told them in detail the tricks the red-haired ghost would use, as well as their escape direction, and the filming was about to begin.

Back in the director's studio, Fang Nan picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted impatiently, "One comes first, one comes first".

He really wanted to see what the scene would look like in the near future, combined with the special effects of 'Thirteen Swordsmen'.

The director shouted, and all departments agreed one after another.

As for the power-on worship ceremony, anyone who has worked with Fang Nan understands it, but he doesn't believe in it at all.

What's more, the place where the crew stayed was still the Beijing Film Studio under China Film Group. Isn't it a joke to worship gods in the Beijing Film Studio?

"A mortal also wants to kill a god."

In the empty studio, after an arrogant and disdainful voice echoed, the battle was about to break out.


At the order of the on-site director, Wu Xing pulled Lu Kongwen, played by Chen Kun, holding two long knives, and ran against the green screen.

At the same time, with the help of Wu Xing, Guan Ning, played by Huang Bo, is a sliding shovel against the air.

Guan Xiaotong was slowly pulled up to the sky by Wia, and she was actually held in the hands of the red-haired ghost on the big screen in the future.

"Xiaotong did a good job, she looks nervous."

In the director's booth, Fang Nan smiled at Guan Xiaotong's father.

"She's afraid of heights, probably because she's nervous," Guan Fu said.

While the two were talking, the on-site director Huang Weiming stopped the shooting, and the hat on Chen Kun's head was tilted.

The filming stopped and stopped, the first shot was finally finished before lunch, Fang Nan breathed a sigh of relief, the first day of shooting started, and a few seconds shot was completed in half a day, which is pretty good.

The camera turned to Thirteen Swordsmen, Lu Qing immediately led people to start production and rendering, Fang Nan was watching, the assistant said that Zhang Yimou and Mr. Han came to visit the team, Fang Nan raised his head, and the two walked in hand in hand.

"Your project is too big, too big, and I don't even know how to shoot it."

After Zhang Yimou entered the shed, he said with emotion.

Apparently had been out for a walk.

Fang Nan shook hands with the two of them, and said with a smile: "China Film, Bona, and Guangguang have invested so much money, I have to let Mr. Han and Yu Dong see something real."

As he spoke, he guided the two of them to the front of the monitor: "Sit, sit, I'll eat here later, the first day I turn it on, the food ratio is good!"

"What is the row of computers above used for?" After sitting down, Mr. Han pointed to the computer fixed on the director's studio with a motionless screen and asked curiously.

Fang Nan: "It's just a daily camera, it's useless."

"This is a shot, is it rendering?" Zhang Yimou pointed to the computer in front of Lu Qing and others not far away.

"That's right, I shot this one this morning." After speaking, Fang Nan called Lu Qing and said, "Lu Qing, Mr. Han and director Yimou are here to visit the set."

After Lu Qing got up and exchanged pleasantries with the two, he sat down again.

At the same time, Huang Weiming brought in the actors and foreigners who were in charge of shooting the IMAX shots.

Zhang Yimou and Mr. Han suddenly became curious babies.

Fang Nan had no choice but to answer the two foreigners one by one based on his own experience and the answers given by the two foreigners.

"The difference between a 3D camera and an ordinary camera is that it has two cameras, which are equivalent to the two eyes of a person."

"IMAX is for the clarity of the giant screen. Lu Qing and the others made tens of thousands of hairs for the red-haired ghost. This effect can only be well reflected on the IMAX 4:3 screen."

Mr. Han looked annoyed: "How many dollars a day does it cost to rent this camera? Do you have to rent the film from them?"

Fang Nan laughed and said, "Yeah, there's no way, they have skills that we don't have. See if you see it, treat it like a treasure, and have to carry it back to the shed to guard after shooting. This thing weighs dozens of catties."

"What the hell."

Mr. Han muttered foully, and Zhang Yimou hurriedly took over the conversation: "But there are hardly a few IMAX screens in China now, so don't take it too hard."

Fang Nan smiled knowingly: "The movie won't be released until 09, so there should be some IMAX screens by then."

Fang Nan was very aware of the unprecedented grandeur of "Avatar" when it was released in China, but several IMAX screens were broken.

So he has long been ready to grab the wind.

Furthermore, there are some things that cannot be left undone because they are not available.

On the contrary, it is because there is no such thing that I have to do it. There is a difference in one word, but the attitude is completely different. The latter is full of the spirit of forging ahead.

This is also the reason why Fang Nan wanted to make "Assassination of Novelists".

Because 'Thirteen Swordsmen' needs to catch up and doesn't have too many skills, he needs to shoot "Assassination of Novelists" so that 'Thirteen Swordsmen' and others can verify and learn skills.

"Director, do you have dinner?"

"Put the food away, bring us a few boxes, and add some soup."

After Fang Nanchong finished speaking, the assistant took out the dining table in due course.

During the meal, several people chatted about shooting, and then talked about the heavy snow in the south, and finally came to a unified conclusion that the heavy snow in the south may cause a snow disaster.

The beginning of 08 was not very smooth.

"You have to be prepared, if the heavy snow in the south doesn't stop, the country is expected to mobilize troops, and the Spring Festival Gala may temporarily increase the program."

Mr. Han reminded Fang Nan.

"I've thought about it for the past two days, and I've also planned a plan. Can you help me figure out if it can work?"

Next, Fang Nan talked about the production of an episode of "Things About That Rabbit That Year". What he meant was to promote the touching story clips that happened during the snow disaster through a combination of animation and real people. During the period, it was accompanied by the song "Chasing "Dream Chizixin".

Of course, some history may be inserted in the animation.


The soup in Boss Han's mouth almost spat out.

What kind of weird idea is this?
Zhang Yimou was also in a daze, showing cartoons in the Spring Festival Gala?

Only Fang Nan dared to think about this.

"Think about it yourself, no one will know if you can pass the trial."

Boss Han kept shaking his head. He was thinking about asking Fang Nan to hold a singing session as the host. Who would think that Fang Nan's brain would break through the sky, and he would make some cartoons.

Fang Nan didn't insist either: "Then I'll give it a try, if it doesn't work, change it."

After eating, Zhang Yimou and Mr. Han watched a scene directed by Fang Nan, and left with desolation on their faces.

Staying with Fang Nan, they felt the age gap and the gap in acceptance of new things.

They couldn't understand many of the devices Fang Nan played with.

I can only sigh in my heart, "I'm old and old"!
In the next few days, Fang Nan kept in close contact with the official media, collecting touching pictures at any time, while shooting his own movie.

During the period, he received several groups of insiders and outsiders who came to visit the class.

Zhao Benshan, Mr. Xu, Chen Kexin, Lin Hao, Da Liu, etc. In addition to the Huayi School, there are wave after wave of famous people outside the circle.

Even Zhou Xingxing came to observe for a day, and invited Fang Nan to dinner in the evening, and chatted for a long time about film technology.

How would this person give Fang Nan his impression? He loves movies, is very simple, and eats as much as he likes.

A person is so simple to himself, which seems to explain why so many people say he is stingy.

But it has nothing to do with Fang Nan, the possibility of the two of them cooperating is almost impossible.

In the midst of busy work, 2008 came quietly.

On January 200st, "Nightclub", which is closely related to Fang Nan, was screened in [-] theaters across the country despite the severe winter.

The opening box office of the painting is more than 500 million, a very good figure.

Of course, it is much worse than the two blockbusters "Certificate of Fame" and "Assembly" which were released a few days ago.

This is also due to the high standards of the two films "Certificate of Fame" and "Assembly".

Even Fang Nan, who disliked Feng Dapao no matter what, thought "Assembly" was a rare good movie.

It is completely worthy of the box office of over 7 million in [-] days.

What Fang Nan didn't expect was that he was secretly praising "Assembly", but Feng Dapao who was on the Jinling road show talked about him instead.

"If I don't make comedies, it won't be popular!"

Facing a crowd of media reporters and facing the first film in his career that grossed over [-] million in seven days, Feng Dapao's pride was beyond words.

Such words that can make people think about it, the media heard it, and couldn't help rushing in: "Director Feng, are you implying that Fang Nan's comedies are not good?"

"I think it's average. Xiao Fang's comedy is too forced. The jokes in "People on the Journey" and "Thailand" are like the baggage set up in the sketches. There are so many accidents during the trip, you all encounter them. Pass?"

After Feng Dapao finished his review of the two "囧", amidst the applause, he boldly accused "Nightclub" which was competing with "Assembly".

"Yesterday I took the time to watch "Nightclub". This is a movie that fools the audience."

"I was a little ashamed to say it was a comedy. A few people used a small space to shoot a 10-minute movie. They used self-righteous jokes to trick the audience into the movie theater under the name of XX. This kind of movie He's just trash."

"But Director Feng, the word-of-mouth and box office of "Nightclub" are good. Today it can exceed [-] million. What do you think of this phenomenon?"

"What do you think? Garbage audiences watch garbage movies. It is because there are so many garbage audiences watching garbage movies that there are so many garbage movies in our country, and producers are able to produce so many garbage movies."

The media at the scene went completely crazy, and Feng Dapao, who speaks sweetly, is definitely big news.

What's more, before he exhaled the fragrance, he buried Fang Nan once.

For a while, Fang Nan, who was far away in the capital, was chased and intercepted even more fiercely.

He also wondered, after the scandal, he had already kept a low profile enough, why the media never stopped.

It wasn't until the next morning when he was blocked at the entrance of CCTV that he realized that Feng Dapao had fired again.

After understanding the content, Fang Nan almost vomited. Feng Dapao can't tease anyone, he has to tease him, he has provoked someone.

As a result, Fang Nan's face turned cold, and he said to the dozens of media around him who had been blocking him early in the morning: "Yes, I'm a trash viewer, so I don't watch the trash movie "Assembly Number"."

After he finished saying this in the morning, before noon, [Yes, I'm a trash viewer, so I don't watch the trash movie "Assembly Number"] became popular on the Internet.

From entertainment websites to netizen forums, from Tianya to Douban, [Yes, I am a trash viewer, so I don’t watch the trash movie "Assembly Number"] everywhere.

Feng Dapao's outspoken "garbage audience" obviously reached the point where both humans and gods are indignant.

It was only when Fang Nan took the lead in the fire that it became popular all over the Internet.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Cai Yinong made another small move, asking Tangtang Film and Television's two cinemas at Xinjiekou, Jinling to suspend the filming of "Assembly" and fully support "Nightclub".

The two theaters are authentic large-scale movie theaters. One has 12 halls, the other has 15 halls, a total of 27 screens, and nearly 270 screenings a day. They are theaters that are unwilling to give up any movie.

After receiving the news, Wang Lei urgently contacted the manager of Pujiang United Cinemas.

Who would have thought that Cai Yinong would block the manager of United Cinemas back with a single sentence.

"Who said "Assembly Number" was taken off the shelves, isn't there always a film schedule?"

After another investigation, Wang Jun and Wang Lei went mad. Cai Yinong, an old woman, played tricks, and the theater clearly stated that the film was scheduled, but it just didn't show the film.

The two had nothing to do with each other. While sending someone to the Xinjiekou Cinema to supervise the filming at their own expense, they turned their heads and looked at Feng Dapao in confusion:

"My cannon, why don't you have a good mouth? At the premiere of "Assembly Number", you were in front of so many people, and you made Deng Chao stick to his mobile phone and fall in love, so he couldn't get off the stage."

"The movie is released. Seeing that the box office is going to have a good reputation, and "Assembly" wants to make money, you go to disgust Fang Nan again. Don't be afraid of disgusting Fang Nan, you still disgust the audience. Your mouth will kill yourself and Hua Hua sooner or later. art."

When the Wang family brothers had nothing to love, the "Certificate of Voting" in the same period increased its publicity, abruptly grabbing a wave of viewers from "Assembly".

"Nightclub", which received a wave of free publicity, also managed to break [-] million at the box office within two days of its release.

Feng Dapao's talk has really harmed himself and benefited others, burning himself to illuminate others.

But "Nightclub" is a low-budget comedy after all. It exhausted the enthusiasm of the audience within 20 days of its release, and finally sold out early with a box office of 4700 million.

Producer Fang Nan and director Wang Liang are quite satisfied with this result.

At the celebration banquet, he wrapped a big red envelope for the leading actors Xu Shanzheng and Li Xiaolu as promised. There were relatively few behind-the-scenes staff, and everyone enjoyed a drink.

At the end of the performance, Li Xiaolu asked him to sing K with winking eyes, but Fang Nan refused.

With Li Xiaolu, who has a new boyfriend, he is too lazy to touch her again.

 Post so much first, and I will write a little more at night when the nucleic acid is done quickly.I faint.

(End of this chapter)

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