literary world

Chapter 304 Talking about the script

Chapter 304 Talking about the script
The story told in the script "The Wind" is not very complicated.

A brief summary is: At the grand ceremony of the anniversary of the Wang puppet government, a government official was shot dead.

Prior to this, many members of the Wang puppet government and senior Japanese officials had been assassinated.

Takeda, the chief of the Japanese military secret service, suspected that this series of assassinations was planned by a person code-named "Old Ghost".

After layers of investigation, they finally locked the five people who were most likely to have access to the telegram: Wu Zhiguo, Chief of the Military Staff Department of the Puppet Army——[Huang Bo]

Bai Xiaonian, the attendant of the Commander of the Puppet Army——【Su Youpeng】

Li Ningyu, leader of the translation team of the puppet army headquarters——【Li Bing】

Gu Xiaomeng, Administrative Commissioner of the Puppet Army Headquarters——[Zhou Xun]

Jin Shenghuo, Director of the Military Aircraft Department of the Puppet Army Corps——【Yingda Decoration】

They were taken to Qiuzhuang, a closed villa near the mountain and facing the lake, which was temporarily requisitioned by the Japanese army, for isolation and inspection.

The plot of "The Wind" is simple, but the shooting difficulty is not generally high.

First of all, actors need to make a breakthrough in performance.

Under the torture and humiliation of the Japanese army and the puppet army, it is not something ordinary actors can do to present the tragic and desperate emotions.

So ever.

Fang Nan specifically told the producer.

When signing a contract with the main actor, the actor must first promise that he will not leave the crew until the role is over.

In spy war scenes, the environment is especially important.

After filming a scene, go out to spend time and drink, only to be able to enter the scene is a ghost.

On March 2009, 3, the day before Women's Day, the calendar showed that it was appropriate to open.

"The Wind" was officially launched in Qiuzhuang.

The first scene is an interrogation scene.

Take Tian (played by Huang Xiaoming) as a small person who was arrested to explain the cruelty of Wang Tianxiang (played by Wang Zhiwen), the number one minion of Wu Tian (played by Huang Xiaoming), the chief of the Secret Service.

The other is to get the mother copy of Morse code through this little person, and extend the follow-up plot.

torture room.

To be continued after the special extras put on their makeup.

Wang Zhiwen closed his eyes and brewed his emotions.

The cinematographer and gaffer discuss the tone of the film.

Fang Nan discussed with the original writer Mai Jia, the executive director Gao Qunshu, the prop master and others about the torture tools.

"It's very realistic." Fang Nan took a long iron and said to several people.

"Some of them are true, don't pull your hands away."

Gao Qunshu said: "The scale is a bit large, and it may be troublesome to review."

Fang Nan shook his head confidently: "I promise there will be no trouble. The two major producers, Shanghai Film and China Film, have guaranteed the ticket. We are shooting a gift film."

"Really, that's good!" Gao Qunshu and the others cheered.

There are too many cruel punishments in "The Wind".

Iron chairs, stabbings, electric shocks, Zhou Xun even had to straddle a rope and be pulled back and forth in one scene.

They are really afraid that the scenes they have worked so hard to film will be cut back and forth because the scale is too large.

"Director Fang, all departments are ready and the filming can begin."

Fang Nan nodded to the assistant director and said, "Then take a picture first."

The camera lights up green.

On the monitor screen, a cramped and dark small room appeared.

On the roof of the hut, lamps emit dim light.

The light scattered on the four walls, making people unable to name them, but at a glance, the instruments of torture that were not fun were exposed densely, killing the horror and chill that the small house supported.

A groan sounded.

The camera zooms back to the middle of the room.

On an iron chair, a long-haired woman with manacled hands and feet, disheveled hair and scars moaned in pain.

In front of her, a middle-aged man with a shiny back hair and a spy uniform, his upper body leaning forward, his eyelids upturned, stared straight at the woman on the chair.

Fang Nan smacked his lips.

I sighed in my heart: "A good actor is a good actor!"

Wang Zhiwen didn't say any lines, and immediately set up the first personality for his character-ruthless just based on his actions.

A person's flesh and blood are torn apart, like a pool of mud, without any discomfort, and he can take a closer look to see it.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Zhiwen's expression changed, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "The fragrance on your body seems to come from Sri Lanka? You envy it there, as long as you tell who the old ghost behind it is."

"Crack, wait a minute."

"What's wrong? What's wrong with acting?"

Wang Zhiwen, who was forced to stop the performance, frowned slightly and looked at Fang Nan.

He is an extremely arrogant person, and he loves to be true in life and work, otherwise there would be many representative works such as "The Way of Heaven" and "Black Ice".

Not to mention being blocked by dozens of media for several years because of anger against the media, until the "Wind Voice" team came to the door.

Therefore, he thought that his performance just now was fine.

He is such a serious person, how could he not turn over the script and understand the characters thoroughly.


From a personal point of view, he also had some disdain for Fang Nan and Fang Nan's works.

Fang Nan himself was a boy in his 30s.

Insufficient life experience has led to his works such as "Thailand" and "Painted Skin" without any core at all.

Even the "Youth in Youth", which made Fang Nan famous internationally, Wang Zhiwen also felt that it was average.

Comparing the two, Wang Zhiwen is even more convinced that there is no problem with his performance.

Therefore, he was very puzzled, what kind of ugly character Fang Nan could come up with.

Or do you want to stage the old-fashioned director's killing stick in the crew?

This set of bad habits of the crew is of no use to him.

While Wang Zhiwen was thinking about it, Fang Nan's sentence "Mr. Wang, it has nothing to do with you" without raising his head made Wang Zhiwen wince, and after agreeing with "uh", he took the initiative to stand aside.

Looking at Fang Nan, the most beautiful young director in the country in recent years, he asked his assistant for the script, rubbed his chin, and flipped the pages as if no one else was there.

Leaning a little, I listened to the much-anticipated Fang Nan's book to Gao Qun, Mai Jiahe, the original author of "The Sound of the Wind", said:
"I just heard Teacher Wang's lines and suddenly thought of something. We are filming the story of 1942. In 1942, Sri Lanka was also called Sri Lanka?"

Everyone including Wang Zhiwen was stunned.

Needle drop can be heard at the scene.

No one really knows whether Sri Lanka was called Sri Lanka in 1942, or no one doubted it.

"I'll call my classmate who studies foreign history and ask."

"It doesn't seem to be, I can't remember what it's called."

"I'll search the Internet."

Several screenwriters on the scene were busy chattering, Fang Nan took out his pocket in dissatisfaction, Wang Zhiwen had already thrown out a cigarette, and a box of matches came over.

"The smoke is a bit short, try it."

Judging from his attitude in the details, he had misjudged Fang Nan, and there was a reason for this young man's success.

He claimed to have read the script badly, but he never thought about whether Sri Lanka is called Sri Lanka.

"I found it. In 1942, Sri Lanka was called Ceylon. In 1972, Ceylon was renamed Sri Lanka."

After a screenwriter finished reading to the phone, Fang Nan nodded and said, "Several screenwriters, be more rigorous. We are shooting a spy war drama. What do you mean by full of loopholes?"

"Furthermore, don't laugh and laugh as soon as you stop to take a break after shooting a scene. It doesn't matter to other scenes. What kind of scene are we shooting now?"

"Many of our ancestors were indeed persecuted and tortured by the enemy. What's the matter with laughing all the time? The assistant director has a little bit of discipline on the set."

Seeing everyone's head buried in their heads, Fang Nan said: "The makeup artist touches up the makeup, and I will take the photo after five minutes."

"In the third scene of "Old Ghost", the second mirror is actually shot twice, and the machine is turned on."

Facing the temptation, the woman remained indifferent, and Wang Zhiwen had a smile on his lips: "Don't say it? Please, Master Six."

As soon as he finished speaking, the iron door creaked, and the so-called sixth master walked in. It was an old man with a hunched waist, carrying a small bag in his hand. When the bag was opened, it contained various fine needles for acupuncture and a bottle of Bottle of potion.

After the woman drank the potion, she confessed her mother in a breakdown, and the scene ended.

This paragraph is also an ambush for the future, and it doesn't need to be too elaborate.

"Come here in the morning, pack up and prepare for dinner."

Fang Nan finished his words and walked out, the strong smell in the room made him unbearable.

I worshiped God in the morning, and the crew's lunch meal was surprisingly good.

Fang Nan, Zhao Zhu, Li Bing, Gao Qunshu, Wang Zhiwen, and the Mai family even shared half a pig's head at the table, and everyone's mouths were full of greasy food.

"Producer Zhao, where did you find the master cook? Ask him if he would like to join the team."

Zhao Zhu glanced at Fang Nan: "Say it, don't scold me."

He and Fang Nan met in "Yi Tian Shou Long Ji", after so many years, he knew Fang Nan's temperament somewhat.

In Fang Nan's crew, petty greed is fine, but nepotism is not allowed.

The production crew is easy to be greedy for money, and if they engage in nepotism, the whole family will be greedy together, and the small greed has become a big greed.

He couldn't do anything this time, his brother-in-law was not satisfied with changing jobs from Lanxiang, and his wife was making trouble. It happened that Fang Nan said that he wanted to improve the food and didn't want to eat box lunches, so he decided to arrange his brother-in-law in quietly. Do it for two months before leaving.

Who would have thought that the pork head meat would be exposed on the first day.

"What do you mean?"

Zhao Zhu said awkwardly, "The chef is my brother-in-law."

Fang Nan was surprised, and asked again: "How is your character?"

"Honest boy."

"Then after the filming of "The Wind", you can apply for a job for him, but this is not an example."

Just as Zhao Zhu nodded, Fang Nan asked curiously, "You spend a lot of time in the company. Are there many employees in the company who are relatives?"

"There must be, but the proportion is not large. There are more behind the scenes, and relatively fewer office staff. After all, there are technical barriers."

"But the proportion of relatives in the office will definitely increase in the future. No one wants to eat and sleep outside. Moreover, Huaxia itself is a society of human relationships."


Zhao Zhuhe glanced at Fang Nan who was cooking rice.

As Brother Nan's company opened more and more, and became bigger and bigger, Brother Nan himself became more and more unpredictable.

"Well" is dissatisfaction?

Or simply said he knew?
Zhao Zhu had a headache and stuffed a piece of vegetable into his mouth.

A group of people were eating, and in the afternoon actors Zhou Xun, Huang Bo and others walked in with their bags, and the assistants behind them were also carrying large and small bags.

Fang Nan sat up straight and said with a smile on his face, "Are you guys going to catch a train?"

It's just filming a scene, what's the point of bringing something with him, he really doesn't like these bad habits.

For this reason, he sometimes jokes about himself when he is alone. In five or six years, he, the director, will definitely be called bald by those little fresh meat fans.

Because people may have to bring a stack of masks to keep the skin moisturized.

Bring a pack of snacks to make sure you don't go hungry.

Bring a bag of beautiful floral clothes to ensure that under the spotlight, he will be beautiful and wait for all kinds of things he doesn't like.

"We also followed Li Ningyu's example and settled in Qiuzhuang. Anyway, we also have our own room."

Huang Xiaoming teased Li Bingdao, who is also Huayi.


Fang Nan didn't bother to explain, but said with a smile: "You guys will put a lot of pressure on the logistics."

Huang Xiaoming slapped his chest, and picked up the big bag: "Hire a chef, and I will cover all the food expenses."

He is so active, not because he has too much money to spend.

It's that he has been really unlucky for the past two years.

The "New Shanghai Beach" starring him landed on satellite TV in 2007, and Xu Wenqiang, who he played, was scolded a little.

Netizens say that he is short every day, and study his height.

In 2008, "The Deer and Ding Tale" was launched, and Wei Xiaobao, who he played, was scolded again.

Netizens even developed a hot word for him - greasy!
Not long after Wei Xiaobao was scolded, he sang the Olympic campaign song "One World One Dream" on a program, and an English sentence of "too much trouble" pushed him to the forefront again.

After two years, his one-click three-game combo completely ruined himself, and his reputation dropped sharply.

At this critical moment, he and his team believe that a good show is urgently needed to reverse word of mouth.

It just so happened that the crew of "The Wind" came.

In order to make "The Wind" well, I didn't live in a hotel, so spending a little money was nothing.

He is a drowning man now, Fang Nan and "The Wind" are the straw in front of him, and he must grasp it firmly.

Fang Nan nodded: "Have you eaten yet, come over to eat first."

The actor consciously wants to improve, and he has nothing to say except support.

After eating, Fang Nan looked back at the camera in the morning.

A group of actors chatted around him during the break time. Among all the people present, Su Youpeng and Fang Nan knew each other the earliest.

He can also say with a small mouth, blah blah, blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Including Fang Nan overwhelming the audience in 'that bar', causing everyone in the crew to imagine.

"I often listen to the songs written by Director Fang, but I have never heard him sing. After filming "The Wind" and returning to the capital, I will invite everyone to karaoke, and then let Director Fang show his voice."

"Forget it, my singing is only at KTV level."

Fang Nan tried to dismiss Li Bing's proposal.

Li Bing opened his mouth wide, and laughed: "It's better than Xiao Ming, Xiao Ming, why did you think of singing English songs, I am really convinced."

Huang Xiaoming said with a face full of pain: "I don't even dare to think about whether you can stop the pot from opening and carry it."

"There are so many songs, why did you choose an English song?" Fang Nan asked curiously.

"It can only be said that I am overconfident."

After Huang Xiaoming finished speaking bitterly, everyone laughed.

After laughing for a while, the shooting started in the afternoon.

When he first came up, Fang Nan didn't dare to shoot some scenes that were too tragic and needed to show absolute acting skills. He filmed a few sets of side scenes, and the sky darkened.

"Remove your makeup, this is the end of today."

After shouting "Ka", Fang Nan walked towards Li Bing and Zhou Xun: "It's no problem for you to live here, but it's troublesome to take a shower."

"Go back to the hotel and come back after taking a shower. It's not far away. And it's so nice to live here. You can hear the sound of the waves at night, and you can watch the sunrise tomorrow morning. How nice it is!"

Fang Nan nodded: "Then it's up to you, don't worry, there are many staff living in it, and the equipment will not be removed."

"Why do you say that you, the director, can't live here?" Li Bing winked: "I want to talk to you about the script at night, there are many things I don't understand."

Fang Nan glanced at her unhappily: "Why, do you really want to compete?"

The clay figurine is still a bit angry, Li Bing has never been punished for being teased all the time.

"That's right, hurry up and let me taste the big pendulum when you're not nervous about shooting!" Li Bing fished Fang Nan without showing any signs.

"Wait, I'll come over after taking a shower and talk to you about the script."

(End of this chapter)

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