literary world

Chapter 355 Threatening Electric Chapter

Chapter 355 Threat phone call
Oriental Movie Capital.

On the RV outside the studio of "The Wandering Earth".Fang Nan asked Uershan who had a mustache on his chin.

""Ghost Blowing the Lantern" is a whole series of movies and TV series. It is a strategic key film and television project of Tangtang Film and Television in the next few years, so the first one is very important. How do you plan to shoot it?"

"I agree with the operation team of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern", respect the original and adapt it appropriately."

In front of Fang Nan, Wu Ershan looked quite honest.

As soon as he joined Tangtang Film and Television, he was entrusted with important tasks. Naturally, he was extremely grateful to Fang Nan, the soul of the company, and took the initiative to lower his posture.

But then again, even if he was an external director, Fang Nan would still have to concentrate on doing small things when he asked questions.

Director Fang Nan has more qualifications than him, and his achievements are something he needs to look up to. Few domestic directors can talk to him on an equal footing.

"Respect the original work and adapt it appropriately." Fang Nan muttered and nodded, "Do as you say. If you want to avoid things on the surface, you must actively avoid them to prevent troubles later. The cost of the first calculation is How many?"

"The filming cost is 1 million, and the post-stage publicity is 3000 million. It is jointly invested by Tangtang Film and China Film, Shanghai Film, Bona, and Huaxia Film. The main actors are Chen Kun, Huang Bo, Liu Qianqian, and Xia Yu. The movie version is expected to be released in 5000. , 2013 countries have reserved the copyright.”

"Actors are ordered to read the original work in addition to familiarizing themselves with the script."

While talking, Fang Nan wrote down the data provided by Wu Ershan in his notebook, and then ended the conversation.

Enter August.

The filming progress bar of "The Wandering Earth" is coming to an end, but Fang Nan is still so busy.

The two major crews of "The Martian" and "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" set up sets in the Oriental Movie Metropolis. As the director and one of the producers, it has become the norm to make suggestions.

Gradually, the Mars base of "The Martian" slowly took shape.

The exquisite ancient city of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" also took shape.

Fang Nan was happy for the thriving Oriental Film City and Tangtang Film and Television. Wang Bao came to visit the team, bringing his precious wife with him, with a happy smile on his face: "Brother Nan, you smoke, Brother Bo, Lin Hao .”

"I didn't say anything about getting married."

Fang Nan's cigarette butt knocked on the table where the monitor was placed and glanced at the two of them.

Wang Bao laughed and said secretly: "Secret marriage, Brother Nan, don't go around talking about it."

As he spoke, he threatened the crew in the director's studio: "If you smoke my cigarette, you won't talk nonsense when you go out."

Fang Nan rolled his eyes, he had too much time to gossiping in front of the media.

Moreover, Mrs. Ma is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Will the other party resist self-explosion?
The most important thing is, don't find a manager with the surname Song, your mother. That's the point.

But then again, according to Ma's daughter-in-law's personality, her surname doesn't seem to be the point.

After much deliberation, Fang Nan felt that it was not appropriate for him to meddle in Wang Bao's family affairs.

As the saying goes, persuasion is not persuasion, depending on the sweetness of the two people at the moment, whoever dares to persuade is Wang Bao's enemy!
Fang Nan felt that it was a bit difficult, so he arranged a sightseeing car for Wang Bao, and asked him to take his wife for a stroll. After the film crew finished work, he asked Huang Bo to host a banquet for the two of them.

"Why me?" Huang Bo was puzzled.

Fang Nan, "Didn't you accept "Ghost Blowing Out the Lantern"? You got paid several million dollars, what's the matter with the dinner?"

Huang Bo left depressed, Fang Nan looked at the monitor with a smile.

Soon, the on-site assistant director called for someone to visit the set. He turned his head and saw that Wang Sunglass and several people came down from the sightseeing bus not far away.

"Director Fang, I can't imagine that you made it too big. People who have been here said that after the Oriental Movie Metropolis is built, it may be the largest studio in the world. I didn't believe it at first, but when I saw it today, I had to admire it. A big deal from the mainland."

"It's something to boast about when you come up."

Fang Nan pondered and shook hands with the other party: "I was also forced to do nothing. The domestic studios are not big enough, so I can't make a movie and stay abroad for a few years. Why don't I do one thing and keep doing it? At the suggestion, we jointly established the Oriental Movie Metropolis."

After speaking, he extended his hand to several others: "Ziyi, Miss Song, Director Xu."

Xu Haofeng looked surprised: "Director Fang knows me?"

Fang Nan nodded and said with a smile, "I am a loyal fan of the documentary literature "The Lost Martial Arts", and I also like "Traces of the Japanese Pirates" directed by you very much. Unfortunately, the movie is too unpopular and realistic, so it is difficult to please the audience."

Xu Haofeng smiled freely: "Everything can never please everyone. If there is an audience who likes it, it is not an insult to "Traces of the Japanese Pirates". What really makes me regret is that I didn't know my age until a few years after I finished "The Lost Martial Arts". The gentle Fang Dao actually has a unique skill!"

Fang Nan laughed: "Stunt? It's too exaggerated, a little rough."

In his early years, he had shown his hands in the crews of "Jiangshan Sons and Daughters" and "Dragon and Babu", but the onlookers at the time might think it was just quick hands and feet.

Or maybe Zhang has a big beard to prevent such shameful things from being spread indiscriminately.

So after several years, almost no one talked about Fang Nan's kung fu skills.

This year, in order to promote "Parasite", he went to the subway in Manhattan, New York to show off his fists, and then showed many punches from time to time on major programs in North America. Many people in China knew that he would catch.

All of a sudden, the staff of the production crews of "Jiangshan Sons and Daughters" and "Dragon Babu" came out one after another to reveal how he defeated Wu Jing and subdued them in an instant.

Up to this point, no one actually knew that he was capable of dog punching. It was not until Wu Jing, one of the parties involved, was entangled by the media that he could not escape. The lost technique - Dog Fist!
It wasn't a big deal at first, and no one has mastered the art these days.

In the early years, all major parks were full of "masters" practicing Qigong, and some institutions even provided jobs for people with "special abilities".

The reason why this matter was fired afterward is well known.

It was the heir of the Southern School of Gouquan who jumped out, saying that there had never been a Northern School of Gouquan, and that Fang Nan should be expelled from the school of Gouquan.

After talking and joking about the Dog Punch incident, Fang Nan accompanied Wang Sunjing and the others to visit his own set. Needless to say, the few were full of emotion and admiration.

Fang Nan had heard this kind of praise too many times, and every person in the industry who came to visit the class would come to him once.

Zhang Yimou, Zhou Xingxing, Chen Kexin, Xu Laoguai, Gao Qunshu, Cheng Long, Li Lianlian and so on.

After explaining the purpose of various tools, props, equipment and machinery to several people, Fang Nan took them to his RV.

"Director Fang, I'm here to ask you for help." After taking a sip of the hot tea, Wang Jiawei put down his cup without hesitation.

Fang Nan understood: "The Great Master."

Wang Jiawei brought Zhang Ziyi, Song Hye Kyo, and Xu Haofeng to Pujiang to look for him. Apart from "The Great Master", Fang Nan couldn't think of anything else.

But he was also a little puzzled, "The Grandmaster" was launched in September last year, and it hasn't been filmed for a year?
As far as he knows, Wong Kar Wai kept guaranteeing to investors that he has been preparing for "The Grandmaster" since 2002, and it has been seven years from preparation to launch.

So what's the problem?
Fang Nan was curious.

"That's right, the filming of "The Grandmaster" didn't go well. Tony Leung injured his arm not long ago and had to rest for a while. If the crew restarts, the funds will not be enough."

Fang Nan understood, it turned out that the lead actor was injured and the production crew had stopped, so that made sense.

The next moment, Fang Nan said: "Director Wang, how much money do you think you need, and how long will it take to finish the movie? I can find investors for you."

After he was busy with this part, he wanted to form a directors' alliance, and Wong Kar Wai was an important member, which was very helpful.

Wang Jiawei glanced at the two female generals who were researching the RV, leaned forward, and said in a slightly embarrassed voice: "I'm shooting on full film, and it's estimated to cost another 13 million, and it will be released in about [-] years."

Fang Nan was dumbfounded, are you kidding me?

The budget is exhausted, and another [-] million?

The original budget was [-] million, [-] million?

Because "The Grandmaster" contains philosophical ideas, the shooting cost will reach 2-3 million yuan, double the cost of other kung fu movies?
and publicity expenses
Released more than two years later?
Where did Leung Chiu Wai get hurt? Did he have to recuperate for two years?

"Wong Kar Wai, you are the design director of a luxury brand, you spend all your money on invisible details, right?"

Fang Nan complained wildly in his heart.

One hundred million is too much, and the time to pay back is ridiculously long. Fang Nan can't guarantee whether the investors who maintain a close relationship with Tangtang Film and Television will invest in "The Grandmaster".

After pondering for a while, he said: "Director Wang, the amount is a bit large, you can wait for a few days and wait until I return to Beijing to discuss whether it will be successful or not, I can support some."

Wong Kar Wai grinned, "I'll wait for your good news."

After talking about the business, Fang Nan stayed with a few people for dinner, and after that, he introduced his RV to them.

Professionals from the crew said that his RV should be called a trailer. The most typical difference between a trailer and a RV is that the front and body of the trailer can be separated.

Because the body length is nearly 10 meters, the interior area is larger and the facilities are more complete. The living room, kitchen, bathroom, refrigerator, washing machine, air conditioner, wine cabinet and other household facilities are almost complete.

"Director Fang, your bed is big enough for two people to sleep."

"It's okay, 2 times 1.5." Fang Nan returned to Zhang Ziyi, and quickly stuffed the messy clothes on the bed into the locker.

He is fine with everything when he is out alone, but he lacks someone to clean up the house.

“The bed was very soft.”

Fang Nanchong smiled at Song Hye Kyo who was sitting by the bed: "You speak Chinese well."

"What?" Song Hye Kyo raised her head and smiled curiously.

Fang Nan explained in Korean: "I praise you for being great!"

It was the first time he and sister Qiao met.

But Backgammon asked him for his opinion when adding a new female character to "That Corner Had a Cold" in the early years, and the two have known each other since then.

After an introduction inside and out, it was almost dark, and Wang Bao also came with his wife. After the two parties finished greeting each other, Fang Nan called Huang Weiming, Wu Jing, Huang Bo, Lin Hao, Wu Ershan, and joined forces with Wang Bao, Wang Jiawei and his party rushed to the hotel.

After drinking for three rounds, everyone's chatterbox was completely opened up.

Laughing and chatting about some recent bad things in the circle, such as Jia Jingwen's divorce and fight for children.

What kind of girl, A Beast, successfully became popular with Guoguo video, and is considered to be the most famous actress in China.

Then there is the princess who is about to come back, and the silhouette of the mysterious guest singer is very similar to so-and-so.

As she spoke, Zhang Ziyi Balabala began to wipe away tears. If you want to say who is the worst in the entertainment industry in 2010, it is her, and she still has multiple doors on her head.

From last year to this year, she was either pointed at her nose and scolded, or splashed with ink on her poster.

Being scolded by the media as a mistress, being ridiculed by netizens for being abandoned by foreigners, and being scolded by non-profit organizations for being greedy for charitable donations, everyone is outraged.

What made her even more angry was that Zhao Yanzi, one of the four major female roles, married a wealthy businessman and won awards, and her family and business had a good harvest.

Zhou Xun signed a contract with Tang Tang Film and Television, and he was like a fish in water, and even made a Hollywood blockbuster "Cloud Atlas".

Xu Jinglei succeeded in becoming a director.

Even Fan Bing and Li Bing, the two rising stars who won awards and won the box office, are about to go to her head to shit and pee.

Thinking about the other three of the four major Huadans, thinking about how she could only kneel and lick her own ice before, and thinking about herself now, Zhang Ziyi felt sad and held Fang Nan's right hand very excitedly:
"Director Fang, believe me, the charity donation event I organized in Cannes in 08 really didn't raise any money. Except for a few people in China, foreigners just signed and didn't really donate money."

Fang Nan was speechless, how did he know the truth, so he changed the subject, patted the back of the other person's hand to comfort him, "Don't get excited, just endure for two years, Director Wang's "The Grandmaster" will definitely make you comeback."

Zhang Ziyi nodded silently.

Suddenly, the dinner party had to be dismissed in a hurry. Fang Nan told his assistant to arrange a few people to stay in the hotel, and then returned to the Oriental Movie Metropolis with the car.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Ziyi came to talk to him before he finished taking a shower and was about to go to bed.

Fang Nan opened the door like a mirror in his heart, and sighed, "Man, once you have tasted the taste of victory, it will be difficult to adapt to the pain of defeat."

He didn't get on the horse in a hurry, but wanted to determine how big the other party's desire was.

He would be lacking in love, but it wouldn't be so luscious. If the other party asked him to throw [-] million in "The Grandmaster", he would turn around and send the other party away.

The concept of a billion horses.

How many good girls!

The other party is quite sensible, and after drinking two glasses of red wine to add to the fun, he said that he only thinks of her when there is a suitable role.

Fang Nan realized that the other party had to make two-handed preparations. If Wong Kar-wai's "The Grandmaster" failed, Fang Nan, an international director, would also have to take the role of the international director. In this way, the chances of the other party's return to the top were even greater.

Needless to say, Fang Nan has a lot of bad habits, but he likes to help others.

While shaking, the loud ringtone startled the two of them.

After making a "shh" to the beautiful woman, Fang Nan pressed Lvjian: "Who is it? You don't sleep until midnight, what do you want me for?"

"Nan Tsai, if you want to negotiate smoothly with the board of directors of the Academy Awards and Hong Kong filmmakers, you should stay away from Wong Kar Wai and "The Grandmaster". Don't make all the money, take care of everything."

Fang Nan got off his horse, stroked his smooth back, and said with a smile, "Is this a threat? Why? Can you tell me your name?"

"You just wait, I will tell you, remember, stay away from "The Grandmaster"."

After the phone was cut off, Fang Nan asked the beautiful woman who was playing with the pendulum clock thoughtfully, "Who did Wang Jiawei offend when he planned to shoot "The Grandmaster"?"

"No, I haven't heard of it, let's deal with the matter before us first."

(End of this chapter)

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