literary world

Chapter 389 "The Hunger Games" Starts Filming

Chapter 389 "The Hunger Games" Starts Filming

The Hunger Games is a dystopian movie.

The so-called Utopia refers to the beautiful land and ideal country imagined by utopians.

Therefore, the core of dystopian movies is self-evident. Movies are used to remind the world that there is no ideal country, and all good things are all illusions and packaging.

Knowing the core of the movie and the inner world of the author of the novel, the plot of "The Hunger Games" is clear at a glance.

North America was destroyed in a great war, and people built new homes.

The new home has a new policy. The 12 districts under the presidential jurisdiction must select 24 contestants, one male and one female, to participate in the "Hunger Games".

In "The Hunger Games" it is not only about fighting various beasts in the game.

And must kill other players, the last survivor can get a huge bonus.

In the lottery of the 12th district, the heroine's younger sister unfortunately became a tribute, and the heroine could only replace her sister as a tribute and go to the main city to participate in the Hunger Games.

The prosperity and extravagance of the rich in the main city, and their disregard for the lives of the low-level people, made the heroine gradually grow into a heroic tribute.

In reality, the main city in "The Hunger Games" was jointly built by multiple studios in Dongfeng Film City. It looks very similar, but there are also many problems.

First of all, there is the question of group performances.

The movie is expected to be two hours, the first hour and a half is basically the real life in the movie, and the last hour is the scene in the Hunger Games.

Therefore, a large number of foreign group performers are needed.

Finding a group of foreigners in China is better than finding a group of performers to play the Japanese devil. The difference in faces can be disguised by Chinese people.

If there is a way, the crew had to contact the group leaders of Pujiang, Hengdian, and Huairou Eight Small Film and Television City to transport Laoli from the eight places to the Oriental Movie Metropolis.

The whole thing was quite a sensation, and the municipal government of Pujiang was taken aback. Thousands of people from dozens of countries gathered in the Oriental Movie Metropolis. What would happen to be a proper international event?
We usually have a team of people on the set of The Hunger Games.

Tang Tang is very annoying, extras need it so easily, it's just to give ordinary treatment to his own people, but to greet the old man instead!

I asked Ma Xiaoyong to set up a pergola in the studio, and drove the entire group out.

The problem of group performances was solved, and by the way, Tang Tang directly raised the issue of makeup with the actors and group performances.

The movie takes place in the future, and the people in the main city dress up in some weird and fashionable ways, even if the clothes are weird.

You also hate wearing long eyelashes, the crew has thousands of eyelashes alone.

You hate wearing thick powder and dyeing your hair in strange colors.

Therefore, makeup and touch-ups for group performances will be very fast, and the workload of group performances will be 8-10 hours a day.

Naturally, one point of overtime pay will be more.

Everything is set, "The Hunger Games" filming begins.

In the seventh scene before the opening ceremony, Tang Tang pointed the camera at Liu Qianqian, the male lead in the film.

Under the dazzling stage similar to a studio, Liu Qianqian appeared on the stage wearing a pink gauze dress. Seven minutes ago, you and 7 other tributes will step into the Hunger Games arena and fight for your life until the only winner and survivor is determined.

On the stage, the lights are colorful, the audience is gorgeously dressed, and the hairstyles are not colorful. We are shouting and waving our arms for your fiery boy.


"Sissy, the male protagonist will not feel a little relaxed in the face of that scene, but it should be less hesitation, and there will be no suffocation brought by the absurdity, because the audience is watching a game of life-and-death fighting. I can't understand why those people are so excited, the bloodthirsty excitement on the audience's face makes you feel hesitant and suffocated!"

"Hey, Fang, his understanding is very good, why is he an actor?"

After Tang Tang told Zhuang Qingxu about the hero's inner feelings at the moment, the writer Collins nodded frequently in amazement.

Liu Qianqian apologized: "Okay, it's because you acted well, you have too little emotion, it's hard to find the feeling."

Your understanding is the same as Zhuang Qing's, but that emotion is too simple, and it is not difficult to express it in a short time.

"He's thinking about it personally, and he'll do it again later, don't mess it up again, now there are not thousands of people to accompany you to shoot that segment, it's very troublesome to organize."

"Understood, you look for the feeling."

Liu Qianqian squatted on the ground and covered her ears to let herself go. Zhuang Qing waved to the assistant directors to maintain order. After a delay of about 10 minutes, Liu Qianqian got up and nodded to Tang Tang on the stage.

"The group leader and the coordinator told the group performers to stop arguing, and the filming started 1 minute ago."

After cursing at the walkie-talkie, the scene gradually regained its intensity from the expected scene, and the camera around Qi Zhou was turned on again, and Tang Tang sat back in the auditorium.

"You know you're the nasty boy Katniss Avedin, the fiery boy from District 12!"

The moment the host finished the opening remarks, there were bursts of shouts from the audience, and Liu Qianqian, who was in the shadows, stepped out of the front desk before taking a deep breath.

The shouts and applause from the auditorium became smaller, and Tang Tang cut the camera lens to the front of Liu Qianqian, your mouth slightly opened as if to release the fear in your heart.

Your pupils are looking at the audience behind, looking at the audience below, and aiming at the audience on the side. In a second, whether your pupils are in any place, or under any audience.

Tang Tang in the crowd smiled slightly: "It doesn't smell like that."

Zhuang Qingxu's performance technique in this section is expressive, interpreting inner calm and fear through facial expressions and movements.

How to say, the effect is definitely not good, better than the first time.

But compared with the experiential performances that are completely integrated with the characters, they are a bit worse. There are so few actors in China who can really enter the play, and the actors who are integrated with the characters can be counted on one hand.

And the experiential style is not detrimental to physical and mental weakness. As a director, I can always drive people crazy.

Thinking about adding a little sound effect in the early stage to sublimate the performance, Tang Tang stopped and continued to look at the monitor.

The host with two colors of hair and long braids: "Wow, his appearance today is really outstanding!"

Zhuang Qingxu, who was in a daze, came back to his senses and frowned towards the host: "What?"

Your agility made the audience laugh, "It seems that no one really thinks about it." Before the host laughed, he said, "You said, his entry on the day of the tribute parade was outstanding, so there is nothing to think about it." Did you say that?"

Liu Qianqian hesitated and said, "You just hope that you will be burned to death by these fires!"

Zhuang Qing threw away the earphones and stood up: "cut, cut, you just come back to that line. Sissy, with a little trembling, said that she was still in fear, and she returned to normal after a while. It fits the 12th district mining area The character of a big boy in the world."


Zhuang Qingxu readily agreed, but the vibrato that Zhuang Qing asked for actually stumped you, and he took seven or eight takes. Seeing that a group of old extras had to rebel, they barely completed it.

The first day of "The Hunger Games" has passed so quickly.

When Tang Tang looked at the notice on the seventh day, he said to the two assistant directors beside him: "Guo Fan, Wen Muye, together with the group leader, send those old men back to the hotel, and explain some basic laws and regulations to us by the way."

"The Hunger Games" used few group actors. When Zhuang Qing was looking for an assistant director from the list of contracted directors of Fangnan Film and Television, several future famous directors popped up at once.

"The Wandering Earth" director Guo Fan.

Fangnan Film and Television has invested in my animated adaptation of the love-themed movie "The Adventures of Li Xianji". The film hit the box office this year, and Guo Fan, who felt that the future is promising, immediately chose to join Fangnan Film and Television, which has guaranteed income in drought and flood.

Wen Muye, the director of "You Are the God of Medicine", is also poor.

Because I am old, I only made two short films so far. This year, the short film "Golden Orchid and Guiqin" won several awards before I took the fulfillment list and chose to join Fangnan Film and Television.

Guo and Wen were very happy to be selected by Zhuang Qing.

The story of how Wang Liang became famous and became a first-class commercial director in China has gradually become a legend in the circle. Therefore, whether there are new directors who would never want to join Tang Tang's team.

Who is envious of Wang Liang, who has gained both status and fame and fortune.

It's about fame and fortune. It's also great to learn how to make commercial films from Tang Tang, learn shooting techniques, and train actors.

People in the circle deny or just think that when Tang Tang grows old, I will definitely be taken off the hat of a Chinese film master, or even an international film master. Rong Yan is it!
A steady profit is a losing business.

The two assistant directors left, Zhuang Qing handed the notice to the assistant, and said to Liu Qianqian who came to look at the camera: "Datong is here? If he comes, he will talk to you less tonight, and see if he can substitute a little emotion."

Guan Datong played the role of Liu Qianqian's younger sister in the movie. At first Tang Tangyou wanted to use you, but he was afraid of delaying your studies, so he found several big stars, Zuer, Jinmai, and Zifeng.

The age of the eight big boys is not much different from what is written in the script, but their height is too high.

The 11-year-old Song Zuer can only play the hateful big Nezha in "Baolian Lantern". It would be too fucked to be selected as a tribute, and it is completely a gift.

In the end, Guan Datong, who was a little younger and had already shown the growth of his long legs, won the role of sister Liu Qianqian.

"It seems to be here, go back to the hotel and ask."

Tang Tang nodded: "How is the box office of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern"? Is there any possibility of a sequel?"

Liu Qianqian sighed, "That's pretty good. The box office is 2 million or 3 million. Whether there is a sequel movie or not, the boss has to speak up."

"The box office is still wrong, it's because their requirements are too low."

My appearance has indeed lowered the overall box office of the Chinese film market, as well as the box office results of individual films, such as "Assassination of the Speaker", "Parasite", "The Martian", and "Lost in Thailand".

Even the box office of movies such as "Painted Skin" and "The Wind" is a bit lower than that of the original time and space.

Excluding a few of my films, the box office of a single Chinese-language film is not as low as expected, and "Let the Bullets Fly" and "Tangshan Earthquake" are still far ahead.

So 3 million box office for a movie is already very low.

But in the next 3 to 4 years, Chinese movies may usher in a small explosion.

The small outbreak includes films such as "Journey to the West" that did not exist in the first place.

It was Tang and Tang's years of hard work that led to a series of Ming films produced before the Chinese film industry was slightly upgraded.

As far as I know, several small film and television companies in China, including Fangnan Film and Television, are planning sci-fi scripts and preparing to make small films.

Zhuang Qing Films didn't even have the idea of ​​making the "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" series smaller, forming a unique tomb robber zombie universe movie.

Once the cosmic movie is successful, it used to be to rob tombs in China, and to rob tombs all over the world.

At Hua Yi's press conference held a long time later, the Wang brothers also revealed that they are not preparing a series of cosmic film projects, and that series of films will be a series of martial arts cosmic films based on "Seven Little Catch".

Cheng Long never asked Zhuang Qing, what is the level of skill of the 13 swordsmen, and how much does it cost per second?
I had no intention of doing a sci-fi movie.

Knowing that information, Tang Tangte was relieved that there are no sci-fi films for nothing.

Because of those sci-fi films, 13 Swordsmen were forced to frantically catch up with Guoli's visual effects technology.

Props companies are developing towards high-quality props.

Service personnel end up being brave in learning and highlighting their individuality.

Changes in a few film-related industries have given rise to ambitions in some film and television companies, directors, and producers.

For us now, the most important part is technology development, but how to make movies profitable in other countries.

Those, Tang Tang, don't care, I have already put Pansola's box in front of everyone, and the surprise or joy before the box is opened has something to do with me.

Riding an electric scooter home, Gao Yuanyuan and his wife had already finished eating and washing, and lay down on the bed to watch cartoons. Tang Tang Jiang ate two bowls of rice and said, "Go to the cinema to see how "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" is doing." , came back late, he took the child to sleep first."

"So what movie are you watching tonight?"

"There is no sequel to "Ghost Blowing the Lantern". It is more important. You may have time to watch it after today."

Gao Yuanyuan is full: "Use the computer to watch, there should be no Douyin video."

"So he is a director. The movie is about the details, and the small screen can see the flaws."

"Tch, I'll throw you an apple before going."

The nearest movie theater is far away, and it is easy to find a parking space for a small car. Zhuang Qing rode the electric car and arrived at the movie theater in a while.

"Ghost Blowing the Lantern" has been released for more than 20 days, and there are very few people buying tickets.

But there were too many people in the theater, after all, the National Day schedule, so Tang Tang, who was wearing a jacket, was recognized eight times before he was confirmed.

I'm an old fritter, and I don't care about movie fans pointing at me anymore, or those who are timid just come down to ask friends and take pictures with their mobile phones.

During the years when I became famous, I never met any extreme fans.

And when passers-by see a star, they will try their best to bend back and tear the star like a madman. On the contrary, there are few people who are in awe. A few people glance at it from a distance, take some photos and show off to their classmates and friends a few times hastily. thing.

Tickets were checked back into the theater, and the 10 or so audience members who bought the tickets for "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" together with Tang Tang were happy to miss Shu.

Wu Ershan's "Ghost Blowing Lantern: The Exquisite Ancient City" has few characteristics.

The first point is that the original author's joining and Tang Tang's insistence on requesting him never miss the original work very much.

Seventh point, dripping water in visual effects is a leak.

In the film, the small prairie otter, fire ladybug, other shore flower, overlord salamander, sand sea demon tide, four-story demon building and other things are quite realistic, and at the same time full of weirdness.

The eighth point, the performances of several actors are quite like this.

Tang Tang smacked his lips and couldn't figure it out, "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" should continue to be done, but only to be done, and that big novel should be promoted in a small way.

(End of this chapter)

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