literary world

Chapter 43 Your mother called you Zhang's family for dinner

Chapter 43 Your mother called you home for dinner

"Yi Tian Tu Long Ji" officially started shooting on the 148th day, and the filming location was Tanzhe Temple.

"What are you doing, what are you doing!"

It had only been two or three hours since the filming started in the morning, and Ma Yucheng started to get angry at the coordinator of the actors, and all the youngsters in group B who were frightened by their engulfing eyes hid far away.

"Nanzai, Nanzai!"

Fang Nan bit the bullet and walked towards Ma Yucheng: "What's the matter? Director Ma."

Ma Yucheng angrily pointed at the gate of Tanzhe Temple: "Go, you go to the film and television city and bring Gao Yuanyuan here."

"What's going on in group A? There's a phone call on the left, and another phone call. They say they didn't shoot well and they won't let people go. What, I don't know what's going on here after a literary play has been filmed?"

Fang Nan sneaked a glance at Ma Yucheng: "Really."

Ma Yucheng said "shit", and Fang Nan walked out of Tanzhe Temple in desperation with the coordinator of Team B.

On the way, Fang Nan asked about the specific situation, and realized that Ma Yucheng was not to blame for getting angry. Group A was really a very ordinary literary drama, and the actors only made up two shots.

Arriving at the film and television city by car, the two drove straight into Group A.

"We've arrived, don't press people to release them, just wait and see the situation." Fang Nan reminded the coordinator who followed.

No matter how popular Ma Yucheng is in Group B, Lai Qingshui from Group A is still the chief director. Who can they offend?

The coordinator smiled knowingly: "Ann."

"Sure enough, those who are in the top positions in the production team are either related or they are all good people!"

Fang Nan entered Group A muttering.

When I got there, the director Lai Qingshui was standing in front of the monitor with an irritable look on his face.

The director of photography and the assistant who was carrying the camera stood together, also looking unhappy.

Lighting directors, assistants, executive directors, assistant directors, stage managers, prop artists, makeup artists, and more than half of the people in Group A all looked at one person with uneasy expressions - Gao Yuanyuan!

Fang Nan's scalp felt numb, and he couldn't figure out what heinous thing Gao Yuanyuan had done to attract so many people in a group to stare at him angrily.

"Director Zhang, what is she doing?" Fang Nan tugged Zhang De who was in the same room.

Zhang De pointed to the dim-eyed Gao Yuanyuan in the room: "This actress is out of her wits. She hasn't shot the most basic opening and closing shots more than ten times. Director Lai has stopped filming and is dedicated to spending time with her." .”

After a dry "action", Fang Nan turned his attention to Gao Yuanyuan.

In just one second, he knew that Gao Yuanyuan was really trying to die.

An actor who has filmed several film and television dramas would make such a super-low-level mistake like closing the door with his back to the camera, which even actors from Xinshou Village would not make.

"Why didn't Director Lai wake her up?" Fang Nan asked Zhang De in a low voice.

Zhang De, who has made several plays with Lai Qingshui, explained: "Director Lai has this kind of style. He doesn't like to swear at people, and he doesn't like to teach actors. It's up to the actors themselves to understand."

"Oh, that would be fatal." Fang Nan said in his heart.

A director with Lai Qingshui's style, at best, has a good personality and a good old man.

What actors often say to media reporters, "The director is great, and he never curses" praises this type of director.

But it's useless, once, twice, three or four times, how long does it take to go, this kind of directing style, and his style are two extremes, Fang Nan thinks it's not as good as his directing style.

When Fang Nan was the executive director, the actors failed to do it once, twice, and three times, so he immediately started swearing.

After scolding firmly, he will then tell the actor the emotion and expression he wants.

This still doesn't work, if you scold and teach again, if it's still the same after ten times, he'll just get the hell out of you, and I'll get someone else to shoot.

Of course, he directed all young actors with no background and no reputation.

Famous and well-known actors and young fresh meat are served by the director himself, and it is not his turn. Otherwise, in that Internet age, he would have been drowned by the spittle of fans.


Once again without turning on the camera to shoot, the coordinator of Group B was in a hurry. He dragged Fang Nan and said, "Director Fang, what should I do? I'm so anxious."

Fang Nan looked at Lai Qingshui, who was still akimbo unmoved even though his eyebrows were frowned, and kept yelling "action, action", and then looked at Gao Yuanyuan who was in a daze.

"Damn, no trick, one of these two is a walking corpse, and the other is on the verge of getting angry, who would dare to go up and make trouble."

The coordinator who came with Fang Nan urged: "Others dare not go up, you have to go up. Director Ma's call came again after a while."

Fang Nan said dissatisfiedly, "You are still an actor coordinator, why don't you go."

"Should we be together?"

"Let's be together, don't delay." Fang Nan nodded and finished, and the two walked towards Lai Qingshui hand in hand.

The work of the crew is like this. When receiving red envelopes, move forward, and when taking care of things, go backward.

Arriving next to Lai Qingshui, Fang Nan said cautiously, "Director Lai, Director Ma is in a hurry to ask for actors, and Tanzhe Temple has stopped."

"When did you become blind? You used to fart in this state, can you shoot a play?" Lai Qingshui couldn't even fart a single word from Fang Nan.

Fang Nan pinched his nose and backed away, the coordinator of group B stepped forward and said with an embarrassed smile: "Director Lai, find someone to talk to the actress about the show, group B called two or three hundred tricks today, it will waste a lot of money in a day Woolen cloth."

Lai Qingshui glanced at the coordinator: "I don't know, you can talk about it if you have the ability."

The coordinator directed Fang Nan, and said eagerly: "Director Fang can tell. The young actors have a good relationship with each other, so it will definitely make sense."

Lai Qingshui looked at Fang Nan Chong Gao Yuanyuan and raised his head: "Go ahead."

"You son of a bitch, you have a wicked mind. If Gao Yuanyuan puts his mind to it today, won't I become the object of ridicule again?"

Fang Nan thought about walking halfway, stopped, looked at Gao Yuanyuan, who was like a ghost, obviously not paying attention on the set, his heart moved, he hid in the staff, and shouted: "Gao Yuanyuan, your mother call you home for dinner."

The relationship is frustrated, right? Let's have a family confrontation to see if you can wake up. A scene where the door is closed is still talking about drama, talking about a fart drama.

Fang Nan's extremely abrupt cry, not to mention waking up Gao Yuanyuan, shook the spirits of the onlookers, and they all probed their brains to find the idiot who shouted!
"What to watch, what to watch, filming, filming."

Seeing that the effect was remarkable, Fang Nan rushed out of the crowd, snatched the camera that the camera assistant put on the ground, carried it on his shoulder, and yelled: "The lighting engineer turned on the lights. As for the scene recorder, the switch is turned on, are the actors ready?" .”

Gao Yuanyuan whispered: "Okay."

Seeing that her mouth seemed to be moving, Fang Nan turned the camera on and shouted, "Play the board."

"Group A of "Yi Tian Shou Long Ji", No. 30, two games, 21 times, shooting begins."

After the scene was finished, Fang Nan said cleanly, "Start."

In the camera, the frowning Zhou Zhiruo took a step out of the room, and Fang Nan took a step back in a tense mood. When Zhou Zhiruo came outside, she turned lightly to face the camera, and then closed the door. Fang Nan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


 Don't look back when you see a revised chapter, most of the changes are typos.

(End of this chapter)

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