literary world

Chapter 466 Postscript [1]

Chapter 466 Postscript [[-]]

Spring goes to autumn, and the ginkgo leaves are golden in another year.

Fang Qin came to the Yishaochi riverside of the National People's Congress as usual.

He stayed at the National People's Congress for four years. Except for the library, classrooms, and dormitories, which are closely related to the students, he spent a lot of time. After that, he was by the Yishaochi River.

In late autumn, the riverside is golden, and he enjoys the scenery very much.

Anyway, I was obsessed with photography for a while during my adolescence.

It's a pity that his hobby was not only rejected by his stubborn father, but even his mother didn't like it.

There is no prejudice.

His mother simply believed that even if he spent his whole life in photography, he would not be able to surpass his father, so why put a mountain on his head.

How tiring and depressing it was.

As for his father, who is called a film master, it is very straightforward.

"The road is paved for you, and you tell me to play photography? I'll fuck you to death!" His father said.

Fang Qin was very depressed at the time. From what he knew when he was a child, his father never gave directions to others and liked to raise children free-range.

His sister, Thong Wanzhuo, has been doing whatever she wants since she was a child.

I went to junior classes, learned Go, started to study biology in high school, and studied abroad after graduating from university.

Yesterday, she yelled at him for a few years to ask her father to help her open a biological research institute, and she never thought about touching the family business, she couldn't be willful.

However, his father fully agreed.

When it was his turn, he had been assigned which school to attend since elementary school.

In middle school, in addition to the designated schools, he has to read the designated reading materials.

What sociology, capitalism, economics
In high school, he basically didn't have much time for himself. After attending the National People's Congress, the only place to relax was this small river. For this reason, he often lamented that the same people do not have the same fate.

"Hey, Fang Qin!"

Turning around, the one who patted his shoulder was indeed the same girl with big eyes and dimples when she smiled, who insisted on patting him for half a year. Fang Qin nodded with a slight smile, "Hello."

"Your father is really strict. You have been graduated for half a year and still let you carry a schoolbag."

"How do you know it's my dad?"

While Fang Qin's face was calm, he was also surprised at the girl's persistence.

It's no secret that he is Fang Nan's son, anyone who is interested can find out after a little inquiring.

Therefore, in the past few years after he became an adult, many beautiful girls in the business and literary circles tried to approach him in various ways, hoping to marry into a wealthy family.

Fang Nan's reputation and wealth made too many people want to stop.

Not to mention the four major groups of Tangtang Film and Television, Light and Video Technology, Fangnan Culture, and Artist Cinema that his father has built across the world for decades.

Just pulling out a toy factory at random can make many people have nothing to worry about for a lifetime.

Complete all dreams overnight and realize all life plans.

As for his job as a director, it was also one of the reasons why many young girls attacked him one after another.

Who made Fang Nan known as one of the only remaining commercial film directors in the 21st century.

What's more, there is the award-winning title of director of a literary film.

But it is rare to see someone as persistent as the girl in front of her.

After all, he is also quite indifferent.

It's not that he is innocent, he likes to pretend to be cool and serious in front of girls.

But for every girl who tried to get close to him, Uncle Yong would pick up a bunch of dirty things the next day.

He was quite sad.

He is about to become an older man and young man, but he has never been sexualized, and there is a faint sadness in his whole body unconsciously.

Fang Qin asked, the girl covered her mouth unconsciously, and let out a series of silver-like laughter: "I have watched many videos of your father before, and I feel that he has a very bad temper."

"What kind of kelp fish is cursing and refusing to accept the Academy Award."


Fang Qin smiled knowingly, he had also watched these videos, it was Fang Nan's disgraceful side, sometimes the two members of the family would argue, and his mother would occasionally use these videos to tease and laugh at Fang Nan.

On the river bank, the two were chatting indifferently, a white wrist drooped on Fang Qin's shoulder, and the two turned their heads to look.

Fang Qin was delighted.

The girl couldn't help tensing her body. The later rival's legs were straight and slender, and her facial features were delicate and fair without makeup.


"Fang Qin, who is she? Did you find a third party behind my back when I went abroad?"

Zeng Wanzhuo interrupted Fang Qin involuntarily, her phoenix eyes were full of cunning.

When she saw the embarrassment on her younger brother's face, she laughed presumptuously, making her image of a goddess disappear.

Fang Qin rolled his eyes at the open-mouthed elder sister, turned to the girl who had been tirelessly chatting with him for half a year, and said, "That's all for today, thank you for chatting with me for the past six months, the schoolwork of the film school is also tight now, you Let's go back."

"You know I'm a film school student?"

Fang Qin smiled. He had known about the girl's family status, professional school, and emotional relationship half a year ago.

"Let's go, your father is back."

"Huh? Last week, he said he was rushing to make progress in Europe."

"It's someone's birthday in Taiwan's literary and art circles. I can't remember what it's called. Anyway, he's quite old. Maybe it's his last birthday. He's getting along well with our dad, so invite him to participate."

Fang Qin turned around and took a look. Seeing that the girl who had been with him for half a year hadn't come, Fang said, "Isn't my dad not fond of participating in these occasions? He doesn't even celebrate his birthday. Who can please him?"

Zeng Wanzhuo shook her head. Before she was an adult, she went to both domestic and foreign colleges and universities, and she didn't like to specialize in art, so she didn't know anyone in the literary and art circles.

Her father has a wide network of people, and he knows everyone when he has time.

The doubts of the siblings were cleared up by Uncle Yong, whom the two talked about after getting into the car.

"Hou Hsiao-hsien."

"The first and only Palme d'Or in his life was won by Nan Ge against all odds. It was very lively back then. You guys were still young. I remember it was the 2015th Cannes Film Festival in 68." , Fang Qina will be in kindergarten, and Xiao Zhuo is still in elementary school."

On the co-pilot, Ma Dayong, who already had a string of white beards, thought for a moment and laughed.


The two children are smart people, and without thinking, they heard the lively and sarcastic tone in Uncle Yong's mouth.

In fact, there is nothing hidden about it, but after Fang Nan let "Assassin Nie Yinniang" pick the Palme d'Or by virtue of his status as the chairman of the judges, some people on the other side of the strait jumped up and down like monkeys on their faces, which was annoying. Fang Nan himself was very annoying. unhappy.

Fortunately, the main creators of "Assassin Nie Yinniang" are very calm.

Especially the director, Hou Hsiao-hsien repeatedly affirmed the importance of Fang Nan, the chairman of the judges, in front of the Taipei media. Otherwise, what kind of birthday party could Fang Nan be expected to attend?

"It's similar to the reason why I would rather stay in the capital than go back." Ma Dayong said to the two children concisely.

"Um, I see."

Fang Qin and Zeng Wanzhuo nodded at the same time.

Ma Dayong had followed their father for decades, and when he reached retirement age, Fang Nan had arranged for him to return to his hometown to enjoy his old age, but within two years he came back with his own bags packed.

The reason is that I can't stand the environment where many people in my hometown are arrogant and arrogant.

That's why she decided to come back to Fang Nan after the death of her old mother. Now she lives in Fang's house and helps manage the security team.


(End of this chapter)

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