Chapter 51
The beautiful Cangshan Mountain came into view, and the mountaintop surrounded by clouds and mist was like a fairyland. Looking at this beautiful scenery, Fang Nan felt relaxed and happy.

"Director Fang, this scene is this photo, the 'Forest of Forgetfulness' in the play."

After receiving the photo from the location staff, Fang Nanbi looked at the real thing, nodded and said: "This place is not bad, let's contact someone to set up the scene tomorrow, starting from the area under my feet."

Fang Nan has been in Dali for a week, and this week, he has been watching the scene with the location crew, and this place on the Erhai Lake is the last one.

"The scenery here is beautiful, but the construction site in the mountains is a bit annoying." The exterior scene complained, pointing to the construction site in the distance.

Fang Nan raised his eyebrows: "What's the trouble? I'll use it first when the Tianlong Babu City in the mountain is built."

At the beginning of this year, Zhang Dahuzian couldn't bear to shoot the mainland version of "Dragon Babu". He was not satisfied after watching countless scenes, so he wanted to build a film and television city in Dali, where Mr. Jin had never been.

The handwriting is called a big one!

Coincidentally, Dali also intends to use "Tianlong Babu" to do a city promotion. , has now been built to the end.

In the past two days, he walked around the film and television city at the end of the period two or three times. The row of residential houses inside has become the city without tears in his heart, and he has drawn a few sketches.

As for the crew of "A Chinese Ghost Story" and "Tian Long Ba Bu" being neighbors, Fang Nan really didn't expect it.

After finishing the last scene, Fang Nan led a few location crews back to the city.

He just got out of the car with his butt crooked in front of the hotel, and met Li Zhu and a middle-aged man in his 40s who also got out of the car.

"This is Han En, I will be your assistant director." Li Zhu introduced Fang Nan.

Fang Nan was full of depression, he hinted that Li Zhu didn't need to be the executive director several times, after all, someone came, it was purely to make him feel uncomfortable, but he came all the time, what to do, he could only stretch out his hand and say: "Hello. "

Han En glanced at Fang Nan: "Little boy, you are so young!"

Fang Nan smacked his lips, and when he wanted to reply, "I'm young but I'm not much less experienced than you", Li Zhu came out and interrupted, "Let's go, we've got everyone, let's go in and discuss the shooting plan."

The hotel they stayed in was called the Sanyue Hotel. It had five floors in total, and the crew of "A Chinese Ghost Story" covered four or five floors.

The first, second and third floors were taken over before they settled in, and it was later discovered that it was the crew of "Dragon Babu", and the vanguard of "Dragon Babu" had already lived in it.

Fang Nan thought it was amazing, Dali was not Hengdian, and it was really rare for two film crews to live in one hotel.

In September, three days before the start-up, Fang Nan made a phone call to Zeng Li and Zhao Zhu.

The reason why he called Zeng Li was that there was a supporting actress who didn't have a lot of roles in the play but couldn't find a candidate. Fang Nan wanted to ask her if she would like to come.

He is now the fourth person in the crew of "A Chinese Ghost Story" besides the producer, director, and producer. He has the right to recommend actresses, and Li Zhu will most likely give face. This is the first time he asks for a role.

Zeng Li answered the phone very quickly, and was very surprised to hear that Fang Nan asked her to make a movie.

She thinks she has only known Fang Nan for a little over a year, and more than a year ago, Fang Nan was a dead-beater in Hengdian.

Two or three months ago, Fang Nan was an assistant director in charge of chores.

But now, Fang Nan has become an action director, and it's hard to believe it!

Even if this 23-year-old young boy has been advocating that he has been in major film crews since he was 16, and he can do everything, that's scary, isn't it.

The 23-year-old action director is still from the mainland!
Zeng Li chanted "monster" while rejecting Fang Nan.

She really wanted to come, but she was also on the set, and she was filming a mission scene, so she couldn't leave even if she wanted to.

Zeng Li refused, and Fang Nan called Zhao Zhu again. Zhao Zhu cooperated well with him in the crew of "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji".

Zhao Zhu readily agreed, and after Fang Nan sent him an address, he joined hands with Wu Jing to do push-ups with one hand.

"You get along well with Damei."

Ha Chi Ha Chi was practicing when Wu Jing suddenly said this.

"big beauty?"

After muttering, Fang Nan realized that Da Mei was referring to Zeng Li.

It is said that the origin of this name is because she is the most beautiful among the seven golden flowers in the 96th grade of Chinese opera, so she is called Damei.

"It's okay." Fang Nan said something indifferent, and Fang Nan asked Wu Jing, "How is your script?"

"It's okay." Wu Jing imitated Fang Nan's tone and said, "The emotional drama is enough."

Fang Nan said nonchalantly: "Emotional dramas are like that. TV dramas are not movies, let alone literary movies. It's almost enough."

He is a director, and he has a deeper understanding of filming than actors.

When it comes to filming, what I'm afraid of is not the poor acting skills of the actors, but the great disparity in the acting skills of the two actors in the opposite play.

The acting skills of the two actors are poor, and the director taught them, and the whole thing was half-baked, and they passed it by blindly yelling "pass".

What the director is most afraid of is an actor with good acting skills and an actor with poor acting skills. The entanglement will really make the director feel uncomfortable.

How much does it cost to shoot dozens of shots for one shot, and hundreds of shots.

Which director dares to do this every day, the producer can lift the director's skull.

Seeing that Wu Jing was already paralyzed from exhaustion, Fang Nan turned down the air conditioner a little, washed up and went to bed.

"Hey, it will start up in two days, are you sure?"

In the darkness, Wu Jing turned around on the bed next to her and asked Fang Nan.

"I don't dare to accept it if I'm not sure."

"Really or not, do you know how to play with a camera?"

"You'll know in a few days!" After speaking, Fang Nan was covered by the quilt and soon fell asleep.

The next day, the production equipment arrived in Dali from Xiangjiang, along with Chen Xiaodong, Xuanxuan, Yuan Hua and other main Xiangjiang actors.

On the next day, the leading actress Xu Yuanyuan flew to Dali from Taiwan, and mainland actors Nie Yuan and Chen Zihan also arrived from their hometowns.

Chen Zihan was quite happy to see Fang Nan, jumping up and down, making everyone in the crew think they were having an affair.

It's not uncommon for the crew partner to go too far.

On the third day of the start-up, on the day of worshiping God, the main actors of the crew of "A Chinese Ghost Story" were basically all present, and only one person asked for leave.

Tian Niu, who played Sima Sanniang, lost her passport and couldn't make it in time.

Speaking in the industry, each production crew is a small world, and in this small world, there are hills and hills, which Fang Nan deeply agrees with.

Because "A Chinese Ghost Story" had such signs on the day it was launched.

And in the case of no one connected in series, this trend is automatically generated.

There is no way, factors such as geography and language have already determined that some people cannot get along with others.

"Let me just make this film with peace of mind." Fang Nan said silently when he offered incense.

After worshiping the gods, Li Zhu slowly started the first shooting.

On the first day of starting up, it means taking a few shots and it’s over, so that the start-up is safe.

Therefore, when the sun was about to slant to the west, Li Zhu told everyone to stop work and go back, so that everyone would have enough to eat and drink today, and the next two to three months would be serious.

Dozens of people from the film crew arrived at the entrance of the hotel, and bumped into the big troop of "Dragon and Babu" head-on. It was like going to a market, very lively.

Among the crowd on the opposite side, Fang Nan saw quite a few faces that were still immature, such as Hu Jun, Liu Tao, Lin Zhiying, and even the young and tender fairy sister Liu Qianqian.

Seeing Chen Hao, Fang Nan raised his hand and shouted, "Sister Chen Hao!"

"Hey, it's you, why are you here?"

It was amazing, Chen Hao really remembered Fang Nan, probably because the time he was hanged from the tree was so impressive.

(End of this chapter)

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