Chapter 53
On the edge of Ximatan in Cangshan Mountain.

Xu Yuanyuan, who plays the lead actress Nie Xiaoqian in the play, stretched out her hand to Tan, and then complained: "Director, this Tan water is too cold."

For the past ten days since "A Chinese Ghost Story" started, she and Chen Xiaodong have been filming dramas with Li Zhu, and they were officially transferred to the action team today.

But the two of them had already heard about the work style of Fang Nan, the director of the action group.

Young, eccentric, and multi-tasking, the executive director is pushed to the edge, like a crew bully.

At first, she and Chen Xiaodong didn't believe it. Fang Nan was so nice at ordinary times, he could talk and laugh with everyone during dinner.

It was not until last night that they received a notice that they were clearly painted, telling them to get up at three o'clock in the morning, cross the mountain and enter Ximatan.

Xu Yuanyuan thought she had hallucinations, and when she hurriedly looked for Fang Nan, she realized that the announcement was true.

Fang Nan, the director, has already led the main staff to climb the mountain overnight.

So, Xu Yuanyuan judged that Fang Nan was not only a bully director, but also a lunatic director, so why not go over the mountain to shoot an underwater scene?

"What's wrong with Tan Shuiliang in Jiuyuetian? Shall I go down for a swim and show you?"

The female lead thought the pool was cold, so Fang Nan, who was squatting on the edge of Xima Pool, prepared to set an example.

There is no way, Xu Yuanyuan is the daughter-in-law of the boss of the capital, even he would not dare to force someone into the water.

He doesn't have the ability to challenge the management at this meeting, so he bites the bullet and does it, and there is a high probability that he will pack up and leave in the end. It's so realistic!

"No need, just download it. I don't know what the picture is. This kind of scene can be filmed in a swimming pool. The actor who climbed a mountain is deprived of oxygen."

Xu Yuanyuan murmured and complained, Fang Nan heard it but pretended not to hear it, it was really his personal opinion to shoot in Ximatan today, the place is so beautiful, he couldn't bear it.

Another one, there is no need to rent a swimming pool, no need to set up scenery, and this is also saving money.

"Well, I'll go to the bottom of the water to shoot you guys myself."

When Wu Xing put on the wire for the male and female number one, Fang Nan took off his T-shirt and pants.

Under the clear blue sky, the Cangshan Mountain was lush and lush, beside the Xima Lake, Fang Nan patted the lake water on his chest, and took the lead down to Tan Tan with a camera with a waterproof lens on his shoulder.

"Come on down, it's cool." Fang Nan said to the two leading actors beside the pool when the pool was not halfway behind him.

Fang Nan urged again and again, and the two actors held hands and slowly walked into the Ximatan, "More, more" until the two actors reached the depth that they could shoot, Fang Nan stopped his seductive tone.

"Shoot the real thing, pass one shot, you two should be fine, right?" Fang Nan encouraged the two of them before the shooting started.

With the director boasting so much, what else can the actors say, why not just kiss the scene, and the feeling will come after kissing and kissing.


Holding the camera in his arms, Fang Nan saw water bubbles appearing between the four lips. He made an ok gesture and then floated up. The first shot was easily completed.

After the most important underwater scene was shot, Fang Nan threw the camera to the camera assistant to shoot the scene where the two of them went ashore. He wiped his body and put on his clothes, and by the way, instructed the others to pack up and prepare to go back.


"Director Fang, this scene is over."

"Then go back."

Fang Nan gave an order, and a group of more than 20 people from the action team started to climb the mountain again. During the period, they babbled that morale was okay, and everything was easy to do when the money was enough.

And filming is like this, going to barren mountains and Gobi, sleeping in the wolf smoke desert, let alone climbing a hill.

On the contrary, the two actors are exhausted and have never filmed such a scene.

Back on the set of 'Forgetful Forest', Fang Nan asked a group of people to rest first, and ran to look at the scenes shot by Han En today.

As soon as the monitor sat down, Zhao Zhu ran over and whispered, "Han En took a close-up of a female group member today and wrote a few words for her."

Fang Nan, who understood what it meant, let out a sigh and waved his hands: "It's okay, these are trivial."

Zhao Zhu's meaning is easy to understand. Han En's close-up shots and writing lyrics for the female group are ready to engage in the common unspoken rules of the crew.

Every crew has unspoken rules and such, but this thing is just a trail, not popular.

Only Xiaobai and laymen who have just entered the industry will take celebrities seriously and unspoken rules as a big deal, and they will be happy when they talk about it.

It's not uncommon for old Jianghu who really got into Fang Nan's position to talk about this kind of thing.

In other words, the unspoken rules are all incidental gadgets of high-ranking members of the crew.

What each crew leader really plays is-greed.

How greedy is the crew?
So greedy that the coal boss was afraid, until the coal boss disappeared in the film and television investment circle.

A crew may have no unspoken rules, but no one is not greedy.

No way, too greedy.

The prop master wants to buy a temporary prop, and the ten yuan thing is said to be twenty, and there is no invoice yet.

The assistant director in charge of the location wants to shoot the facilities in a private house, the owner wants 200, and the assistant director reimburses 500, and the place is thousands of miles away, what should I do?
The management audited the accounts, and the crew had to stop working. The three-day inspection and the three-day suspension caused the loss of three days to be more than the cost of being greedy for the producers and directors.

Therefore, the unspoken rules are really nothing compared to the money of the greedy capital.

After all, as long as you have money, there are many beautiful girls in art schools, but there are not so many beautiful girls in celebrities.

Fang Nan has seen in the circle for more than 20 or [-] years, and there are only a few actresses who are still naturally beautiful after removing makeup.

Therefore, when Zhao Zhu quietly told Fang Nan what Han En wanted to do, Fang Nan felt nothing in his heart.

What's the matter with diving into a group, as long as it doesn't delay his work.

After dismissing Zhao Zhu, Fang Nan took out his mobile phone and looked at it. Seeing that he had been down for more than ten hours today, he asked the staff to pack up and go back to the hotel.

The production team slowly arrived at the hotel, and the production team of "Tian Long Ba Bu" was holding a welcome party.

Fang Nan glanced twice before realizing that he was welcoming Zhang Dabeard. He is the producer of this drama, not the director, and he just arrived in Dali today.

And the score is so huge that I heard that people from the city even came.

Looking at the staff of "Dragon Babu" in the lobby of the hotel, and looking at the twenty or thirty little soldiers behind him, Fang Nan deeply felt the gap. He was too lazy to wait for the elevator, so he took a breath to climb the stairs. up.

"Hey, Fang Nan."

"Hi, Miss Chen!"

At the turning point in the stairwell, Fang Nan saw Chen Hao, Liu Tao, and Liu Qianqian appearing above, and hurriedly greeted them.

The last time the two met in a hurry, they didn't talk too much. In the past few days, everyone left early and returned irregularly, and they never met.

When we met this time, Chen Hao teased Fang Nan while holding the handrail of the stairs: "Hey, I can't call you by your name now, you are the director now."

Fang Nan replied with a smile, "What director? It's just a job for me. It's still a part-time job."

"That's different, you are now a senior worker." Chen Hao said with a smile, and then introduced the two beauties around Fang Nan: "The big beauty Liu Tao, this is the little beauty Liu Qianqian."

After the introduction, Chen Hao pointed to Fang Nan and said: "He is Fang Nan, the action director of our crew upstairs, he is very famous in Hengdian, I will tell you about it later, and I will make sure you laugh."

Fang Nan held his two soft and boneless little hands together, and said with a smile, "Oh, Miss Chen, at least I got to know each other, so I don't need to expose my faults."

Before Chen could reply, Liu Tao laughed and asked Fang Nan, "Director Fang is so young, where is his family? His accent sounds like he's from Jiangsu?"

A woman who can mess around.

As for the underage Liu Qianqian, she was a quiet, mature little beauty who was slightly different from other children.

(End of this chapter)

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