literary world

Chapter 57 Fang Dao, Don't Touch Me

Chapter 57 Fang Dao, Don't Touch Me
Fang Nan's answer surprised Yang Kui, but he agreed instantly.

Even when the call was transferred to Li Zhu, Boss Yang told Li Zhu that the action team had full authority to let Fang Nan do it.

In his heart, whether a person is capable or not has nothing to do with his age.

Older people can still do shitty things.

But Fang Nan, who was young, had the awareness of taking care of the overall situation.

And to ensure that everything is normal for the crew to shoot is to take into account the overall situation.

Putting down the phone, Li Zhu asked Fang Nan, "How many days will we be filming for 'Wangqing Forest'?"

Fang Nandao: "Three days, after three days, go to Tianlong Babu City to shoot the scene of 'City Without Tears'."

Li Zhu asked again: "What about Tian Niu? If she really has a broken bone, she will definitely not be able to shoot the fight scene."

"You can talk to her at night. If you can't shoot a scene, you can use a stand-in. She has to take part in close-up shots."

Talking about Tian Niu, Fang Nan also felt a headache. The actress was so unlucky, she lost her passport when she entered the airport;

Li Zhu's car drove away, and when he returned to the set, Fang Nan didn't blame Han En, who had lost his energy, but shouted at the one who was the most suitable for Tian Niu in the martial arts: "Ma Dayong, your boss Ma Sanniang's makeup. "

"Director, I'm a man."

As soon as Ma Dayong hesitated, Fang Nan knew what he was going to say, so he took the lead in cursing: "Fuck you, don't do this job if you don't like pretending to be a woman, and don't keep bragging to me every day from now on."

Ma Dayong is also from Xiangjiang, he is short and thick, but he doesn't like to pretend to be a woman.

The first time Fang Nan shook hands with him, this guy bragged to Fang Nan, saying that the little Hei Ke he had been with before was bad.

Fang Nan was startled at the time, Xiao Hei was not dissatisfied with martial arts skills, but he was a flying man who drove across the Yellow River.

So much so that Fang Nan's first impression of Ma Dayong was Xiao Hei's apprentice, so what could be wrong?
At that time, he was happy to let Ma Dayong perform a good performance. This guy was not timid, and he waved his posture and said without shame: "Easy, come to dozens of standing backflips."

As soon as these words came out, Fang Nan and a group of people in the mainland were dumbfounded. Is this simple?They all made way to get acquainted with each other.

Ma Dayong's first backflip was perfect.

Ma Dayong's second backflip was just a little bit off.

Ma Dayong made the third backflip and sat down on the ground with a "baji".

Fang Nan rolled his eyes: "Don't brag next time, the one who lost Brother Hei."

He forced Ma Dayong to put on Sima Sanniang's makeup, and the filming of "A Chinese Ghost Story" continued. It would be a big deal to hurt two people during the filming. As long as the boss is willing to pay, it's really a big deal.

All the scenes of "Forest of Forgetfulness" ended after Tian Niu was discharged from the hospital on the third morning to complete the close-up.

For half a day in the afternoon, Fang Nan gave the action crew half a day off. For more than 20 consecutive days, with more than 10 hours of filming every day, all the crew members were exhausted.

He himself is also very tired. Recently, Liu Tao has been running to the fifth floor every now and then, in his room and in the small warehouse.
I can only say tired and happy.

The next day.

The action group of "A Chinese Ghost Story" moved to Dali Street, Tianlong Babu City, and abruptly divided Dali Street into two. Fang Nan's shameless operation with a big beard was very dissatisfied, but he couldn't say anything.

Dali built Tianlongbabu film and television city, indeed for his "Tianlongbabu".

But you can't expect people to only accept the crew of "Tian Long Ba Bu".

Before the film and television city was fully built, other production crews were attracted, and the film and television city's mouth was almost crooked with joy, how could it be possible to drive people away.

What's more, the young director named Fang Nan in the opposite crew is also a thick-skinned and fearless director.

In a residential house on Dali Street, a bearded Zhang sits in the center and arranges for Fang Nan, who is in his crew, holding a bowl.

After throwing a piece of kelp fish into the bowl, Fang Nan leaned against the door frame and said to Chen Hao: "Hey, Sister Chen, the food for the actors in your crew is really good, and there is kelp fish for lunch."

"It's okay, someone's birthday is today." After Chen Hao finished speaking, he turned his gaze to the misty drizzle outside.

Fang Nan is not ashamed. Today, as soon as the two film crews became neighbors, this guy ran across the door for a meal. He even came to find her when the producer was here!

"Is someone celebrating a birthday? Director Zhang?"

After Fang Nan was surprised, he hurried to face Zhang Dahuzi and said, "Director Zhang, happy birthday. I really didn't know that today is your birthday, otherwise I would definitely bring a cake."

That guy with a big beard, he's from the Beijing circle, he has a national TV station behind him, he wants money and people, and the investment in a TV series is tens of millions, how can he compare himself to a junior?

Can you still care about those two pieces of kelp?

Sure enough, not only did Zhang Big Beard not care about the shameless Fang Nan, he even showed a smile on his originally cold face: "It's not my birthday, you can eat more fish if you like."

"Hey, then I'm welcome."

After Zhang Dazi nodded happily, Fang Nan ran to the edge of the basin, dug out two full spoons with a spoon, and pressed them into his lunch box, pretending to be tall.

"Have you finished eating? The ordinary staff of our crew didn't eat it, and you took it all away."

"Why do you have such a sense of justice, little girl?"

Fang Nan slandered Liu Qianqian, who had a strong sense of justice, but unconsciously put her hand down. It was quite shameful for a little girl to think her morals were corrupt.

Clutching his lunch box and running to the opposite residence, Fang Nan picked up a piece of kelp each for Xu Yuanyuan, Xuanxuan, Nie Yuan, Wu Jing and the martial artists.

There's no way around it, in terms of the food and drink of the crew, a comparison between the two crews reveals Wanwan's petty attitude, so he, the action director, has to brag about the food on the opposite side to help improve his own food.

"Director Fang, after I finish eating, I will show you a unique skill."

Two bites of kelp fish were removed, and Ma Dayong, who had a fishy taste in his mouth, was refreshed. He was so moved that he wanted to perform a unique skill.

Fang Nan glanced at him, and said angrily: "You're a fart, take it easy, don't make trouble for me anymore."

Ma Dayong quit, put down the bowl and walked to Dali Street where the drizzle was still drizzled. He made a mistake last time and was looked down upon by the director. Now, he thinks he has to find his way back today.

More importantly, Director Fang is a nice person, and he didn't say anything to his brothers.

Ma Dayong walked out of the residence without looking back, Fang Nan and the others were puzzled and ran to the roof of the residence.

Seeing Ma Dayong's butt lifted onto the horse's back not far away, Fang Nan became impatient. The four horses were delivered just this morning, they were so delicate, how could they mess with him.

"Cough, what are you doing riding a horse? Come down!"

Fang Nan was about to rush over while cursing, and at the same time all the cast and crew of "Dragon Babu" ran out, and at the same time, Ma Dayong, who was also in a hurry, let the horse run away.

"Fang Dao, in fact, my real unique skill is equestrianism."

When Ma Dayong galloped past Fang Nan on his horse, he shouted loudly.

Riding a horse on the bluestone slab in the drizzle, and galloping, Fang Nan raised his heart with a "shua".

At the same time, there were unusually intense cheers from both sides of Dali Street. Fang Nan took a closer look and saw that Ma Dayong was pulling the saddle up and down from time to time, and sometimes accompanied the horse forward, as if he had become one with the horse.

Fang Nan was dumbfounded, this is the best equestrian martial artist he has ever seen.

Just at this moment, Ma Dayong, who came to the street, slowly turned his horse's head and stood on the saddle. When the green-maned horse sped up in front of Fang Nan again, Ma Dayong made a shocking movement.

He did a backflip on the galloping horse, Fang Nan thought that he was about to fall on the horse, but in fact Ma Dayong fell on his back with a "baji".

Everyone on both sides of the street was stunned and terrified.

"I rough your uncle's Ma Dayong"

Fang Nan ran over while yelling curses, and then everyone swarmed after him.

Ma Dayong, who was facing the sky, slowly raised his right hand: "Fang Dao, don't, don't touch me!"

How could Fang Nan dare to move in such a situation? After bending down, he carefully glanced at Ma Dayong's whole body. Seeing that there was no blood around him, he hurriedly said, "I didn't move. I don't feel uncomfortable."

Ma Dayong grinned and said: "The ribs are not broken, but the back hurts a bit."

"Are you sure, let me help you up?" Fang Nan tried.

A circle of men, women, and little girls surrounded him, and Director Fang wanted to help him up again. Ma Dayong couldn't help being anxious, "Don't, don't touch me."

Fang Nan scolded: "Crap, are you okay, if you have something to say quickly, I will take you to the hospital now, if you have nothing to do, hurry up and get up."

Ma Dayong blushed, and whispered to Fang Nan, "Director Fang, I'm running away."

"What's the matter?"

Before Fang Nan squatted down, he came to his senses. He tilted Ma Dayong's body with his feet, saw a lump of yellow on the bluestone board, and instantly knew why Ma Dayong, who was fine, refused to get up.

It turned out that Ma Dayong's feces and urine were thrown out just now.

 Let me also recommend "China Entertainment: Riding a Bicycle to Be the Best Actor". It is also from China Entertainment. I watched it as a literary film. If you are interested, you can watch it.


(End of this chapter)

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