literary world

Chapter 59 Signing

Chapter 59 Signing
Cai Yinong, who was thirsty for talents, stayed in Dali.

It goes without saying who she stays for and who this virtuous person refers to——Liu Qianqian!

In Cai Yinong's words to Fang Nan, "The little girl is too juicy, her conversation is so sophisticated, she was born to eat the rice of the entertainment industry, she must be taken down by Barabara"

Fang Nan was very depressed.

No matter what Shui Ling said in front of him, he should not be a person, and what about his contract?
Fang Nan had carefully considered the signing of Tang Tang Film and Television, and Yang Kui gave him a sense of insecurity on the one hand.

On the other hand, he has the intention of participating in "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

"Sword" series yeah.

Douban Xianxia drama score No. [-]!

Directly leading a group of young actors such as Huohuge, An Yixuan, Peng Yuyan, Liu Pinyan, etc., also made Liu Qianqian's acting career to a higher level.

How many generations born in the 80s and 90s put on filters for this show.

Even in this day and age, this fairy-tale drama was sprayed into shit by fans of the original game, but it didn't prevent this drama from becoming popular, very popular.

He wanted to take advantage of the popularity of the show to let himself take off.

This is also his advantage that is different from other directors. Even if he is a small-screen director, he can make himself and his works dazzling!
That's how shameless it is!
But Fang Nan was not stupid, five years and eight plays spanned too long, he asked Cai Yinong to sign a contract for six plays in three years, who would have thought that Cai Yinong was too busy dealing with Liu Qianqian's mother and son, and hadn't answered yet.

"Director, the filming will start soon." Zhao Zhu came over and called him while he was smoking a cigarette by the trash can.

Sitting down in front of the monitor, Fang Nan waved his hand at the reporter: "Let's start playing the recorder."

"A real shot of the 38th scene of "A Chinese Ghost Story", eight shots, action."

On Dali Street in Tianlong Babu City, facing the gate of the city, Wu Jingxu squinted his eyes and looked at Xuanxuan with long white hair, hesitantly said: "You are."

Xuan Xuan pursed her lips and smiled: "Brother, it's me, Yan Hongye."

There are two more creases at the corners of Wu Jing's eyes: "Which red leaf are you? Black hair, or white."

Xuanxuan: "Brother, I am Hongye with black hair!"

Wu Jing grinned happily in an instant: "Junior Sister!"


Shouting a "click", Han En looked at Fang Nan who was beside him, resting his forehead on his hands and looking at the monitor, with a face full of unwillingness to be entangled.

"Damn, these two people are absolutely perfect when they meet to play an emotional scene together, they really have no feelings at all!" Fang Nan muttered to the monitor.

Since ancient times, actors have been said to have acting talent, but in Fang Nan's eyes, Wu Jing and Xuanxuan really have no talent, or they really didn't show it in this scene.

I don't know if he is used to watching Wu Jing's action scenes or something.

He saw the expressions of Wu Jing and Xuanxuan from the monitor and felt very stiff.

Leaning a little, Fang Nan hugged the TV series and shouted "Pass" with the mentality of using it.

"It's over, are the actors' makeup done for the next show?"

Zhao Zhu shouted, Singaporean actor Wang Lujiang came out of the residence and stood opposite Xuanxuan.

Fang Nan was thinking about whether he would meet Wang Lujiang in "The Immortal Sword", Cai Yinong sat next to him, and stuffed him with a stack of A4 paper, "Look at the general contract."

He glanced at the remuneration, then at the time limit, and found that eight plays in five years had been changed to seven plays in four years, not the six plays in three years he proposed. Fang Nan smacked his lips, thinking that a businessman is worthy of being a businessman. He cares about everything.

In fact, it doesn't matter how many movies you make in a year, he is young and has the energy.

He didn't want to stay in Tangtang Film and Television forever. This company has never heard of making big-screen works.

"Miss K, let's change it here." Fang Nan pointed to seven plays in four years.

Cai Yinong glanced at Fang Nan: "How can I change it?"

If you ask her, Fang Nan doesn't need to worry about these things. It's true that he tried his best to make the first film well. The first film was finished, and the other contracts afterwards were all nonsense.

"I agreed to seven films in four years, but I can't specify which film I will shoot, and I still have a condition."

Cai Yinong said: "Tell me, what are the conditions?"

"After filming the first three films, I hope the company can invest in me to make a big screen work, the investment amount is not less than 600 million!"

Cai Yinong rolled his eyes and said speechlessly, "Then I'd rather sign with you for three years and six plays."

"Miss K, you can't say that. If you make money, don't you?"

"How much does a TV series cost? How long has "Unparalleled World" been filming, and it hasn't been released yet. If it can't be sold, is it because the TV station thinks it's too bad?"

"So, you have to think in a good place. Domestic films are really not making money now, but what if? Do you want Tangtang Film and Television to keep spinning on the small screen? Plan ahead and take advantage of it."

Fang Nan spoke earnestly like a pyramid scheme boss.

But Cai Yinong is not stupid, the film and television box office data in her hand is very detailed, in order to dispel Fang Nan's idea, she directly brought out the domestic box office data of last year.

In 2001, the total box office of domestic movies was more than 8 million, less than 9 million.

The Hollywood film "Pearl Harbor" topped the box office list with a box office of 1.04 million.

The second is "Charlie's Angels", which is also a Hollywood film, with a box office of more than 7000 million.

In the whole of last year, only one domestic film made money, "Big Name", with a box office of more than 4300 million, ranking third.

The remaining seven are either Hollywood films or Hong Kong films.

Fang Nan was at a loss for words, Cai Yinong's real statistics were presented, so what else could he say.

You can't take out the script of "The Unknown", throw it on Cai Yinong's face, and tell her that the script is awesome, and the box office of later generations will be [-] to [-] million, a typical small investment with big return, how can it be thousands of dollars now? million box office.

Fang Nan, who was not reconciled, tried to say: "Well, how about this, when the company has the idea of ​​investing in the big screen, how about giving priority to me as a director? At that time, I will also help share some risks."

Cai Yinong had a headache, and also regretted that he didn't sign Fang Nan in "Unparalleled World", otherwise there would be so many things, this guy has long wings now.

"Let's sign it first, and I promise you to do it. After you stay in Tangtang Film and Television for a long time and integrate into it, maybe you can get rid of these thoughts." Cai Yinong said helplessly.

"Then sign it."

Fang Nan wrote down his name with a swipe of his hand. Cai Yinong took a look at it and thought it was quite artistic.

"I'm so idle, and I even practiced art signatures." Cai Yinong shook his head unconsciously.

"After signing, then I will leave. How long will it take for you to finish filming this movie?"

"It's finished, and there are about ten days left." After Fang Nan finished speaking, he asked curiously, "Did the kid next door sign it?"

Cai Yinong sighed: "No, high quality and high requirements, it's a bit difficult!"

Hearing this, Fang Nan scratched his head, is Cai Yinong changing his arrangement and his quality is low?
"I'm leaving first. I'm going to Taiwan. Your side is over. I'll go to Pujiang to get the contract. Besides, I don't need to take plays in private in the future. Wait for my call."

Cai Yinong put down his words and went to the next door again, Fang Nan was also lazy and entangled, so he hurriedly finished the task at hand and prepared for the upcoming "Legend of Sword and Fairy" to be serious.

(End of this chapter)

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