Chapter 73

Some people left in disgrace.

Someone enthusiastically posted it.

But the one who is most excited is Cai Yinong, who has discerning eyes and pearls.

"Let's go back and sign two more contracts, one artist contract and one singer contract." Knowing that the recent popular songs on the market are all from Fang Nan, Cai Yinong wanted to sign another management contract as soon as he thought about it.

"Forget it, I'm not interested in acting, and I can't be a singer either. My voice is not suitable for singing, and I can't get high notes." Fang Nan politely declined.

Cai Yinong did not give up and said: "I can't sing, but you can write lyrics and music, so why not sign an artist contract?"

Fang Nan was speechless, and he didn't know whether Cai Yinong was really stupid or fake, or if he regarded him as a fool. Have you ever heard the saying that don't put all eggs in one basket?

The director who signed him is not enough, and he even wants to make a profit from the songwriting?
Not so exploitative!
Another one, my family knows my family affairs, his words are copied from memory, and he doesn't have the ability to really write words.

The tune was even more difficult, and he was half-baked.

Knowing the tone and how to sing, how many days were spent pushing backwards with a broken guitar, and how many brain cells were spent to compose a dozen songs. He didn't have the energy to compose any tunes.

Cai Yinong refused to give up, and Fang Nan refused to agree. When the dispute could not be resolved, Cai Yinong made a surprise attack, "Then write two lyrics for "Immortal Sword"."

"Okay!" Fang Nan: "Huh?"

"Okay, that's it?"

Cai Yinong, who thought he had a plan, turned to the stage, Fang Nan curled up and lay down in the chair, his eyes were bright.

"Always Quiet" has never been popular, he is thinking about how to arrange it in "Sword", Cai Yinong's proposal is too timely.

The lights on the stage came on, the lights in the arena went out, and more and more big names in the aisle took advantage of the darkness to sit in the middle of the sixth row.

"Hey, hello, Mr. Cai!"

"Boss Wang is here anyway."

"The organizer strongly invites, but there is no way!"

Wang Lei and Cai Yinong greeted each other so eagerly, Fang Nan, who was watching coldly, was puzzled at first.

When he thought about the TV series "Young General of the Yang Family" that made him want nothing, he just thought about whether the two companies had signs of cooperation as early as 03.

As for the grievances between him and these two companies, we have to start from the previous life.

In the previous life, Hua Yi participated in the investment, and the "Young General Yang" filmed by Tang Tang Film and Television was launched in Hengdian.

He wouldn't say how profound his directing skills are, but he has already figured out all the big and small things of the crew, so he went to apply for an assistant director.

Unexpectedly, because of his kung fu, he became the executive director of the drama "Young General Yang".

Just when he was full of ambition and worked hard to assist the director to finish the filming of the drama, and then waited for Cai Yinong to compile it and prepare to show off his grand plans, "Young General Yang" was broadcast on four channels simultaneously.

The four channels broadcast the first and second episodes simultaneously, and the ratings were good.

Audience reaction: The all-star lineup, Hu Ge from Immortal Sword, Ho Rundong's young face, looks good!

The fifth and sixth episodes were broadcast simultaneously on four channels, and the ratings dropped slightly.

Audience reaction: This drama is a little tragic.

No.15 and [-] episodes were simultaneously broadcast on four channels, and the ratings dropped severely.

Audience's reaction: This drama is pretty good, but it will cause tears, so it is better to watch it less.

The four simulcast No.
Four TV stations: What a fart, the ratings have dropped.

The final impact of the broadcasting of "Young General Yang" by the TV station is that Tang Tang Film and Television and Hua Yi crazily splashed dirty water on each other. Since then, there has been no cooperation, and the matter of Hua Yi's capital injection into Tang Tang Film and Television has been completely ruined.

But the worst was Fang Nan, this guy was directly implicated and ran for more than ten years in martial arts, the assistant director.

"This is Fang Nan, the director of Tang Tang Film and Television."

According to Cai Yinong, Fang Nan had no choice but to stand up and shake hands with Wang Lei, the youngest member of Huayi.

"Have you met before? It looks familiar." Wang Lei asked Fang Nan while tying his bow tie.

Fang Nan sat down and smiled, "Mr. Wang has a really good memory. I passed a script to Huayi last year, and you were the one who received it."

"I remember." After Wang Lei nodded slightly, he waved to Feng Dapao who was walking to the front row just now: "Director Feng, come here, come here."

Wang Lei called his own director, but Fang Nan didn't take it seriously.

But when Feng Dapao stood next to him, Wang Lei talked about part of the plot of "The Unknown" with him as if no one else was there, and Fang Nan's face was instantly gloomy.

People can be shameless, but not so shameless!

"Which one?"

"The two stupid thieves who robbed the mobile phone shop, the one you said had a good idea." Seeing Feng Dapao's doubts, Wang Lei reminded again.

"I remembered." After suddenly realizing it, Feng Dapao chattered at the big tooth flower, and said to Fangnan in a coquettish way: "Is the book finished? Will it be sold?"

Fang Nan, who was too lazy to look at these two people, blurted out, "Not for sale!"

Feng Dapao bared his two front teeth, and said with a smirk: "If you don't sell it, you won't be able to shoot it, and you won't be able to sell it if you shoot it. Why don't you exchange it for some cash?"

If it were someone else, there was nothing wrong with Feng Dapao's words, they could scare people.

Because in today's domestic film market, films directed by him really make the most money, and "Big Star" is a clear proof.

But Fang Nan didn't like him, this guy's ass was full of shit, Fang Nan could see it clearly, how could he be fooled by his few words.

"You are the only director in the whole country to make a movie, can you sell it?" Fang Nan raised his head and glanced at Feng Dapao, his face was full of disdain.

"Don't dare to say that, dare not say that, but it's definitely more convincing than you!"

Probably due to the occasion, now that the limelight is in full swing, Feng Dapao, who is not yet old, didn't force himself to use swear words, but his expression was comparable to that of the big hooligan in the movie "Old Pao", who wandered in BJ's alley.

"Fang Nan, don't say a few words!"

"Director Feng, Director Feng, go back to your seat first. The ceremony has already begun. Let me talk about the script."

Cai Yinong and Wang Lei saw that the air had cooled down, and the guests in the front and rear rows turned their heads to look around from time to time, and they stopped Fang Nan and Feng Dapao one after another.

The difference is that Wang Lei, the boss who is only a little over 30 years old, speaks so loudly!

Feng Dapao left with a cold face, while Fang Nan watched the show on the stage without showing any anger.

Probably because the authority of the 'Golden South' award is not enough, and there is no leader's speech, so the program flow is very fast, and it will be the awards ceremony in a short while.

Fang Nan didn't keep him waiting, an award presenter he didn't know read out his name on the stage, and there was sparse applause from the audience. Everyone knew in their hearts that the award came from a wrong path, and meaning was enough.

But Fang Nan didn't think so. This was the first prize he got, so he had to take it seriously.

In the distance of about 20 steps from the sixth row to the stage, Fang Nan walked in a manly manner, winning an award of 3 yuan was more imposing than winning a best director award.

Taking out the acceptance speech he had prepared in advance, Fang Nan coughed lightly, and read: "Thank you to the jury, thank you to the boss Yang Kuiyang, and director Li Zhu, actors Wu Jing, Xuanxuan, and Xu Yuanyuan."

After reading a long list of people's names, Fang Nan figured that the cameraman had given him a few shots to edit a short video to fool the coal boss, so Fang Nan pouted and stepped off the stage.

(End of this chapter)

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