Chapter 81
Gao Yuanyuan went away for three days and came back again, all haggard.

Fang Nan asked about the method, only to find out that Gao Yuanyuan and Xingguang had successfully terminated the contract, and she paid a liquidated damages of up to 200 million, which was considered bankrupt.

What is the concept of 2003 million in 200?

The full price of the courtyard house that BJ is close to is only at this price. After more than ten years, the price will increase ten times for fun.

Fang Nan felt a little sympathetic to this girl, so much money would be gone.

After consoling Gao Yuanyuan, Fang Nan asked Zhao Qin again.

According to Gao Yuanyuan, Zhao Qin also left Xingguang and is nowhere to be seen, and Zhao Qin has not been punished by the company.

"Probably Xingguang doesn't think Zhao Qin's tricks are cheap!" At the end, Gao Yuanyuan said these words with a cold expression.

Fang Nan was silent, he was old in the entertainment industry.

I know that the saying of "If you don't see a rabbit, don't scatter an eagle" really doesn't work in the entertainment industry.

In the entertainment industry, everything has to be the first, and there are only a few good shows throughout the year.

If there is a trouble, you have to create various conditions and first establish a good relationship with the producer, director, and management. The final result of waiting for the price is that you can't get anything.

Slow step by step, Zhang Ailing's "Be famous as soon as possible" is not finished.

But Zhao Qin's operation was really too extreme, because Fang Nan was not very famous, let alone a masterpiece in the true sense.

If "The Unknown" is a success at the box office, and the next work is also a success, Fang Nan will not be surprised if a female star is stuffed under the bed that is sleeping soundly.

Now, I'm really too impatient!
"I keep talking about my talent, but I didn't expect that it was Zhao Qin who first discovered and recognized my talent!"

Muttering something, Fang Nan dodged Gao Yuanyuan's cold gaze and said, "Let's film with peace of mind, let me know if you need help."

He is also tired.

Finding a regular girlfriend at the age of 24 is not in the plan at all, this time I can only be a scumbag, "If you have a role, just think more about it." Fang Nan said silently.

As for Gao Yuanyuan's idea, Fang Nan didn't bother to think about it, these were not the point, the point was to finish filming "The Legend of Heroine Doctor" and leave.

One of the heroines returned, and Jia Jingwen's pretty face was restored, and "The Legend of Doctor Heroes" entered the intense filming period again.

Lai Qingshui's labels for "The Legend of Doctor Heroes" are love, magic, and martial arts dramas. In future generations, netizens will only label this drama——Lei drama, the kind of thunder rolling in the sky, and the old medicine. Human scalp is numb.

After three days here, this is the second time Fang Nan walked into the set, "You look familiar." Master Zhao Wenzhuo frowned slightly as he shook hands with Fang Nan.

Fang Nan glanced at him, said with a smile, "I think you look familiar too."

As soon as Master Zhao let out a "huh", he was interrupted by Lai Qingshui, who was so anxious that his mouth was full of blisters.

The production crew stopped for three days for no reason. He was getting angry all the time. If he could regret it, he would definitely not ask Fang Nan to be a martial arts instructor.

When the director spoke and started filming, everyone in the crew moved, except Fang Nan yawning and sitting in front of the monitor without moving.

"The Legend of Doctor Heroes" was also filmed by two groups at the same time, and one of the groups filmed supporting and side scenes.

Lai Qingshui's side is the main event and the play.

Fang Nan, who is a martial arts instructor, felt good about it. It was his turn to plan moves for the actors and extras during the fight scenes. The rest of the time, no one cared about him, and he did whatever he liked.

"Hey, why do you have to die every day?"

It was still hot at noon in September, and Fang Nan, who had finished drawing the sub-shots overnight yesterday, felt sleepy and yawned one after another.

Fang Nan raised his eyebrows: "I'm alive and well at night!"

Gao Yuanyuan kicked Fang Nan's chair leg: "I'm going to kill you!"

The two flirted with each other furtively, and the executive director of the film crew shouted "action", Fang Nan tilted his head and glanced at the monitor, and saw an unknown actress in the camera holding Master Zhao and gnawing wildly, he was stunned watching up.

"Who is this actress? She has a future!" Fang Nan moved to the side of Gao Yuanyuan and asked in a low voice.

Gao Yuanyuan rolled his eyes at him and turned his head away, while Fang Nan looked at him brightly.

What the actors kiss live and what the audience sees on the screen are completely different things.

When the actors are filming on-site, there are lighting, photography and crew members two meters away from the actors.

With so many people watching, it's not easy for an actress to hug an actor fearlessly, but her psychological quality is quite strong.

Not to mention actresses, even male actors rarely do this. Most actors either use doubles or borrow seats to shoot such scenes.

If Fang Nan was forced to find such an actor, it would probably be Huang Ama in "Returning the Pearl". This guy is also very good at picking up actresses. In "Yi Tian", he almost cried Xiao Taohong.

Fang Nan was standing on the periphery at that time.

I don't know if it's the actress coveting Mr. Zhao's beauty, or something else, the first shot of "The Legend of Doctor Heroes" was shot more than a dozen times, and Lai Qing was so angry that his eyebrows almost stood on end.

After taking a long breath, he rushed to Fang Nan who stood up and said, "Nan Tsai, the next game is up to you."

"Eh, okay."

There aren't many fighting scenes in "The Legend of Doctor Heroes". It is said to be magical but in fact it is all empty-handed.

In front of the gate of the house in the camera, Fang Nan asked Gao Yuanyuan, who was holding a prop sword, and said, "Can you take the sword?"

"Strike you to death!" Gao Yuanyuan raised his sword and stabbed at Fang Nan.

"Let's play." Fang Nan pushed aside and walked towards Master Zhao.

Zhao Wenzhuo himself is a kung fu practitioner, and after so many years of filming action scenes, Fang Nan planned for him to learn the three movements immediately, which made Fang Nan less slobbering.

Ten minutes later, a set of moves designed by Fang Nan [Gao Yuanyuan glared and drew his sword, Zhao Wenzhuo prevented him from pushing the sword into its sheath first, and then grabbing and seizing the sword] was completed.

Before the filming, Fang Nan reminded with a smile: "Mr. Zhao, be gentle, the opposite actor is a girl."

In their industry, older and powerful actors are generally called "teacher", which is considered a respectful title.

But in later generations, this title has changed. There are some rookie actors who are in their 20s and just in their early years who are somewhat famous, and some people call them "teacher".

A rookie singer who sang ghosts and howled wolves, and some people rushed to shout "teacher", which made people very uncomfortable, and then the title "teacher" was also misplaced.

Master Zhao nodded with a smile: "No problem."

In the past few days, there has been so much commotion in the hotel where the crew lives. If he is not stupid, how can he not know what these two people did?
That is to say, he is too old to lose face.

Otherwise, like the rest of the crew, he pretended to hang out in front of Fang Nan's room frequently.

Not for anything else, just to see if the bed really collapsed.

 I had a wave of Py with people, this is the boss

(End of this chapter)

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