Chapter 86


In the mobile phone shop, Meng Ziyi sighed almost crazily.

In the two hours since the "Ling Rui Promo Video" was uploaded, he has received nearly 1000 messages asking about the mobile phone brand.

He was doubly annoyed by such strong publicity.

"Why are you so confused that you don't trust the person next to you? It would be great if the mobile phone in the promotional video is next year's latest backgammon!"

Meng Ziyi looked at Fang Nan who was smoking a cigarette beside him with regret.

Fang Nan glanced at the sighing Mencius: "Our agreement starts now."

The first advertising video in his life was full of effects, which made Fang Nan more confident about the future and "Nobody Known".

But before that, Mencius had to keep his promise.

Mencius shook his head slowly: "No need, the 50 publicity fee I can use will be used as an advertising sponsorship fee, and all of it will be invested in your movie "Let's Go Out."

Fang Nan looked straight at Meng Ziyi: "Are you sure? I'll ask my agent to discuss the advertising sponsorship agreement now?"

"Yes, but don't come to BJ, go to Shenzhen, I will meet your manager in Shenzhen." After speaking, Meng Ziyi picked up Fang Nan's camera: "Also, I want to take this promotional video of yours with you. "

Meng Ziyi's words were sincere, and a big stone in Fang Nan's heart finally fell down.

With Meng Ziyi's advertising sponsorship fee of 50 yuan, and Cai Yinong's promise of 200 million yuan, he will be able to pull people together first after sewing and mending.

"No problem." Happy, Fang Nan agreed to Meng Ziyi.

"Let me introduce myself formally. My name is Meng Ziyi, Marketing Manager of Backgammon, Manager of Lingrui Mobile Haidian General Store."

"Fang Nan, action director." After shaking hands with Meng Ziyi, Fang Nan asked curiously, "Your marketing refers to marketing on the Internet?"

"Not specifically, I'm more optimistic about the Internet." Mencius smiled: "However, I will probably be more optimistic about your promotional videos in the future."

Fang Nan pulled the corner of his mouth and showed a wry smile.

At the beginning of his career, he had no choice but to add advertisements to his works.

One day, when he no longer has to worry about the funding for shooting, he will not allow hard work in his works.

Saying goodbye to Meng Ziyi, Fang Nan walked out of the store into the twilight, and then hailed a taxi and headed straight to Zhuozhou.

In the car, he called Cai Yinong, explained the backgammon advertising sponsorship, and left Meng Ziyi's phone number.

The sponsorship fee of 50 yuan that Fang Nan handed in at his fingertips stunned Cai Yinong.

She has been rooted in Xiangjiang for so many years, and it has been five or six years since she entered the mainland. She made so many connections and made 20 yuan. Looking at Fang Nan, she made 50 yuan.

"How did you do it?" On the phone, Cai Yinong was full of doubts.

It's not that she just met Fang Nan. She also checked Fang Nan's family background. This man is really an iron orphan!
"I made a promotional video for Backgammon?"

"Don't tell me that Gao Yuanyuan was the heroine in the advertisement!"

Fang Nan, who was leaning back in the back row of the car, was speechless, "Cai Yinong is worthy of being the leader of the navy."

After Fang Nan repeatedly assured that the promotional video was indeed his work, Cai Yinong sat up from the bed full of anger, but when the swear words came to his throat, he was forced to hold back.

"Next time if you have a good idea, tell me first, even if you make a phone call."

Fang Nan interrupted: "Long distance calls are expensive?"

Cai Yinong: "Don't you know that starting from this month, the company will reimburse you 100 yuan for your phone bill every month?"

Fang Nan: "I just found out."

Cai Yinong: "Even if you write a letter, just look at what kind of goddess you turned Gao Yuanyuan into, and what benefits did the company get?"

Fang Nan: "There is no way to find Gao Yuanyuan as the heroine. Moreover, she just terminated the contract with the company, saving a lot of procedures."

Cai Yinong: "Uh, I got it, and I kindly remind you that it's fine to play around outside, and someday I'll introduce you to someone who knows everything."

In the back row of the taxi, Fang Nan really couldn't listen to Cai Yinong's nagging, and if he waited any longer, he might be locked up by Cai Yinong.

Good guy, he still wants to lock him up with marriage.

Back at the small hotel in Zhuozhou Town, it was already ten o'clock in the evening, and the crew hadn't come back yet. Fang Nan borrowed the kitchen to fry a bowl of fried rice with eggs and just returned to the room when Gao Yuanyuan walked in.

"You didn't announce today?" Fang Nan asked her, who still had drops of water on her temples.

"I went back to BJ today, Director Xiaoshuai is looking for you." Gao Yuanyuan yawned tiredly, sat down on Fang Nan's side and said, "Hey, I'll tell you something strange."

Fang Nan took a mouthful of rice and said vaguely, "What's the matter?"

After wrinkling his nose at the golden egg fried rice in Fang Nan's bowl, Gao Yuanyuan said mysteriously: "After I was recognized in Huairou Film and Television City today, many people called me a goddess like crazy, you Don't tell me it's weird!"

Fang Nan rolled his eyes, and complained in his heart: "If you don't become a goddess, you have to become a Xiang, the two are just in one thought."

"I'm asking you something." Gao Yuanyuan pushed Fang Nan who had weird eyes.

Putting the bowl on the long cabinet next to the bed, Fang Nan said "I don't know", and went straight to the bathroom.

"What a broken habit."

Facing Fang Nan's back, Gao Yuanyuan curled his lips in distaste, and subconsciously twitched his nostrils again. Gao Yuanyuan took Fang Nan's egg fried rice with his hands, and then started to gobble it up.

"I came back in a hurry, I didn't eat any food, I was starving to death." After leaning forward a little, she rushed out of the bathroom and said to Fang Nan who was stunned.

Fang Nan nodded lightly: "Understood!"

Gao Yuanyuan rolled the rice grains on his chin with his tongue: "What do you know?"

Fang Nan said: "You goddess can also shit and pee!"

Gao Yuanyuan flicked his legs, "Go to the side."

The two of them shared a bowl of rice and finished eating. Gao Yuanyuan went back to his room before the crew came back, but after Fang Nan had just washed the dust off his body and hid under the quilt, Gao Yuanyuan swaggered in with the quilt rolled up.

"What are you doing?"

Under the quilt, Fang Nan raised his head and stared at Gao Yuanyuan with his two big eyes.

Gao Yuanyuan, who locked the door, flicked her long hair charmingly: "I want a debt!"

Fang Nan was stunned, "What kind of debt do you want in the middle of the night?"

"You said yourself how many times you did it last time."

Fang Nan was speechless, it was the first time he knew that there was such a method of repaying debts, he rubbed his cheeks and pulled himself together, "Come on, don't catch a cold again." He moved out of the bed.

After getting into bed, Gao Yuanyuan, who was fearless like a big BJ girl just now, really blushed.

He was in a hurry to even spread a quilt, and finally threw it away, and plunged into Fang Nan's warm blanket.

On Fang Nan's chest, Gao Yuanyuan's face was rosy and said, "My friend called me just now. It turned out that it was because of your promotional video that someone called me a goddess. They said the filming was so beautiful, and they were very envious. .”

Fang Nan was puzzled: "So?"

"So, I thank you for the pass!"

(End of this chapter)

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