Chapter 88
"Hey, your boss called me again today. Do you think I will go to Tangtang Film and Television?"

It was night, on Fang Nan's bed, Gao Yuanyuan rested his head on his elbows, and asked Fang Nan who was sitting in front of the long cabinet to write and draw.

Fang Nan didn't think much and said, "Didn't you say that Wang Jinghua is also contacting you? It's better to go to Wang Jinghua."

He doesn't like Wang Jinghua because, as a director, he is born to be at odds with Wang Jinghua's managerial model who takes care of his artists meticulously.

As an actor, there is nothing to say about Wang Jinghua's model of managing artists.

Otherwise, when Huayi and Wang Jinghua separated, there would not be a large number of artists following Wang Jinghua to leave Huayi.

The only downside of Gao Yuanyuan signing Wang Jinghua is probably that resources will decrease and competitiveness will increase. After all, Wang Jinghua only has artists in his hands, and superficially good artists are only the lowest part of the entertainment industry, let alone irreplaceable.

In the entertainment industry, financial resources are king.

Only with financial resources can there be a good behind-the-scenes, and only in this way can good resources be formed.

The reason why Fang Nan was unable to use martial arts even though he had all the skills in his body, was simply because he had no money.

Of course, he has no money because he is obsessed with the copyright of those good songs.

When Gao Yuanyuan came to Tangtang Film and Television, Tangtang did have the resources, but they all focused on TV dramas, and in the next few years, Cai Yinong will produce dramas around youth idols, so Gao Yuanyuan is obviously not suitable.

He was secretly engaged in movies.

But this has nothing to do with where Gao Yuanyuan is. Under the right circumstances, even if Gao Yuanyuan is an artist led by Wang Jinghua, he will still take care of it.

After analyzing Huayi, Wang Jinghua, and Tangtang Film and Television for Gao Yuanyuan, Fang Nan handed the list of proposed actors to Gao Yuanyuan, "Hey, would you like to play this girl in a nightclub?"

Glancing at the list, Gao Yuanyuan covered her mouth and yawned: "I can't do anything, and I have to leave it to Director Xiaoshuai for three to four months after the end of the year."

Fang Nan asked, "What show?"

Gao Yuanyuan sighed: "Hey, I'm still filming director Xiaoshuai's personal reflections. The name of the script seems to be "Qinghong"."

Fang Nan nodded to express his understanding.

"Green Red", which was shortlisted for the Cannes main competition unit, is considered the pinnacle of Gao Yuanyuan's career. The roles he gave are incomparable with the roles that were shortlisted for the best actress at the Cannes Film Festival.

Seeing that Fang Nan took the cast list and began to write and draw again, Gao Yuanyuan in the bed couldn't help urging: "How are you, go to bed and warm the bed."

When she lived alone, in the cold winter, she would always turn on the warm air of the air conditioner, or her hands and feet would be cold overnight.

Now that she lives in the same room with Fang Nan, she can't turn on the air conditioner if she wants to. Fang Nan uses all kinds of fallacies every time to stop her from turning on the air conditioner.

There are a lot of groundless reasons why the skin is easy to be blown dry, and the temperature difference from the outside cannot be too large.

Gao Yuanyuan has nothing to do, if you don’t turn it on, don’t turn it on, then you should go to bed early to warm the bed, it doesn’t matter if she turns on the air conditioner or not if this person is in bed, Fang Nan itself is like a small stove, everywhere is warm of.

Under Gao Yuanyuan's urging, Fang Nan shrugged and jumped into the bed, facing each other, exhaling like blue, the two of them automatically hugged each other, the same 24-year-old really couldn't do enough.

The bed legs of the triangle iron "creaked and creaked" swayed and it was the day when "The Legend of Doctor Heroes" was finished.

On the day of the finale, Fang Nan took the initiative to apologize to Lai Qingshui for delaying the film for a few days because of him.

Lai Qingshui was very generous, not only did not blame him, but even encouraged him to make a good movie.

Fang Nan hit the snake with the stick, "In the future, introduce more jobs, I will live well." Lai Qingshui agreed without hesitation.

On the 2003rd of the last month of 3, the second day after the filming of "The Legend of Healing Doctor", Fang Nan and the crew went straight to BJ after finishing the filming banquet.

Fang Nan and Yan Hong met in "that bar" on the street of Shichahai Bar.

Chen Yixun's album "Exaggeration" as the title song is quite popular, but he hasn't sung on a profitable stage once, which means that he hasn't earned a penny in the past few months.

In Yan Hong's glowing office, Fang Nan said to Yan Hong: "By the way, you don't need to stare at Wang Hao's "He Doesn't Understand". I authorized her to sing."

Yan Hong stepped on the red high-heeled shoes and sat next to Fang Nan, her complexion was as bright as a peach blossom: "Then the mobile ringtone that just came out in October was also authorized by you?"

"Hey." Fang Nan was amused, laughing wickedly.

Thinking of the mobile phone of an employee of "The Legend of Healing Doctor" two months ago, there was a short "Azure Waiting for Misty Rain, and I'm Waiting for You" very abruptly. Ah, the ring tones are the big ones.

Seeing Fang Nan's smiling face, Yan Hong's heart instantly understood, "I'll resign and serve you exclusively." She said expectantly with bright eyes.

Not to mention that she studied economics, even if a person doesn't understand economics, he will know that the most profitable business in the world is monopoly.

Thinking of Fang Nan's 10 or so songs being privately used for profit by a monopoly company, and the spread was known all over the country, Yan Hong couldn't help but feel emotional.

Fang Nan was stunned: "Are you strong enough?"

It will be a matter of time before he and Cai Ling get involved. Fang Nan originally wanted to wait until he became famous and had a certain strength, but he didn't expect Yan Hong to jump out early.

Yan Hong: "Which strength?"

Fang Nan: "Anyway, you must have a decent degree."

Although education doesn't mean much, but doing most things without education is definitely half the effort, and he has experienced this personally.

In his previous life, he enrolled in a training class to learn English, and several batches of students came and went, and he was still thinking about it.

I suddenly became interested in learning guitar, and I didn't expect that learning guitar and reading music would make him feel uncomfortable.

Yan Hong smiled contemptuously: "Education? When do you want to see it, I can go back and get it now."

Fang Nan said: "Wait until next time, I will fly to the Pu River later."

"What about the color ring?"

"You do it first, you can resign and help me. If you can't do it well, I'm resigning." After saying something that made Yan Hong frown, Fang Nan immediately left the red office.

On the early morning of December 12rd, Fang Nan arrived at Pujiang Tangtang Film and Television Company, and Fang Nan knocked on Cai Yinong's door directly. Before the preparation of "The Unknown", Fang Nan appointed Cai Yinong as the producer.

The position of a producer requires seniority, connections, and know-how, and ordinary people can't do it. Only Cai Yinong is the producer of "The Unknown" in Tangtang Film and Television. Maybe he can not be bothered by trivial matters and concentrate on filming .

"ICBC's exclusive account for "Nobody's Name" has been opened, and all the funds have been received. The funds come from four sources, Bona Films 20, BBK sponsored 50, yours 70, and Tang Tang Film and Television 260 million. Make up 400 million."

"Then I also drafted a list of behind-the-scenes personnel. Take a look, I have already invited auditions for actors, and it can basically be confirmed in the month before last."

After receiving the list from Cai Yinong, Fang Nan glanced at it and basically agreed. On-site producer Zhao Zhu, Wu Xing Ma Dayong, and executive director Huang Weiming were all acquaintances.

It wasn't until he saw Wang Liang in the photography assistant column that he couldn't help but wonder why the God of Dionysus was recruited by Cai Yinong.

(End of this chapter)

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