Chapter 93

Ma Dayong and Ma Xianyong are stupid and inseparable?

Will Yaoling Party and Geqian Party feel complete and climax for Gao Xiang and Ma Yiyi in "The Unknown" after many years?
After that embarrassing night on the watermelon, Zeng Li, who broke his knee, returned to his timid appearance?
Fang Nan couldn't care about all of this.

With his first feature-length film, "Nobody Known," shooting is imminent, all trifles will be left behind.

On January 2004, 1, in the alley on the side of Wukang Road, in the small courtyard of Tangtang Film and Television, a simple ceremony of worshiping gods ended carelessly.

Fang Nan led more than 20 staff members including Chen Jianbing, Liu Qianqian, Hu Ge, and photography lighting to climb into the two cars.

There are two cars, a white van is the leader, and the red banner on the front reads 'Nobody's name'.

Another pick-up truck followed, with the banner on the front of the truck saying 'good luck starting up'.

In the back of the pick-up truck, even though Fang Nan was wrapped in a military overcoat, his face was still blue from the cold wind.

At this moment, his mood was surging.

Because he is no longer a martial arts instructor, assistant director, and action director, but a real director!
"Brother Nan, is it the school in front?"

After more than an hour of stop and go, a school jumped into everyone's eyes. An couldn't hold back beside Fang Nan, and Huang Ze, who had been standing against the wind, called out to Fang Nan excitedly.

Standing up against the northwest wind, Fang Nan, who had been to this school once, nodded his head, "After today, a director's story will be recorded here!" He puffed out his cigarette and said boldly.

"I will." Huang Ze said solemnly.

At the same time, Zhao Zhu, who was facing Fang Nan at the school gate of Pujiang No. [-] High School, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

If the crew doesn't come, if Fang Nan doesn't bring Liu Qianqian, the extra performers he found from the street might rebel.

At the beginning of the preparation of the crew of "The Unknown", Fang Nan put Zhao Zhu in the position of on-site producer without saying a word, which made Zhao Zhu, who had followed him in several plays, completely take the position.

But Zhao Zhu knew that Fang Nan was not easy to serve, and on-site production was not that easy.

Sure enough, two days ago, at the wine table at noon on the first day of the new year, when Fang Nan toasted him, he gave him the first task.

To find group performers, at least 200 to 300 are required, and they must be young, sixteen or seventeen years old, with a gender ratio of half and half.

Zhao Zhu stopped drinking and burst into tears on the spot. It is really impossible to find a group performer for the New Year's Eve, with such strict requirements.

But the next day, Fang Nan showed him what star effect is, and what it means to turn a rot into a passerby.

The most prosperous area of ​​Pujiang, Xujiahui.

Fang Nan stopped a passerby: "Hey, classmate, are you going to film with the big star Liu Qianqian?"

Passerby with glasses: "Who is Liu Qianqian?"

"Don't Liu Qianqian know? Last year's "Dragon Babu" Wang Yuyan, the very beautiful one." Fang Nan looked at passers-by with a shocked expression, as if saying "How can you be so ignorant".

The passer-by pretended to suddenly realize: "Oh, I know that girl, she is pretty, but I don't know how to film."

Fang Nan: "Filming is very simple. If you are interested in experiencing it, go to Pujiang No. 10 Middle School at [-] am in the third day of junior high school. Remember to wear your school uniform."

In front of RT-Mart Supermarket.

Fang Nan stopped a pair of girls and pointed to the van with the banner hanging on it: "Hey, classmate, do you want to go filming with the big star Liu Qianqian?"

One of the passer-by girls: "Ah, really? I really like her, where are you filming?"

Fang Nan was overjoyed: "Pujiang No. [-] Middle School."

The girl was taken aback: "Hey, that's my school."

Fang Nan laughed: "That's nothing to say, if you are interested in going to play at 10:[-] am on the third day of junior high school, there will be a free boxed lunch at noon, remember to wear school uniforms."

"Have you learned it?" After several successes in succession, Fang Nan asked Zhao Zhu's group who had been following him.

Zhao Zhu bit the bullet and said, "Let's try."

He recruited extras for other crews, and the extras stuffed things for him; he recruited extras for Fang Nan's crew, but he kept his voice low.

Fortunately, Zhao Zhu was mentally prepared for this.

Fang Nan raised his eyebrows: "Don't try such discouraging words, just believe that you can do it. If one person out of ten agrees, it will be considered a success."

Just like that, Pujiang No. [-] Middle School during the holiday of the third year of junior high school ushered in a group of free young ensemble performers.

After Fang Nan jumped out of the car, Zhao Zhu stuck to him and said urgently, "Oh, brother Nan, you're finally here. If you don't come, the group performers will rebel."

"About how many people came, are they all wearing school uniforms?" Fang Nan was indifferent.

His hands-on operation seems to be very good now, and he has hired hundreds of extra performers without spending a penny.

But in later generations, it can only be regarded as a routine operation, and many small crews do this.

Some small crews even let out rumors about who is in their crew before filming starts, in order to attract fans to become free laborers.

As far as the effect is concerned, it's awesome. Many fans have worked hard. It's nothing to suffer for yourself, you can't embarrass your idol, right?
Zhao Zhu said: "I roughly counted, there are more than a hundred and dozens of them, and they are basically wearing school uniforms."

Fang Nan nodded happily: "That's enough, you take Sissy over there to comfort her, and get ready to start filming right away."

Liu Qianqian, who has only two masterpieces, may not be very popular now, and many students at the scene may not be her fans.

But the stars in film and television dramas always give people a feeling of being unattainable.

Therefore, when Liu Qianqian reluctantly appeared, the noisy campus was quiet for a while.

Taking advantage of this quietness, Fang Nan picked up the electronic speaker and shouted:

"Students, we will start filming soon. Everyone will pay attention to my instructions later. For those who are more obedient, I will give you a close-up. In this way, you can see yourself in the movie during the summer vacation."

"Parents and friends who accompanied their children, please retreat downstairs, thank you for your cooperation."

After shouting a sentence, Fang Nan threw the trumpet to the executive director Huang Weiming. The whole crew, this guy was the highest paid, with a full 20 yuan.

This money, Fang Nan's willingness, he needs an executive director to help him control the camera.

Under the command of Huang Weiming and the director of the school's Academic Affairs Office, more than 100 group performers quickly dispersed and took their positions, "Wang Liang, come here." Fang Nan waved to the camera assistant Wang Liang who was carrying a camera on his shoulder.

"What's the matter, director?" Wang Liang looked at the director whose face was younger than his.

Fang Nan pointed to Wang Liang's thermos cup hanging on his chest: "I'm so thirsty, let me take a sip of the water in your thermos cup."

Wang Liang was stunned, and Ai Ai said in the late stage of awakening: "Director, this...isn't it good."

Fang Nan glanced at him sideways: "You just said whether to borrow it or not? If you borrow it, I may remove the word "assistant" from your head in the next play."

Wang Liang, a fat man, was just like him. He hadn't made it to the top in his previous life. He was good at photography, but he was still a photography assistant when he was dozens of years old.

Every now and then, he will be commanded by the director to pull up the rocker arm, he is a fat man who is depressed.


In order to be able to remove the word "assistant", even though Wang Liang was reluctant and fearful that the tricks in the cup would be exposed, he still made up his mind to tear off the thermos cup abruptly.

Unscrewing the lid of the thermos cup, a pungent smell of alcohol wafted out. Fang Nan gave Fatty Wang a glance, took a big gulp, and shouted under his breath, "Turn on."

(End of this chapter)

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