literary world

Chapter 95 "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" starts broadcasting

Chapter 95 "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" starts broadcasting

When the school scene was about to wrap up on the fifth day of filming, the producer Cai Yinong came by car.

"It will take a few more days to shoot here." She asked Fang Nan.

"What's the matter?" Fang Nan asked her.

Cai Yinong said: "The broadcasting time of "Sword of Immortal Sword" has been set, and I want to take Hu Ge and Liu Qianqian to promote it."

Fang Nan was stunned, unknowingly, it had been more than four months since "Sword" finished filming on September 9th.

The later stage of the first domestic Xianxia drama has been completed.

Cai Yinong also revealed that in the next 10 days, "Sword of Heaven" will be launched on Taiwan's China TV channel, Chongqing TV's film and television channel, and Pujiang TV's drama channel.

Before that, she was invited by Shancheng TV Station to bring male and female leading actors to Shancheng for publicity.

"You can walk this way, and go with you?" Cai Yinong asked Fang Nan for discussion.

In her mind, the success of "Sword of Heaven" is more important than the success of "The Unknown".

Even if "Nobody's Name" made some box office, it could only be regarded as a surprise, and the company had an extra profit.

It is difficult to change the company's strategic layout of Tangtang's business model of producing TV series.

Once "Sword of Heaven" is successful, the entire strategy of Tangtang Film and Television will be completely changed.

Among other things, just abandoning Hong Kong and Taiwan artists and choosing to use our own artists as the protagonists can save the company a lot of money.

"I definitely can't go, it's so busy here." Fang Nan rejected Cai Yinong's proposal to let him go to the mountain city without hesitation.

In his heart, "Sword of Immortal Sword" is as important as "The Unknown Man", and there is no distinction between them.

As for conflicts with actors' schedules, I had no choice but to temporarily add night scenes.

Fortunately, after five days, he, the actors, and the staff have learned some of each other's habits and rhythms, which made the filming of the playground scene without any gold content particularly smooth.

The filming was delayed until two o'clock at night, and Fang Nan led the crew, who were shivering from the cold, into the car.

On the white van, Hu Ge, who was told the news by Cai Yinong, couldn't hide his excitement, "Brother Nan, you smoke a cigarette, I won't be here tomorrow."

Fang Nan took the cigarette and glanced at him: "Are you mentally prepared?"

Hu Ge pretended to be curious: "How are you mentally prepared?"

He is not stupid, on the contrary very smart.

What did Fang Nan mean? He was more clear-eyed in his heart, but he didn't dare to be as absolute as Fang Nan.

"Is it possible that a movie will become popular?" While Hu Ge was uneasy, he was also full of anticipation.

Fang Nan glanced at Hu Ge, whose expression changed from time to time, and then said to Liu Qianqian, who was younger in the back row, but more stable because of her early red: "When running the publicity, put Ma Yiyi's character in the last part of his mind. Think about it more."

"Understood, Brother Nan." Liu Qianqian smiled playfully, which attracted the attention of everyone in the seven-person van.

It was the first time I saw the little girl who likes to hold books on the set, suddenly showed such a playful side, and showed Fang Nan's intimacy.

Fang Nan was also taken aback, it was natural for the whole crew to call him "Brother Nan".

Except for Zhao Zhu and Ma Dayong from the so-called Fang's class, who have a strong sense of Jianghu, the rest is Huang Ze who has been on the set for many years.

Even Hu Ge's voice was extremely unnatural.

Unexpectedly, Liu Qianqian, who called him that for the first time, called him out naturally.

And it's unique, shouting out makes people feel very numb.

Fang Nan shook his head and said, "Call the director, Brother Nan doesn't sound like a good person!"

After raising his mouth, Fang Nan stopped talking about these things, and watched the two of them enter the hotel and then went back home.

The next day, Hu Ge and Liu Qianqian, who were so excited that they stayed up all night, went straight to the mountain city with Cai Yinong and director Li Guoli.

Fang Nan continued to torment the actors of "The Unknown", but despite being so busy, he was always paying attention to the situation in the mountain city.

"Sword", the first domestic fairy tale drama, has "Always Quiet" written and composed by him, and "Xiaoyao Tan" written by him.

More importantly, he used the whole film to shoot, so he didn't know what the effect would be, whether the audience would like it or not.

On February 2004, 2, "Sword of Heaven" was the first to land on Taiwan's China TV channel.

On the day of China TV's first broadcast, due to the attention of many local game fans, the ratings of "Sword" soared to 2% immediately after the broadcast, but as time went by, there were overwhelming criticisms on the Internet.

Cai Yinong was frightened by the raging abuse from game fans, hastily canceled his Taiwan promotional trip, and changed from a mountain city to a guest on Pujiang TV drama channel.

On February 2004, 2, "Sword of Heaven" landed on Shancheng Film and Television Channel.

On the day of the broadcast, the local viewership ratings in Shancheng went straight to 5%, and "Legend of Sword and Fairy" became popular all over the mountain city immediately, and instantly became a hot topic among students after dinner.

The special effects in the play are talking points.

In the play, songs such as "Slaying the Wolf", "Always Quiet", "Xiaoyao Tan", "Never Lost and Never Forgotten", and "Rain in June" instantly became local hits, and the lyrics were transcribed into personal songs by female students. Lyrics.

The soundtracks "Peach Blossom Island", "Flower and Sword" and "Grand Mosai" in the play are not well-known, but every time they appear on the screen, they make the audience feel refreshed.

The martial arts moves in the play, especially Li Xiaoyao's one-handed swordsmanship, have been imitated by countless male students in the mountain city.

"Legend of Sword and Fairy" was released on the tenth day, halfway through the plot, "Legend of Sword and Fairy One" completely swept the Internet.

In 2004, Tudou, the earliest video website in China, had not yet launched.

Therefore, the Internet is full of criticisms from game fans on the drama "Legend of Sword and Fairy One".

But as the show spread in cities around the mountain city, the criticism and applause on the Internet became polarized.

People who have never played games think that this drama is a rare costume drama.

Loyal game fans think that this show has completely changed the game, except that the names of the people are all made up, ruining the classics in their hearts and ruining their childhood.

The war of words on the Internet is still on the rise, but netizens in this era don't know what a black fan is or a fan, and only when there is a topic can there be enthusiasm.

As a result of the war between the two parties, the topic of "Sword of Heaven" once destroyed many website forums, and young people all over the country who were hyped about "Sword of Heaven" knew it.

A TV series in 2004 made such a noise, it would be unreasonable if it didn't become popular.


Li Xiaoyao's actor, Hu Ge, became famous overnight!
Liu Qianqian, the actor of Zhao Linger, became popular again after last year's "Dragon Babu", and her career has reached a new level!

The names of An Yixuan's Lin Yueru and Peng Yuyan's Tang Yu Xiaobao resounded throughout the mainland.

Originally unknown, after persuasion by a brokerage company, the two made a decision at the same time to go to the Mainland for development.

The battle between netizens from both sides ignited the song of "Sword of Heaven".

The leading role of "Sword of Heaven" was fired.

Even Fang Nan, who was as quiet as a chicken in the Pujiang crew, could not escape this wave of turbulent public opinion.

Like actors, there are good and bad reviews about him.

However, as a freelance critic wrote a small paper titled "The Success of Chinese Paladin is a Milestone in the Production of TV Dramas" that appeared on the Internet, many netizens suddenly found out, "I'm rough, this Fang Nan has two brushes." what"

 I am in a hurry to cook dinner, and I will correct the typo at night.

(End of this chapter)

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