The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 231 Meeting Darentina 2

Chapter 231 Meeting Darentina and Being Obsessed

The female navy on the warship naturally knew that the girl was not ashamed, and she was embarrassed to admit that she was cheated by the man, so she cheered on the sidelines, "Major Tina, we will help you catch Darren Eric!"

"Of course Tina will catch him with her own hands. Huh~" After meeting again after a year, Tina relieved the intense emotion she had just met Eric, the red light in her eyes flickered, and her sense of knowledge and domineering began.

Gently put Kuangsan down, Eric said in surprise: "Have you learned to be domineering?"

"When you enter the cell, Tina will have a detailed talk with you!"

"Oh~" The female sailor outside the field drew a long tune.

Lieutenant General He saw Tina confronting the two of them, and was about to step forward to help.


A long red spear was stuck on the deck, blocking Lieutenant General Crane's way.

"'Magic Spear' Skaha..." Lieutenant General Crane lowered his eyes slightly, and solicited: "On the sea, strong women are always rare. Do you want to join the navy? My boat is full of women. Not a single man."

"Don't waste your words." Scathach pulled out his spear and said coldly, "I will not leave Eric."

"Stand on three boats!"

"The Public Enemy of Women!"


"Ala, you guys are a little noisy~" Kuang San raised his right hand high and used the barrier: "City of Eating Time!"


"I'm out of strength..."

Most of the female sailors collapsed on the deck losing their strength the moment they were surrounded by the black and red enchantment.

"Is this the black domain of Tokisaki Kurumi in the report..." Lieutenant General Tsuru saw everything in his eyes, "Ordinary sailors are powerless in front of her abilities. '


Scathach pulled out a few guns, "You don't need to do the work of collecting intelligence, your opponent is me—I'm going to do it!"

The high-heeled shoes made of purple armor stepped on the ground vigorously, and Skaha turned into a red thunder and rushed towards Lieutenant General He.

Even though he is nearly [-] years old, Lieutenant General He's skills are not old, his movements are flexible, his armed colors are domineering and vigorous, and he is even more skilled in using the six naval styles.

Tina raised her arms, and two black iron bars shot out from her hands. The sharp tip of the gun was more like a huge iron gun than an iron rod.

"Have you learned how to arm the domineering entanglement? It's made great progress."

Eric's words were not so much a compliment as a joke, which made Tina's blood pressure rise even more.

"Look at me smashing these two iron guns..." Eric's hands surged, and there was a piercing electric sound.

【 have two emails】

[Temporary Mission 1: Navy Pirate CP Combination [-]]



Kuang San shot the two iron guns in front of Eric with bullets, and asked in puzzlement, "What's wrong? They didn't move all of a sudden?"

Looking at the beautiful red pupils staring at him, Eric could only answer: "Nothing."

'In front of my wife, let myself have an affair with a female navy from the opposing camp?Is this system the reincarnation of the old king next door? '

[Preface: In order to bring you to justice for killing (blacked out), Tina followed the naval hero Karp to practice hard for a year. 】

'...' Eric asked himself, besides making Tina incontinent, what else did she do that made her hate him so much.

[Content: Love can give birth to hate, and hate can turn into love.Let this girl clearly realize the gap between herself and the emperor of the sea!Note: No matter what method is used, let the confident woman get wet (scratches) and only you are in my heart. 】


[Task reward: "PUA Master" title (when wearing the title, the favorability of the opposite sex increases faster, commonly known as the humanoid self-propelled gun. Note: creatures of the opposite sex, such as sea beasts, will also fall in love with you) / Achievement point 1 point /Bond point 3 points]

[Temporary Mission 2: Rescue "Magician" Hawkins]

[Preface: Because of the uncertain factor of Eric, Hawkins, the "supernova" eight years later, was accidentally arrested by Hezhong in Beihai]

[Content: Rescue Hawkins and his men from General Crane. 】

[Result 2: Only Hawkins was rescued.Mission reward: Hawkins joins the Dawn Pirates/bond point [-] points]

[Result 3: Rescue all members of the Hawkins Pirates.Mission reward: The Hawkins Pirates became a pirate under the Dawn Pirates (Note: no betrayal)/bond point [-] points]

'It seems that there are not only strange title rewards, but also slightly useful subordinate rewards. ' Eric looked at Hawkins, who had turned into a suit.

After carefully reading the two temporary tasks, Eric thought hard:
'But how can I make Tina wet and understand how big the gap between her and mine is? '

"There is a limit to looking down on people!" Tina looked at Eric who was distracted angrily, "Tina is no longer the Tina she used to be!"

Eric carefully looked at the opposite figure, 'Well, one size bigger? '

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The huge black iron gun was fired by Tina one after another.

"Why is it so rough this time?! I can't stand it!" Eric looked scared, then turned to smile and said: "Just kidding~"

"6000 million volts Thunder Dragon!" The blue dragon with a length of more than ten meters snaked its long body upwards. The dragon opened its mouth and crushed and melted the iron spear in the air.

clang clang-

The iron gun that lost its kinetic energy fell on the deck, and the broken parts were full of traces of high temperature melting.

"Look at the trick!" Just as everyone turned their attention to the battlefield, a female sailor touched Eric from behind and slashed at Eric.

"Haven't you heard of domineering sex?" Eric sneered: "Even if you haven't heard of it, you can't shout and attack from behind."

"Om~" The domineering look of the overlord was launched, and the female sea soldier was stunned.

"..." Lieutenant General Crane, who was fighting with Scathach, felt the arrogance, 'It's troublesome...'

"Tina, feel the gap between us." The slanted flying brows and slender sharp black eyes all indicated that Eric was serious.

Tina clenched her fists tightly, tensed her muscles, and put on a defensive posture.

Eric's whole body turned into a blue lightning, soaring into the sky, straight into the sky.

The incomparable speed left a blue straight line on everyone's retinas.

Soon, the electric light that Eric turned into escaped into the thick clouds.

The roar resounded through the heavens and the earth!The sky has changed dramatically--

With the ability of thunder that is about to be awakened, if you make a full shot, the sky will be dark and the sky will be dark.

Endless dark clouds enveloped the entire sky, electric snakes shuttled back and forth in the black clouds, and a sea of ​​lightning gathered by lightning rolled and boiled among the clouds.

Beep, beep, rumbling——!
The harsh sound of electric current and the roar of thunder and lightning resounded through the heaven and earth.

Lieutenant General Crane and Skaha also stopped and retreated. Seeing this scene, Lieutenant Crane secretly thought: "This guy's ability is about to awaken... When fighting Akainu, you need external force to create thunderclouds." , now on his own...'

Scathach looked at the sky, his eyes were full of fighting spirit, "Let's fight Eric with all our strength later." '

Magma fruit has the highest attack power?Can Zhenzhen Fruit destroy the whole world?
Thunder is the number one in my mind!

Seeing the celestial phenomenon he created, Eric was full of pride, "No wonder that guy Enelo calls himself a god, isn't this what a god can do?" ! '

"Let you see what a natural disaster is!"

"Wan Lei!"

The thunder and lightning that had been tumbling for a long time were controlled, and thousands of thick lightning pillars with a width of more than ten meters fell from the dark clouds.

The strong blue light even made people unable to open their eyes——

The sea around the warship has turned into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning at this moment!

 Thank you for your recommendations, and the monthly ticket voted by the boss Akun who is reading the book and singing the night song; sorry for some cavaliers, my writing itself is slow

(End of this chapter)

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