The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 242 Dragon Slayer in the Sky

Chapter 242 Dragon Slayer in the Sky
Wendy hugged Xia Lulu to her chest with her slender arms, "I'm fine, Xia Lulu."

Only then did everyone start to look at the newly summoned companion seriously.

Wearing a blue and yellow dress, she has a very petite figure, with long dark blue hair that reaches her back, and looks very cute.

Wendy, who was watched by everyone, shyly half-closed her big eyes, her gaze inadvertently turned to the lower right, and a pink blush appeared on her face.

"So cute." Eric blurted out.

"..." The surrounding women fixed their eyes on Eric.

Hearing Eric's words, Wendy lowered her head, and the blush on her face became even redder.

"Hey, you!" Xia Lulu jumped out of Wendy's embrace, "You mustn't stare at Wendy."

"Why, Wendy is so cute, I can't even look at it?" Eric decided to tease the kitten.

"You...!" Xia Lulu stamped her feet angrily, "Wendy, let's go!"

Estes silently stood in front of the little white cat.

Under the shadow of the brim of the hat, a pair of eyes that can only be had after stepping on countless battlefields, like the bright moon in the dark night, looking at Xia Lulu expressionlessly.

As if being targeted by the god of death, Xia Lulu's hair suddenly exploded.

"Be careful! Wendy, they are very powerful!" Xia Lulu clenched her fists and put on a fighting stance.

"What can you little white cat with no combat power..."

However, Wendy did not prepare for battle as Xia Lulu expected.

"But, Xia Lulu, they are not bad people, are they?"

"Bad guys don't write the word 'bad guy' on their faces!"

'I didn't expect that two characters would be summoned at once.No, it's a man and a cat. 'Eric looked at Wendy's property panel:
【Name: Wendy Mabel】

【Age: 12】

[Physique: Two Stars]

[Magic (Type: Lost Magic·Sky Dragon Slayer): Five Stars]

[Armed color domineering: 0]

[Knowledge-colored arrogance: 0]

[Devil Fruit: Six Stars]

[Comprehensive combat power: three and a half stars]

[Bond Level: 1]

[Wendy was raised by the Heavenly Dragon Grantine since she was a child and learned the dragon slayer magic of the sky. She is introverted, gentle, innocent and innocent. Good at using healing magic as backup. 】

And the attributes of another white cat:
【Name: Xia Lulu】

【Type: Pet】

[Bond Level: 1]

What does this pet mean?
Eric made a harmless, sunny big brother expression, stepped forward and was about to speak.

Chi Tong muttered to the side: "Eric is going to lie to the little girl again."

"..." Eric's eyes trembled.

Wendy bit her lower lip into her mouth, as if holding back a smile, her shoulders couldn't help shaking.

"—Hi, Wendy, my name is Eric." Eric's face twitched uncontrollably when Chi Tong interrupted.

"Pfft... hello, my name is Wendy, and I'm a member of the 'Demon Cat's Home' guild." Wendy, who was young, couldn't control her expression very well.

"Really, thanks to Wendy's help, we can prevent the destruction of the world, so we are comrades-in-arms to save the world together." Eric began to make friends.

"Yes, yes, thanks to Brother Eric for helping me, otherwise I wouldn't be able to go to those islands, and I don't know why I have this ability." Wendy's eyes kept moving, which can be seen Her heart was very tense.

"That, that!" He raised his head again, and asked in a little panic, "Where is this place? Is this the Kingdom of Fiore? Do you know the Guild of the 'Demon Cat's Home'?"

"..." Eric weighed his words, "This place is not within the territory of the Kingdom of Fiore, it is far away. To be precise, you will never go back to the Guild of the 'Demon Cat'."

"...!" Wendy's eyes widened, her gaze flickered, and she said sadly, "Da, everyone..."

"Wendy, don't listen to him." Xia Lulu grabbed Wendy's right hand, "I can definitely take you back!"

"No, you can't go back." Scathach said calmly, the red light in his eyes flickered, "This world is completely different from the world you mentioned."

"Hmm..." Xia Lulu, who had been comforting Wendy, couldn't help but keep silent. As a transcendent, she could clearly feel the difference between the two worlds.

"So..." Eric smiled and stretched out his hand, "Wendy, can you join us? We will take good care of you."

[Wendy's favorability has increased slightly, but the bond level remains unchanged]

"But, but, I'm very worried about everyone in the 'Demon Cat's Home'." Wendy clasped her hands in front of her chest.

"Uh... In fact, all the members of the 'Demon Cat's Home' guild are phantoms with personalities created by Robin Lu, and they have no life."

"What did you say?" Wendy's eyes widened in disbelief, "Are all the guild members phantoms?"

"In order to create a good living environment for you, Robin Lu specially used magic to create a magician's guild with a large number of people, different personalities, and all able to act independently. Even Robin Lu himself has survived for hundreds of years. Undead..."

Chi Tong said beside him: "Eric will not lie about this kind of thing."

"!" Wendy shrank her shoulders, knelt down on the ground, and began to sob softly: "President..."

"Get out of the way!" Xia Lulu pushed Eric away and came to Wendy, "I will always be with you, Wendy."

"Xia Lulu..." Wendy began to cry loudly, "Whoa, whoa—!" Big teardrops flowed down her pretty face.

Chitong squatted down gently, and gently stroked Wendy's hair with his hands, "Let us heal the pain of losing a companion."

After giving Wendy enough time to soothe her emotions, Wendy finally raised her head and whispered to Chitong, "Thank you."

He bowed to Eric again, "Thank you Eric for telling me all this."

"Yes, what a brave little girl."

Wendy, who was praised by Eric, had a red cloud on her cheeks again.

"Then, please allow me to invite you again." Eric stretched out his palm again, "Join us, Wendy."

"—Hmm!" Wendy stretched out her small hands and grabbed Eric's broad right hand.

Feel the temperature of his palm, 'It's so warm...'

[Wendy's favorability has increased, the bond level has been raised from 1 to 2, and 1 bond point has been obtained]

"Wendy, can you agree to him so easily?" Xia Lulu pulled Wendy aside and asked a little uneasy.

"Well—" Wendy smiled and said, "I can feel that they are not bad people."

In the distance, Eric raised his hand and shouted: "Wendy, can I trouble you to lower these islands slowly?"

"Okay!" Wendy agreed, and ran to Eric in the distance.


Under Wendy's control, more than a dozen islands slowly fell back to the sea.

Eric took several people back to the Intrepid.

Eric raised his hands high and welcomed, "Welcome to the Dawn Pirates!"

"Yes..." Wendy suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Sea, Pirates?!"

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets; one monthly ticket for the big brother Angel lover s Dong; two monthly tickets for Chasing Light; one monthly ticket for me to read books; two monthly tickets for the cupid Tianshu Meow;
  I really don't know how to type the lover's symbol, and I can't extract the picture recognition...

(End of this chapter)

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