The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 261 Approval of Estes

Chapter 261 Approval of Estes

The time to prepare the food was rushed. Even if Eric and Estes fought for a short time, the sun was already hanging in the west at the end.

Miku didn't have any dissatisfaction with her simple welcome ceremony, the only dissatisfaction was——

"Woo~" Mei Jiu pretended to puff her cheeks cutely, and said dissatisfiedly, "Why don't you let me sit with the lovely Wendy?!"

"Ah..." Wendy shrank her shoulders like a small animal, and glanced left and right at Kalenkana, who was protecting herself tightly: "Actually, I also like sister Meijiu very much, but..."

Xia Lulu complained: "Since I know you have a 'special' hobby, how can I let you approach Wendy with confidence!"

"Oh?!" Meijiu stretched her neck and leaned her head closer, her big shiny eyes fixed on the white cat in front of her, "Do you want Wendy to marry a man she doesn't know when she grows up?" ?”

"Marry, marry a man she doesn't know?!" Xia Lulu fell into deep thought.

"So, while Wendy is still young, hurry up and correct her interests!"

"Well, indeed..." Xia Lulu was completely taken astray.

Everyone complained together: "No, no, it's strange that you two got this answer."

"Sister Meijiu, Xia Lulu, I heard it all..." Wendy's face flushed with embarrassment.

Suddenly awakened, Xia Lulu said angrily, "Your name is Eric Darling, why don't you sit beside him?"

"Hmm..." Miku was silent instead, her silver-purple pupils were secretly looking there, the big devil Esdesh was sitting on Eric's right, the elf lady who looked very difficult to mess with——Kang San, sit On Eric's left, she was too afraid to pass!

"Are you afraid of Estes?" Xia Lulu jumped on Miku's shoulder and bit her ear.

Miku nodded silently.

"What are you afraid of!" Xia Lulu cheered up, "How can a woman give up her true love because of fear?"

"Come on, let Estes see the girl's obsession with love!"

Xia Lulu has never forgotten the iron claw technique that Esdesh used on her. Inside the snow-white belly is rotten black water.

Xia Lulu didn't dare to take revenge by herself, so she could only encourage others, "Don't be cowardly, just do it!"

"...Okay!" Miku clenched her fists.

As if in response, Estes glanced this way.

"Hey!" Meijiu took a step back, "F-Forget it..."

Xia Lulu hugged those short legs, with a look of contempt, "Are you a woman in love?"

"Meijiu, you are here." Eric did not expect to find Meijiu and Xia Lulu in a hidden corner, "Although the welcome ceremony is relatively simple, it is impossible if the protagonist is not at the venue."

"Isn't it because you dislike the shabby welcome meeting?" Eric joked with a smile.

"Of course not!" Miku hugged Eric's arm and squeezed hard, "It's just that there are so many people, I'm a little nervous..."

Xia Lulu watched coldly, complaining in her heart: "Women are really born actors." '

"Ahahaha..." Eric laughed unnaturally, even though he wanted to concentrate on talking to Miku, all the sensations in his body seemed to go to his arms.

"What do I want to say..." Eric frowned and thought.

Xia Lulu complained: "You should eat walnuts to enhance your memory."

"By the way, Miku. Can you come on stage and sing a song?" Eric finally remembered, "This way the companions can get to know you better."

Hearing Eric's words, Miku frowned slightly, showing a painful expression.That was the day she sang on stage for the last time, and the day she lost her voice, she still remembers it clearly in her mind.

Eric, who was in close contact with Miku, could clearly feel her breathing rate quickened, her smooth skin tightened, and her peerless appearance showed an expression of pain.

Eric quickly understood, and gently patted her on the back with his left hand, "Since you haven't stepped out of the shadows, forget it..."

"Well... I'm fine..." Miku shook her head before Eric finished speaking.

"I have Darling by my side now, including this past, I have decided to get over it all."


"If they don't like my songs, Eric will still be my fan, right?"

"Ah, yes." Eric nodded, looked into Miku's eyes, and said firmly, "I'm your forever fan."

Mei Jiu's silver-purple eyes also looked back at Eric, "Even if everyone doesn't like to hear me sing, as long as you are there, that's enough. At that time - I will only sing for you."

"However, since I'm Eric's idol, then I won't ruin your reputation, let them immerse themselves in my songs~"

"Ah, let them listen to Miku's voice, and let them be intoxicated by the beautiful music!"

In the eyes of everyone, Meijiu was standing in the center of the venue wearing that gorgeous spiritual outfit.

All the male members of the Dawn Pirates also watched from the outermost perimeter with interest, reassuring Miku who was afraid of men.

Miku closed her eyes, cleared her throat, and calmed down her excitement.

Behind her, only a small number of Pojun singers appeared, and a cheerful tune came out.

This song is a song sung by Yuya Miku when she debuted as "Isawai Tsukino".

A song that was supposed to be sung on stage, but Miku suffered from aphonia and was unable to sing again.


Miku began to sing cheerfully, the song she hadn't sung for a long time.

In the singing, Miku didn't use a charming "voice", but everyone was listening carefully, even Didara who didn't care about anything other than explosion art.

Mijiu sang wholeheartedly and with all her strength. Mijiu was singing, just like her nickname "Diva". Everyone was gradually fascinated by her singing.

With the singing of the song, Miku's singing became more attractive.

The sisters with red pupils and black pupils heard the battle drums for eating, Chitong held the meat, and Heitong took the snacks, eating more happily.

Sister Kalenkana also swayed her body to the music, her glamorous figure swaying back and forth.

Wendy also widened her lovely eyes, looking at Miku who was like a magnet attracting everyone's attention, she sincerely praised: "What a beautiful song."

Kuangsan rested his face with one hand, "Ah, it's really a song with a story, even I'm addicted to it~"

Even Estes, who has no sense of art, listened attentively, "Although I don't know anything about art, this song is really nice."

"A very perfect singing voice." Leonardo Da Vinci, who has profound artistic attainments, listened attentively. "It is also a very good song."

——Finally, the song ended, and Miku was surrounded by warm applause.

Seeing the satisfied expressions of the audience and listening to the warm applause, Miku clenched her hands in front of her chest, her eyes gradually soaked with tears, "There are still people here who like my songs..."

"Everyone, thank you... very, thank you..."

Next, Miku shouted with a voice full of spirit:

"Thank you very much, Darling - I like you the most!"

Everyone's eyes turned to Eric, with a "sure enough" expression, but now, Eric has nothing to be shy about.

Among the cheers of the crowd, some people also shouted the words "one more song, one more song".

Slowly, the voices of "one more song" overlapped, which moved Meijiu deeply.

"Thank you, then this song is for everyone here—"


Miku's welcome party is over, it can also be called Miku's small private concert.

Meijiu's singing is like a sweet drug, attracting everyone to listen to it, obviously Meijiu didn't use the "spirit voice" to charm others.

"How can everyone exclude me?!" Meijiu covered her face with her hands, pretending to cry bitterly, a gap was exposed between her fingers, and her silver-purple eyes were secretly looking out, "I also want to take a bath with everyone, to increase our relationship what!"

"No, it would be very troublesome if I let you in, so..."

"Bad heart~" Mijiu swore viciously, "I won't do anything wrong to everyone in there~"

"It doesn't matter if you do it." Esdes smiled dangerously, ready to go fishing and enforce the law, "It's just that if you do something wrong, you will be locked up in a small dark room and accept my punishment..."

"..." The beautiful heaven and the real kingdom of heaven are selected at the same time.

Mei Jiu was thinking carefully whether to choose this thorny road to heaven.

"That's it, the beautiful Miss 'Diva'~" Kuang San chuckled, "Don't think about peeping."

"Woooooo!" Mijiu bit her handkerchief unwillingly.

Half an hour later, the bathroom door finally opened, and Miku, who was sitting outside with her knees hugged, immediately stood up, her nostrils twitching like a small animal.

Wendy asked puzzledly: "Sister Mei Jiu, what are you doing?"

"I'm smelling it, it smells so good, Wendy-chan~" Miku leaned over as if pounced.


"This guy has been outside all the time, isn't he peeping?" Estes turned his head and asked Kuangsan.

"Hey." Kuang San nodded, "My avatar has been watching outside, so you should be able to perceive it with your knowledge?"

Wendy trotted ahead, and Miku ran after her with open arms, "Really, don't run, Wendy-chan~"

"By the way, Miku, do you have a change of clothes?" Kurumi called to stop the chasing Miku.

"Huh?" Mijiu stopped chasing Wendy, tilted her head, "No."

"Huh... It seems that I need to mention it to Eric San, and I need to go shopping when I arrive at the next island."

Girls' clothes are very cumbersome, and there is always one piece of clothing missing in the closet.

"In this case, you can wear my clothes first..." Kurumi stared at Miku's exaggerated curves, and her words paused slightly.

Then he raised his eyebrows, and glanced at Esdeth, who was beside him, for a careful comparison.

'It doesn't seem to work...'

Meijiu tilted her head in doubt and said, "Why did you stop talking all of a sudden, Miss Kuang San?"

Kuangsan sighed heavily, "Come with me..."

In Kuangsan's room, Miku's voice was slightly painful, "Well, it's a little... To be precise, it hurts a little... Miss Kuangsan..."

Kuang San, who was helping her button up her back, even though he was prepared and in a good mood, was still stung by the words "squeeze" and "pain", and a "#" sign bulged on his forehead.

Meijiu covered the front with her arms, and asked in a low voice, "Do you have clothes that are one size bigger?"

"Hahaha..." Esdeth, who was sitting on Kuangsan's bed, covered his stomach and laughed, which made Kuangsan furious even more.

"Ara, how about letting Miku try on your clothes? Estes-san?"

"Oh, just try it!" Esdeth said, went back to his room, brought a shirt and a set of underwear, and threw them to Miku.

After some fittings, Meijiu said in an inaudible voice, "It's still a little small..."

Why can even the tiniest voice be heard clearly?Because the situation at the scene was really shocking, Esdeth, who was originally laughing at Kuang San, also looked cold, and the temperature in the room seemed to drop a few degrees.

"Well, I can wear the spiritual outfit, and it won't be dirty..." Miku suggested in a low voice, the atmosphere at Esdesh made her depressed.

"No, I'll ask Kalenkana to bring their clothes."

After a while of changing clothes, "Well, although it's still a little tight, it's much better than other people's underwear." Meijiu was wearing Kallen's underwear at the moment, and finally there was no pain in her voice.

Therefore, the size of the girls is also arranged in a general order...

As for Perona and Polki, who are still flat-chested, they are not included in the comparison and are directly excluded.

Meijiu was finally happy, and took a change of clothes to take a bath, leaving behind a bunch of staring women who were secretly depressed.


As night fell, the lights in the rooms on the ship were also turned off one by one. Eric looked up at the ceiling in the room and fell into his own thoughts.

With a "squeak", the door was gently pushed open.

"Click" the door was closed again.

Eric asked softly, "Esdece?"

In the darkness, Estes, who was wearing pajamas, stepped on the floor with bare feet, without making a sound as he walked, and replied, "It's me."

The eyes of the two met, and the soft hair hung on both sides of the cheeks. Occasionally, a few strands of hair fell on the face, and Eric only felt a little itchy.

"...Didn't it mean that I won today's battle, and you will obey my orders in the future?"

In the silent darkness, Esdeath could hear Eric's accelerated heartbeat clearly.

"Heh, my heart beat faster."

"You haven't answered my question yet."

"Eh..." Eric was speechless, straightened his upper body, and turned on the weak bedside lamp.

Under the faint yellow light, the snow-white skin on Esdesh's neck looked even more translucent and fair.

'How can the light of fireflies compete with the sun and the moon. ' flashed through Eric's mind.

"Choosing the opposite sex who is younger than me is obviously for better domination," Esthers sat on the bed, recalling the previous conditions for choosing a mate. "Unexpectedly, I was attracted by you instead."

"Despite all kinds of inconspicuous actions and slightly childish words, you are deeply attracted to me, Eric."

"No, you're still you, Estes." Eric's fingers were on her lips, preventing her from continuing, and then gently stroked along the lips, the skin on the lips was delicate and warm.

"I like Esdeth who is eager to fight; Esdeth who has many shortcomings. If you change too much for me, you will not be the invincible General Esdeath."

"..." The arc of Esdeath's lips widened again.

Estes suddenly poked his head over and blocked Eric's mouth, and vanilla-flavored ice cream filled his mouth.

"I, love you dearly, Eric."

 Thanks to the readers for the recommended tickets; thank you for the two monthly tickets of the King of the Emperor Yicheng of the Kingdom of God; thank you for the faint irritability of a monthly ticket; thank you for your monthly ticket; thank you for your sister Three monthly tickets for hating my sister is not Qiongyi; two monthly tickets for the big guy Sunny1990; one monthly ticket for the big guy's final black feather; thanks for the 5000 reward for the big guy Yi Youmei Hatemy Girl is not for the sky; I hope this don't go in
(End of this chapter)

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