Chapter 276 Vinsmoke Reiju
"No, no, what are you talking about?" Eric shook his head.

"When we first met, I realized that the time you spent watching Reiju was more than the time you spent on Iji, Niji, Yuji, and me combined."

Eric replied angrily: "Nonsense, I'm not gay, don't look at women and men?"

"And—" Gaggiolo said meaningfully: "In the Vinsmoke family, my three sons have no feelings of mercy, and I myself am not trusted. There is only one daughter who has feelings. Let her be your woman, come to rule the entire North Sea."

"That way, we can all get the results we want."

"The Vinsmoke family can revive the Germa Empire to rule the North Sea. I can get Germa's technology and have an extra beautiful wife. It's really multiple things..." Eric wanted to answer this very much, but the woman behind him The line of sight is very piercing.

As the queen of the Kingdom of Shadows who can predict the future and see the future clearly with her own eyes, Scathach, of course, will follow Eric into the underground facility, so as to inform Eric of the future situation at any time.

But at this moment, Eric really hoped that Scathach would not be there.

The red eyes full of wisdom burst out with red light, which was brighter than before. The corners of the mouth were slightly raised on the expressionless face, "Another one."

"..." Eric's back under his clothes was instantly covered with sweat.

"Master, Master, you read wrong."

"No, I can see it very clearly~" Scathach, who understood Eric's meaning, did not do what Eric wanted, and reiterated the fact again.

Kuang Sanqiao smiled and teased: "Ala, that's great, Eriksan." Her smiling face was also a little scary!
Scathach said emphatically again: "Germa 66 is a force worthy of alliance, although Vinsmoke Gage's behavior cannot be regarded as what a normal father should do."

"Yes, yes, Master." Eric's facial muscles were twitching, "Can you remove your boots from my feet?"

"Really?" Scatha blinked, "Sorry, I didn't notice."

"Then why are your feet heavy again?!" Eric howled, "Your boots are made of purple steel!"

"Hmph!" Stamped heavily, Scathach finally spared Eric.

The proud Scathach was a little jealous, and Eric didn't know whether it was luck or misfortune.

"Then, is this an alliance between us?" Gage saw everything, including the way Estes, Kurumi, and Chitong looked at Eric.However, he doesn't care how many confidante or wives Eric has.

Like Charlotte Lingling, no matter how many husbands you have married, as long as you have enough strength, the world will not dare to say anything about BIG MOM's behavior.

"Well, don't worry, I won't tell about the alliance." Eric stretched out his hand and held the palm that was much bigger than him, "You are still a king of the allied country, and I am also an ordinary pirate on the sea. "

"'Ordinary' pirate..." Gaji read with a low smile.

At this moment, Leonardo da Vinci, who had finished his tour, came over.

"I looked around and I am very interested in the 'replication' and 'transformation' of life. Are you interested in discussing it?"

"Of course." Gage learned a lot from her thinking just now, "Come with me." The two went to Gage's laboratory to chat privately.

Eric glanced at Skaha inadvertently, and Skaha nodded, and then he was relieved.

"Whenever Da Vinci is asked to conduct actual combat training, she always pretends to be sick, and she doesn't know how much combat power her mechanical arm armor can exert..."

Eric and the others were brought to a small banquet hall for reception. The splendid decoration and exquisite furniture, as well as the sumptuous food piled up the entire dining table, shocked Kuina, who was used to living a frugal life in the village.

"Hold on to your sword heart, these delicacies will not make you stronger..."

"Then can you put down the dinner plate in your hand before talking?" Kuina squinted at Eric.

"But it can fill your stomach and make you feel good." Eric continued, and then took a bite of the barbecue in his hand.

"!" Kuina gritted her beautiful little teeth.

"Eat more, grow up quickly, woo..." Chitong's mouth was full of meat, and he said inarticulately: "Guina can only become stronger when she grows up."

"Hmm!" Kuina chewed the food in her mouth heavily, thinking it was Eric.

The Dawn Pirates unexpectedly stayed in Germa Kingdom for several days.

The reason is that the two scientific research dogs, Da Vinci and Gage, have found a common language in the research of weapons and biological science.

Da Vinci commented: "Although he looks like a boorish man, his level of scientific knowledge is not low, and he is a real scientist!"

Jia Zhi praised: "Her ideas are unconstrained, she is simply a genius among geniuses, I seem to see the shadow of Vegapunk in her!"

In the past few days, the two of them have been discussing problems in Gage's laboratory almost every day and night. If it weren't for Kuangsan's avatar who has been staring at Da Vinci, he would have thought that Da Vinci was killed by Gage. ...

In a guest room in Germa Kingdom, Eric was standing in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the distant scenery.

The door behind him was gently pushed open, and Reiju, who was wearing a white princess dress, stood in front of Eric in a graceful manner and said hello: "Hello, respected Mr. Darren Eric."

The white and delicate collarbone was exposed in front of Eric's eyes, the fluffy and not heavy skirt wrapped around the thigh, and the slender calf wrapped in white silk protruded from the skirt, which really wanted to be bitten.

She had learned from her father that she would marry Eric as one of his wives.Unable to resist her father's order, Reiju could only accept her fate and was given to "Four Emperors" Eric as a beautiful vase.

'At least it's better than being a female killer with innocent blood on her hands. 'Reiju smiled bitterly in her heart, "However, becoming the wife of a pirate is not a very glorious thing either, my father..."

Even if she becomes the queen who rules the entire North Sea in the future, she still cannot change her own destiny. Her body bears the last wish of revitalizing the Germa Empire, and her body belongs to the man in front of her...

Reiju's movements are generous and graceful, even if she is not the mature appearance after a few years, but it can make people who see her immediately have a feeling of "ah, she must be a noble lady, maybe even a princess of a country. " thoughts.

However, no matter how beautiful the makeup she painted or the noble clothes she wore, she couldn't hide the crying figure in her heart.No matter how perfect her expression was, what appeared on her face was a poignant smile.

Eric, who understood her, knew her, and cherished her, clearly knew how sad it was for her to be here.

This time, Eric wanted to save the kind lady.

"I won't make you cry in your heart anymore, Princess Reiju."


 Thank you for a monthly pass from the big brother Ao Anchuan Shengye; thank you for the monthly pass from the big brother's book friend 20170307124244423

(End of this chapter)

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