The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 279 "Leader" Green Pepper

Chapter 279 "Leader" Green Pepper

Scathach himself turned into a peerless spear, with boundless power, the scarlet thunder fell straight down, the sharp spear blade pierced the jade ice bed, and the unbreakable ice layer was instantly torn by it, and the huge crack followed The straight line of the gun blade split open!

Several eight-treasure sailors in the distance stared their eyeballs out of their sockets, and shouted in disbelief: "She, she smashed the Baoyu ice bed!"

This crack even crossed the entire ice layer, and it was more powerful than his boss's "Taporesaurus Spike", how could it not surprise them.

"Quick, go find the boss!" Seeing this, the pirates of the Eight Treasures Navy knew that they were no match for this group of people, so they immediately turned to look for the leader of Qingjiao.

"Is it really okay to let them escape?" Didara curled up one leg and sat on the flying sticky doll, the black windbreaker fluttering in the wind.

"Do you need me to catch up and get rid of them all? Hmm"

"It doesn't matter." Eric pouted, "As a member of the Dawn Pirates, it's useless if you can't find a small character. If you want to find it, you have to find heads of more than '[-] million'."

"Yes, yes~" Didala said in other words, Eric and Esdeth had been involved in some recent battles, and he felt a little itchy.

Take food from Esdeth's tiger's mouth?
Think about it or forget it.Um
"This is too much, the treasure room is full!" The treasure room on the ship can't even hold one percent of the belongings here.

Just leave like this, many people feel a little bit reluctant.

"Okay." Eric clapped his hands, "Only we can open this place for the time being, and we will come to get it when we are short of money. A person's life is not only about treasures."

Hearing Eric's words, Chiron and Scathach nodded in relief.

[The favorability of Chiron and Scathach increased, but the bond level remained unchanged. 】

"Esdes, it's up to you." Looking at this huge gap, who knows when the ice will close. If the green pepper takes most of the treasure before then, where will Eric go to find another one? A bank that withdraws cash in large amounts at any time?

White hands lay on the broken ice bed, "Freeze for me!"

The split glacier closed quickly, and the smooth ice surface glowed with blue light, reflecting the beautiful face of Esdes.

"Who? Knocked open the Baoyu ice bed? Take my treasure?!" A shout full of anger, accompanied by a large number of footsteps, came from far and near.

"This place carries my past pains and joys, as well as my future hope. It is a treasure accumulated by our family for hundreds of years!"

His bloodshot eyes widened, a large amount of beard under his chin fluttered high, and his tall body stomped heavily on the ice.

The big eyes of the copper bell scanned the ice, and some scattered gold coins fell on it.

"Sure enough... you opened the Baoyu ice bed and took away the treasure!" With narrowed eyes, he scrutinized the people in front of him, and said with a sneer, "Isn't this the brat known as the 'Four Emperors'?"

"Thank you for your treasure. I will use the money for good." Eric raised his hand to signal, and was about to lead everyone away.


Qingjiao took a step forward and stopped in front of Eric, the fat all over his body trembling together, "Leave the treasure you took away, I can treat it as if it never happened."

Green pepper is also a mature person. Even more than a year ago, when Eric was promoted to the throne of the Four Emperors by Shijing, many people sneered at him.

However, some time ago, the flying pirate Golden Lion Shiji, who was as famous as Roger and Whitebeard, died at the hands of their group, which already explained the problem.

Since they have the ability to kill the golden lion, they also have the ability to deal with themselves. He is self-aware—in the past 20 years, he, who wasted his time like a walking corpse, is far from the opponent of the golden lion Shiji.

But—what Eric and the others took away was the accumulation of hundreds of years of the Eight Treasures Navy!How could any pirate give up the treasure in front of him? !What's more, these treasures are originally their own!

For a real big pirate, death is not a threat at all!

'I took some of the treasures of the Eight Treasures Navy, and the system didn't give me a message of completion. Is it because I didn't take all of them?Or are additional conditions required? '

Eric is not worried about the opponent's strength at all, but he is afraid that the system will not give him a chance to complete the task.

"Didara, here is your chance to fight." Eric turned his head and said, "He is a big pirate with more than [-] million in his prime, and I leave it to you."

"Oh!" Didara took out a few small bird stickies, "It seems worth blowing up. Mmm."

"What?" Qingjiao raised her trailing left foot, stepped heavily on the ice, staring at Eric, "You won't fight me?"

"Me?" Eric spread his hands, "As the emperor, how could I fight the pirates of the old era who left early, and you have already lost the value of fighting."

"What did you say?!" A large amount of white beard moved without wind, and the fluffy beard covered half of his chest. The old man burst out with a strong murderous look, "How dare you look down on me?!"

"Old man, don't be angry." Lao Cai who was beside him hurriedly stopped him, "He's provoking you, don't be fooled!"

"Provocation? No, I'm just telling a fact." Eric said with disdain: "For you who rely on the sharp top of your head to crack the ice bed of precious jade, even if you can raise your fist to fight now, I'm afraid you will Your dream has long since disappeared with the disappearance of your awl!"


"You have been beaten to the top of your head, your spine has been broken, and you have lost your dreams. You are not worthy to fight with me now."

"Hey!" Deidara yelled dissatisfiedly: "You mean: I want to fight against a piece of garbage? Hmm."

"...Hahaha, hahaha...!" Being ridiculed by a junior like this, Qingjiao let out an extremely loud laugh this time.

Lao Cai was worried beside him and said, "Master..."

"Well said! Kid!" Qingjiao threw away his coat, and his bare arms began to gather strength. The surging power gathered on the bulging muscles, and the strong armed domineering wrapped around his fists.

"I'll let you see the strength of us pirates from the old era who have been fighting for many years!"

Anger turned into motivation, passionate fighting intent turned into fighting power, the veins on his forehead bulged, and his fat body sprinted at an incredible speed.

"Eight Punch Boxing Mysteries - Coneless Dragon, Coneless Nail!"

Qingjiao's body was like a heavy truck, crashing straight towards Didara.

"Heh..." Controlling the explosive clay under his feet, the flying bird quickly took off, avoiding this powerful and heavy iron head technique.

"Hey, kid!" The lonely Qingjiao was furious, "I said so much nonsense just now, but didn't even dare to take a move?!"

"Hey, old man." Didara, who was flying in the sky, corrected: "Our boss Eric said just now, and it's none of my business. Hmm."

"However, I also want to thank the boss. It's interesting to fight against enemies who arouse the fighting spirit. Hmm." He threw two explosive clays casually.

"bang bang"

There were two soft sounds in a row, and two white birds, about the size of a human being, swooped down on the green peppers below.

"A devil fruit capable user? It's really boring!" The big hand hardened by domineering punched a flying bird.

Didara formed a mudra with one hand, and the moment his fist touched Asuka, "Art is an explosion. Drink!"


The white sticky couple turned into an orange-red flame, and the intense shock wave generated by the explosion rushed towards the face with a high-heat flame.



Lao Cai and the pirates of the Eight Treasures Navy screamed.

"Do you want to defeat me with this power?!"

A thick palm that was bigger than a cattail fan fanned away the thick smoke around.

Qingjiao stood where he was unharmed, but his snow-white beard and skirt were covered with blackened smoke.

"Tch, so the physique of the people in this world is really disgusting!" Didara muttered dissatisfiedly: "Everyone is like a monster. Hmm."

"The power of C1 is completely useless. We can only use the C2 model. Using it with Domineering should be able to penetrate his defense."

Condensate more chakra and mix it into the detonating sticky doll that is about to be formed.

"Since I know you can make explosives, I won't give you a chance!"

The green pepper was like a missile, the storm under its feet scattered, and with its flat head on its head, it flew towards Didala in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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