The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 289 The all-out war with the Whitebeard Pirates: Come be my son!

Chapter 289 The all-out war with the Whitebeard Pirates: Come be my son!

【 have a new email】

[Temporary mission: The strongest test in the world]

[Content: The enemy in front of him is the white beard who is known as the strongest in the world, with a tall body, tenacious perseverance, and terrifying strange power.Faced with such an enemy, should you choose to bravely face the huge waves?Or choose to lie flat? 】

[Result [-]: I couldn’t hold on for even one day, and won the title of "Silver Medal Player". In the era of two gold medal players, Roger and Whitebeard, there were countless pirate masters who retired with tears in their eyes. You, too, should become them one of theMission Reward: Join the Whitebeard Pirates]

[Result 2: Fight with Whitebeard for a day and get the "Candidate for Father's Son". Your strength is recognized by Whitebeard and all members of the Whitebeard Pirates. "Be my son!" Task reward: Achievement Point [-]: The position of captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates in the future]

[Result 4: Fight fiercely with the old Whitebeard for two days, and get the title of "The next era belongs to you!" Your strength is appreciated by Whitebeard, and your strength makes the members of the Whitebeard Pirates feel terrified .Mission reward: [-] achievement points/Praise from Whitebeard]

Which result to choose in the end, is it still a question? !
"Qiang" thrust Cong Yunqie heavily into the ground, and White Beard calmly assumed his signature pose, with his majestic arms folded in front of his chest, his huge fists clenched tightly, and his thick biceps suddenly swelled.

"Get out of the way! Dad is going to use his ability!" Seeing this, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates ran away one after another, staying away from the vicinity of Whitebeard.

Seeing this scene, Eric decided to use Hegemony immediately, his feet stepped into the soil, and the purple flame burned on the tip of the fire-pointed gun.

"Empty shock!"

The clenched right fist struck forward heavily, and there was a crisp sound like glass shattering out of thin air. At the place where the fist landed, several cracks were born from the atmosphere. With the sound of glass shattering, the cracks in the void gradually spread to the surroundings. .

Then, the sky shook, the atmosphere boiled, and the ground shattered.

An invisible shock wave lifted, rolled, and shattered the hard ground in front of him. The mud and air mixed together, like a rolling giant snake, and rushed straight towards Eric.

The invisible air was vibrating, the thick earth was trembling, and under the blow of Whitebeard, the whole island was like a boat drifting in the wind and rain, and might capsize at any time.

"Hey..." Estes, who was fighting fiercely with Marco, turned to look at Whitebeard, "Is this the ability to destroy the world?"

"Hey, don't look around during the battle, hey!" Marco, who can soar in the sky, only has the wings of the phoenix in his arms, and his lower body stands upside down in the sky, with a golden hook hanging upside down, and kicks heavily at Esdeth.

"Of course." Estes blocked the kick with a western sword, showing a cruel smile, "I heard that you are a phoenix and can heal wounds quickly. It seems that we get along very well..."

"What do you mean?" Marco looked puzzled.

"You should be able to enjoy it completely - all my tortures and ravages, right?"

"You guy..." Marco felt the terrifying killing intent on Esdeth, and cold sweat was rarely seen on his forehead.

"Be honest with me!" The white frozen air in Esdeath's left hand erupted towards Marco who was close at hand.

"Shine · Crash!"

"Ka Ka Ka" Qiao Zi's strong body, half of his body turned into a crystal shining diamond, and the speed that did not match his figure, slammed straight into Skaha who was wielding a long spear.

The nimble Scathach avoided the unstoppable impact flexibly, the gun blade flashed red, and kept slashing across Joz's hard diamond, and the ear-piercing "Zi La" sounded continuously.

"It's a waste of effort." Joz turned to Scarha, "Ever since I ate the shiny fruit, no one has been able to break through my defense."

"Whitebeard's attack seems to be able to break through your defense."

"..." Scatha's words choked Joz into speechless.

"Since someone can do it, I can do it too." The proud Skaha said calmly: "There is almost no existence that I can't kill."

"Then you have a try!" Joz, whose whole body was turned into diamonds, started to rampage, and his extremely strong body turned into a heavy truck, rushing towards Skaha.

"Ha!" A crimson stream of light emerged from the gun blade, "Pierce through the death flying gun!"

Scathach threw the magic gun vigorously, and the red magic gun turned into a red thunder, just like Zeus' thunder gun, and shot towards Jozi who had become a diamond man.

"Yeah - stop chasing me!" Perona in the spirit state flew around in the air, behind a group of burly men chasing her.

"Damn little girl, it was you who made us lose face just now!"

"Catch her and make her look good!"

"Damn it, negative ghost—!" Perona, who was being chased anxiously, used her signature move again, and several transparent white ghosts flew towards the pirate behind them with their long tongues sticking out.

"No, get out of here—I'm such a failure today."

"I want to be moss."

"No, I want to become a water flea."

"Holahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)" Perona floated in the sky, laughing at the men kneeling on all fours.

"Damn it, catch up with this bastard!" The enemy quickly got out of his passive state, got up from the ground, and chased after him again.

"Stop chasing, I was wrong!" Perona fled desperately again and got into a newly opened air door.

Harta, who was short in stature, stood in front of two young girls.

"Hey, I really don't want to fight with you..." Harta said speechlessly, why, as the captain of the Whitebeard regiment, he had to be the opponent of the two brats.

"Hahaha, Captain Harta, come on!" The players of his own team were laughing and cheering.

"It's best not to underestimate us, or you'll suffer." Kuina said with a cold face, tensing her muscles, posing the movements she had done thousands of times, and the black knife stopped on her body forward, pointing directly at Harta opposite.

"The galloping wind, the power of the steel wrist, and the power of the armor!" Wendy put three additional magic spells on herself and Guina.

"..." Harta drew out her saber. Although the girl in front of her was young, her sword was as solid as if she had been tempered for thousands of years. The expression on her face was even tougher than some adults. She put away the smile on her face and said seriously: " I will show mercy."

"Wendy, let's go!"


The two girls ran towards the enemy in front of them at the same time.

"Clang clang clang!"

Janos' iron fist inlaid with sea tower stones met Fossa's flaming blade, and the flames were flying.


"So hard!" Fossa's flame blade could only leave a shallow sword mark on Genos' mechanical body.

"Is your knife smeared with flammable liquid?" Genos's emotionless prosthetic eyes were scanning the opponent's various parts.

"Who knows." Fossa didn't want to tell the enemy unnecessary information.

"Is that so...then I'll burn you all." Janos clasped his fists together and went straight to Fossa.

"Crack!" Fossa on the opposite side was stunned by the instantly deformed arms.

"Maximum power - burn!" The jet of flames completely covered the open space in front of him.

"team leader!"

"Brush!" The fire in the middle split into two, and two pillars of fire went towards the two sides.

"Has the whole body been transformed..." Fosa, who was smoking a cigar, took a puff of smoke.

"Mechanical Hanging Fist!" Genos' right fist flew out, and suddenly hit Fossa ten meters away.


The fist of the captain of the Eighth Division, Namuir, hit the shark's muscle hard.

"I met it..." The mouth under the ghost shark's mask was split open, revealing a mouthful of sharp teeth, the right hand twitched the shark muscles violently, the sharp barb pierced the white bandage, and scraped towards the murloc in front of him.

Namuir jumped back and dodged the attack, but his fist was still scratched by the barb at close contact, and some of his strength and arrogance were eaten away by the shark muscles. (Previously, I couldn't eat Haki because Kisame didn't know how to arm Haki. In the past two months, Kisame has learned to arm Haki and reached two stars.)

"What a strange knife... You are also a murloc, right? Why don't you show your appearance?" Namuir asked.

"Sorry, our captain's order."

Namuir said angrily: "Eric hates the murloc's appearance?!"

"No, if the captain hates the murloc's appearance, he won't let Lant show his appearance." Kisame pointed his chin at Lant who was fighting.

"Really, you are very powerful, do you want to come to our pirate group? At least you don't have to cover your face all day long." Namuir solicited.

Kisame refused: "No, I want to see the country our captain built!"

"Really, what a pity."

Namuir and Kisame charged at each other again.

"Beautiful sword skills, Chi Tong." "Foil Sword" Bista praised: "It's unexpected that such a young girl has such excellent sword skills."

"You are also very strong, be careful, once you are cut by my blade, you will only die." Chi Tong clenched Murasame with both hands, and followed the sharp eyes along the blade, shooting at the smiling man in a top hat in front of him. Great Swordsman.

"Really, then I have to be careful." The smile seemed to hang on his face all the time, Bista jumped high, crossed the swords in his hands, and countless petals were produced out of thin air, this scene of raining flowers all over the sky There is no ambiguous and charming taste, but it reveals a murderous intent.

Each petal is like a flying knife, splitting the air and shooting towards Chi Tong.

"Burning Moon!" The pitch-black sword energy was cut out by Murasame, smashing the flower rain all over the sky, and flew towards Vista like a broken bamboo.

"Dang" Vista's fierce dance of double swords easily shattered the sword energy, and easily stopped the red pupil who had quickly circled behind him.

"Buffalo" Atmos wielded a pair of knives, his bulky body chased the small figure of Hei Tong, and the powerful weapon chopped up the afterimage left by Hei Tong.

"Don't run around!"

"Heh..." Hei Tong chuckled lightly and said, "I don't want to fight hard with a big stupid cow, just catch up with me if you have the ability."

"Damn kid!" Enraged, Atmos entered the depths of the woods in order to chase Heitong.

"Captain, don't leave the main force!" His subordinates shouted hastily.

"It's just a little girl, I can handle it by myself! Don't worry!" Atmos didn't believe that he couldn't even beat a minor.

Cutting down the towering tree blocking the way, the space in front suddenly opened up.

"Stop running?" Atmos approached Heitong holding two knives, "Don't worry, I won't kill you with one knife."

"Really, I will try my best to be merciful..." Heitong smiled, holding up Hachifang in his hand, the blade of the sword flashed an ominous black thunder, "Come out, my puppet!"

A huge palm broke through the ground, and a body bigger than Atmos emerged from the ground.

"Is this your ability...I want to test how strong he is." Atmos rushed towards Weibull who was holding a naginata.

"Miss Kuangsan, Miss Kuangsan!" Meijiu interrupted Yizang and Kuangsan's exchange of fire, and Yizang also pointed his gun in a dignified way, and stopped shooting.

"Ala, Miku-san, this is a battleground where you can live and die, can you tell me something quickly?"

"The Whitebeard Pirates are full of hateful men. I want to find a woman to fight with me. Can you change my opponent?"

"Female, who are you referring to?" Yi Zang, the captain of the [-]th squad opposite, suddenly asked.

"Eh?" Meijiu tilted her head cutely, and asked doubtfully, "Aren't you a woman?"

"I'm a man!" Yizang broke his defense suddenly.

"Eh?" Jingmei blurted out with a face full of shock: "It's so good-looking, but it's a man?!"

"Kudden" Yizang's smooth forehead bulged with blue veins, "I'm a man! This is my Adam's apple!"

"That's it." Kuang San chuckled lightly, "Are you going to be his opponent?"

"No!" Meijiu fled away.

"Then let's continue."

"Bang!" The two pulled the trigger at the same time, and the gunfight continued.

The tumbling earth dragon came roaring, the man in front of him was as motionless as a mountain, the blade of the gun had already been fully charged, the gun moved at will, and the moves followed the gun!

The abundant gun light shoots out from the tip of the gun, the gun light condenses flames, the gun energy entwines lightning, and the air waves gather domineering aura. The combination of many abilities makes the originally powerful hegemony even more powerful!

"Purple flames?" Whitebeard's eyes were like lightning, and his gaze penetrated the tumbling mud. "Does he still have the ability to manipulate flames?"

The purple flames swirled endlessly with the gun energy, and the blue thunder filled the blank dragon body. An earth dragon made of mud and air, a giant dragon formed by the spinning fire and thunder, and two dragon shadows collided heavily.

At this moment, the color of the world changed.

The unstoppable earth dragon stopped its forward momentum, the mighty fire and thunder dragon raised its head and roared, the flames sprayed everywhere like blood, and the soil sprayed everywhere like pieces of meat. Under the two attacks, the ground suddenly collapsed, huge crack
"Gu la la la..." Whitebeard laughed and moved forward, "It's been a long time since I let go of the fight, boy, I approve of your strength!"

Of course Eric couldn't lose, and said in a tone of approval: "I (Uchiha Madara) would like to call you the strongest!"

The members of the white beard group in the distance shouted collectively: "Hello!"

"..." Whitebeard narrowed his eyes, Cong Yunche's blade was buzzing, and another layer of invisible shock shield was formed.

"Gu la la la..." White Beard laughed heartily again, "What an arrogant brat."

Eric smiled and replied: "Not arrogant, can you be a young man?"

The man in front of him brought him endless pressure, and any basic attack could match his charged attack, which was equivalent to Whitebeard's basic A and Eric's skill release.

But - I can't admit defeat so easily!

The carp has the ability to leap over the dragon's gate, and the eagle has the ability to jump into the sky!
"Google la la... Well said! You remind me of that kid Shah Crockerdale."

"Crocodile?" Eric said angrily, "Can you stop comparing me to that guy? He is just a decadent hound whose teeth have been pulled out, his vigor has been lost, and he has been put on a rope by the World Government."


"Where is there a fiasco that makes you lose the ability to raise your sword again?" Eric roared: "A brave man should be tempered by setbacks and failures in challenging the peaks again and again, so that he can stand on the top of the world!"

"..." Whitebeard was silent at first, and then laughed heartily: "Gu la la la..."

"Boy, I am optimistic about you - if you lose this battle, come and be my son!"

"..." If it weren't for the fact that Whitebeard had a hobby of adopting sons, Eric would have cursed back angrily.

This is the same as those keyboard warriors on the Internet, talking trash to each other: "I am your father." "I am your ancestor." The same.

Eric's face was distorted, and he held back for a long time before he opened his mouth and said, "Senior Whitebeard...I treat you as a senior pirate, but you actually want to be my father?"

"Gu la la la... Your kid's ability and personality are very suitable for my appetite, so it's settled like this."

Eric roared angrily, "Hey, hey, I didn't agree!"

"Then use your strength—to defeat me!" White Beard raised Cong Yunqie with both hands, and the shimmering cold blade was covered with shocking power, including the huge force that stirred up thousands of layers of waves, falling like a shining meteor , Slammed down on Eric.

 Thanks to the readers for the recommendation tickets; thanks to the two monthly tickets of the big guy book friend 20210814045635553; A monthly ticket; thanks to the big guy TYsjh for the two monthly tickets; thanks to the big guy for the one monthly ticket that I still see Poria in other years

(End of this chapter)

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