The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 292 The All-out War with Whitebeard

Chapter 292 All-Out War with Whitebeard (End)
The magma fruit of Akainu can erupt countless hot magma, and plunge the earth into a sea of ​​lava.After the ability is awakened, it can even turn the entire area into a burning hot hell. The meteor volcano's moves are more like the end of the world.

The frozen fruit of the green pheasant is frozen for thousands of miles in a blink of an eye, turning the whole area into an endless iceberg and snowfield, freezing everything under the cold ice and snow, and making the world fall into a vast whiteness .

As for the yellow ape... (sorry, I don't know)

And Eric's Thunderbolt fruit is very godlike.

Manipulate the sky, master the thunder...

In various mythological systems, the gods in charge of thunder usually have a high status.

In Greek mythology, Zeus, the head of the twelve main gods of Olympus, used thunder as a weapon to maintain the order between heaven and earth.

And Eric is the God of Thunder in the Pirate World at this moment!

In the pitch-black thundercloud, there are countless electric snakes tumbling and swimming, and it seems that only the roar of thunder and lightning is left between the sky and the earth.

"Gu la la la..." Whitebeard smiled fearlessly: "Can you transform the weather of this island into a suitable location for your battle? You don't think that you can defeat me like this?!"

"Of course, my warm-up is just over!"

"What a sharp-tongued kid!" Whitebeard swung Cong Yunqie, which had the power of shock, and slashed at Eric in front of him.

Awakening the power of the Devil Fruit also consumed a lot of Eric's physical strength. His body began to release electric currents, and the blue electric currents that had permeated his body were urged to the extreme, emitting a blazing white light.

Originally less than two meters tall, it suddenly swelled several times, and Eric's whole body was wrapped in a powerful electric current, turning into a Thor!
"God's Thunder is here - [-] million volts Thunder God!"

The ear-piercing electric current continued to explode, and the lightning cluster all over his body continued to expand, and Eric became a physique about the size of Whitebeard in the blink of an eye.

"Even if your size increases, your strength will not become stronger!"

"That's not necessarily!" Eric waved the fire-pointed gun that had become a "short gun" in his hand. The tip of the gun was burning with purple flames, and hit the blade of the Supreme Sword.

The evenly matched strength made the ground tremble again.

"Gu la la la... The physique has grown, and the strength has increased a lot. Kid, come again!" Whitebeard put his knife back and stood still, his free left fist was attached to the force of the shock, and he swung heavily.

Dense, spider-like cracks appeared in the void, and an invisible shock wave came to Eric in an instant.

"God's punishment!" In the endless thunder and lightning storm, Eric's left arm turned into flowing thunder, and a larger thunder column shot out horizontally, hitting the incoming shock wave.

At the same time, several bolts of lightning shot out from the thunder cloud, splitting thunder towards Whitebeard.

Boom boom boom!
The charge disappeared in the air, and the shock wave swayed back and forth between the two of them. The surrounding ground couldn't bear the huge impact, and exploded and collapsed one after another.

"It's so annoying..." Like waving a fly, the white beard with the knife in his right hand stirred upwards, and the lightning that could destroy everything was smashed by him.

"..." Eric watched this scene silently, but he still manipulated the thunderclouds in the sky to continuously slash the lightning guns at Whitebeard.

"Hey, boy, your thunder and lightning are so annoying." Whitebeard held his breath, holding the handle of the knife tightly with both hands, the power to destroy the world is condensing on the cloud, and the incomparable power is gathering, and his attack target has changed to the sky. thundercloud.

"Shaking Knife·Empty Break!"

The atmosphere was shattered by Whitebeard, and the crack formed in the space was connected to the sky, and the strong wind suddenly blew.

Whitebeard's attack scattered the thunderstorm attacking him, and the unstoppable shock wave tore apart the thick thunderclouds in the sky.

Faint starlight leaked through the gap, and was covered by thunderclouds filling the gap in a blink of an eye.

"The environmental changes after the awakening of the natural department are not so easy to change, Whitebeard." Eric smiled and said: "Feel the baptism of thunder!"

"Gu la la la, if your attack can touch me, I will lose!" Whitebeard laughed.

"I came to fight with you, not to 'touch' you, but to defeat you!" Eric flashed in front of Whitebeard.


"You brat—shake the knife!"

Lightning fell continuously from the sky, either towards Whitebeard to harass his attack, or towards Eric to help him regain his strength. The battle between the two lasted until the early morning of the third day.

"Hey!" The sound of a sharp knife piercing into flesh came suddenly, shocking everyone outside the arena.

Eric, who was exhausted physically, was caught off guard and was hit by Whitebeard's naginata.

Cong Yunqie's blade sliced ​​open the bones and muscles in Eric's chest, and the lightning that made up Thor's body suddenly dissipated.

A large amount of blood sprayed out from the huge wound, and the beating heart and undulating lungs could even be seen through the wound.

Eric wanted to inhale desperately, but he couldn't breathe any air, and could only make a "hissing" sound of air flowing.



The members of the Dawn Pirates rushed up anxiously.

"Let me come, and I can help him heal." Marko saw Eric's full strength during these three days, and Eric's tenacity also moved Marko.

The palm burning with blue flames reached out to Eric's wound.

"Brother Eric, you must be safe—heal!" Wendy stretched out her little hands nervously, and shed a light blue light, working together with the "flame of regeneration" to repair the broken body.

"Get out of the way, four bullets!" A bullet with the ability to reverse time was shot at Eric.

All kinds of healing abilities go into battle together, and I am afraid that only Eric can enjoy this kind of treatment.

Whitebeard was panting heavily, his physical strength had been greatly reduced by his age, and he hadn't fought for two days and two nights for a long time.

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates also looked at the fallen Eric in awe. At first they were irritated by the news in the newspaper, but Eric's battle with Whitebeard made them realize that he has arrogance. Capital!

Even if he loses in the hands of the old man, he is still much better than these bastards who can't even catch a single move.

Only the eyes of Blackbeard are still wandering around the members of the Dawn Pirates, hoping to find the dark fruit capable person.

"There doesn't seem to be any dark fruit power users among them, but—" Blackbeard looked at Heitong, only this guy needs to pay more attention to defeating "Buffalo" Atmos in a place where no one is around.

Eric, who enjoyed many healing abilities, opened his eyes at once.

Everyone in the Dawn Pirates breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Eric, that's great..." Wendy's big eyes were filled with tears, and Kuina also breathed a sigh of relief, and whispered: "I said that I won't lose, isn't it a loss? Worrying."

"Sorry, it's my fault." Eric straightened his upper body, and the arrogant Kuang San gave him an expression of "making you look good", and stood there with his hands crossed.

He gently touched Wendy's head with his hand, comforted the worried Wendy in a low voice, and then turned his head to thank Marco for his help.

[Ding... Complete the temporary task: the strongest test in the world]

[Get 4 achievement points]

"Gu la la la... are you awake?" Whitebeard walked to Eric's side, "It's unbelievable. Among the enemies I fought, you were the only one who didn't show any killing intent. Why?"

"Why..." Eric looked up to the sky, "Killing people can't solve everything, and - you are still protecting many islands, maybe because of this, I also want to protect those unarmed civilians."

"Gu la la la, you can just inherit my will and be my son!"

"Only this one please allow me to refuse."

"Hmph, what an unlovable kid." Whitebeard also learned from the battle that a guy as determined as Eric would not change his mind easily.

White Beard got up and greeted: "Little ones, let's go!"

"Wait!" Estes and Scathach stopped him, "Fight us before leaving!"

"..." White Beard showed a troublesome expression.

As a result, the Whitebeard Pirates were delayed for another three days.

 Thank you guys for the recommended tickets; thank you guys for a monthly ticket for Ultrasonic; thank you guys for a monthly ticket for the bookworm-Cancer Snow Rabbit; thank you guys for a monthly ticket for diaexiao; thank you guys for Warrior, to the right A monthly ticket for the big brother; two monthly tickets for the silent fish that fly to the big brother; a monthly ticket for the big brother Lingfeiyu; a 100 reward for the big brother I am Ultrasonic; a 1500 reward for the big brother Warrior and the right
(End of this chapter)

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