The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 296 Crusade against the Don Quixote Family

Chapter 296 Crusade against the Don Quixote Family (2)

"Give them all the members of the Don Quixote family, are you really relieved?"

"My [Heart Network] can monitor the entire island. If any companion is in danger, I will take action immediately."

Eric and Skaha walked in the player preparation room of the bullfighting arena, and they signed up for the bullfighting arena at the same time.

"By the way, why did you sign up with me?"

"I feel that this arena is very interesting..."


"The men here are so tall."

Eric held back for a while, "Body size doesn't tell everything."

Many contestants turned their heads to look at the two newcomers, and asked with a smile:

"Hey, what's the background of that guy?"

"It's the last contestant to come in."

"What is that dwarf here for?"

Eric heard the last sentence, turned his head and said softly, "I'm here to kill you."

He didn't use domineering, just aimed his eyes lightly at the man who spoke, which made him back away again and again in fright.

Eric spat: "Cut, that tendon is just a decoration."


Cyrus led the others to the flower fields.

The endless sunflowers form a sea of ​​yellow flowers, and there is a faint fragrance of flowers in the air. A gust of wind blows by, and the sea of ​​flowers shakes gently like the waves of the ocean.

Wika of the Dongdada clan asked in surprise, "Eh? Is this a descendant of Nolando?"

"Huh..." Kuli Kai sighed, "That's right, the little people mentioned in Wenbulan Nolando's sailing diary must be the Dongtata family."

"Great! We, the legendary heroes of the Dongtata clan, descended from the heavens to help us out!" A small human race wept with joy.

Cyrus looked surprised, "I didn't expect to be descendants of Nolando, are you really here to rescue the Dong Tata clan?"

Everyone: "It's a pity that the principal ran away first." '

"Huh, since I have a relationship with my ancestors, I can't stand by." Kuli Kai sat down and asked, "What's going on here?"

Gan Qiao, the patriarch of the Dongtata clan, introduced: "A long time ago, our Dongtata clan set out to find scarce resources in our country, but after being discovered by the adults, we even fell into the crisis of almost extinction."

"At that time, the king of the neighboring country Dressrosa proposed to us a security treaty with a small amount of labor in exchange for resources and safety. The king at that time was named Don Quixote."

"This treaty has been in effect until 900 years ago. This period is the darkest period of our family's history - the era of slavery. The classics left behind clearly record the cruel rule of the royal family over the Dongtata family at that time."

"Our family is forced to do heavy labor in the depths of the ground without anyone knowing it, while the adults rely on our hard work to enjoy all the glory and wealth."

A group of Dong Tatas were covering their faces and weeping bitterly.

Arturia said at this time: "There is nothing wrong with what they did?"

"..." The atmosphere of silence enveloped the audience, and the Dongtata clan stopped crying. The members of the Heart Pirates looked at the pale black knight king in surprise.

Chitong took out a hamburger and blocked Artoria's mouth.

Kuli Kai urged: "And then?"

"In the 100-year gap in history, we don't know what happened, but 800 years ago, a new king appeared in Dressrosa. He learned that our small human race, in the past few hundred years, He has been engaged in inhuman labor underground for many years, he shed tears and apologized deeply to us."

"The action taken by the new king is atonement - our family no longer has to work, and can take the necessities of life in this country at will."

"When people found that their belongings had disappeared, the king used goblin pranks to appease the people and let the legend of goblins pass on in the country."

"You guys are committing theft." Artoria sucked her finger, which was stained with cheese from the hamburger.

"Ignore her words." Kuli Kai continued: "Keep talking."

"The country ruled by the tolerant and benevolent Liku family has never been stingy in helping neighboring countries in crisis. Because they are willing to help others, the country is not very rich, but it is indeed a beautiful country where people live and work in peace."

Arturia agreed: "Really, since it can make the country continue and the people happy, I won't say much about his governance."

Gan Qiao continued: "Out of gratitude to King Liku, who loves the people like a son, the ancestors did their best to turn this country into a thriving and beautiful country full of flowers."

"This sea of ​​flowers is really beautiful." Kuang San nodded.

Estes: "Waiting to bring Eric over camping."

The two looked at each other, then turned away from each other.

"However, after 800 years of change, Doflamingo, the last descendant of the Don Quixote clan, has come back and intends to enslave us again."

"Including my daughter Manxueli, 500 companions have become his victims. We will never let that period of history repeat itself!"

"Never give in, fight to the end!"

Cyrus said: "That's right, whether it's for Dressrosa or the Dontata family, the return of the Don Quixote family will be harmful but not beneficial."

"Fight with heroes!"

"Kurilando can be worth one hundred!" The Dong Tata clan shouted loudly.

"I'm not that good, but—" Kuli Kai crushed out the cigarette and stood up, "I can't lose to my ancestors, I will help you!"

"Holah, hoh, hoh, it's rare that Uncle Kuli Kai, who has always had no desires, has his blood on fire, so I will help too." Perona waved the parasol in her hand.

"Hmph... Since Doflamingo can't guarantee the happiness of the people, then I'll do my part too."

"It turns out that you are also a good person."

Artoria: "..."

Chitong clenched Murasame in his hands, "The fact that Doflamingo turned half of the residents into toys is enough reason for me to bury him."

"Sister, let me kill you with the last knife." Heitong smiled and said, "Let Doflamingo be my puppet forever."

Luo lightly frowned, "Puppet?"

Cyrus suddenly remembered something and said: "By the way, there is a female killer in the Don Quixote family. She is Princess Violet. In order to save the life of the previous generation King Riku, she chose to join the Don Quixote Pirates. Regiment, to serve Doflamingo."

"Violet?" Kuang San carefully recalled: "Has Eric introduced this person's ability and appearance before?"

"It seems not." Estes replied.

Chitong said: "Baby-5, a woman who cannot be rejected when she is needed, wearing a white ribbon on her head, a person with weapon fruit ability; Jora, a fat old woman who ate the fruit of art; Monet, with green hair, Possesses the ability of natural snow snow fruit."

"As well as Monet's sister, Sugar, only four female cadres have been introduced, and there is no information about Violet among them."

"Does the head of Kuilong also make mistakes..." Luo chuckled, "I thought he knew everything..."


An extremely sharp knife was pressed against Luo's neck, and Hei Tong narrowed his eyes, "Do you have any dissatisfaction with brother-in-law?"

Luo raised his hands in surrender and said, "No, I just feel that he is also an ordinary person who makes mistakes sometimes."


"Hiss..." Heitong retracted the saber and retreated, Bafang's saber blade rubbed against the scabbard.

Estes stretched out his fingers and pointed, and began to confirm: "Then, only the lives of Violet and Baby-5 are left, and the other members of the Don Quixote family can be beheaded, right?"

"I also ask General Esdes to let them breathe their last breath, and let me cut the last knife."

"Yes, just to increase your combat power." Estes looked at Didara, "You remember to bring the corresponding type of fruit that explodes."

Genos patted the big package on his back, "I have brought all kinds of fruits."

"I see, it's such a hassle..." Didara complained as he took out a few apples and stuffed them into the mouth of the explosive clay Asuka.

"Esdeslando, wait a minute, are you going to attack Doflamingo now?"

"What kind of weird name..." Esdes shook the corners of his eyes, "Your gathering speed is too slow, so start now."

"Wait a minute, there are quite a few of them..."

Kuli Kai stopped and said: "You only need a few people to lead the way, the others..." Glancing at the others, "They will take care of it."

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll take you to the Highland of the King and take back Dressrosa!"

The voice of Cyrus is sonorous and powerful!

"The final winner of Area C has appeared!" Gaz, the live announcer of the bullfight arena, was shouting loudly.

"Unexpectedly, it was a beautiful fighter who won the final championship! Her name is—"


 Thank you for the two monthly tickets of the big brother Aojiaoying; thank you for the two monthly tickets of the big brother Zhishen; thank you for the one monthly ticket of the big brother Ling Feiyu

(End of this chapter)

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