Chapter 314 Pure Gold (End)

"Eagle Bridge..."

"The one who gets the shining gold is a person with excellent concentration and courage, who shoots the sacred eagle and builds bridges."

Everyone looked at the opposite side. On the suspension bridge, there was a circular target in the middle of the two wings. It seemed to be shouting: "Come and shoot me, come and shoot me!"

"As long as you hit the target, the suspension bridge will come down?"

Assier nodded: "That's right."

Kuang San Fu, who hides the attributes of the house, sighed: "It's just like the customs clearance link in the game, uncle, how old are you?"

Chitong replied for him: "At least 200 years old."

Assier explained profusely, "This trial was designed and completed before Mr. Lantern swallowed it in his stomach."

Chitong continued to make up the knife: "That is also a person with a daughter."

"Bang" a straight ball hit Assier's face heavily, and he muttered in a voice that no one could hear: "Man, a man is a teenager until he dies."

Chiron took out his bow and arrow, "Leave it to me..."

"Ka Ka Ka" the sound of ice condensing interrupted Chiron's words, and the cliffs on both sides were connected by an ice road, and Esdeth created an ice bridge in the blink of an eye.

Chiron: "..."

Asie: "..."

"Don't waste time on this boring level." Esdeath was about to step on it after finishing speaking.

"No, boring?" Assie squatted down, his fat body formed a big meat ball, and began to draw circles on the ground.

"Calling game trash in front of the game planner? Be careful that your game account will be blocked." Eric held Esthers back, "Although it is indeed a bit boring, but at least take care of the uncle's mood, he is about to cry. "

Chitong's sharp complaints continued: "Eric, you are not in the mood to take care of Assie."

"I'm often hit, but I'm getting used to it." Assie stood up with a "huh".

At this moment, a Triceratops stomped heavily, roaring and charged towards the crowd.

"Huh?" Chi Tong turned to look, and calmly pulled out Murasame: "Today's luck is good, and we can have extra meals tonight."

The thick limbs of the Triceratops plowed four marks on the ground, turned around and fled.

Chitong stretched out a hand, trying to call back the food: "My supper..."

Artoria comforted Chitong, who was also a foodie, and pointed to the top: "It's okay, there is a bigger grilled fish waiting for us."

The episode brought by the Triceratops is over.

"This distance is not far, even I can hit it with my eyes closed, not to mention Teacher Chiron, who hits every shot." Kuang San said that this question is too difficult for Chiron.

"No." Chiron narrowed his eyes, and his sharp eyes discerned the imperceptible updraft.

"The gastric juice below is ejecting violent upward airflow, and the airflow is very chaotic and uneven in intensity, making it difficult to judge the flight path of the arrow."

"Ah, could it be that Mr. Assier has long concluded that Amicell will be swallowed by Mr. Lantern, and that's why he designed such a simple yet difficult level?"

"Ah, ah ha ha ha..." Assier smirked beside him.

"Wendy, I'll leave the airflow to you." Chiron entrusted Wendy with the troubles caused by the airflow.

"Leave it to me!" Wendy rallied, took a deep breath, and sucked her small mouth into a circle: "Tianlong's roar!"

Wendy, who absorbed the power of the sky, ejected a tornado from her mouth, isolating the messy updraft, forming a winding passage in the middle of the canyon.

"It's now—" Chiron pulled the bowstring and shot the arrow, Octavia's arrow glistened, followed the channel formed by the tornado, drew an arc, and hit the center of the target.

"Beautiful magic, Wendy." Chiron stretched out a hand.

"Teacher Chiron is the one, what a wonderful shot!" Wendy happily slapped Chiron hard.

Seeing the celebratory gestures made by the two, Estes closed his eyes: "Is that so..."

Olga said: "The relationship between you is really good..."

"Yeah, although some of us can't read the atmosphere, we are a whole." When Eric said this, he didn't forget to glance at Kadotsu twice or three times.

The suspension bridge on the opposite side is lowered and slowly extended to this side.

Asie said excitedly: "Soon, there is one more test to get the pure gold!"

"Uncle, why are you so happy?"

"Isn't it fun to overcome the difficulties you set up?"

"But, Dad. From the looks on their faces, it's not a problem."


"Uncle, cheer up!"

Everyone came to a stone gate. In front of the gate, there was a huge crocodile with a big mouth, and the sharp teeth made people shudder.

"The last door, the person who gets the shining gold is a trustworthy person. Open the door lock with your brave partners, and the treasure is ahead."

Robin thought: "It seems to use that key to open the door in the crocodile's mouth."

"It seems that as long as it enters the crocodile's mouth, the upper and lower jaws of the crocodile will close, crushing the person inside to death."

"Yes, this is the difficulty I set for the selfish pirates..." Assier explained.

"I can completely freeze this crocodile's mouth with ice."

"Let's complete the test in a proper manner." Eric stopped Estes, turned to the members and said, "This time it's our men's turn to do physical work."

Deidara, Genos, Kakuto, Kuli Kai, Rand and Eric got into the crocodile's mouth.

Sensing the change in weight, the crocodile's raised eye pupils moved downward, and the vibration of the mechanism's operation came, and the crocodile's upper jaw pressed down.

"Why do I have to do physical exercise?" Didara raised his hands dissatisfied: "Looking at my small physique, it is obviously more suitable to open the door!"

"Really..." Eric looked at the door with eighteen locks, and the corner was holding the key, hesitating:

"If you insert the wrong keyhole, I can be sure that there will be punishment, but it should not be life-threatening."

"Hmph." Jiao Du snorted softly, but couldn't tell whether it was anger or disdain.

"According to your strength, your lives will definitely not be in danger." Assier reminded loudly from a distance, and finally added in a low voice: "Probably..."

"Brother Kakuto, hurry up." Didara urged, "I'm not good at this kind of physical exercise."

"Understood." Jiaodu randomly inserted into a keyhole, and the blue current flowed along the key to Jiaodu's body.


Didara asked, "What's wrong?"

"Insert the wrong keyhole, there will be a powerful electric current attack." Kakudu asked, "Would you like to try it?"

"Eh?" Didara's ninjutsu was defeated by Lei Tian, ​​and he himself hated thunder and lightning, so he shrank his neck immediately.

The crocodile's eyes rolled around, and more pressure came down.

Genos said: "It seems to be getting heavier."

Assier continued to add from the outside: "Every time a mistake is made, the crocodile's bite force will increase to minimize mistakes."

Didara asked suspiciously, "Why didn't I feel it?"

Eric gave him a blank look: "Because we bear most of the weight, do you want to try it alone?"

"No need." Didara turned his head and shouted across the corner: "Brother Jiaodu, it's okay to be shocked a few more times, open the door quickly!"

"You bastard." Jiaodu was choked up by Didara's words.

The key was inserted into the second hole, and Jiao Du felt his muscles being straightened again, and his whole body felt numb and tingling.

Assier said with a look of surprise: "Every time I make a mistake, the downward weight of the upper jaw will increase, but the upper jaw of the crocodile seems to have never moved."

Genos said in an emotionless tone: "This weight is not even considered as exercise. I can handle it by myself. It's a bit crowded for six people to stand in this place."

"Pfft" Assier was stabbed again.

When Jiaodu was electrocuted fifteen times, Didara couldn't help complaining: "Brother Jiaodu, what kind of bad luck did you have today?"

"It's too long-winded." Until the door was opened, Jiaodu was shocked twice more.

"Oh." Assier scratched his head, "It's really hard for you."

"My companions are too powerful." Eric patted Assier on the shoulder and comforted him: "With the passage of nearly 200 years, the outside world has changed a lot. Don't look at things with the same eyes as before."

Walking into the dark underground research room, there are dense formulas written on the blackboard, and various experimental equipment are neatly placed on the laboratory table, and there is an object emitting a faint golden light - pure gold, placed in the center of the table .

Da Vinci stood in front of the blackboard, carefully observing the unintelligible words.

Robin opened Assier's research diary, flipped through one side, and handed it to Olga, "What is written here is Mr. Assier's love for you."

"Eh...?" Olga took the diary and looked at it, her vision was covered with mist.


"It's all over." Assier looked at Olga kindly.

Eric finally confirmed: "Mr. Assier, do you really want to give me all the pure gold?"

"Yes." Assier was silent for a while, then took out a detonator from his tattered clothes, and handed it to Eric: "In order to prevent bad guys from taking away my research results, I have already prepared explosives."

Everyone looked at Assier together.

"You let me see a group of partners who help each other. If you believe in your companions, you will definitely not use pure gold to do bad things. I will be able to hand over pure gold to you with peace of mind."

"Getting your approval is our greatest compliment." Eric took over the detonator.

"Come on, let's get out of this fish's stomach."

Scathach picked up the container containing the pure gold, and Kakuzu's eyes moved along with the pure gold, and the words "Let me take it" were almost written on his face.

When everyone boarded the Intrepid, Assie asked suspiciously, "How do we get out?"

Eric: "Beat the lanternfish in the stomach so it can spit us out."

"This method is not very good." The mad third lady couldn't bear to be treated as vomit.

"Then you want to pull it out?"

"Don't say it so disgusting!"

Estes smiled, "Is it finally my turn to make a move?"

"up to you."

"Grey Ice Hammer!" A huge icicle rose from the ground, heading towards Lord Lantern's stomach.

"Bang!" Like the cover of the dome, it sank due to Esdeth's attack and cracked countless cracks. This extremely huge lantern fish felt the pain and tossed back and forth in the deep sea.

The calm gastric juice began to roll, and a huge amount of gastric juice began to flow back.

"Hold on tight, if you get thrown out, it will stay in the lantern fish's stomach!"

"I saw the little tongue, the exit is ahead!"

A large amount of yellow gastric juice was also spit out along with the Intrepid.

The lantern fish floated quietly on the surface of the sea, looking at the culprit that caused it to vomit, however, it saw the pure gold in Scathach's hand.

"Roar!" Lord Lantern, who had just vomited due to stomach pain, roared, opened his huge mouth, and rushed straight towards the Intrepid.

"Ah!" Assie hugged Olga who was screaming.

"Here we come." Estes stretched out his hand excitedly: "Death is your destination, embrace the cold—absolute zero!"

The extremely cold freezing air that can stop the movement of atoms has formed a thick layer of ice in the sea area around the lantern fish.

It's a pity that Estes couldn't stop the rioting lantern fish with just one move.

The thick ice layer was broken and broken by the collision of the lantern fish, and the crystal ice slag reflected soft light under the moonlight.

"Wendy, take off!" Lord Lantern's violent activities created huge waves in the surrounding sea area, and the turbulent sea made Intrepid shake up and down.

When the Intrepid came to the sky above the lantern fish, the huge mouth of the abyss above made people feel terrified, and the faint fishy smell came here with the roar of the lantern fish.

"Roar!" The lantern fish raised its head to the sky and roared, the soft golden light emitted by pure gold was right in front of its eyes, but it couldn't touch the tall goddess no matter what:

"How can I get you?!"

Eric roared: "Next life!"

Chitong asked curiously: "Eric, what are you shouting?"

"It's nothing."

"Let's get a bigger one..." Esdeath jumped into the sky with moon steps, and a hockey puck gradually condensed behind her.

"Okay, so big!" Olga's eyes widened, "Esdesh is so powerful!"

"You haven't seen her true strength yet!"

"Hail Furious Leap!"

A giant hailstone about the size of the lantern fish smashed head-on towards the lantern fish with the sound of whistling wind.

The attack like Mount Tai completely blocked the moonlight, and the lantern fish showed a shocked expression for the first time.

"Boom!" The two slammed into each other heavily, broken sharp teeth flew horizontally, broken fish scales splashed, fish blood sprinkled all over its body, and the lantern fish became dizzy under this attack.

Fragmented ice cubes fell from the lantern fish, splashing water columns one by one, and ice cubes of different sizes were everywhere on the sea surface.

"Ho~!" The loud roar just now became lack of energy.

"Well, Ericsan, you really want to give Lord Lantern..." Assie could see that Eric and his gang were fully capable of beheading Lord Lantern here, and he couldn't bear it.

"Uncle Assier, don't forget, this fish swallowed you indiscriminately, together with the entire Alkemi." Eric stopped Assier's words, "I am also doing this for my companions. For the sake of safety, no one wants to be swallowed by a huge lantern fish that may attack at any time."

"That's right..." Assier stopped talking.


Several huge ice spears descended from the sky, entangled with the arrogance of Esdeth, coupled with the huge acceleration generated by gravity, they easily penetrated the body of the lantern fish, and a large amount of bright red blood gushed out from the huge wound, which seemed to be able to heal the whole body. The sea is dyed red.

"Roar—" Lantern Fish uttered a final unwilling roar, and lost its last movement.

Under Wendy's control, Intrepid descended to the vicinity of Lantern Fish.Kakuto went to get the pure gold from the lantern, and everyone had a grilled fish party on the ice made by Esdes. Among them, Assie, who was a little bit reluctant to Mr. Lantern just now, had the most fun.

"Uncle, how do you eat and work hard?"

"Actually, I've been starving since the moment I was rescued, and now I can finally eat food, ahhh—it's delicious!"

Assiere shed tears of happiness over eating delicious grilled fish.

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets; thank you for a monthly ticket from the big brother Xiao Xingxing; thank you for the two monthly tickets of the big brother ls19k; thank you for the two monthly tickets of the big brother Shen Gongbao’s cousin
(End of this chapter)

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