Chapter 402 Enthroned

"Master Eric." Tezolo led several entourages, bowed and said: "The transaction payment has been fully converted into gold."

"Very good." Eric nodded, looked over the crowd, looked at the gold at the end of the line, then turned his eyes, swept everyone in the line, and finally fixed on one of them.

Wearing a white suit, although he doesn't wear such a recognizable accessory as a mask, the words "I am CP0" are written all over his body.

"..." The atmosphere immediately cooled down, Eric was a little dazed, can you CP agents stop wearing such obvious clothes?I don't even know how to pretend to be stupid!
"Master Eric." Seeing that something was wrong with the atmosphere, Tezolo said respectfully, "I came to the Kingdom of China this time not only to participate in the founding ceremony of the Kingdom of China, but also to discuss the handover time of the next batch of goods. .”

"Oh." Eric came back to his senses, turned around and said, "Tezolo, come with me."

When the two came to the empty reception room, Tezolo first said: "Master Eric, the World Government sent CP0 personnel to sneak into my team."

"The guy in the white suit, right?" Eric took a sip of water.

"There is another CP0 member." Tezolo reminded: "The world government has sent two CP0 members to sneak into my team. The member in the white suit is on the sunny side to attract your attention, and the other is hiding. Gather information from the dark side."

Eric was taken aback for a moment, then laughed: "They're not brainless."

Tezolo took out a document from his arms and handed it to Eric: "Master Eric, this is the economic plan I have researched, please have a look."

"Very good." Eric asked after taking the materials: "When will your giant ship be built?"

"It is only 30.00% built now, and it will be completed in about 1516."

"Is your business still doing well after taking the position of Qibuhai?"

"Thanks to you." Tezolo respectfully said: "The underground world gradually recognizes my new identity. Businesses such as underground banks, arms sales, and casinos are more prosperous than before."

"That's good." Eric flipped through the materials in his hand and said casually: "The next batch of weapons will be completed in February."

"Yes, I will send my men to pick it up." Tezolo got up and said goodbye: "Master Eric, I will not disturb your work for now."


Ulquiorra and Kakuzu arrived inside Orochi City through the portal opened by Polki.

Ulquiorra stroked his chest and saluted, "Master Eric."

"No need to be formal." Eric asked with a smile: "How is the sailing life outside?"

"It's okay." Ulquiola replied, while extending his right hand to his left eye, but was stopped by Eric.

"Don't goug your eyes." Eric had a headache, when will Ulquiola's problem be corrected.

Ulquiola said sternly: "If you don't do this, Sir Eric will not be able to accurately understand our past during this time."

"Seeing that you are safe and sound, I am relieved." Eric said, "Didn't you encounter any difficult enemies?"

"Yes." Ulquiola said: "The pirates encountered in the first half of the great voyage basically can't take my knife."

"Kakuzu, your complexion is a little ugly." Eric turned his head to look at Kakuzu beside him: "The eyes are even greener."

Jiao didn't make a sound, bent down and put a box on the ground: "This is the bounty for the pirates caught in half a year."

Eric teased, "Is it because you're in a bad mood because it's going to take money out of your pocket?"

Ulquiorra said calmly beside him: "Jiaodu killed many bounty criminals and went to the Navy headquarters to collect the money. Afterwards, the navy informed that the dead bounty criminals paid less than [-]% of the bounty compared to those who were captured alive."

"Oh..." Eric looked away, he should have told Jiaodu the news in advance, causing Jiaodu to lose a lot of income in vain. For a money-grubber, losing money is worse than cutting him twice!
Eric coughed twice and said, "Tomorrow is the founding ceremony, Kakuto, don't drool over the golden clock."

"Golden clock?" Kakuzu immediately concentrated when he heard the topic of money.

"Hmm..." Eric continued: "During this period of time, good and bad people have mixed up. There should be many members of other forces sneaking into this country. Be careful not to expose our relationship."


The three exchanged briefly, and then both Ulquiorra and Kaku left through the portal again.


"Brother!" Bree, who was in charge of the investigation mission, pulled Katakuri and others into the mirror world.

"Brey." Katakuri asked calmly, "Have you found where Da Vinci is?"

"No." Bu Lei shook his head, and then said anxiously: "I could still see the scene inside the Big Snake City from the mirror, but for some reason, the mirrors inside the Big Snake City were destroyed one by one, and now the inside of the Big Snake City There is no perfect mirror anymore!"

"The Dawn Pirates are guarding against your abilities." Katakuri said calmly, "We probably won't be able to complete the task that mother entrusted to us."

"But brother, we can't return without success." Owen spread his hands: "Otherwise, it will be difficult to explain to my mother."

Katakuri lowered his voice: "...I will explain to Mom."

"What, wouldn't the biscuit knight I created be completely useless?" the cracker huddled inside the biscuit warrior said in a low voice.

Hundreds of Cookie Knights in the world of Katakuri Scanner, made by Charlotte Cracker.

After pondering for a while, Katakuri said, "Save these biscuit knights for later use."


The six kings of the underground world also arrived at Blade Dance Port:
The king of usury, "God of Fortune" Lou Field;
Queen of Pleasure Street, Stucey;
The Great-Handed Undertaker, Dorag Piecolo;
President of World Economic News Agency, "BIG NEWS" Morgans;

An old store in the warehousing industry, "The Hidden Master" Gibson;

King of Sea Transport, "Deep Ocean Current" Umit.

Although Eric was young, his impressive record of destroying the Beast Pirates made these emperors in the dark world have to respect Eric's strength and rushed to the Kingdom of China to participate in the founding ceremony. Shenzhou State started its business.

In this world where the law of the jungle preys on the strong, only the strong are respected!

In the early morning of January 1514st in 1, Eric was woken up by Queen Sweetheart and baby-1, and put on the cumbersome attire for the ceremony.

When Eric appeared in front of everyone in a gorgeous costume, he couldn't help but make people's eyes shine.

The main body of the costume is black, embroidered with a blue dragon-shaped pattern, and a leather belt is wrapped around the large belt around the waist, with a round beautiful jade in the middle.

People rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles. Eric usually dresses casually, but after dressing up carefully today, his appearance and temperament have obviously risen to a higher level.

Kuang San reached out and brushed the soft fabric: "It's the first time I've seen Eric in a fancy dress, so handsome."

"Yeah." Chi Tong nodded in agreement.

"It's probably going to be very busy today." Eric smiled and said, "I'm sorry to trouble everyone."

"Leave it to me!" Hei Tong clenched his fists: "If someone dares to disturb the founding ceremony, I will definitely not let him go!"

Estes said: "Although the training time is still short and the army is still immature, there is no problem maintaining order on the scene."

Chiron reminded: "Captain Eric, it's time for us to set off."

Eric was full of pride in his heart, and strode towards the gate: "Let's go, let's go to the square!"

At this time, the square was full of people, and all the residents of the Flower City gathered here. Residents from several other areas also came to watch the founding ceremony. The scene looked like a huge crowd.

Some visiting guests, such as: the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates; the generals and cadres of the Big Mom Pirates; Tezoro and Jinbei who are the Qibukai; Cyrus representing Dressrosa; and the dark world The six kings; invited to the stands to watch the ceremony.

There is a high platform in the center of the square, on the top there is a golden clock rewarded by the system, and the columns on both sides are made of steel mixed with sea stone.

The entire golden clock reflected the dazzling golden light under the sunlight, which made many people swallow their mouths secretly. They didn't quite believe that the clock was all made of gold.

"Oh, this is news." Only Morgans couldn't stop taking pictures: "How much gold does it take to make such a big golden clock?"

No one answered Morgans' question, and none of the nearby guests thought the golden clock was fake.

Eric and his friends boarded the tower, and Ah Jin transformed into a dark gold dragon, carrying all the members of the Dawn Pirates, and slowly flew to the high platform.

Katakuri narrowed his eyes: "He's the guy who ate the man-made devil fruit."

"Dong dong dong..."


Suddenly, loud music spread throughout the Flower City, the deafening sound of leather drums stirred the hearts of the people, and the deafening horns stimulated the hearts of the people.

The cowhide drum taller than a person is singing heartily, and the bull horn longer than a person is singing heartily!
The sound of drums and trumpets focused on the crowd in midair!

The dark gold dragon landed slowly, with its horned head close to the ground, Eric slowly walked down from the bridge of Ajin's nose, and the others jumped off the dragon.

Eric was in front, and the other members followed Eric, slowly stepped onto the high platform, the music played rose again, the drumbeat accompanied Eric's footsteps, and the sound of the trumpet led the crowd to move on.

Ajin did not change back to human form, and in the posture of a giant dragon, the huge dragon body hovered above the high platform, and the position of the dragon head was always under Eric.

When the loud music ended, all members of the Dawn Pirates just climbed to the top of the high platform, and everyone pulled up the rope and rang the golden bell together.


A total of eight bells rang, and everyone stopped what they were doing.

Eric walked to the front of the high platform, looked down at the countless people looking up, took a deep breath, and pulled the loudspeaker to his mouth.

"My name is Darren Eric! After arriving here, lead the Dawn Pirates to destroy the Hundred Beasts Pirates, kill Heitan Orochi and his troops, and rule you from the darkness of Heitan Orochi and Kaido Get out!"

"Oh!" The people in the audience began to shout loudly.

"For three months, the Dawn Pirates have cracked down on corrupt officials, enforced the law, captured pirates and criminals, and given you a fair and equal living environment."

"I distribute money and clothes, do my best to control the polluted environment, raise workers' wages, and provide all the people with sufficient food and drink!"

"Now, I have decided to officially change the name of Wano Kingdom to Shenzhou Kingdom! Let this country, which has been closed for hundreds of years, be founded!!"

Eric looked at the excited crowd and swore loudly: "I will become the first emperor of the Kingdom of China, and protect my people from foreign invasion! Lead the Kingdom of China to become more prosperous and powerful!"

"I hereby declare that the Kingdom of China - is formally established!"


The crowd in the audience was boiling. After more than three months of changing and affluent life, the people have already recognized the existence of the Akatsuki Pirates. Even those old people just miss the old name of Wano Country.

"Long live the Kingdom of China! Long live His Majesty Eric!"

The cheers of tens of thousands of people resounded like a mountain and a tsunami, resounding through the sky!

The crown of pure gold was hidden, and the shining golden light slowly descended from the sky. The people in the audience held their breath until the crown was worn on Eric's head.

There are twelve multicolored silk ropes on the front and back of the crown, and each silk rope has 12 yuan of multicolored gems attached to it. The hanging bead couplets half cover Eric's face.

"I will lead the Kingdom of China and open a new era!"

Erik returned to the crowd and pulled the rope tied to the golden bell.

"You?" Eric was taken aback, and found that the others did not hold on to the rope, but took a step back.

"Leave the rest to Eric." Esdes smiled slightly and knelt down on one knee: "My Majesty the Emperor."

The other members also followed Esdeth's movement and all got down on one knee.

"..." Eric gritted his teeth and said, "You guys, remember it for me!"

Perona pursed her lips: "Leave the most shining position to you, don't be dissatisfied, bastard!"

Estes stared back, and Perona suddenly fell silent.

Eric held the rope tightly alone, and rang the golden bell slowly and heavily:

The melodious sound of bells spread throughout the audience again, and was then drowned out by the loud shouts of "His Majesty the Emperor".

"play music!"

Immediately as Eric let go of the rope, the ensemble began to play, to a majestic accompaniment.

The sound of the drum is louder than the other, and the sound of the trumpet is louder than the other. The two kinds of music are intertwined and compose the magnificent national anthem together.

"Raise the flag!"

In the center of the high platform, the Thunder Dragon flag of the State of Shenzhou slowly rose. There were no Western swords and flintlock guns, but a giant blue dragon with its teeth and claws swimming freely on the red flag.

"Yo, the founding ceremony is really interesting!" Shanks, who was sitting in the stands, opened his mouth, "I want to try to form a country too!"

"Boss, your character can't stay in one place for a long time, right?" Ben Beckman squinted at Shanks.

"Who said that!" Shanks counted with his fingers: "We stayed in Windmill Village for a year!"

"This is the longest stay." Jesus pouted: "And it's for the proprietress in the tavern..."

"Ahem!" Shanks coughed heavily.

"Once the country is established, you will definitely leave all the work to me." Ben Beckman bit his toothpick: "I heard before that Kuilong is more tired than the members of the Dawn Pirates."

"...Forget it then." Shanks lowered his head in disappointment.

(I don’t know why, it seems that the previous name didn’t work, so I changed it to Shenzhou Kingdom)

 Thank you for the recommendation tickets; thank you for the two monthly tickets for the big brother and Xiao Miao; the four monthly tickets for milk coffee and bread; the two monthly tickets for Mr. Zhou Jiafeng; the two monthly tickets for Hugh Tyrant; Excuse qAq two monthly tickets; Tianxing D Tianyu four monthly tickets; Two monthly tickets from we. Nuofeng; four monthly tickets from book friend 20181121230007506; thanks for the 20200130210514352 tip from the fat cowboy;

(End of this chapter)

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