Chapter 409 Dragon Witch

"Huh—?!" Joan couldn't believe her eyes: "This is the full-body portrait you painted for me?! What the hell is this?!"

"Is this still a human?!" Joan shouted in disbelief.

"It's too much." Eric's gaze was erratic: "Obviously there are two arms, two legs, and a head, so why is it not human?"

Joan retorted angrily: "Cows and horses also have limbs and a head, are they human?!"

"Oh~" Arturia smiled: "After all, the mental structure is no different from that of a village girl, so did you just take the large livestock raised in the village as an example?"

"... Huh?" Joan gritted her teeth and said, "What do you mean, are the British all idiots?"

"Don't make noise, don't make noise." Eric apologized: "It's because I didn't draw Joan's peerless face well."

"... Huh?" Jeanne's eyes drifted, her face flushed unnaturally: "Since I know it was your mistake, then I will forgive you this time!"

[Jeanne's favorability increased slightly, but the bond level remained the same]

'The best woman in FGO lives up to her reputation...'

"Our village girl really has a girlish heart. She blushes when the master praises her beauty." Arturia continued to attack: "I heard that Joan of Arc was called an Orleans girl before, which made her happy for a long time. .”

"Huh?" Facing the provocation of the Black Knight King, Joan of Arc, who is also a filthy hero, will not shrink back: "Could it be that the Master has never praised your beauty, so you are jealous?"

Artoria squinted her eyes slightly, the air pressure on the scene suddenly dropped, and Eric felt short of breath.

"Oh?" Joan continued to attack, with a sneer on her face, "Could it be that I guessed it right?"

Eric quickly added: "Artoria is both handsome and powerful!"

"Hehe." Joan of Arc shrugged and spread her hands, "I never thought that Lord Knight King of Britain would be pitied by others..."

"Humble king's hammer—!"

"Do you think I'm afraid of you?!" Joan of Arc's one-handed sword ignited flames: "This is mine who was tempered by hatred..."

"Wait a minute!" Eric quickly raised his hand to stop him: "We are inside Big Snake City!"

"Eric, don't stop me, just help you dismantle this castle, together with this woman!" Arturia said: "The country is newly established, and the new emperor is enthroned, why are you still living in the dilapidated castle of the old dynasty! "

Perona hurriedly raised her hand and shouted: "I propose to build a horror castle!"

"You're dreaming!" Eric yelled at Perona, grabbed the wrists of the two women one by one, and stopped the two from continuing to run wild: "You demolished this place, where do we live?!"

"I hate it~" Bo Erqi glanced back and forth between the two: "I always feel that this scene seems familiar..."

"Yeah." Wendy nodded again and again: "Sister Joan and Artoria are just like enhanced versions of Sister Esther and Third Sister Kuang..."

"Cold-blooded girl, you are lucky today." Joan of Arc carefully broke away from Eric's control, and added in a low voice: "...for the sake of the Master."

"Heh, Assault Girl, you can only talk big now." Artoria put away the holy sword and glanced at Eric: "Eric, how long do you want to hold it?"

Jeanne opened her eyes: "Calling the name directly?! You actually called the Master's name directly?"

Artoria glanced at Joan of Arc: "I have been fighting side by side with Eric for a long time, and the bond is far deeper than you imagine."

"Huh~" Jeanne opened and closed her mouth, trying to call out Eric's name but was too inferior to say it out, which really fits the introverted village girl.

Eric said, "You can also call me by my name directly, dear Jeanne."

"Why do you use such a name?!" Joan shouted out of composure, and then "hmm" straightened her expression: "Then I can also call you Eric..."


[Jeanne's favorability increased slightly, but the bond level remained the same]

Perona muttered in a low voice: "I think the captain is deceiving an ignorant girl."

"I hate it~" Bo Erqi hugged her head: "I always feel that the boss is on the road of a scumbag and never returns..."

"You two!" Eric clasped his elbows tightly around their heads: "What are you talking about?!"

"Head, my head is going to explode!"

Da Vinci hugged his shoulders: "I said, should the chat be over? I still have a lot of experiments to do."

"Haha..." Eric walked next to Da Vinci with his drawing board in his arms: "I'm not good at drawing..."

"It's not a bad painting, it's a disaster!" Da Vinci's eyes twitched: "An abstract art painting that Juan Miro and others can't match."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"I'm not complimenting you!" Da Vinci knocked Eric on the head: "It's because you are busy with work now, and the progress of the lunar robot's experimental transformation is relatively fast, otherwise I will definitely arrest you to the small black room Practice drawing!"

Da Vinci led Eric to Joan of Arc: "Come on, describe to me the shape and size of the clothes you designed."

"Huh?" Eric was shocked: "Da Vinci would trust my ability in fashion design?"

Jeanne glared angrily: "How dare you say that you design clothes for me?!"

"Although your drawing skills are catastrophic, your aesthetics are completely fine."

"Yes, is it..." Joan of Arc expressed doubts.

Eric stretched out his index finger and described the style of clothing from a distance. The index finger stretched from Joan's shoulder to her thigh.

The French village girl quickly took a step back: "You, where are you pointing at?!"

Eric quickly raised his hands to show his innocence, and explained: "I didn't touch you!"

"You were pointing at my thigh just now!"

"Aren't you wearing a battle skirt?" Eric spread his hands: "Although the skin on your thighs is very white and the shape is beautiful, I didn't have any obscene thoughts!"

"...white...beautiful?" Joan of Arc cleared her throat, "You are very discerning, please continue to read!"

Da Vinci: "..."

Eric: "..."

Everyone: "..."

After Eric's detailed description and gestures, Da Vinci said that Joan's casual clothes could be made the next day.

"Ah~ah~, what a trouble~" Joan of Arc said, "Yu... Eric, you must give this dress to me."

"Yes." Eric agreed with a wry smile, "This dress is a gift I begged you to accept."

Joan nodded with satisfaction: "That's about the same."

Artoria looked at her coldly: "This guy is too easy to handle." '

The next day, Joan of Arc, who had changed into plain clothes, came to Eric and asked with a smile, "Eric, what do you want to say to me?"

"Think about it, there must be?" Joan approached with a threatening expression of "If you don't praise me, I'll burn you to death".

Eric praised: "It suits you very well~"

"Right, right." Joan of Arc blushed, and looked away from Eric: "After all, it's me, so it must be very suitable!"

[Jeanne's favorability has increased slightly, the bond level has risen from 1 (ordinary friend) to 2 (close friend), and a little bond point has been gained]

Wearing black boots, the dark blue coat on her body is wide open, revealing the black dress inside. The chest is not too big or small, and the short skirt wraps the full buttocks, and the curve is very attractive.The main body is dressed in black, which highlights Joan's fair skin, and even has a kind of morbid beauty.

"...I...I said," Jeanne shrank back a bit: "Why are you staring at me like that, it's disgusting!"

"Didn't you let me see it?!" Eric was shocked: "There must be a limit to being unreasonable!"

Joan looked away: "I don't care, being stared at by you like this makes me feel restless like a bug crawling in my stomach!"

"Alala" Kuangsan came out from the shadow: "Ericsan, the newcomer's fashion show is over, should I go to work?"

"Hahaha..." Eric smiled dryly and took the document that Kurumi handed him.

"It's Kuang San..." Joan recognized the one: "Since Eric is busy, I'll go find a bookstore to pass the time."

"You are really leisurely, Jeanne~" Kuangsan asked with a slight smile, "How about I recommend a job to you?"

"Oh?" Joan of Arc asked with great interest: "What job, if it's boring, I won't spare you."

"It's the work of burning people~" Kuang San smiled and said: "The nearby islands are occupied by other pirate groups, we need to get these guys..."

"Burn them all to death?" Joan of Arc said first.

"...There is no need to burn them all to death." Kuang San explained: "Some of the heinous guys are up to you to deal with, and other pirates need to be brought back to serve as coolies in the quarry."

"Cut..." Jeanne smacked her lips and said, "So it was to catch slaves."

Then he showed a bad guy's expression: "It's really suitable for my job."

"Jeanne." Kuang San covered her mouth and smiled, "You are clearly pure in heart, so don't pretend to be a bad girl."

"Huh?" Joan glared at Kuang San: "What nonsense are you talking about? Be careful, I'll burn you to death!"

Kuangsan turned a deaf ear to Joan of Arc's threats, and still smiled sweetly and said, "Because your experience is very similar to mine, Joan of Arc."

One is the worst elf who hunts and kills tens of thousands of criminals in order to realize his sad wish and save more human beings.

One was an avenger who protected his country, but was betrayed by his own country, and was finally sentenced to the stake for heresy and witches.

"...Hmph" As if feeling the deep meaning hidden in Kuang San's eyes, Joan shook her head vigorously: "Who looks like you!"

Kuangsan continued to introduce: "The accompanying companions this time are Esdes, Akahito, Kisame and Egil."

Then he added: "Be careful of that woman named Esdes."

Estes rolled his eyes three times.

Egil raised his legs: "Is there me again?"

"The Dawn Pirates only have you as a battleship..." Eric said apologetically, "There are many things that need your help."

"I didn't complain." Egil stroked a strand of hair: "After all, I like sailing in the stormy ocean."

"The only thing I'm dissatisfied with is, Commander, you didn't go with me~" Egil smiled like a little devil.

"Next time definitely."

"It's so perfunctory!"

Estes proposed to Eric: "I will lead two hundred soldiers to the island. Only special training is useless, and only those who have experienced the test of war can be considered a real soldier."

"Okay." Eric nodded in agreement, and then asked casually: "A total of [-] soldiers were recruited, how many are left now?"

"Is there another six hundred people?" Estes replied casually, as if the lives of those people were not important at all.

"..." Eric fell into silence, and it took a long time before he asked, "Did you fail the training and be eliminated by you?"

"You can say that." Genos, who is Esdesi's deputy, was terrified, and his electronic prosthetic eye, which had no temperature, showed an indescribable expression: "In some difficult projects, they accidentally lost their lives... "

"Ha..." Eric covered his forehead and asked in pain, "Have their family pensions been paid?"

Genos nodded: "They are all compensated according to the amount of death on the battlefield, and their families have not made a fuss."

"No wonder the military expenditure is so high..." Eric pinched the bridge of his nose: "So it's all paid for."

"According to my thinking, there is no need to compensate them at all!" Esdes said: "They can't even complete ordinary training, these people can't even be considered men!"

"With this kind of casualty rate, if you don't give family members pensions, you won't be able to recruit people in the future..."

"Ara, Eriksan, don't you know?" Kuangsan chuckled and said, "Esdes's powerful strength, coupled with his glamorous appearance and good figure, as well as his demeanor of not accepting any bribes, now There is a support group formed by fans of Esdeath in the capital of flowers."

"If Estes recruits soldiers again, these guys will definitely sign up without saying a word, just to get closer to their idols."

"It's amazing!" Meijiu's eyes sparkled with stars, and she clasped her hands together and said, "Even if you're not an idol, you can do this kind of thing. Miss Estes is really amazing."

"I don't want to have such a support group at all." Esdeth frowned: "They should be dealt with severely."

"Then they will be happier!" Kuang San snickered: "Among them, the idea that received the most votes was: 'I want to be General Esdeth's pet'!"

"Oh?" Estes asked, "They want to be tortured by me?"

"Of course, this is a reward for them."

"Forget it." Estes shook his head and refused.

"Eh?" Hearing Esdeth's refusal, all the people present were taken aback.

"I don't want to torture someone who expects to be abused, it's a reward," Esders explained.

"Ahem!" Eric coughed heavily: "Aren't you planning to go on an expedition to other islands? How did you mention the issue of torture and abuse?"

"By the way." Esdeth suddenly remembered: "I'm going to take Runti and Peggy Wan with me. It's worth training for siblings."

After saying these words, Esdeth strode away, followed by Egil and Joan.After finding Chitong, Kisame, and Runti Peggy Wan, they headed to another island, Ballanta.

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets; thank you for the two monthly tickets from the big guy やざわにこ; thank you for the one monthly ticket for the big guy A whispering c; thank you for the one monthly ticket in the morning from the big guy Southwest; thank you for the two monthly tickets of the big guy SweetBread ;Thanks to the fat cowboy for the 100 reward;

(End of this chapter)

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