The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 425 Welcome Chapter Comes

Chapter 425 Welcome back
Facing the menacing burning flames, Garp and Akainu did not choose to fight hard, and dodged to the sides respectively to temporarily avoid the sharp edge of the heat.

The pillar of fire that lost its target swept across the sea level, turned into a red light and disappeared into the sky, and the fiery afterglow in the sky was like a sunset glow burning in the sky.

The coast was split in half, the crack was more than ten meters wide, and the sea level in the distance relied on the spontaneous replenishment of sea water, covering up the laceration blasted by the dragon's breath after a while.

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, Lieutenant Colonel Tina, and those sailors, everyone present fell silent.

Even if some experienced navies have traveled through the windless belt to the New World, they have never seen such an attack at all. One person has the ability to destroy an island, and they have always considered it a joke before...

[Blue Dragon Fruit: Two and a half stars]

Eric narrowed his eyes, the rapid upgrade of the green dragon fruit was beyond his expectation, since this is the case...

The light in his eyes flashed, so let's have a good fight!

He was covered with blue arcs all over his body, accompanied by a piercing thunder, Eric turned into a thunderbolt, refracted several angles in the air, and rushed towards Akainu.

The sharp roar of the guns, thunder and lightning, spurt in all directions, forming a thunder pool like a lake in an instant.

The red dog shouted again and again, and his fists turned into magma, making a dense fist shadow, splashing out countless lava fragments.

After watching quietly for a while, Garp broke into the battle circle alone, and an iron fist covered in jet-black armor shot out from Eric's side.

"Old man!" Eric complained loudly: "You bully the few with more!"

"Hey!" Garp grinned: "If you want to complain, go to Advance City and complain!"

"I will not lose to you!"

Boom boom boom!
At the moment when Eric's fists collided with Garp's and Akainu's, countless blue electric arcs exploded from the intersections. The shock waves generated by the battle alone made it difficult for sailors below the generals to resist.

"Is this the big pirate, 'Kuilong' Eric?" The sailors were dumbfounded.

"To be able to fight on par with General Akainu and Mr. Garp the hero..."

Tina bit her lower lip tightly, an indescribable light flashed in her eyes.

Lieutenant General He immediately reprimanded: "There's nothing to panic about, it's really useless."

Hearing Lieutenant General Crane's lecture, the rioting sailors finally calmed down
"There is no need for major generals and below to participate in the battle. All retreat to the warship." Lieutenant General He ordered: "Only a few lieutenant generals are left to support at any time."


Facing Garp's iron fist, Eric bent his arm to resist, his bulging muscles turned into a hard shield, and firmly caught Garp's right fist.


Fists and arms clashed, and the turbulent air waves rolled around, and the two men who were locked in arms and fists began to wrestle.

Lieutenant General He took advantage of the opportunity to seize the sudden appearance of the fighter, and his slender figure attacked Eric from behind.

A strong wind blew up, Eric manipulated the dragon's tail, and the end of the tail flashed a blazing thunder, slamming towards Lieutenant General Crane.

"!" Facing the sudden attack, Lieutenant General He looked solemn, and was forced to give up the sneak attack, and stepped on the moon steps to avoid it.

The red dog's eyes were like a torch, and he immediately caught Eric's flaws: "The dog bites the red lotus!"

The vicious dog condensed from hot lava ruthlessly bit Eric's body.

The cyan scales covered by Eric were burnt and shredded, and the parts hit by the Akainu magma showed burns and scorched black visible to the naked eye.

These magma with bone necrosis, followed by the force of Akainu, penetrated deeply into Eric's body, making his body hot like fire.

"It hurts, bastard!" Eric howled angrily, and the pain stimulated his strength to increase again. He raised his arms to repel Garp, and his body quickly elongated and became bigger, turning into a giant dragon with a size of more than a kilometer.

The original thunderclouds in the sky changed again, turning into thick and gloomy rain clouds that covered the sky and the sun.


There was a loud thunder, and the sky began to rain heavily, and the sea of ​​flames in the battlefield suddenly became smaller and weaker.


The rain fell on Akainu's body and quickly vaporized, forming a dense circle of mist around him.

"Hahaha——" Eric soared in the rain clouds, and laughed loudly: "Akainu, you might as well call him Chilian Fairy from now on!"

Akainu's forehead was bulging with blue veins, his eyes were filled with monstrous anger, more hot magma flowed from his arms, and he raised his fist to Eric in the sky:

"Meteor Volcano!"

The lava-turned fists were like machine guns, and the fist-shaped lava flew straight towards Eric who had turned into a green dragon.

"It's dangerous!" Eric twisted the dragon's body, and with a huge body like Qinglong, he moved and dodged a winding curve inconceivably, avoiding the lava attack fired by the red dog.

[Blue Dragon Fruit: Three Stars]

"However, this is still his first wave of offensive..." Eric looked up at the sky, and a large number of magma fists pierced through the clouds, turning the entire sky red, and even the rain clouds controlled by Eric became thinner , there is a faint phenomenon of collapse.

"Ang!" Eric let out a dragon cry, the sound shook hundreds of miles, and the cumulonimbus cloud became thick again.

There were a few touches of red light in the black clouds, and the first round of meteor volcanoes shot through the clouds first, dragging the lava with its tail flames to cool down rapidly in the heavy rain.

The dragon-formed Eric rolled up his body and began to rotate at high speed like a top. The coiled dragon body rolled up several tornadoes, and in the strong wind, countless scythes were sent out, rushing towards all directions.

One after another, the sharp giant wind blades cut through the lava fist in the air, and released their fighting spirit wantonly towards the navy below.

"He is simply a moving natural disaster!" Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel tried his best to block a wind blade, his arms were trembling due to the huge reaction force.

A giant wind blade sliced ​​into one of the warships, and the warship was split in two like hot butter. The sailors on the deck jumped into the sea in panic, and the surrounding warships rushed to rescue the sailors who fell into the water.

"Hahaha!" Eric laughed loudly: "Is this the ability of the green dragon fruit? It's really wonderful!"

"Little ghost!" Garp leaped into the sky with moon steps, and swung out his iron fist with majestic power. His armed arrogance turned his fist into a black meteorite, setting off a gust of wind in the sky, smashing it into pieces with the force of a meteorite. the entire space.


Qingtian's heavy fist landed on Qinglong's cheek, like sparks hitting the earth, a surging shock wave was set off in an instant, and the surrounding raindrops were instantly scattered.


Eric's huge body fell down due to Garp's strong blow, and the red dog followed closely, and the lava fist exploded out: "Devil dog!"

Akainu's strongest single-body attack suddenly attacked Eric, and the fists that condensed infinite heat burned up the rainwater along the way.

"Huh!" Eric manipulated the dragon claws to grab the clouds, turned around, and avoided Akainu's killing blow with a slight difference.


Eric turned his neck, opened his fangs, and bit the red dog in mid-air. The dragon's jaws closed, and he bit the red dog who couldn't dodge.

"Woo-!" The domineering fangs covered in armed colors pierced Akainu's body fiercely.

"It was your mistake to bite me!" Akainu put his arms on the sharp teeth, preventing the dragon teeth from piercing further, and a large amount of hot lava spewed out from his body.

"Be obedient and be burned by my magma!"

"Woo!" Eric endured the severe pain of burning gums, and drove the dragon's body to hover upwards. The two who hurt each other rushed to an unreachable height within a few breaths.

Suddenly, Eric opened the dragon's mouth and spit out the red dog whose whole body turned into lava.

Without giving the red dog high in the sky time to react, the dragon's mouth radiated a dazzling light, and the flames that burned everything spurted out:

"Hot breath!"

The blazing dragon's breath blasted towards the red dog in the air, and the pillar of fire that fell from the sky pierced through the sky and the earth with a strong impact.The hot breath engulfed the red dog and blasted directly into the depths of the ground.

"..." Everything that happened in front of my eyes caused the navy at the scene to fall into silence.

Eric, who had turned into a green dragon, turned back into a human-beast form and flashed back to the ground.

"Mr. Garp." Eric said with a smile: "Continue with the one-on-one battle between us!"

Garp fell back to the ground and opened his mouth: "Little devil, the admiral is not so easily defeated by you."

Eric turned around and looked back, the humid air became scorching hot and dry, and a large amount of rainwater evaporated in mid-air due to the high temperature before it fell.

In the deep potholes blasted by the heat, a large amount of magma spewed out, the originally extinguished mountain fire started to burn again, and the magma fruit began to assimilate the surrounding environment.

"Little Crane." Garp said, "You and Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel will return to the warship."

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel quickly said, "Mr. Karp! We can..."

"We will only get in the way here." Lieutenant General He told the truth calmly: "The greatest help is not to cause trouble to them."

"...Yes." The vice admiral could only lead the retreat in frustration.

Eric asked: "Is this the awakening of the magma fruit?"

In a few minutes, the power of the natural fruit turned the entire island into a lava hell, with hot magma flowing everywhere.

The scorching air waves and the icy rain, the two forces intermingled with each other, and the chaotic air pressure caused the clouds over the island to continuously roll.

Akainu dragged a large mass of hot magma, and walked out of the pit. Only his head remained the original appearance, and his whole body was covered by boiling magma.

"Today is your death day, Kuilong!" Akaken roared full of anger, his right fist suddenly blasted out, and immediately rose against the wind after the punch, and the gigantic magma fist occupied Eric's entire field of vision.

The giant fist of magma wrapped in ultra-high temperature evaporated the rainwater along the way, and flew straight towards Eric. Before the lava fist arrived, the red fire light reflected on Eric's face first.

"God's punishment!" The dragon's right arm turned into lightning, and suddenly a white thunder flashed. Eric raised his arm and blasted out. Accompanied by deafening thunder, a pillar of thunder and lightning was more than ten meters wide. Rumbled towards the giant magma fist.


The magma giant fist, which was bigger than the giants, was abruptly blocked by the blazing thunder pillar. At the intersection of lava and lightning, the ultra-high temperature caused the light to distort and deform.

"Little devil, don't forget me!" Garp leaned closer, wrapped his armed and domineering iron fist, and landed on Eric like a storm.

"Bang bang bang!"

With three merciless iron fists, the turbulent power was transmitted to Eric through the dragon scales,
"Smelly old man, it hurts!" Eric's body burst into thunder, and the violent thunder swarmed towards the naval veterans who were close at hand.

Garp raised his arms and crossed his defenses, but was paralyzed by the lightning that circled behind him.

Garp, who was covered in blue smoke, broke through the cage of thunder and lightning, and dodged to avoid the thunder gun that followed.

Eric bared his teeth and said, "It doesn't feel good to be struck by lightning, does it?"

"Little devil." Garp replied indifferently: "This attack is not enough to itch me!"

"Really!" Eric raised his left arm high, and under his call, the cumulonimbus clouds in the sky instantly switched to thunderclouds.

Eric turned into a green dragon for the second time. In the fierce close combat, the ability of the green dragon fruit was raised to four stars.

Flashing back to the sky, the kilometer-long blue dragon elementalized and turned into a dragon of thunder and lightning. Eric drove the lightning, and his body was surrounded by dense and shining arcs of lightning.

Endless black clouds enveloped the entire island, and the raging fire below could not illuminate the dark and dense clouds.

The electric charge in the dark cloud is stimulated, the thunder sea formed by the thunder and lightning boils in the cloud layer, and the roaring sound echoes between the heaven and the earth:

"Wan Lei!"

The red dog below is also not to be outdone, a large amount of magma flowing out of his arms, through his hands, countless fists condensed from lava blasted out of his hands, launching upwards like a volcanic eruption:

"Meteor Volcano!"

Thousands of thick thunder pillars with a width of more than ten meters fell from the sky, and the light curtain formed by the thunder and lightning surrounded the entire island. The dazzling light made the navy on the ship close their eyes, and the deafening sound made the navy on the ship cover their ears tightly .

These thunder pillars not only contain the power of the thunder fruit, but also add the purple thunder that can be manipulated in the form of a green dragon. The electric energy and electric energy are superimposed on each other, and the combined power is even better than before!
Boom boom boom!
The fist formed by the condensed magma was shattered by the thunder in mid-air, and the rest of the thunder pillar continued to strike towards the two people below!
Colorless and odorless oxygen is oxidized and reduced to ozone in front of a strong current, filling the surrounding airspace with a layer of light blue gas.

Garp sniffed the gas with a strange smell, looked up at the sky, and found that the endless thunderclouds had long disappeared, and Eric in the form of a green dragon disappeared together.

Garp asked aloud, "Where's Eric?"

"Huh?" Akainu frowned, pushing his domineering arrogance to the extreme: "Missing?"

Garp grinned: "Very capable... take advantage of the massive attack, and then run away."

"——!" Akainu's face was extremely ugly, with anger that had nowhere to vent, endless heat poured out, and the surrounding temperature rose instantly.

"Save your energy, Sakaski." Garp said, "Even if you destroy this island, you won't be able to catch the escaped Kuilong."

"...!" Red Dog clenched his fists, hot lava dripped down, and he roared angrily: "Damn Kuilong!!"


Chi Tong smiled and faced Eric: "Welcome back."

Eric paused and replied with the same smile: "I'm back."

"Then—" Artoria folded her arms and said with a straight face: "Please explain to us, what are all the injuries on your body?"

 Thank you for the recommendation tickets; thank you for the ten monthly tickets of Xiao Xiaofei Feilong; thank you for the one monthly ticket of Brother Xiaoyao; thank you for the two monthly tickets of Qianshu ◎Hanxuan

(End of this chapter)

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