The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 430 Internal Affairs Officer, Come Be My Ox or Horse

Chapter 430 Internal Affairs Officer, Come Be My Ox or Horse

"Master Eric." Rihe handed the document to Eric: "The land management and reservoir construction will be completed soon."

Eric flipped through the documents, nodded and said, "Very well, how much is left in the treasury's budget?"

Rihe sighed in a low voice: "It's only enough for three months."

"Don't worry, we have a big harvest this time, and the funds are enough to last for a long time." Eric smiled and comforted.

Hiyori bowed his head and replied, "Yes."

"Eric." Erza said to Eric immediately: "Some citizens have disputes in the area around the reservoir."

"Huh?" Eric asked suspiciously, "What dispute?"

"After the contaminated land was treated, some people claimed ownership of the land near the reservoir," Erusa said.

Eric frowned and asked, "Can they show the credentials?"

"I can't take it out." Ersha said with some embarrassment, "That's why I feel embarrassing."

"Then nationalize it, divide it into fields of equal size, and draw lots to select the location." Eric said, "Elusha, you are solely responsible for this matter."


"If someone feels that it is unfair to cause trouble or incite the masses, they should send troops to suppress it, and they cannot easily disturb social order."

Erza hesitated: "Isn't this a little bad?"

"Once the conflict is expanded, it will cause more trouble." Eric said: "To minimize the disturbance is to be responsible for the safety of other people."

"Yes." Erza finally agreed.

Eric and several people continued to discuss political affairs, and before they knew it, the sun gradually set.

"Everyone, let's talk about political affairs tomorrow?" Kuang San interrupted the discussion of several people with a smile: "Eric has just been back for a long time, let him have a good rest today?"

Erza smiled softly: "I'm very sorry, I didn't even realize that I was talking about this time."

"I wanted to hold a banquet to celebrate, but I didn't expect that several of my companions were not in Shenzhou." Eric also said with a smile: "Then wait for them to come back and celebrate together."

"You don't need to say polite words." Arturia stood up: "The person next to you has 'you are too much of a hindrance here' written on his face."

Kuang San chuckled lightly and said, "That's not the case."


Erik, in his blue pajamas, slouched back in his chair after his shower.

"Eric, are you tired?" Kuangsan wiped his wet hair with a soft towel after just taking a shower.

The black and gorgeous hair, the smooth and tender skin of shopping, the extremely delicate appearance like a doll, and the wet appearance after bathing, made it even more enchanting and alluring.

"It's okay." Eric took a sip of the happy fat house water and sighed: "I feel like I have the ability to help more people, but after actually doing it, I found that there are many unsatisfactory places."

Kuang San moved his lotus steps lightly, his white and smooth soles silently stepped on the floor.Then she gently sat on Eric's lap, her soft palm brushed his cheek: "Then it's better not to build a country, when you first went to sea, you always had a smile on your face."

"Since the founding of the country, your smile has decreased a lot." Kuang San said with some distress: "Otherwise, we will go back to the previous Dawn Pirates? Don't want this country anymore."

Eric shook his head and said, "It's like water without a source, and a tree without roots. I want to be more stable, go to sea when I want to be free, and go home when I want to be safe."

"What's more, we have invested so much money, it would be too wasteful to give up now."

"Allah." Kuang San stretched out his white finger and tapped Eric's nose: "The last sentence is your truth."

"Hey!" Eric stood up suddenly.

"Yeah!" Kuang San cried out in shock, and quickly wrapped his hands around Eric's neck.

Naturally, Eric would not let Kuang San fall, his left arm embraced the soft waist, and his right hand passed under her legs, which is the so-called princess hug.


"Like it?"

"I don't like it~!"


"Except for the year of practicing, we have never been apart for so long." Kuang San mischievously stroked Eric's Adam's apple with his fingers.

Then she raised her upper body and stared at Eric with her bright red eyes: "Don't be separated from me again."

"Little Bie is better than a newlywed." Eric said, "Obviously you just..."

Kuang Sanxing's eyes were wide open, and he pinched Eric's soft waist and threatened: "Don't say it!"

"Okay, okay, I won't say it!" Eric raised his hands, signaling surrender.

"You swear that you will never be separated from me for more than a day!"

"I swear, I will never leave Kuangsan for more than a day again!"

"That's about the same." Kuang San rested his head on Eric's shoulder.

"However, do you think that in terms of talents, do you have to search quickly?"

"Hmm..." Kuang San adjusted his posture to make himself more comfortable, and said, "Most of the officials in Shenzhou Kingdom are not clean, but when the water is clear, there will be no fish, so we can only turn a blind eye. "

Eric suggested: "So, I want to recruit some internal affairs personnel."

"Okay." Kuang San raised his eyebrows: "At least there won't be a few more women..."

"Why do you say that?"

"Historically, have women served as internal affairs officers?" Kurumi asked rhetorically.

"Yes, Shangguan Wan'er."

"Ah?!" Kuang San turned his gaze: "Do you still have food left?"

"..." Eric didn't answer.

"Hehe." Kuang San laughed lightly and stood up, sitting on Eric, like a queen, looking down on Eric from top to bottom.

... (Forget it, don't write it, I'm afraid of 404)

The next morning, Eric woke up refreshed, the person next to his pillow was no longer there, and the scent of a woman remained in the bed.

He propped up his body with weak limbs, as if he had just finished running 1000 meters and his muscles were sore the next morning.

"I overslept... But, it's understandable..." Eric scratched his head, and put on his clothes with weak legs.


The door was pushed open, and Kurumi, who was dressed in a costume, pushed the door in with a radiant countenance, making the whole room bright.

The jet-black hair exudes a gorgeous light; the fair skin exudes a rosy red color; the lips of cherry blossoms carry a satisfied smile.

"Eric is awake?" Kuang San smiled slightly, and picked up the breakfast plate: "I brought you breakfast."

"Hmm..." Eric looked at the bread and porridge, pointed to the suspicious items floating inside and asked:
"This is--?"

Kuang San tilted his head cutely: "Tiger whip?"

"Why is it a question sentence? Didn't you make this?" Eric was startled, and then refused righteously: "My health is very good, I don't need this thing!"

"Of course." Kuang San showed a smile, evil and alluring, with an expression of "Of course I know if you are in good health".

"But I have to make up for it." Kuang San smiled and said, "My other avatars are still waiting in line~"

"..." Eric trembled, remembering the fear of being dominated last night.

Eric shrank his head and asked, "Are you beating yourself up?"

"Hmph." Kuang San curled his lips: "That's better than that cheap woman (Esdeth)!"

"Yes, is it..." Eric twitched the corners of his mouth and started to eat breakfast.

Kurumi looked at Eric and asked, "What are your plans for the near future?"

"Hmm..." Eric answered vaguely with food in his mouth, "Should I lick Joan well first?"

"Huh?" Kuang Sanliu raised his eyebrows, and said in a cold voice, "What did you say?"

"Gudu..." Eric swallowed the bread in his mouth forcibly, and said cautiously: "Increase the friendship between companions?"

"..." Kuang San stared seriously at Eric's eyes: "Then?"

"Then call the internal affairs officers, and I can leave the work to them..."

"Well, this is the Ericsan I know." Kuang San's face finally relaxed.

"What do you mean?" Eric was a little annoyed, after all, he had worked tirelessly for half a year in government affairs.

Kuang San's cherry lips pressed close to Eric's cheek, and kissed lightly: "It means, work hard."


"Master Eric." Early in the morning, Hiyori came to Eric's office to submit the materials.

"This is the pirate group who recently came to China to make trouble, and the military expenses incurred by General Esdes's army."

Eric took the report and stared at it for a few seconds.

"Is there no mistake?"

"No." Hiyori shook his head regretfully.

Eric sighed: "Oh, I see."

"General Esdes has saved military expenses very much." Hiyori said: "Use the ice to freeze the ships of the pirates, and then lead the soldiers to close combat to snatch the ships and supplies of the pirates. There are basically no losses on our side."

"Then where does all this military spending come from?"

"Road damage, house damage, or military pensions."

"Really." Eric supported his forehead and said, "This alone has such a large expenditure."

"General Esdes once proposed to expand the army." Hiyori looked at Eric steadily: "I think it's better to wait for Lord Eric to come back before making a decision."

"For China, which has a population of one million, an army of only a few hundred people is indeed very small." Eric promised: "It is indeed necessary to expand the army."

"Yes." Hiyori wrote it down in the document with a pen.

Several people started to work intensely again.


During a brief break, Eric finds Joan in the lounge.

Joan turned her head to look at Eric: "Leave me alone, you can take care of other people."

"Well, even though I said that, I found that you are all alone." Eric smiled and said, "Is there anything unhappy about it?"

"Huh?" Joan narrowed her eyes, "Isn't that Englishman alone?"

"She is accompanied by delicious food, so she is not alone."

Joan curled her lips, but said nothing.

Eric took a step closer and sat down, Joan did not react with disgust.

Jeanne suddenly said, "I'm talking about you."


"Why are you doing so much for the people of this country?"

"Hmm..." Eric thought for a moment, "For my own ambition?"

"Why is it a question sentence?" Jeanne sneered, "I heard from others that you defeated Kaido and invested a lot of money to build a country, just to satisfy your dream of being an emperor?"

"Almost." Eric nodded.

"Huh?" Joan widened her eyes, "Why don't you deny it?"

"I really think so." Eric spread his hands: "I want power, power, beautiful women, and I can't understand the world's nobles."

"..." Joan laughed and said, "You are much more pleasing to the eye than those self-proclaimed righteous guys."

[Jeanne's favorability increased slightly, but the bond level remained the same]

"If the leader of France had one ten-thousandth of Eric, I wouldn't..." Thinking of this, Joan shook her head vigorously.

'I am a fake, artificial, fabricated, not a real saint, only this vengeance is real! '

"What's wrong with you?" Eric interrupted Joan's thinking.

"Nothing." Jeanne turned her gaze away.

"Don't stay alone." Eric suggested: "If you want to fight, find Esdeth, if you want to listen to music, find Miku..."

As soon as she heard Mei Jiu's name, Jeanne trembled all over, her voice was a little distorted: "By the way, what's going on with that woman named Mei Jiu? She always jumps at me whenever she sees her!"

Eric smiled silently.

"One day I will burn her to death!"

"Although you have been talking about burning you to death, you didn't do anything."


"Your arrogant temper needs to be changed."

"You are so annoying, do you want to be strangled to death by me?" Joan replied viciously, feeling a little helpless: "Really, why should I answer the call of this kind of person..."

"Because you long to be loved." Eric replied: "Even if you are an avenger, who mainly focuses on revenge, in his deep consciousness, he still wants to be surrounded by beautiful men he likes."

"Huh!?" Joan opened her eyes, and flames ignited in her hands: "Say it again!?"

"Ahahaha..." Eric raised his hand in surrender: "I'm sorry, you put the flames away first."

"If there is something that is not going well, you must tell me." Eric also understands that it is very difficult for the Avenger to open his heart, even if she is the best woman in Chaldea.

"I'm talking about you." Joan's voice stopped Eric who was about to leave: "Why do you care about me so much?"

"Because—" Eric turned back and said, "You are my companion."

"Besides, I'm your master, isn't it something you should do to care about your servants?"

[Jeanne's favorability has increased slightly, the bond level has risen from 2 (close friend) to 3 (trusted friend), and 2 bond points have been obtained]

Eric clenched his fists in his heart and shouted loudly: 'yes! '

"You can think whatever you want!" Joan turned around, only her red ears showed that she was not in a calm mood.

Seeing this, Eric hurriedly struck while the iron was hot, ready to go further.

"...You give me enough! Really! If you continue to go deeper, be careful that I will burn you to death!?"

Eric was blasted out by Joan of Arc flames.

"Huh~" Eric wiped the soot on his forehead, and complained, "It's really not funny, just make a joke and release explosive flames."

Eric bought the holy relic in the system mall: "Internal Affairs Officer, come and treat me like a cow!"

 Thank you for your recommended tickets; thank you for a monthly ticket from Fengya·Yan; thank you for a monthly ticket from Xingkong Shuaipanda; A monthly ticket; thanks to the boss who made a mistake for a monthly ticket;
(End of this chapter)

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