Chapter 438 Top Eight Released
The incendiary cannon resisted Qingjiao Wu's head-turning offensive, and neither the flames nor the storm could do anything to the opponent.

"Yeah..." In the scorching air, Qingjiao's fat body stood upright, and his two thick arms waved again and again: "You kid has a good background... But, you can't get home in the cultivation of armed domineering!"

"..." Genos fell silent. He has been practicing hard, but the amount and intensity of the armed domineering energy is low, and can only be partially hardened.

Genos once asked Eric for advice: "Teacher, what am I missing?"

Eric replied, "Do you have any desires other than revenge?"

"..." Genos thought for a moment, and finally shook his head.

"In this world, human will is very important." Eric continued: "You must have your own will to become stronger and stronger. It is not enough to rely on others to set goals for you."

"This martial arts conference, you go to the arena to experience it!"

"What I... lack..." Genos murmured, his stern appearance revealing a look of bewilderment.

"Little devil, I want you to taste the anger of this old man!" Qingjiao drove his body, wrapped his arms around the black armed domineering, and the wind of his fist brought a whirlwind, and slammed fiercely at the devil in front of him.

"I'm going to beat you here today!" Genos's eyes flashed, he stomped his mechanical foot, the ground collapsed, and Genos' figure pierced through the punch like a lark, and burrowed into Green Pepper's bare chest, The fist carrying the high-voltage current went straight for the green pepper.

At this moment, there seemed to be a black shadow flashing past, and it went straight to Qingjiao's jaw at an extremely fast speed.


Genos soared up into the air, and Thang Long punched the jaw of Green Pepper's bushy beard.

Qingjiao's plump body was shaken in vain, a violent impact and a strong electric current erupted in Qingjiao's jaw, a huge force came, and his head followed the punch, and Qingjiao was beaten back several steps.

Qingjiao contracted the trapezius muscle to stop the head from tilting back too much, and at the same time opened his door wide, exposing his defenseless body to the devil's reformed man.

"Machine gun punch!"

Genos punched and chased after breathing, countless fist shadows appeared densely in front of him, and in the next second, a torrential rain of punches landed on Qingjiao's plump chest.


The continuous impact caused Qingjiao to retreat continuously, and finally his body was embedded in the rock behind him, but Genos continued to punch.

"Go away!"

Lao Cai held a long-handled big knife and rushed towards Genos from behind. The blade slashed straight down. The blade cut through the air, and with the sound of piercing the sky, he slashed towards Genos in front of him.

Genos's radar detected the attack, and a burst of flames suddenly spewed out from the palms of his hands, using the reaction force of the flames to retreat quickly, avoiding Lao Cai's heavy and sharp knife.

"Grandpa!" Lao Cai hurried to help Qingjiao.

"It doesn't matter to me." Qingjiao got up and spat out a mouthful of blood, clasped his palms together and said, "My lovely grandson, get out of the way, the old man is going to use all his strength!"

The ground shook, tiny gravels kept flying up and down, the momentum of the green pepper rose steadily, and the thick beard flew wildly.

"I received a heavy punch from my machine gun in the front, but only the superficial flesh was injured. It is really resistant to beating."

Genos steadied his footing, and dealt with Green Pepper's coming attack seriously.

"Let me ask you, why didn't the kid who used the explosives come to the competition?"

"You mean Didara?" Genos frowned. "He's not available."

Qingjiao shouted: "Since he's not here, I'll take my revenge on you!"


On the big screen, the ground collapsed several inches, and the huge figure of Qingjiao rushed towards Genos.


Genos raised his elbows and punched Roshan who was rushing towards him with a pair of iron fists.

"Bang bang bang-"

The fists of the two turned into afterimages, and the sound of physical collisions was endless.

"So fast……"

The naked eye couldn't catch it at all. The audience in the stands opened their eyes and tried their best to observe. They could only see the slightly huge figure of Qingjiao. The battle between the two had already exceeded the limit of their strength.


"Keep fighting!"

Fighting from fist to flesh is a real man's fight. Genos' continuous fast punches made the audience's emotions rise.

I am used to seeing the crushing situation, and the evenly matched battle makes the audience more enjoyable to watch.

Even if their shouts can't reach the ring, it can't stop them cheering loudly and cheering.

Kisame Kisame asked amusedly, "Do you have any enmity with him?"

"Yeah." Didara said casually, "He fell under my art."

"Why is he still alive? Aren't your opponents blown to pieces by you, or dead?"

Hearing this, Didara lowered his gaze: "G4 Garuda only seriously injured this guy, and he didn't explode into powder."

Kisame grinned and said, "It's a pity that I didn't participate in such an interesting event."

Deidara spread his hands.


The huge fist hit Genos's mechanical body, cracks appeared on his gelatinous cheeks, the punch was as vigorous as a siege hammer, the force of the impact remained undiminished, and Genos was punched by the green pepper and flew away.

"Mechanical Hanging Fist!"

Genos adjusted his position in the air, and quickly punched out his right fist. His arm was separated from the elbow and connected by a rope. The fist that flew out suddenly hit Qingjiao on the cheek. The leader's body is crooked.

Suddenly, a sudden pulling force prevented him from tilting further, Qingjiao lowered his head and took a closer look:
The mechanical fist that hit was not retracted by Genos, but like Blitzcrank's mechanical flying claws, it entangled Qingjiao's right arm in an instant, the propeller on Genos' back sprayed flames, and the rope binding Qingjiao was quickly retracted. He quickly shortened the distance between the two like a deep sea titan.

Right leg straightened, left leg bent back, a flying kick hit Qingjiao's belly.


A shock wave visible to the naked eye was born from Genos' feet, shaking layers of waves on the green pepper's round belly, and then spread to the whole body, and finally spread to the limbs.

Qingjiao couldn't help herself, her fat body flew upside down, knocked into the air, brought down dozens of players, and plowed a circular ravine in the solid ground.

"I underestimated you..." Qingjiao wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth with her hand, and a few strands of red were dyed in her gray beard.

"Let you experience the profound meaning of Bachong Quan!"

Qingjiao clasped his palms together: "This is the resentment for stealing my treasure!"

"I see..." Genos closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the emotionless electronic prosthetic eye seemed to be alive.

Qingjiao kicked her legs on the ground, poured all her strength into the top of her head, covered it with a thick armed arrogance, and slammed into Genos head-on:

"Eight Punch Boxing Mysteries · Coneless Dragon!"

Qingjiao, who was completely serious, showed the strength of the [-] million pirates.

In his prime, he could smash the impenetrable jade ice bed with this move, and he could use a conical iron head to confront Garp's iron fist head-on.

Although Qingjiao's dog's head was later punched by Karp, it does not mean that this move is not strong.

Seeing that Qingjiao's armed-colored bald head was about to hit him, Genos jumped up suddenly, flames erupted from the back of his shoulders, his right leg stretched straight, and his left leg retracted:
"Jet-driven arrows!"

A strong tail flame was dragging behind Genos, and the mechanical body accelerated to the limit, kicking towards the green pepper like a shooting star.


In the end, the head and the foot collided heavily.

The two confronted each other in the air, a strong wind and lightning burst out at the point of contact, Qingjiao felt a buzzing in his head, and Tian Linggai was in excruciating pain.

Genos continued to spray flames backwards, and the green pepper, which could not take advantage of the strength in the air, was pushed out of the island and fell into the sea outside the ring.

Eric looked at the panel of Genos, and the armed color domineering rose to three stars:
"Finally there is some progress."

"Huh..." Genos panted heavily, and the occupation of the green pepper caused him to lose most of his energy.

"Grandpa!" Lao Cai and Abu quickly jumped into the sea to fish for their grandpa.

"Congratulations, Genos." Yamato patted Genos on the shoulder: "You won."

"Thank you." Genos scanned the arena, and now there are only a handful of contestants left.

"However, the two of us are fighting for a place."

Yamato smiled: "I know. But, Genos, I won't release water~"

"I can't ask for it."


"This is the end of the audition. The eight qualified candidates are invited to draw lots tomorrow!"

All the auditions were over, and the injured contestants were sent to the infirmary for treatment with the help of the medical staff sent by the Divine State.

Some of the players died on the spot, and among them were the captains of several pirate groups. The leaderless pirate groups suddenly broke out in civil war, fighting for the captain's position.

"One of the purposes of this Martial Arts Tournament is to find capable guys." Eric twitched his cheeks: "In the end, you guys had so much fun that you forgot all the business?"

"There is no noteworthy guy in the sixth constituency."

"Don't set your requirements too high." Eric sighed, shaking the list in his hand: "This guy can do it, Class A war criminal in the Tias naval battle, 'Owlhead' Sleiman."

"His swordsmanship is not bad, what's with this nickname?" Chi Tong asked, "Did he wantonly slaughter prisoners of war?"

"No, he was a national hero before." Eric picked up the information given by Morgans and introduced: "Sleiman, who was a hero in the sea battle of Tias, was exiled by the motherland as a war criminal."

"This is how the same thing?"

"This kind of thing is very common." Zhang Liang explained: "In order to erase the merits of the subjects, the king charges them with false charges and then expels them into exile. The king's reputation can be preserved, and a large amount of rewards can be saved."

"Wow, that's too much."

"Since this guy can be called a hero, there should be no problem with his character." Eric said: "In addition, Oron Booth's strength is also good. Although the bounty is only more than 1 million points, there are more than 30 people under him , with a large fleet of more than [-] ships."

"Once Auron Booth is taken under his command, problems such as the scarcity of soldiers can be solved."

Kong Ming recommended himself: "Leave the matter of recruiting the two of you to me."

"Hmm..." Eric turned his head to look at Hei Tong: "Hei Tong, you are temporarily protecting Kong Ming's safety."

Hei Tong raised his hand and agreed, "Hi~"

Kong Ming cupped his hands and said, "Miss Heitong, please."

"After all, this is my brother-in-law's order."

"What about a winner from the Eighth Sea Constituency?" Esthers asked, "That guy is very strong."

Eric flicked the photo of the District [-] winner: "I'll go and negotiate with him."


"Phew..." Warring States breathed a sigh of relief: "All the auditions for the Martial Arts Tournament have been completed, let me tell you what you think."

In order not to dampen the enthusiasm of the navy recruits, apart from the "meeting king" Brannu and the "black threshold" Tina who followed Lieutenant General He, only those with at least the rank of major general were allowed to participate in this meeting.

"It's really scary." Huang Yuan joked, "I didn't expect so many monsters to appear in a martial arts tournament."

"Cough cough" Lieutenant General Crane cleared his throat and said, "I never thought that the Dawn Pirates would rest assured that White Beard, Big Mom and Red Hair would step into their territory. Great chaos in the world pattern."

"No, maybe it's in the arms of that brat."

"Karp?" Sengoku looked at his old friend: "Why do you think so?"

"If only two of the four emperors meet, there may be friction and even a full-scale war. But all the four emperors show up, and no one of the four emperors can deal with the joint attack of the other two four emperors at the same time, which also makes them more careful act."

"Even the cruel Big Mom, she didn't go all out when facing Eric's provocation." Garp moved his eyes down: "She was worried that if there was an all-out war with the Dawn Pirates, even the victory would be lost by others." Two pirate groups surrounded and suppressed."

Garp grinned and said: "The relationship between the four emperors is not friendly."

Zhan Guo nodded and said: "That's right."

"I feel that Kuilong has other intentions in holding the World's No. [-] Martial Arts Conference."

"What is it?"

"..." Lieutenant General He shook his head, "I can't tell."

"Let's put Kuilong's intentions on hold for now." Warring States lifted the frame of the mirror with his fingers: "In this martial arts conference, many wanted criminals appeared, and at the same time, the true strength of some guys was exposed."

"The first problem is the Dawn Pirates." Sengoku slapped on the table with a "slap": "Leaving aside the strength of the Queen of Ice and the Queen of the Shadow Kingdom, even Genos, the 'Devil Transformer', can do it in public." Defeat Qingjiao, the leader of the Eight Treasures Navy."

"There's also 'Onihime' Yamato, her true strength hasn't been revealed yet, is she worthy of being the daughter of 'Hundred Beasts' Kaido..."

Garp suddenly asked: "By the way, Sengoku, how is the vice admiral you sent?"

"...He was unfortunately ranked in the first constituency. In order not to attract attention from others, he abstained together with other contestants."

"And then there is him." Warring States pointed to Yixiao's photo and said, "I recalled carefully just now that this contestant named Yixiao is neither a pirate nor a bounty hunter, but possesses extremely terrifying strength. I will send someone to Contact him and invite him to join the Navy."

Lieutenant General He agreed: "This is a good way."

Yixiao's strong strength exposed in the audition made many forces notice this little-known contestant, and they immediately wanted to win him over.

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets; thank you for the two monthly tickets of the big brother Yanli; thank you for the two monthly tickets of the big brother's book friend 20220102004628662; 100 tip from Lao Leo; thank you Artexiu for 100 tip;

(End of this chapter)

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