Chapter 449 Play
The construction policy of the new air route has been determined, and there are still many details that need to be added, and personnel must be sent to conduct on-site surveys. However, these troublesome things are left to other people, and Eric began to be lazy in a fair manner.

Let the annoying trifles leave you, and you will find out how beautiful the world is!
When Eric, who got up at night, walked into the restaurant, he found that only one of the duo who could often meet in the restaurant was sitting on the seat.

There was a relatively complete meal in front of Chi Tong, but she neither ate nor stared at the meat inside, just stared at the front in a daze, as if she had lost her soul.

Eric asked suspiciously: "Chitong, what happened?"

Chitong retracted his gaze, pursed his lower lip, and said, "I saw a practice in some residents' homes before, cooking some leftovers from yesterday, then adding water and bread..."

Chitong's voice was a little erratic, as if he was questioning his taste buds.

"This is a standard dark dish..." Eric stretched out his hand and squeezed his forehead: "So, have you tried this method?"

"You can't waste food..." Chi Tong, who had been homeless with her younger sister since she was a child, bit her lip and nodded seriously.

"Is it so bad that you doubt your life?" Eric didn't hold back, and laughed out loud, and he turned around quickly, his shoulders shaking up and down slightly.

"Darling, it's too much~" Meijiu defended Chitong, holding Chitong's body tightly with her hands, rubbing her cheek with her face: "Miss Chitong is so cute."

"Meijiu, I think you are taking advantage of me." Chitong grabbed Meijiu's hands that were carelessly touching her body.

"Miss Chitong, let me comfort you~"

"No need." Chi Tong flatly refused.

"Oh, Miss Chitong with a cold attitude is also great~!"

"Why didn't you see Artoria?" Erica opened the chair and sat down.

"Artoria is in the bathroom." Baby-5 placed a breakfast in front of Eric.

"Huh? Did you eat your stomach?"

"..." Baby-5 was silent for a moment, then nodded: "Artoria is determined to try Miss Chitong's new method."

At this moment, Arturia came out of the bathroom: "Eric, I strongly recommend you to try Chitong's special breakfast, the taste is very special."

Eric trembled all over, with a smile on his face: "No, I'm satisfied with a normal breakfast..."

"What a pity..." Artoria shook her head and returned to the dining table.

"It's so novel." Eric tilted his head and looked at Artoria: "Arturia, you actually have times when you eat bad stomach."

"Junk food is delicious, but the taste of this dish is too weird!" Arturia slapped the table hard.

"That's right." Eric, who also loves hamburgers and fried chicken, really has no right to talk about her.

"I'm surprised, after eating that kind of thing, Chitong doesn't need to clean his stomach!"

"It's nothing." Chi Tong shook his head and said, "When my sister and I were wandering, we ate spoiled and unwanted food. This... just tastes a little weird, and it won't spoil our stomachs."


"Now, are there still many poor people who don't have enough to eat?" Eric lowered his gaze.

"No more." Chi Tong shook his head: "Without Eric, the residents of Fortuna Town would not be able to drink clean water, let alone eat. They are very grateful to us."

"That's it..." Eric nodded: "Getting rid of poverty is not something that can be accomplished overnight."

The restaurant fell silent for a while.

"Nah~" Mijiu, who was chased away by Chitong, poked her head, her silver-purple eyes sparkled: "Darling, shall we go on a date today?"

"Huh?" Eric swallowed the toast he was chewing in one gulp: "Okay, where shall we go?"

"Going out to play?" Chitong and Arturia's eyes also lit up: "What delicious food will there be?"

"Woo——" Miku puffed up her cute cheeks, and then said: "Miss Arturia, Miss Chitong, although I also want to have a wonderful date with you, but this date will be a date alone. ~!"

Arturia curled her lips and said, "What's so good about this man?"

"It's too much to speak ill of me in front of me..."

"Huh?" Meijiu tilted her head and asked, "Miss Artoria, don't you have any affection for Darling?"

"What—!?" Arturia's pale skin was rarely rosy, and then she tried her best to deny: "How could I have feelings for this man!"

"Hmm~" Meijiu's eyes were full of scrutiny, and she said, "Then Darling's date this time is Meijiu, is that okay?"

"...Hmm." Arturia agreed with an unwilling expression on her face.

"If you want a hamburger, I'll bring some when I get back."

"No, I can buy it myself!"


Miku grabbed Eric's hand and walked in one direction: "Let's hurry to the next attraction!"

"Good good..."

After simple makeup to conceal their identities, Eric and Miku naturally blended into the surrounding tourists. After all, one is the emperor of the country and the other is a super idol, so they are easily recognized by others.

Due to the holding of the World's No. [-] Martial Arts Conference, the number of tourists coming to China has increased a lot recently. The amusement park designed by Leonardo Da Vinci is very popular with foreign tourists. Even the nationals of the country like to bring their children here Play, but Eric is the first time to play here.

Miku dragged Eric excitedly to the outside of [Underground Drifting], the staff just let go and let a group of people sit in the exploration boat.

"This project is very thrilling and exciting. Children need to be accompanied by a guardian, Darling~" Mijiu put her arms around Eric's right arm: "You have to hold on to me—!"

"No, you've caught me tight enough..." Eric didn't say it sensibly. At this time, he just made a fortune in silence. This is the chest with Kuang San's head as the unit of measurement...

The exploration wearer started slowly, passed through a short tunnel, and came to a relatively wide space. Suddenly, several dolphins sprang out from the water surface and passed the exploration ship from above, splashing countless water splashes.

The cool water splashed onto Meijiu's body, and she screamed softly: "Yeah~"

"Are you all right, Miku?" Eric asked in a low voice, and then his eyes were attracted by the grand scene in front of him.

The light-colored fabric is transparent because of being wet, and the shirt is tightly attached to the flesh-colored skin, revealing the pure pink underwear inside. This kind of hazy beauty...

"Gudu" Eric secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, he often shakes the bed with Kuangsan and Esthers, he thinks that he will not be tempted by beauty, but...

really big...

"Darling~Really~" A reproachful female voice suddenly came, pulling Eric's drifting consciousness back.

Eric raised his head and looked at Miku with puffed cheeks, her face was a little unnaturally red, she turned her delicate body halfway, and covered her chest with the other arm, but it seemed to seduce Eric, without all block.

"Cough cough" Eric coughed lightly, turned his gaze away, it was a bit embarrassing to be caught face to face.

"Darling, you have lustful eyes~"

Eric retorted in a low voice: "It's not normal if you don't watch it."

"Hee hee" Meijiu smiled softly, "I only allow Darling to watch~"

"Oh... oh..." Eric didn't know how to reply, his eyes moved down, and he wanted to take a peek at Miku, but saw a pair of silver-purple eyes.

It's like secretly playing with the mobile phone in the evening self-study, and suddenly found the head teacher's eyes secretly observing the students on the door and window, it's too scary!
"Hey!" Eric yelled out.

"Haha~" Miku hugged Eric's right arm tightly to cover the semi-transparent clothes: "Darling, really~"

All the sensing cells in Eric's body moved to his arms. As for what was behind him, Eric didn't see it at all.


After disembarking from the exploration ship, Eric used his ability to dry his clothes and put them on Miku's body, blocking the breathtaking scenery.

Meijiu put on her coat, her slightly long sleeves drooped down, her delicate nose twitched slightly: "The smell of Darling~"

"Stop it!" Eric was a little flustered, this coat was not just changed today, it has been worn for two days.

"Huh?" Mei Jiu's eyes were full of smiles: "There is a reassuring smell on the clothes."

"Yes, is it..." Eric scratched his cheek, if Miku said there was a smell of sweat, he could only run away.

"Darling, I want to eat that!" Meijiu pointed to the ice cream shop next to her.

"You're covered in water, doesn't it matter?" Eric hesitated: "You don't catch a cold, do you?"

"Of course, I'm an elf~" Meijiu smiled, then covered her mouth with her hand, her body trembled slightly, and then:

With her silver-purple hair fluttering, Miku sneezed.

Eric put his arms around Miku's shoulders, and the heat passed through the clothes to Miku's skin.

"It's so comfortable..." Meijiu narrowed her eyes, feeling warm all over.

"Is it better now?" Eric estimated that the clothes were almost dry, so he let go.

"Darling, I want strawberry flavor~"

"Do you still want to eat ice cream in the end?" Eric muttered, and bought back two ice creams: "Meijiu, get them quickly."

Meijiu took the strawberry cone carefully, licked it in small mouthfuls, the sweet and cool ice cream slid across the esophagus, and covered the side of her face with her left hand: "It's delicious!"

"Yeah." It's right to follow the woman at this time.

The two came to sit on a nearby bench, and there were many tourists around. Some were couples with children, and some couples came here to play.

Eric looked at the pedestrians passing by, and asked aloud: "Meijiu, which other rides do you want to play?"

"Hmm..." Meijiu was also quite distressed: "As long as I'm with Darling, no matter what I do, I'm happy!"

"Yes, is it..."

"Ah..." Meijiu seemed to remember suddenly: "Darling, is your ice cream flavored with cantaloupe?"

"Yeah." Hearing that, Eric stretched out the cone: "Do you want to try the cantaloupe flavor?"

"Then I won't be polite~!" Meijiu stretched her neck and bit the ice cream in one bite, because the ice cream she bit into was too big, which made Meijiu "huhahuha".

Eric smiled wryly and said, "Meijiu, if you want to eat, you can take a bite anytime..."

"Really?" Meijiu's eyes sparkled, and then she handed over the strawberry ice cream in her hand: "Darling, here. Then we will be the same~"

"Then I'll be impolite, ahh..." Eric also imitated Meijiu, biting off a piece, and then blowing "huhahuha".

"Hahaha..." Miku showed a satisfied smile.

The two quickly finished feeding each other ice cream cones, leaving a group of FFF groups cursing them "show affection and die quickly" in place.

Satisfied, Meijiu pointed out: "Darling, let's go over there to play!"

"it is good!"


As night falls, the tourists who have played for a day are also physically and mentally exhausted, but there is still the most important part, which is to watch the fireworks.

When the fireworks bloomed, the dazzling colors seemed to make everyone forget their physical fatigue.

The fireworks were bright and shooting stars were like rain, and many couples kissed passionately amidst the brilliant fireworks. This atmosphere also unknowingly affected Eric and Miku.

"Darling..." Mei Jiu whispered.

"Huh?" Eric turned his head to look at the peerless beautiful girl beside him.

"Have you ever really liked me?"

In the clear night sky, multicolored halos bloomed, and the bursting and disappearing fireworks made Miku's side face flicker.

"Of course I like you, Miku." Eric said in a low voice, with some hesitation in his tone: "But, I'm already with Estes, Kurumi...uh"

Eric's words were blocked by soft lips, and all the rest of his words fell back into his stomach.

"Darling, don't talk. Kiss me, hold me tight...!"

Eric stretched out his arms and hugged the girl in front of him tightly, trying to push her into his body as hard as he could.

After a long time, when the last golden rain poured down from the night sky, and the playground was brightly illuminated, the two slowly separated, and Meijiu's eyes glistened with tears: "I like you the most, Darling—!"

It's impossible to back down now!
Eric hugged Miku tightly, and returned to his room in a flash.In the square, no tourist found the two who suddenly disappeared.

"Darling!" Meijiu's soft voice sounded, "You're too impatient..."


The gravitational force that seems to attract the palm is simply a sacred object at the level of an artifact.

"It's a little itchy..." Mei Jiu shrank her shoulders as if afraid of ticklish.

"Used to it."

"Darling..." Meijiu propped up her body slightly, and asked, "Can I join Darling and Ms. Estes, or Miss Kuang San's activities?"


"Oh, so I can taste Darling and hers' donburi!" Mei Jiu clapped her hands happily.


 Thank you for your recommendation tickets; thank you Mengji for a monthly ticket; Tsundere Shadow for two monthly tickets; Gou Yuju for a pre-judgment; Zongyan for a monthly ticket; One monthly ticket; two monthly tickets for Hugh Tyrant; 2018111593528081 tips for Xiao Pan and Butterfly World No. 500; 1500 tips for Leo;

(End of this chapter)

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