Chapter 467 Reinforcement
While the aunt was distracted, she manipulated the gravity with a smile. The chaotic gravity field made Charlotte Lingling's center of gravity unstable, and she suddenly fell to the side.

The thick calf stepped on Zeus suddenly, and stabilized the crooked body. Charlotte Lingling glared and smiled: "Do all these useless little moves!"

A strong lavender gravity light curtain burst out again from Yixiao's body: "Gravity Knife Hell Brigade!"

Thundercloud Zeus, who was floating in mid-air, and Charlotte Lingling, who was standing on it, were pressed to the ground by gravity. The ground that had been shattered by the battle suddenly sank again, forming a huge circular hole.

Charlotte Lingling felt as if her body had fallen into a swamp, every part of her body was so heavy, her movements couldn't help but become sluggish.

However, Charlotte Lingling was a natural monster, and quickly adapted to this doubled gravitational field.In just a split second, she was under the pressure of Yixiao's gravity, and rushed towards Yixiao with heavy steps.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Every step forward, the gravity circle generated out of thin air is pressed on Big Mom, and the relatively flat ground presses out a circular crater like the surface of the moon.

Flame, thunder, two natural elements of the natural disaster level jumped on Napoleon's long knife, and the seemingly bloated and ridiculous body exuded a terrifying aura: "Go to hell!"

The flaming long knife drew a sharp arc in mid-air, rolled up a wave of heat, and slashed at Yixiao's head.

Seeing that Napoleon's long knife was about to fall, he opened his eyelids slightly with a smile, revealing pale eyeballs, and suddenly raised the stick knife, blocking Charlotte Lingling's attack trajectory.


Sparks exploded, lightning arcs sputtered, and Yixiao's body sank several inches.

Under the amplified rage, the strange power that Charlotte Lingling wielded completely passed through this attack and was transmitted to Yixiao.

"Since they are the 'Four Emperors' who are as famous as that bull-headed gorilla, they won't complain if they are beaten more or less by others!?"

Yamato raised his mace horizontally, his lean and tall figure turned into a snow-white afterimage: "Thunder gossip! '

The entangled purple thunder, as well as all of his own power, Yamato poured it all into this blow.

"Damn brat—!" Charlotte Lingling seemed to turn around to resist, but was stopped by Yixiao's attack.

"Don't think about it!"

"——!" Chi Tong, who had been cruising nearby, saw the opportunity, and immediately hid his aura, his body turned into a silent black thunder, quickly closing the distance with Charlotte Lingling, and the one-hit-killing Murasame radiated He chanted silently, as if he wanted to drink the blood of the "Four Emperors"!

Charlotte Lingling was woken up by the stinging pain caused by her arrogance. The sudden breath of death made her turn her head suddenly, and a dark figure gradually enlarged in her field of vision.

'This very dangerous! '

Regardless, Charlotte Lingling let Yi Xiao and Yamato's attack fall on her body, and suddenly swung the flaming long knife towards Chi Tong!

Chitong didn't choose to take it hard, twisted her slender ankle, and the straight forward path was bent, and the figure quickly jumped to the right.


The long knife with a huge force fell into the air and slashed heavily on the ground.

A large number of flames spread rapidly along with the shock wave, flames stacking flames, flames connecting flames, turning the nearby ground into a sea of ​​red in an instant!

"Ha!" Yamato's figure passed through layers of flames, his snow-white fur was slightly scorched, and the mace in his hand hit Charlotte Lingling's right side heavily.

With a smile, he held the knife in his backhand, and chopped out a lavender light: "Gravity Knife Falling Moon!"

The vertical high-pressure gravity whizzed out with the sword energy, and a bottomless crack tore open on the ground, and quickly swept towards Big Mom.

The attacks of Yamato and Yixiao landed on Charlotte Lingling one after the other, and thunder and gossip exploded on Charlotte Lingling's side.

Yamato's full blow sent Charlotte Lingling's bloated body flying in the direction of Yixiao's slash.

The vertical gravity exerted by Yixiao pushed Charlotte Lingling into the bottomless abyss.


Thundercloud Zeus, who was driving Big Mom, immediately followed Charlotte Lingling anxiously and flew into the dark and gloomy pit.

"Huh..." Wiping off the sweat from his forehead with a smile, he said, "Thank you for your help."

Yamato said very familiarly: "Don't be so introverted!"

"Well, we are companions." Chitong added: "This time we are companions."

Yixiao pursed his lips and smiled, stopped talking, and seized the time to recover his strength. The strength of "Four Emperors" Big Mom is now at its peak, and Yixiao's strength still has room for improvement.Due to Charlotte Lingling's frenzied offensive just now, Yixiao had to exert all his strength to maintain his defensive position.

"It's a pity..." Chitong lowered his head and glanced at Murasame: "It was still discovered by Big Mom..."

Then, Yamato rushed into the chess army with Akahito, trying to reduce the number of enemy troops.

"Clang clang clang..."

The gigantic Smoothie was left clumsy under Scathach's attack, leaving many wounds all over his body.

"Smoogee is also at a disadvantage..." Mondor was a little anxious, nicknamed "The Secretary", he was more strategic, and he took the entire battlefield situation into his eyes:

"It's not good... Mom was stopped by the swordsman named Yixiao; Smoothie, one of the three generals, was crushed and beaten by the 'Queen of the Shadow Kingdom' Skaha; Sister Compote was seriously injured..."

"Even if there are chess soldiers with superior strength, these chess soldiers can't take any advantage in the hands of the cadres of the Dawn Pirates, and can only rely on them to consume the opponent's physical strength... But now there are only [-] chess soldiers left. Sixty percent..."

"Brother Perospero, Brother Cracker, Brother Bascardi, Sister Matthew, how are you doing now..."

Mont-Doll grabbed his straw-like blond hair and said to himself restlessly: "It's not a good situation...!"

"That, that..." Yoshino said softly, "Please, please leave the Kingdom of Shenzhou, and don't hurt everyone in the Dawn Pirates..."

In front of Montor's eyes, there was obviously a guy who didn't fit the atmosphere of the scene.

"There it is..." Mondolton made a clever plan: "Catch her, use her to drive back the Dawn Pirates—!"

"That, that..." Yoshino was taken aback by the fierce light in Mondor's eyes: "Please, please don't hurt me..."

With a long pointed red nose and a pale complexion, Mondore showed a sinister smile and raised an ordinary-looking gun: "Surrender obediently!"

Yoshino shook her head: "No, no..."

"Then let you suffer—!" After speaking, Mundol pulled the trigger, and the gun actually sprayed out hot flames.

Yoshino shouted loudly: "Ice Puppet!"


Yoshino hurriedly operated the frozen puppet, the rabbit-shaped angel opened its mouth, and the air-conditioning around it quickly condensed into an ice wall in front of it, and heavy snow began to fall nearby.

"Snow fruit?!" Mondor was shocked: "Natural!?"

The flame sprayed by the flame gun burned the ice wall, but could not burn through the ice.

"What are you doing!?" Erza who was nearby quickly approached, forcing Mundor back with a sword.

"Huh..." Mondor, who stepped on the book and escaped the attack, let out a long sigh of relief, leaving fine cold sweat on his forehead.

Erza showed a sinister expression like a ghost, and said coldly: "Dare to attack Yoshino, are you ready to face death?!"

Yoshino probed his head and said, "Elusha...Miss?"

"Don't worry, Yoshino." Erza turned her head with a gentle smile on her face, "I'll get rid of him, Yoshino, you hide behind."

"Okay." Yoshino manipulated the frozen puppet and jumped towards the place where there were only chess players.

Erza pointed at Mundol with her sword: "Be prepared!"

Mondor showed a terrified expression. His own strength is not that strong. His biggest role is to create a physical space in the book and imprison the target in the space. The creatures imprisoned in the book will never grow old. Seal the precious creatures in the world.


At this time, Charlotte Lingling stepped on the flame Prometheus on the left, and Zeus on the thundercloud on the right, rushing out of the bottomless abyss:

"Smile, your moves don't work for me—!"

Charlotte Lingling grinned: "However, a man like you would actually sacrifice his life for that brat, it's a little too worthless... As long as you are willing to join the Charlotte family, I can forgive everything you just did !"

"The old man is only staying here temporarily, and wants to protect this beautiful country." Yixiao flatly refused: "The old man will not join any pirate group."

"..." Charlotte Lingling's eyes sank, and killing intent surged in her eyes: "Really, then die here!"

At this moment, two sailboats flying the flag of the Dawn Pirates were rapidly approaching.

"Are reinforcements here?" Charlotte Lingling laughed wantonly, "However, I still have thousands of chess soldiers! Just relying on hundreds of reinforcements on two ships is far from enough!"

Charlotte Lingling controlled Zeus and swooped towards Yixiao. Between the two of them, strong wind and thunder broke out again.

The chess soldiers on the glacier surrounded the members of the Dawn Pirates and continued to attack in an orderly manner.

"Oh, there are so many enemies..." Seven Sins sat leaning on the broom-shaped angel, looking at the battlefield with great interest:

"Chess? Big Mom's ability is also very interesting. He actually created such interesting toy soldiers..."


bang, bang
The two sailboats gradually slowed down and slowly approached the edge of the ice layer. The two wooden sailboats with a length of tens of meters swayed slightly.

"My ability is not bad either—!"

Some large dolls as high as four or five meters jumped off the sides of the two ships.

These dolls have large cylindrical heads and bodies with slender limbs.The black hat has a five-pointed star pattern drawn on the front, the body is dressed like a welcome suit, and there is a winding-like device on the back.

Nozette asked in astonishment: "Then, what the hell is that!?"

Castard drew out his blade and rushed forward: "Whatever it is! Destroy all those who dare to fight against the Big Mom pirates!"


With a flash of sword light, the doll's huge head fell off.

"Heh..." Castaard sneered, and looked back at the doll: "The strength of these things is not very good..."

Suddenly, Castaard's throat seemed to be grabbed by someone else, blocking all the following words in his throat.

The doll that had lost its head picked up the head that fell on the ground with both hands, and put it on the neck. The doll stood in front of Castaard intact, making her stunned.

Nozette warned loudly: "Castard, watch your back!"

The body of the doll behind Karstad was bent down, its head was stretched out, and it opened its jaws with huge teeth, and bit Karstad violently.


Castaard hastily used a weapon against the jaws to prevent the jaws from closing. The huge bite force pushed her back again and again: "What a terrifying bite force—!"

The doll whose head had been cut off just now bit Karstad, who couldn't dodge.

"bang, bang"

Effie raised the gun and fired continuously, smoke curled from the two muzzles, and the impact of the lead bullets knocked off the two dolls attacking Castaard.

"Thank you, Sister Effie!" Castard hurriedly withdrew to the team of the Charlotte family.

"click, click, click"

The two toys that were knocked into the air slowly climbed up, and the movements of the mechanical dance made the scalps of the members of the Charlotte family tingle: "Are these guys immortal!?"

There was a penetrating gunshot wound on the body of the two dolls, but they did not show any pain, and continued to rush towards the Big Mom pirates.

"Hahaha!" Seven Sins, who was flying in the air, laughed loudly, "How about the head clip doll I created?!"

"Did this guy do it!?" Effie raised his gun and fired repeatedly, but Seven Sins easily dodged the buckshot shot by Effie.

"Go, head-clamp dolls!" Seven Sins pointed to the army of chess soldiers created by Big Mom, and ordered: "Destroy those guys for me!"

More than 300 head-clip dolls disembarked from two ships staggered along with the chess players.Relying on its huge size advantage, the doll opens and closes its jaws, easily crushing chess players one after another.

"Go and stop them!"

Effie, Castard, and Nozette rushed towards the dolls together, but several Charlotte family members couldn't block all the dolls.

The head clip doll crazily slaughtered the chess soldiers, but the attacks of the chess soldiers couldn't do enough damage to the head clip doll.

"I didn't expect there to be such a way to play..." Qi Zui happily watched the toys he made bully the toys made by others.

Before leaving, Skaha told her that these newly captured pirates could be turned into a group of eight into a huge head clip doll to make up for the stretched strength of the Shenzhou Kingdom.

"Huh?" Charlotte Lingling immediately noticed the sudden situation on the battlefield, and the strength advantage of the Big Mom Pirates was gradually disappearing.

Charlotte Lingling narrowed her eyes, and noticed the Seven Sins flying in the sky: "Is that the brat?"

"Fireballs from the sky!" Prometheus surrounded Charlotte Lingling, shooting fireballs at Seven Sins and several head-clip puppets.

"Seven sins, be careful!" The uninformed and domineering seven sins didn't notice the coming crisis, and Erza immediately gave up chasing and killing Mondor who was running around.In her heart, the safety of her companions is always more important than killing the enemy.

"Change - Yandi's Armor!" The sword swirling around her body turned into a stream of light and dissipated. In the blink of an eye, Erusa changed into a red armor with black patterns and orange decorations, and the weapon in her hand became It is a double-edged sword that burns flames, and the hairstyle on the head becomes a double ponytail.

"Ha!" With a clear shout, Erza swung her flaming long sword, and the red fireball was split into two halves and flew towards both sides.

Qizui thanked in shock: "Thank you..."

"boom boom"

The fireballs sprayed by Prometheus hit the head clip doll one after another, bursting into fiery flames.These two or three dolls were covered in flames, and continued to destroy the chess player until the flames incinerated the dolls' limbs, causing the dolls to lose their mobility and fall to the ground. Finally, their bodies of four or five meters were reduced to ashes in the flames.

"The bodies of these dolls must be completely destroyed to stop them!" Mondor had a flash of inspiration, and immediately reminded him loudly, raising the flame gun to spray flames at the head clip dolls.

(End of this chapter)

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