Chapter 478 Based on Abel

'These days of hard work are finally not in vain. Eric sighed secretly, and said to Seven Sins: "You can stay here with peace of mind, people in the Dawn Pirates will never laugh at you."

"Hmph, that's not necessarily true, maybe when. You will show your fox tails!" Qi Zui replied duplicity, but his expression was still a little uneasy, and he asked in a low voice: "I, can I really stay here?" ?”

"Of course." Eric's answer instantly reassured Seven Sins.

Seven Sins suddenly shed big drops of tears, his cheeks and eyes became red, his shoulders trembled slightly, and he let out a slight sob.

Eli ridiculed Seven Sins: "Is this crying with joy?"

"Shut up! You idiot! Go to hell!"

Seven Sins yelled, wiped away tears with his sleeve, pushed open the door, and ran out of Eric's room.

"Hey, idiot!" Eric shouted behind him: "Run out like this, if someone else sees it, they will think I did something to you!"

"Of course you are bullying me!" Qi Zui quickly ran away without looking back.

[The favorability of the Seven Sins has increased slightly, but the bond level remains unchanged]

A ghost passing by by chance trembled and immediately fled the scene through the wall. Eric's title of "King of Shame" spread like wildfire...

"..." Chitong, who was in the shadow of the corner, looked at the green shadow running away with her back, and the vague guess in his heart was verified.

"Sister Chitong." Wendy asked suspiciously: "Why did Xiaoqi run out of Brother Eric's room crying? We didn't see her in the room just now."

"It's okay." Chitong comforted, and then said: "We have to trust Eric, and don't say anything about what we saw today."

Wendy nodded and agreed: "Yes."

"Ha... haven't you noticed..." Xia Lulu hugged her short forelimbs, feeling a little helpless at Wendy's slowness.

Eric, who stayed in the room, suddenly got a system prompt.

【Temporary task completed】

[Content: Defeat the invading navy and Big Mom pirate group, find Kagano Seven Sins who escaped in the war, kill more than 1 sailors, capture thousands of sailors, kill three vice admirals, seriously injure four Four members of Charlotte, including Cracker and Perospero, were captured, seven were seriously injured, and nearly [-] chess players were crushed. 】

[Excellent task evaluation, start settlement rewards: 8 achievement points, 17 bond points, and two internal affairs personnel. 】

[Two internal affairs personnel: Xiao He and Yu Qian]

Eric was taken aback. Because he was too busy before, he even forgot that he had a temporary mission. The system did not give a perfect evaluation. Is it because he let the navy run away too much?

Two rays of light lit up in front of Eric, and suddenly there were two more people in his field of vision.

Xiao He and Yu Qian bowed their knees and saluted at the same time: "Your Majesty."

"You two, please come up..." Eric smiled and said, "It is a blessing for the Kingdom of China to have two capable ministers today!"

The two men bowed to each other and said, "It is also a blessing for a subject to be valued by His Majesty!"


The safest and most secret place in Shenzhou is Da Vinci's science laboratory.

Wensmoke Gage, who came to help Eric, did not leave the Kingdom of China, and planned to follow the Dawn Pirates all the way to the dark.

However, the comprehensive strength demonstrated by the Dawn Pirates in this war is enough for Gage to pin all his wishes on Eric.

Now, Jia Zhizheng and Da Vinci are leading a group of scientists to conduct experiments.

"Oh, thanks to Germa having so many scientists, otherwise I would be exhausted just recording these experimental data."

Gage said with admiration: "This kind of trivial matter does not require Dr. Da Vinci to do it himself."

"I don't feel relieved if I don't watch the experiment with my own eyes." Da Vinci shrugged his shoulders, and then asked casually, "Gage, have you made any progress in the enhanced soldiers you made with the blood factor?"

"The progress is slow." Gage said with emotion: "It is much more difficult to transform and strengthen part of the bloodline factor than to copy the complete bloodline factor."

"I can only use surgery to modify the bloodline factors of the embryos in the womb during pregnancy, but this will cause the soldier's growth cycle to be too long..."

Da Vinci narrowed his eyes and interrupted Gage: "You didn't do this kind of thing again, did you?"

Gage sighed, "No."

"That's good." Da Vinci said coldly: "If you continue to carry out this cruel experiment, I will call the captain to clean up the house."

"Heh" a sneer came from the cage next to it, and a man with white hair, brown skin, and jet-black wings leaned against the cage, mockingly said: "You Dawn Pirates did not bad experiments on me. .”

"'Flame Disaster' Jhin..." The look in Jiaji's eyes was a little dignified. This is the right-hand man of "Beasts" Kaido, the leader of the three major disasters, and a monster with a bounty of more than one billion. Even if his three sons are adults , and may not be his opponent.

Unexpectedly, such a powerful guy would be captured alive by the Dawn Pirates.

"Look at your appearance... are you a descendant of the 'Lunaria'?" The Vinsmoke family has a history of hundreds of years, and it is not surprising to know a rare race living on the red earth continent.

"The Vinsmoke family..." Abel's expression remained unchanged, his eyes fell on Gage, and he questioned: "As an alliance with the Dawn Pirates, you are not afraid that the Germa Kingdom will be removed from the status of a member country by the world government? "

"Don't run me down with words, Jhin." Gage admires Da Vinci's knowledge and technology, so he is so polite. Besides, Gage himself is the lord of a country. Except for the Four Emperors, he will not bow down to other pirates and immediately retort. :
"You're just a plucked phoenix now."

"..." Abel raised his head, looked up at the ceiling, but couldn't see through the cold and thick wall, and replied casually: "You are right."

"You haven't suffered much at my hands..." Da Vinci curled his lips and said casually, "I just draw a few tubes of your blood every day."

"..." Abel didn't reply, one leg was stretched out, the other leg was curled up, half leaning against the edge of the cage, dazed in a daze.

"However, I'm curious, why does the world government have to eliminate the Lunaria race?"


"Don't talk...forget it." Da Vinci said: "However, Eric's thoughts should be exactly the same as your wishes..."

Da Vinci's words instantly attracted Abel's attention, and he asked, "What?"

"You can stand on the street openly, without a mask to hide your appearance, and without fear of being reported."

Abel muttered to himself: "Even Brother Kaidou can't do it..."

Da Vinci raised his eyebrows and said, "Your brother Kaidou lost to us."

"You guys are bullying the few with the more!" Abel replied with an agitated expression, "If it's a one-on-one fight, Brother Kaidou will never lose to anyone!"

"As long as the battle is defeated, no matter what you say is an excuse..."

Da Vinci's words made Abel suddenly stagnate.

Since Abel was captured alive by the Dawn Pirates, Da Vinci began to draw Abel's blood to conduct research on blood factors.

According to Eric, the scientist Vegapunk, who was captured by the world government, is developing a humanoid weapon, code-named Pacifist:
Based on the "tyrant" Bartholomi Bear, it not only has the strong physical body of a bear, but even reproduces the laser attack of the orangutan. Even though the attack power is not as powerful as the orangutan itself, it still arouses Da Vinci's strong interest.

Da Vinci intends to use Abel as the prototype of the previously designed seven-meter-level smasher. If the Lunaria family's flame ability can be used, the smasher's combat effectiveness must be stronger than the pacifist!

"If you are obedient and obedient, it is not impossible to let you go out to let the wind go." Da Vinci said: "Our goal is to overthrow the world government. Is it a good thing for you?"

"Except Brother Kaito, I don't believe anyone can change the world!"

""Ten years have passed since that incident, and you are already Kaido, the embodiment of 'force'." The old and ugly Heitan Muchan said: "In the history of mankind, 'force' has been able to solve all problems in the world. s method."

"This is also a matter of course. After all, humans are also 'animals'. The law of nature is the law of the jungle!"

"That's true." Kaido replied in agreement, "That's the truth.

Heitan Muchan showed a mouthful of black teeth: "The remnants of Rocks will show their talents in the future..."

"In this era where heroes are discussed in terms of 'fighting', I have a good suggestion... 咱咻咻..."

Kaido stood on the high platform, held up the mace in his hand, and shouted loudly: "Drag those powerful people who want to indulge in the comfort of peace by virtue of their noble background into this cruel battlefield...!"

"It is 'equality' and 'freedom'! Only war is the measure of a person's value!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" the pirates in the audience screamed loudly, many of them were forced to go to sea to become pirates because of nobles.


"I don't know where Yamato heard it, but he actually started talking about Joey Boy..."

Abel: "!"

"The reason why Oden is so hopeful of 'Kaiguo' is that he is waiting to welcome this Joey Boy."

"Jin, if this is the guy you're waiting for, then I probably know who he is?"

Abel looked puzzled: "You mean?"

"He is the one who can defeat me one day in the future."

"Such a person..." Abel laughed uncontrollably, "I'm afraid we won't see him anymore..."』

This memory has been playing back and forth in Abel's mind recently. Kaido went to attack the naval base alone and challenged the other Four Emperors. He was defeated and arrested more than a dozen times. In fact, Kaido wanted to resist his own destiny. If Die before Joey Boy arrives, that's Kaido's victory.

"Darren Eric... Could it be Joy Boy?"

"Ah..." Da Vinci smiled and waved his hands, and said, "If it was Eric, he would definitely say, I am me, so I won't be anyone!"

"People in this place seem to believe in fate..." Da Vinci recalled: "No one is waiting for a savior, but isn't the real savior themselves?"

"Using your own hands to resist oppression and break fate is much more realistic than waiting for others to save you. Even if you fail, you have worked hard and fought hard, and you will never regret it in your heart."

Abel fell silent, Kaido didn't want to lose to fate, Eric's arrival seemed to make Kaido break free from the shackles of his own destiny...

Seeing that Abel stopped talking, Da Vinci led Gage to the fighter's transformation workshop.


"Father!" Marco held up the newspaper and shouted: "The Dawn Pirates have done another big thing, and the bounties of many members have been raised."

"Huh?" The white beard reached out and grabbed the newspaper, looked at it carefully, and laughed loudly: "Gu la la la... Is Garp deflated in this kid's hand?"

"It's really surprising..." Marko rubbed his chin and said, "I didn't expect that the Dawn Pirates could defeat the fleets sent by the Navy Headquarters and the Big Mom Pirates at the same time. Dad, look, when the two sides are fighting All on the same day, could it be that Big Mom and the Navy Headquarters reached some agreement?"

"Nine times out of ten." Whitebeard curled his mouth and said casually: "In the battle of the Valley of the Gods, Garp and the Roger Pirates teamed up to defeat the Rocks Pirates, causing the huge Rocks Pirates to fall apart. , and now it is no surprise that the Big Mom Pirates are joining forces to attack the Dawn Pirates."

White Beard gulped down a big sip of wine, and said casually, "Didn't that incident go viral before?"

"Father, are you talking about the fact that the Dawn Pirates are building a new waterway connecting the North Sea and the New World?"

"That's right, this approach of the Dawn Pirates must have made the top leaders of the world government feel like they are sitting on pins and needles." White Beard sighed: "This kid would actually think of using the ability of fluttering fruit to build a safe and fast waterway. His brain How long is it?"

"The navy wanted to seize the opportunity to capture the new shipping lanes, but it turned out that stealing chickens was nothing, resulting in such a serious reduction in personnel..." Whitebeard took another sip of wine, guessing: "In the next few years, the friction between the Dawn Pirates and the Navy will definitely not be so bad. It will be less."

"Father." Marshall D. Teach, who has been pretending to be a good old man, came over and said, "Why don't we attack China? The Dawn Pirates have gone through two battles in a row, and their strength must be empty! We can... ..."

"Tichi!" Marco yelled loudly, interrupting Tiki's speech: "Eric specially found a doctor to cure Dad's heart disease, and let Dad get pure gold at the World's No. [-] Martial Arts Tournament... "

Tiqi immediately retorted: "Father got the pure gold with his own strength!"

"Don't make noise..." Whitebeard waved his hand and said, "I may not be able to defeat Eric who ate two devil fruits with the strength Eric showed in the battle with Lingling."

"Daddy—!" The members of the Whitebeard Pirates shouted loudly, "Daddy is the strongest man in the world!"

"I'm just an ordinary person." White Beard smiled lightly and said, "However, with pure gold, I can continue to hold on for a while."

'Damn Eric! Tiki cursed inwardly: "Not only did he cure Dad's heart disease, but he even prevented his body from aging... An Anan Fruit, where is it!" ? '

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets, thank you for a monthly ticket from Yuanyi; a monthly ticket for my heart following the wind; a monthly ticket for a lonely person; a monthly ticket for Ragnarok; a monthly ticket for Liu Jizhi QAQ; A monthly ticket for de ignorance; 100 tips for the world's decay; 100 tips for the Albus family; 100 tips for Leo;

(End of this chapter)

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