The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 495 Chaotic North Sea Conscription

Chapter 495 Chaotic North Sea Conscription (End)
The Dawn Pirates, the Heart Pirates, and the Hawkins Pirates escaped the navy's pursuit, and warships that lost their pursuit had no choice but to dock.

A wooden plank was placed on the side of the ship as a gangway, and the sailors filed down from the warship.

"General Sakaski." The adjutant came to Akainu, raised his hand and saluted, with a look of shame on his face: "We... let the Dawn Pirates escape..."

Akainu didn't speak, and the scorching temperature around him already highlighted Akainu's mood at the moment.

The adjutant's eyes swept over Akainu, his resolute and angular face was extremely serious, his dark red suit was tightened by his broad and thick frame, and his left shoulder became deeper due to blood staining, and he asked cautiously: "General Sakalski , are you... all right?"

"Go back." Akainu said in a low voice, without even looking at the wound, he turned and walked towards the warship.

CP0 in a white suit stood in front of Akainu and said, "It's a pity that one or two members of the Dawn Pirates were not killed."

"It's not your turn to talk about it?!" Akainu said with a hint of anger, "If you can make a move in advance, I can defeat all four of them before Scathach arrives!"

"I have only one mission, and that is to capture Nicole Robin alive." CP0 replied in a flat tone: "As for the Dawn Pirates, that is your navy's business, and has nothing to do with us."

"..." Akainu clenched his fists tightly, blood gurgled out of the wound frankly, and thick smoke billowed from the magma fist.

The sinister atmosphere between the two suddenly made the surrounding sailors dare not breathe out.

Akainu stared at CP0 for a moment, then finally bypassed the agent and boarded the warship.

On the warship.

Akainu looked back at the place where the battle was fought just now, unable to speak for a long time.

Akainu was very unwilling to defeat the Akatsuki Pirates here. These few were not the main cadres of the Akatsuki Pirates. Yamato, Kisame Kisame, and Didara were at a stalemate with him for a while. Not a short time.

Akainu's eyes became sharp and firm again, like a cold and sharp blade: "Return!"

The furled sail falls, and the sea breeze blows the white sail, driving the stationary warship forward. The warship gradually leaves the island with many beasts, slowly disappears at the horizon where the sky and the sea meet, and heads towards the target direction.


When Akainu arrived at the port of the Kingdom of Lubnir, the sun was already westward, and the orange-red brilliance spread across the earth.

"Is that... Admiral Sakalski's warship?"

"Finally back... But, why is there damage to the side of the warship? Could it be that Admiral Sakasky encountered some powerful enemy?"

Someone immediately retorted: "How is it possible!?"

On the way back to the voyage, the doctor accompanying the army had already carried out a simple examination and bandaged the wound for Akainu. Under the monster physique of Akainu, the wound pierced by a spear can only be regarded as a minor injury, and other people can't see it from the outside.

The movement of the red dog is not inconvenient at all, but the breath is a little messy, and only those who have cultivated the arrogance of knowledge and information to the extreme can get a glimpse of it.

Smiling and knowledgeable, he noticed the strangeness of Akainu, and was quite surprised that there were still people who could hurt the admiral in Beihai.

He didn't intend to be troublesome with a smile, he was going to hide this matter in his heart, and he would spend a long time with this general after that.

Unexpectedly, Akainu came to him on purpose, and asked, "Is that the smile who completed the selection competition with a complete victory?"

Yixiao showed a gentle smile, and replied neither humble nor overbearing: "Yes."

Akainu proposed: "I want to test your true strength, can I?"

"..." After thinking for two or three seconds, he nodded with a smile and agreed, "I hope your Excellency will be merciful."

Seeing that Yixiao was willing to compete with him, Akainu immediately ordered the competition venue to be cleared.

"Have you heard? General Sakaski is going to compete with the selected strongest man Yixiao!"


"I heard it was because General Sakaski didn't watch Yixiao's selection competition with his own eyes, and wanted to try the real strength of Yixiao's contestants himself."

"This result is too obvious! How could Yixiao win General Sakasky?!"

"Oops, so it's just a normal fight."

"However, I also want to know the real strength of the player Yixiao. He won too easily in these selection competitions!"

The sun gradually went down, and a few bright stars lit up in the sky.

The blazing magma flowing down from the red dog standing opposite him made the surrounding area red.

Akainu understands a truth from today's isolation and helplessness. Even though his own strength is the best in the navy, he still cannot easily deal with today's three opponents who are not as powerful as him because he lacks powerful helpers!
The ghost spider was once a vice admiral who believed in complete justice, but he died in the hands of the Dawn Pirates, leaving Akainu with a severed arm.

And the smile in front of him obviously does not belong to any faction in the navy, as long as he can be drawn into the hawk faction before he enters the dove faction...

Akainu said in a low voice: "You shoot first!"

"The old man is making a fool of himself..." With a smile, he pulled out the stick knife with his backhand, shrank it behind his back, his thoughts turned, and a lavender gravitational light group suddenly accumulated on the sharp blade.

"Gravity Knife Tiger!"

Yixiao held the stick knife with his backhand, and swept it out. The blade cut through the air, and a horizontal heavy strike flew out.


Akainu swung a heavy punch, and the lava fist became bigger and bigger as it advanced rapidly, completely blocking the direction of this horizontal gravity field.

The lavender ripples fused by horizontal gravity and sword energy directly bombarded the huge lava fist.


The two forces collided violently, and the giant lava fist stiffened for a moment, and then exploded in the next second.

Countless lava fragments fell to the ground, and the super high temperature remaining on the fragments burned the ground into scorched black marks one by one.

Akainu felt the huge power coming from his arm, and was a little surprised in his heart. The strength of a smile is by no means simple!
Akainu raised his right arm and said, "I'm going to make a move too."

"Please." He said with a smile, "Don't worry about the old man."

Akainu felt confident from Yixiao's words, so he stopped talking, and quickly rushed in front of Yixiao, and swung his magmatic right arm suddenly.

Facing Akainu's deadly jab, he spread his legs apart with a smile, lowered his posture, and placed the staff and knife vertically in front of him.


The hot lava bombarded the stick knife, and the viscous magma splashed in all directions.

"Gravity Knife Suppression!"

When Yixiao blocked the attack of Akainu, the additional gravity field on the blade suddenly took effect, and the sudden increase of gravity made Akainu's body sink.

But Akainu, who is known as a monster, seems not to be affected by this sudden increase in the gravitational field.

Immediately, Akainu ignored the wound on his left shoulder and raised his left arm abruptly. The magma left fist outlined the vicious dog's head, opened its mouth full of sharp teeth, and suddenly bit into a smile.

With a smile, the stick knife held backwards, parried Akainu's right fist, and slammed back from bottom to top.

A vertical slash cut the lava dog's head in half.

In just a few seconds of fighting, the powerful strength displayed by Yixiao surprised the surrounding navy.

"Tina was very surprised." Tina opened her eyes and said, "Although I am very optimistic about the strength of Yixiao Jun, I didn't expect him to be able to compete with the general."

"Huh..." Smoker exhaled a breath with a strong smell of cigars, and remained silent.

The red dog in the battle was not dissatisfied, but even more excited, and the navy added another powerful combat force.

"It's alright..." Yixiao said, "Continue to fight..."

"You haven't shown your strength yet!" Akainu blocked back the words with a smile.

Yixiao didn't intend to fight the red dog to death. While retreating to the rear, he drew a spiral purple ripple towards the sky with his saber.

A moment later, a small meteorite wrapped in flames fell from the sky to the ground.

The dark sky was scorched red by the raging flames.


"Did this guy do it?!"

The surrounding sailors stared at all this.


The two cigars in Smoker's mouth fell to the ground in surprise.


Akainu looked up at the sky, clenched his right fist with recovered energy, and then punched hard in the direction of the meteorite.

The magma giant fist wrapped in high-temperature flames flew into the sky and collided with the meteorite falling towards the ground.


The small meteorite and the giant lava fist broke at the same time, and countless broken stones wrapped in flames fell to the ground, like a shower of meteor fire.

"Very good." Akaken nodded slowly, let go of his clenched right fist, and said: "Your strength is worthy of the position of vice admiral, and you are fully capable of competing for the position of general."

He bowed his head with a smile to thank, and replied humbly: "Thank you for the compliment, I'm still far behind."

Akainu's anger over the escape of the Akatsuki Pirates dissipated at this moment.

Hearing Akainu's words, the surrounding sailors were in an uproar.


When everyone gathered, Scathach asked aloud: "So, are you going to go to the new world with us, or stay in Beihai?"

Hawkins and Luo looked at each other, and both of them had made a decision in their hearts.

"I plan to continue to stay in Beihai to practice." Luo explained: "The new world is too early for me now. I want to continue to stay in Beihai to strengthen my strength."

"That's the truth." Scathach nodded, then turned to look at Hawkins: "Do you think the same as him?"


"Okay." Scathach didn't force it, and began to educate Hawkins: "Even if you have the ability to transfer injuries, you can't rely too much on your own ability and practice your own armed color."

Scathach's eyes flashed red, and he said, "Otherwise, you will suffer a lot sooner or later."

Hawkins responded: "Yes."

Scathach continued: "I just reported your support to Yamato and others to Eric, and there will be corresponding rewards later."

"No need." Luo replied first: "This is what I should do."

"Captain Eric is the benefactor who avenged me, and my life will be considered as his death..."

"There are rewards for meritorious deeds and penalties for demerits. This is the rule set by Eric."

"That's right!" Yamato, who became lively again, ran to the two of them, hooked his shoulders and said, "I never thought that you two are also members of the Dawn Pirates!"

"I am Yamato who just joined the Dawn Pirates, please give me your advice!"

"It's strange that I don't know you..." Luo tried to break Yamato's fingers, but he didn't have enough strength, so he could only reply: "I saw your deeds in the news of the previous newspapers."

"I see!"

"Yamato, Luo and Hawkins are the affairs of Eric's pirate group, you have to keep it a secret."

"Eh?!" Yamato asked dissatisfiedly, "Why?"

"It's good for them. Once exposed, with the logo of the Dawn Pirates on their backs, Luo and Hawkins may be targeted by powerful bounty hunters or the Navy headquarters."

"That's it..." Yamato approved Scatha's words for the time being.

Scathach continued to ask: "Hawkins, what kind of reward are you going to ask for?"

"Devil fruit? Gold jewelry? Or Bailey?"

Hawkins couldn't answer it now either.

"When you think about it, call Eric directly." Scatha said indifferently: "Or, let Eric help you think about it?"

"I'll do the divination first." Hawkins calmly took out a tarot card from the inside of his clothes.

"What's this?" Yamato, who had stayed on Onigashima for many years and had little knowledge, watched Hawkins shuffling the cards curiously.

"Tarot cards are used for divination." Hawkins simply explained, found a place to sit down, and erected a few straw tips in front of him to place the drawn Tarot cards.

After Hawkins drew cards for a while to interpret, Hawkins made up his mind and said, "I ask Admiral Eric to make a reward decision."

"Okay." Scathach seemed to have predicted it a long time ago.

"It's so interesting!" Yamato's eyes began to sparkle, and he asked aloud, "Scarecrow, can you teach me this?"

Hawkins turned his head to look at Yamato, nodded and replied: "Yes."

So, the scene began to teach Yamato: "First of all, you must choose the time for divination. As long as you are in a good state of mind, any time is fine."

"Second, choose a location, a quiet location that helps you focus, any location if you can concentrate."

"Third, choose the object of divination, subjectively choose the success rate of the matter, and interpret it from the drawn Tarot cards..."

"The Fool's card: correct interpretation, good health. Travel has windfalls. A beautiful dream."

"Reverse paraphrase..."

"Magic card..."

In a few minutes, a lot of occult knowledge made Yamato dizzy, and Yamato was embarrassed to interrupt Hawkins who was in high spirits, so he could only bite the bullet and continue listening.

Luo and Scathach have already walked away, leaving this space for Hawkins and Yamato.

Yamato looked at Scatha with teary eyes, but Scatha didn't look back at Yamato.

On the other side of the boat, the ghost shark was repairing the damaged shark muscle, while the shark muscle let out a "chichi" howl of pain, and hit the ghost shark's head with the handle of the knife from time to time.

"Shark muscle, I'm sorry, I will definitely not let you suffer such a serious injury next time."


Didara crossed his arms, leaned against the side of the boat, and said, "Brother Guisha, your weapons are not very obedient."

"It's better than your detonating clay." Kisame accused unceremoniously: "In the battle just now, how did your detonating clay work?"

"Uh..." Deidara was speechless.


(End of this chapter)

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