Chapter 503 Yan Mo
The transparent, light blue paint mist fluttered down, and the faces of many treasure hunters blurred, changing into the appearance of Seven Sins.

"This sister?" Seven Sins widened his eyes, looking at the face that looked like an abstract work of art.

Qi Zui trembled all over, and his fist bones were almost crushed: "I obviously...I obviously became so good-looking!"

"Ah!" The treasure hunter with the appearance of the Seven Sins rushed towards Kuina with a sharp voice.

"It's really boring..." Kuina raised her head and glanced at the Seven Sins flying in the air, dodged and slashed without hesitation, the sharp blade cut into the flesh, and blood splattered everywhere. At the moment when Kuina attacked, The makeup on the enemy's face shatters like a mirror.

"What... You can attack your companions without hesitation."

"I just want to be clear, my real companions are flying in the sky, and these guys are all fakes!" Kuina cut open an enemy's abdomen with the tip of her knife.

"Hmm!" Seku P watched his subordinates being defeated one by one, gritted his teeth, and sprayed the spray paint can in his hand non-stop: "Accept!"

A dozen more people turned into Hiyori's appearance: "In this way, you won't dare to take action easily!"

Hiyori covered her mouth and exclaimed, "Eh? This time it's me?!"

The treasure hunter with the appearance of Hiyori once again came up from the pupa.

Kuina repeated the previous operation, swinging the blade while dodging and blocking the attack.

"Damn... why on earth!?"

Kuina curled her lips and said speechlessly: "Although your appearance has changed, your bodies are still the same."

"Hiyo is not as fat as you guys!"

"You don't need to use these low-level methods." Kuina cut down the last treasure hunter beside her with a knife, and said coldly to Seku P: "Your strength is better."

"Hmph!" Seku P snorted coldly, and the sprayed paint made his body fade and become transparent: "Spray paint for invisibility."

"You are young, and your strength is admirable, but - next, I will use all my strength to take your life!"

On the other side, all the arrows shot by Naomi were frozen by Yoshino.

"Damn brat... I'm sober!" Naomi gave up using the arrows filled with explosive rocks, and then shot a rain of arrows at Yoshino.

An ice wall rose from the ground, blocking the arrow rain, and the flashing arrows "jingled" non-stop, but they couldn't shoot through the hard ice wall.

"It's as hard as a tortoise shell!" Naomi unscrewed a bottle of wine and took two sips of "gulp". The alcohol flowed down the esophagus into the stomach pouch, and the brain once again felt slightly drunk.

"Hi——" Naomi put on the arrow with the dynamite rock again, straightened her index finger, and pointed at Yoshino behind the ice wall: "Watch me blow your turtle shell!"

"call out"

The arrow tail left the string, and the pink light drew a straight line, shooting straight towards the ice wall.


Seven Sins in the sky turned the direction of the broom, and the dazzling light from the top of the unfolded broom shone on the arrow, turning the arrow into a carrot.

"What is this?" Naomi opened her drunken eyes, staring at the carrot crookedly bumping against the ice wall.


The explosive rock arrows, which were supposed to be powerful, had their explosive power dropped by 90.00%, leaving no trace on the ice wall.

"Damn..." Naomi looked up at the sky and scolded, "What are you meddling with?"

Qizui choked back angrily: "This is not a one-on-one battle, you can control me!"

"If Kuina didn't need my help, I would have beaten that little nigger into a pig's head!"

Yoshino, who was riding on the back of the frozen puppet, persuaded in a low voice: "Well, please admit defeat."

"Hic—" Naomi let out a belch full of alcohol, and several arrows filled with explosive rocks were placed on the bowstring: "Watch me blow you all up!"

Let go of the bowstring with your fingers, and the arrow that leaves the string shoots out quickly.

Yoshino exerted strength with both hands, causing the body of the frozen puppet to lean back. The water vapor in the surrounding air quickly condensed into ice flowers, and a thick layer of solid ice hung on the surface of the glass container. Gravity shifted, and the straight-flying arrow fell to the ground. go.


Although the glass inside was cracked, because the outer layer was covered with a thick layer of ice, the explosive rock could not come into contact with oxygen, so naturally it could not explode.

Naomi gritted her teeth and said, "It's that damned ice again—!"

The angel controlled by the Seven Sins flying freely in the air unfolded the broom head again, emitting a dazzling light, and the radiant light engulfed Naomi.

"This... what's going on?!"

Naomi was completely awake from the wine, and at the moment when she was shrouded in light, she put on a thick cartoon costume and turned into a cartoon image of an old macaque.

"With this image, you can't continue fighting, right?" Seven Sins looked at Naomi with a smile on her face, and said, "You look cuter now."

"Damn it!" Naomi reached out to touch the quiver on her back.

"Ka Ka Ka" a series of crisp sounds sounded around, Naomi looked down, her feet had been frozen on the ground, looked up at the bow and arrow, the taut bowstring was covered with ice and snow.

In a few seconds, Naomi was wrapped in a thick layer of snow and could not move.

Yoshino said softly, "In this way, you won't be able to shoot arrows."

"Yoshino, well done." Nanatsu returned to Yoshino and blinked with a cute expression.

"Miss Seven Sins is amazing..." Yoshino replied, "In order to prevent her from getting frostbite, I conjured up a thick cartoon suit for her."

"Ahaha..." Qizui scratched his head in a discordant manner.

"Miss Seven Sins, let's go help others!"

"Okay." Seven Sins nodded, and flew to another battle circle on the fake witch.

"I really don't understand. With your strength, you dare to come to China to make trouble." Kuina showed a troublesome expression.

"Please save the big talk until the end of the battle~" Seku P sang rap: "It depends on your life~"

Kuina stopped talking, held Yan Mo flat, with the blade facing upwards, and shot Seku P along the blade.

Just as Kuina was concentrating, Yan Mo in her hand suddenly lit up with purple light.

"This is?" Kuina frowned, looking at the famous knife in her hand with a puzzled expression, not understanding why Yan Mo suddenly had this situation.

An extremely strong suction came from the handle of the knife, and the intense pain caused made Guina frowned, and couldn't help but whispered: "Ah..."

"Oh——" Seku P muttered in the same tone as before: "It seems that God is on my side this time, kid, you are too unlucky!"

Seku P rushed towards Kuina with a knife, cutting Kuina into two with a fierce horizontal cut.

Relying on her strong willpower, Kuina forcibly broke free from her inability to move, but Seku P's slash had already come before her eyes.


Kuina lowered her body and threw herself forward, the sharp blade passed over her head, cutting off some strands of hair.

The broken hair fluttered to the ground, and Kuina, who was in severe pain, rolled around from the ground and got up suddenly. At this moment, Yan Mo was surrounded by a layer of lavender air circle like a flame.

"Is it...absorbing my domineering?" Kuina remembered Eric's previous reminder:

""With your current strength, you can't control it at all, don't use Yan Mo to fight."

"Why?" Kuina pulled out Yan Mo puzzledly, observed it carefully, and asked, "Is there a lot of difference between this Yan Mo and my He Daoyi?"

"The personality of each knife is different." Skaha reminded beside him: "Be careful of its backlash, and it's best not to use it where we can't see it."

"Okay." Seeing that Scatha said the same thing, Guina nodded and said, "I know."』

"Careless..." Kuina bit her lower lip with her teeth, and a streak of blood oozes out. She looked up and looked around, and all the companions around her were driven away by herself under the pretext that there was no problem.

"Is this what people call cocooning oneself..." Guina smiled wryly, the current battle situation is extremely unfavorable to her, knowledge-colored domineering can only be used when she is calm, but the intense pain made Guina completely lose her calm, Guina Ina also lost the "eye" to see Seku P.

Suddenly a gust of wind hit her head, Kuina didn't think about it, and immediately fell forward, her half-length hair shortened again.

"The advantage of the situation is turned to my side~" Seku P rapped the impromptu lyrics written by the scene of the battle: "The little devil can only dodge desperately~The next blow will take your life~"

Kuina complained weakly: "Your singing is so ugly."

Kuina held Yan Mo's arms and shrunk a circle visibly to the naked eye, but Yan Mo was still absorbing her domineering energy.

"The next attack, I'll send you to see God~" Seku P did not choose to sneak attack from behind, but seeing Kuina's sweaty face, he understood that she was no longer able to use the domineering power of knowledge, so he chose to attack from the front.

Kuina slowly closed her eyes, remembering the teachings of her father, Koshiro, and the teachings that Scatha, Estes, Chiron, Akahito and others had taught her for a long time.

Kuina opened her eyes suddenly, and the eyes burst into a brilliance that she had never seen before.

"What!?" Seku P was taken aback, but he kept walking, and the sharp blade in his hand was already fully charged.

Kuina and Yan Mo were surrounded by purple arrogance, and Kuina raised Yan Mo with both hands, aiming at Seku P who was galloping.

"Accept the move!" Seku P made a move, the sharp blade pierced through the space, and there was a whistling "hoo".

"Ha!" Immediately afterwards, the big sharp knife Yan Mo, which was entangled in purple arrogance, fell suddenly in Kuina's hand, and a crescent-shaped purple sword aura shot out.

The sea-thick sword energy rolled towards Seku P, hitting the weapon in Seku P's hand.


A clear and pleasant sound suddenly sounded, and the weapon in Seku P's hand suddenly broke, and the crescent-shaped sword energy that cut off Seku P's weapon slashed towards Seku P's body.


Seku P was chopped into two without any resistance, and the crescent-shaped purple sword energy flew along the road, leaving a straight sword mark on the ground.

"Pretty...beautiful..." A large amount of blood spurted out from Seku P's ruptured wound, and he only had time to say two words before falling to the ground and dying.

"Huh..." Kuina took a deep breath, and continued to contend with the suction of Yan Mo in her hand.

"Give obedient!" Kuina used her hands hard to fight against Yan Mo with her strong willpower.

The purple arrogance above Yan Mo finally disappeared, and the domineering power of inhaling Kuina disappeared.

"Miss Kuina, are you okay?" Yoshino and Nanatsu rushed to Kuina's side because of the amazing sword energy just now.

"Wow..." Seven Sins glanced at the body of Seku P who was divided into two halves, and immediately turned away: "Guina, I didn't expect you to be so cruel..."

"What's wrong with your arm?! It looks so shrunken!"

"Huh..." Kuina raised her hand to wipe the cold sweat on her forehead, and explained: "It was sucked by this Yan Mo."

"Because of this knife?" Yoshino persuaded, "Miss Kuina, it's better to throw away this knife."

"No..." Kuina shook her head slowly, her right arm was sucked into a skinny bone, and she raised Yan Mo with difficulty: "I can feel that this knife allows me to quickly learn useful skills."

"I really don't understand, this knife almost killed you, you still use it?" Seven Sins pouted.

"In order to become a great swordsman, I have long put life and death aside." Kuina smiled with difficulty.

"..." Seven Sins sighed, and said, "Your spirit is amazing, I will protect you well, take a rest now."

"I see you can't stand still..."

Before the words fell, Kuina closed her eyes and her body slowly fell down.

"Miss Kuina!" Yoshino controlled the frozen puppet and caught Kuina before she fell to the ground.

"It doesn't matter, it's just that I lost my strength." Seven Sins tried it out, and then used the medical knowledge she had learned to deal with it briefly.

"This knife is very dangerous..." Yoshino whispered.

"Yeah, but Kuina held it so tightly that I couldn't break it..." Qi Zui smiled wryly, and said, "Only this fool would care about a knife that almost sucked him dry."


"Your two powerful men have already lost, do you want to continue fighting?" Erza's two knives clashed to block the punch thrown by the treasure madman.

"Hah la la la..." The treasure maniac continued to punch, not caring about the life and death of his subordinates, and replied calmly: "I don't care about the lives of my subordinates who can't even beat a few little girls!"

"You bastard—!" The treasure maniac's speech caused Erusa's blood pressure to surge, and she said coldly: "I have seen countless villains, but you are the bastard who makes me the most angry!"

"Hala la la!" The treasure maniac laughed wildly, and said, "It seems that you have seen too few villains!"

"Do you think that the guys who are galloping on this sea are like you, with unrealistic and beautiful dreams?"

"Stop dreaming!" The treasure maniac yelled loudly, "The guys who can sail in the new world are all monsters in human skin!"

"My actions are very pure in front of them!"

"No, I don't agree with your statement, at least Eric makes me feel human."

"Although he's very horny."

Erza stood bravely against the wind: "If you only have this strength, this battle will end soon."

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets; thank you big brother Bingbing for being my monthly ticket; Luo Xianyou's monthly ticket; a serious nonsense monthly ticket;
(End of this chapter)

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