Chapter 528

At the wedding banquet, a look of surprise flashed in Stucey's eyes, and then he retracted his expression and turned back to a normal responding guest.

"It's too dangerous to bring you with you, and it's easy to be discovered." Stussy placed Lola on a boat, and told Lola: "During this period of time, Wan Guo will definitely send more people to search secretly. You, never go out!"

"I understand." Laura agreed with a serious face, "I'm not going anywhere."

"Okay." Stussy prepared some dry food and water for Lola, and closed the hatch before leaving. 』

Stucey thought to himself: "She must have been caught by the Big Mom Pirates..."

Suddenly, there was a loud shout like a bell: "What's going on!?"

Everyone looked around, only to see Prince Loki's angry face: "Where's Laura!?"

Then he pointed at Qi Feng who was wearing a wedding dress and scolded: "She is not Laura!"

"Isn't the bride Laura?" The guests at the wedding were discussing, and the noise was chaotic.

'By the way, Lola has a twin sister. Stucey, who is quite familiar with the Charlotte family, suddenly realized.

However, with the same full lips, pink double braids, and two blushes on the face, ordinary people can't tell the difference between Qi Feng and Luo La.

Charlotte Lingling's complexion changed, and she laughed "mama mama" again, stepped aside, and revealed Qi Feng behind her: "She is Laura, why? Can't you recognize it?"

"Master Loki?" The giants behind Prince Loki also looked puzzled, and the woman in front of them was exactly the same as Laura they saw yesterday.

"Isn't she Laura?"

"How could she be Lola!" Prince Loki roared angrily, gesturing at Lola's figure with his hands, and then said: "Although they look almost identical, Lola is missing a front tooth!"

Everyone looked at Qi Feng following Luo Ji's voice.

"Indeed, her teeth are intact..."

"And, and—" Loki commented on the difference between Lola and Qi Feng, and Qi Feng's body stood stiffly in place.

"You read it wrong." Charlotte Lingling stretched out her hand and pushed Qi Feng behind her a step forward: "She is Laura. In order to get married, I deliberately..."

"Don't lie to me!" Prince Loki retorted angrily: "The giants respect force and sincerity!"

Loki waved his hand: "Since the Big Mom pirates want to deceive the giants, we will never forgive you!"

"——!" Charlotte Lingling gritted her teeth, and anyone could tell that Big Mom was extremely angry.

Prince Rocky turned and left angrily, leaving a sentence: "The wedding is over!"

"Stop!" Charlotte Lingling's voice came from behind, turning her back to the departing giants.

"The wedding I have been planning for a long time—" Charlotte Lingling walked towards the giants step by step amidst the roar of the ground: "I will never allow the wedding to fail!"

"Go to the priest's side for me, and complete the vowed kiss!"

"I refuse!" Prince Rocky refused sharply: "I will only marry Lola!"

"That's great..." Stussy caressed the side of his face with his right hand, secretly happy in his heart: "Not only did it destroy the marriage between the Big Mom Pirates and the Giants, but it also made them feel like fire and water..."

"It's up to you!" Charlotte Lingling rushed towards the giants, clenched her right fist, and covered it with a strong armed aura.

"Ha! It's more interesting to fight!" Farley stepped forward from behind Loki, the giant ax was already raised high, and the power of the giants gathered on the weapon, and finally chopped down with one axe:
"Elbaf's Spear - Hegemony!"

This is the unique sword skill of the giant race, which can instantly cut out a cylindrical shock wave with a huge coverage and strong lethality.

Ordinary strong giants can easily kill large sea kings with this move, let alone the strongest fighters of the new generation of giants.

Ba Guo smashed a wide avenue at the top of the cake city, and countless guests turned pale in front of this sword energy.

However, using this trick to deal with Big Mom standing at one of the tops of the world is not enough.

"Heh!" Charlotte Lingling snorted coldly, making a disdainful nasal voice: "That's it?"

The thick right arm swung forward violently, with five fingers forming claws, as if grasping the real thing, grasping the cylindrical sword energy.

The five fingers closed together suddenly, and this physical shock wave immediately shattered, and the overflowing air wave rushed to all directions.

"What—!?" Farley looked at this scene in disbelief.

"Just because you want to stop my old lady, it's 100 years too early!" Behind Charlotte Lingling, members of the Charlotte family followed closely behind.

"Don't underestimate Elbaf!"

Prince Rocky, together with dozens of giant warriors, also raised their weapons and performed exactly the same movements:


Dozens of huge circular shock waves spiraled and condensed into one, rushing towards the direction of the Big Mom pirates.

At this time, Charlotte Lingling raised her hand to take off the pirate hat on her head, and she held up the Napoleon long knife. After a short charge, she said, "Elbaf's gun——"


The scolding full of fighting intent instantly overwhelmed other voices.

The several-meter-long blade suddenly fell, and a huge purple cylindrical sword aura was instantly generated, blasting directly towards the dozens of sword auras.


The clouds in the sky rolled and boiled, and there was a loud thunder.

Above Cake City, two shock waves collided violently.

The purple light and white light twisted into a punch, and the terrifying energy contained in it spread out to the surroundings.

Katakuri's eyes flashed red, and his body took a step forward:
"You guys! Hid behind me!"

Katakuri's right arm rapidly swelled and transformed into a huge and domineering shield covered with armed colors under the action of the glutinous fruit, blocking all the brothers and sisters behind.

The other people present were slammed on their bodies by an invisible heavy hammer, and the weak people were immediately thrown into the air by the storm.

Under the violent wind and waves, the shield formed by glutinous rice also set off a wave of ripples.

The sword qi crisscrossed, the wind raged, and the ground was torn apart. The dining table, cutlery, and cake were all wiped out between the two sword qi collisions.

In the end, the sword energy ceased, and two facing ravines with a width of tens of meters and no grass growing where they passed traversed the top of the cake city.

Stuci, who was hiding in the distance, pressed his sun hat with his slender left palm, and a small leather bag was slung on the crook of his right arm. His bright eyes burst out with a burst of light, and he thought to himself, "As expected of a person from Elbaf." Warriors, the hegemony wielded by dozens of giants, can counter Lingling's mighty power. '

"Just hand over Laura and take the opportunity to make friends with Elbaf..."

'However, how to let these giants escape, this is a problem...'

Stussy was looking for a solution in his mind, and his eyes shuttled around the monsters in Charlotte's house: "Prince Rocky can't die on Cake Island!"Otherwise, Lola is useless! '

"Good job..." Charlotte Lingling commented with a smirk, and said, "Prince Rocky, do you want to die here, or marry me obediently!?"

"Thinking to force the giants?!" Prince Loki roared angrily: "Big Mom, you are dreaming! Giants—swear not to be slaves!"

"Today's wedding, you have to tie it! If you don't tie it—you have to tie it!"

"..." Loki raised his huge sword horizontally, his eyes showed fighting spirit and determination.

"Where's the wedding... where's the cake?" Charlotte Lingling looked over the ravine plowed by Weiguo, and landed on the place where there was a huge object.

There the wedding cake disappeared, leaving only some white cream on top.

Charlotte Lingling's eyes appeared like reincarnation eyes, with circles of threads: "Wedding cake——!"

"What's wrong with this guy?" Prince Rocky frowned.

"Oops!" The members of Charlotte's family turned pale with shock: "Mom actually suffered from food cravings!"

"Big Mom seems to be sick—" Farley showed a belligerent expression: "It's just right, let's take this opportunity to get rid of him!"

Gerst quickly shouted: "Wait a minute! Farley!"

Falei, who only had Big Mom in his eyes, didn't listen to the advice of others. His strong legs slammed on the ground, and the ground under his feet split. He then flew into the air with this force, and the huge ax blade was already aimed at Big Mom's head. !
Katakuri's eyes glowed red again, and the glutinous rice shield squirmed and elongated quickly, forming an arm far surpassing that of the giants, grabbing Falei who was falling: "Don't even try to hit Mommy!"


"Huh?" Charlotte Lingling noticed the huge object in the air, and suddenly threw out her thick left arm.

Katakuri had already created a hole in the path of Big Mom's fist, and Charlotte Lingling's fist landed directly on Falei who couldn't move.


Layers of air circles spread out from the place where the fist hit, and powerful force came out through his body. Falei's huge body flew upside down and fell in front of many giants.


The giant rushed forward, trying to lift Farley up.

"Pfft——" Falei spat out a mouthful of blood, and said intermittently: "Don't... fight this monster... alone..."

After finishing speaking, Farley tilted his head and died.

Prince Rocky's eyes were filled with tears, and he roared, "Falley!"

"I..." After yelling, Loki immediately made a move, and was stopped by Gester and Omer next to him:
"let me go!"

"Master Loki!" The two hugged his arms and loudly dissuaded him: "Your safety is the most important thing! This is Big Mom's territory, and the Big Mom pirates have a lot of people! When we leave Ten Thousand Kingdoms, then Find a chance to avenge Farley!"

"..." After pondering for half a second, Loki agreed: "Take Farley's body away, we must not leave our companions in the enemy's territory!"

"Yes!" Several giants, one with an arm and the other with a leg, quickly carried Falei away and rushed to the bottom of Cake City.

"Brother Peros!" Bascadil yelled, "The giants want to escape!"

"Leave the giants alone!" Perospero said solemnly, "First find a way to stop mom's cravings, you must find a way—"

Smoothie said to Longbread: "Mom must eat the food she wants to get rid of cravings, wedding cake..."

"It will take at least three days to complete." Long Bread shook his head and said, "Moreover, a lot of chefs are needed to make this wedding cake. With Lingling's current state..."

"Three days..."

"This cake city may not be safe..."

"Don't talk about Cake City, maybe even the capital and even the entire island will be destroyed by my mother."

"It's all Laura's fault!" Someone complained: "For the sake of my mother and all nations, what's wrong with marrying a prince of the giant clan! You can still be a queen in the future!"

Qi Feng was silent for a while, then stepped forward and said to Long Bread, "Chief Chef, I can also help."

"...It was a great help." Long Bread nodded.

"Eh? It looks interesting?" Brin, who was only nine years old, leaned over: "Can I participate too?"

"Now it's a matter of whether the capital will be destroyed or not!" Dafu frowned, and waved away Brin: "Brin, go and play!"

"Huh?" Brin showed a regretful expression.

"Brin is good at making chocolates, and making cakes should help." Long Bread said, "Now that there is one more person, we can finish the wedding cake earlier."

"This... she is only nine years old..."

Long Bread asked lightly: "Dafu, what's your opinion on my decision?"

Dafu bowed his head: "No, I'm sorry to trouble you, Chief Chef."

"Hurry up and make the wedding cake!" Long Bread gave an order, and the people in charge of making the wedding cake rushed into the kitchen inside the castle following Long Bread.

Leaving helpless combatants behind, watch as Big Mom destroys the top of Cake Island.

"Bure." Katakuri said calmly.

"Brother Katakuri, I'm here!" The woman who looked like an old witch replied with a long and thin scar on her face.

"I brought my mother here, and you temporarily lock her into the mirror world."


"Go!" A trident came out of Katakuri's wrist: "This is the safest way to protect you!"

"...!" Bree held back tears and took out a glass mirror.

Katakuri strode forward, exuding substantive majesty:


Overlord is domineering!
In an instant, the anomaly materialized into a black-red arc and shot towards Charlotte Lingling.

"Huh?" Noticing Katakuri's overbearing arrogance, the demented Charlotte Lingling turned her head and looked this way.

"..." Katakuri showed a solemn expression.

Raising the Napoleon long knife, Charlotte Lingling kicked her thick legs, her bloated body rushed towards Katakuri, and the sharp blade slashed towards Katakuri.


Katakuri raised the earth dragon to block the slash, the veins in his arms bulged, his legs bent downward, and the ground instantly shattered and sank.

"It's now!"

Following Katakuri's order, an arm stretched out from the mirror and grabbed the corner of Katakuri's clothes.A white strip of glutinous rice also appeared on Katakuri's body, wrapped around Charlotte Lingling's waist, and forcibly pulled her into the mirror world.


In the dark cabin, Lola opened the hatch with a knife and walked out.

"Sorry, savior..." Laura said to herself with some guilt, "I don't want to trouble you anymore..."

She took out a small piece of white paper, which was Charlotte Lingling's life card: "I will rely on my mother's life card to escape from this country!"

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets; thank you for one from Daxie 1025 Long 1025; one from smilemu; one from book friend 20200229152652052; two from Yuezhu V; two from Lance Attackkkk; one from Long Tianyu; One card from You 160916133613817; two cards from Four Years Buddha Heart VIP; Hua Luo U Silent; three cards from Kai Kai Kai Kai;


(End of this chapter)

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