The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 549 The domineering strong vs. the capable, the precursor of the collapse of the red-haired

Chapter 549 The domineering strong vs. the capable, the precursor of the collapse of the red-haired pirates
"Get out of the way—!" Snake threw out the long knife, and the long knife, like a boomerang, drew a silver moon-like arc in the air and flew towards Zhongya in the Central Plains.

Zhong Yuanzhong also did not choose to take it hard, and immediately jumped high, under the force of gravity, he jumped to a height that ordinary people could not reach, and the first long knife quickly passed by where he was originally standing.


Snake then threw a second long knife, the blade turning faster than the previous one!

Chuya Zhongyuan, who was in mid-air, moved his body flexibly to avoid it.

Gabu opened his mouth with sharp teeth, and the light gathered in the mouth, aiming at Zhongya in the mid-air.

"Don't even think about it!" Ah Jin rushed towards Gabu with a walking stick in his hand.


The swirling long knife returned from a blind spot and slashed at A Jin's scaled back. The hard dragon scales could not completely defend against the armed blade, and a bloody arrow shot out from the wound.

Ajin turned a blind eye to the wound on his back, and with the crutch held at his waist, he stretched and contracted the brachialis, and swept out the iron ball on the top of the crutch, intending to smash Gabu's internal organs.


With a juggling posture, Snake kicked in the air and blocked Ajin's stick for Gabu.

"!" Ah Jin narrowed his eyes, one crutch was blocked from moving forward, and the other crutch was raised high, hitting Snake who was on the ground with both hands from top to bottom.

With an incredible kick, Snake stretched out his free foot to resist the iron ball hitting him from above.

The huge impact, like the old lightness of a battering hammer, was fully transmitted to the arms and palms that Bendik Yin Juanzhen used to support.

Immediately, there was a pain in the palm, and Lagilu's hands sank back to the ground a few inches, and he made two distinct palm prints.

Gabu lived up to the time Lagilu bought me, his Adam's apple moved down, and the shock accumulated in his mouth burst out: "Roaring shock!"

The bursting platinum bubble shattered the air, and a straight golden light blasted towards Zhongye, who was still in the low altitude.

Zhongyuan Zhong also quickly crossed his arms behind his chest, and a layer of rich brown-red light emerged on the surface to resist the upcoming dazzling shock wave.

However, the dazzling shock wave emitted by Gabu submerged Chuya Zhongya's body in the last second.

Regular brown-red ripples bloomed from the rear end of the shock wave that exudes dazzling light, which is the gravity also released from the Central Plains.

Amidst the ear-piercing beeps, Zhongyuan Zhong also used his ability to resist the shock wave with difficulty, and blue veins appeared on his face and the back of his hands.

The slash hidden in the shock wave, entwined with armed domineering, is the gravity shield that cuts off and strengthens Zhongye's body surface and inside.

"chi, chi, chi"

Several slashes finally broke through the gravity shield that Zhongya Zhongye had cast, leaving several long and narrow wounds under my body.

The shock wave continued to push Chuya Zhongyuan, flying towards the distance.

"Central Plains!" The pupils in Yin Juan's eyes shrank, and a strange force burst out of her body, and her thin lower body suddenly swelled.

The crutch held by Lagilu continued to press upwards, oppressing my straightened right leg, and then bent it upwards.

"Accept the move!" Gabu stepped forward and accelerated to come behind Yin Juan. His clenched fists carried a gust of wind and blasted straight at Yin Juan's head.

Al turned his lower body abruptly, narrowly avoiding the thunderous left fist.

Taking this opportunity, Lagilu straightened his half-bent legs and kicked a crutch flying.

Then his waist was twisted, and Lagilu, who was on the ground with his hands on the ground, quickly returned to his old position, and pulled out the double knives stuck upside down on the ground.

Yin Juanzhen immediately said: "I solved an opponent, he came to hold me back, you go to help Snake!"

"Okay." Gabu immediately agreed to come up.

Lajilu took a step forward and was about to accelerate towards Ben Yinjuanzhen, when an angry shout stopped my action:
"Did you just say that - you will let him pass!!"

Nakahara Chuya put his feet together, his body lit up with a deeper dark red light, and his body smashed towards the location of Lagilu like a meteorite!


There was a small earthquake, and at the critical moment, Lagilu dodged a weak blow from Chuya Zhongyuan.

The entire ground collapsed and collapsed, and the weak impact brought up a small amount of smoke and dust, covering the place where Lagilu and Gabu were.The fierce air wave rushed under the seven of them. However, neither of us has ordinary military skills, whether we have suffered any minor impact damage, but we just look a little disgraced.

"Is there still death..." Lagilu glanced at Nakahara Chuya in the center of the pit, there were small and large sword marks all over his clothes, the blood stained his clothes red, and it might make that white-handed gangster fall down.

"Boss gave you an order to entangle him... Cough..." Zhong Yuanzhong also coughed up a mouthful of blood, stretched out his hand again, and wiped it off with the back of his hand.

"Don't try to get rid of you."

"..." Lagilu re-emphasized Zhongya Chuya, without such perseverance, it will be a matter of time before he learns to be armed and domineering.

"Do you have any time to waste there!"

"What a coincidence, you are the same." Zhong Yuanzhong also grinned, showing bloody teeth.

Al walked slowly to Chuya Nakahara: "Is there something wrong?"

"I have something to do." Zhong Yuanzhong also shook his head, and then asked himself: "Do you want to activate 'dirty' outside?" '

"With or without Dazai Osamu's ability to make the ability effective, he might die from exhaustion..."

'It is said that we will definitely die at the hands of the group of people opposite, we are all terribly weak...'

"Anyway, that life was given by the youngest, so it doesn't matter if it's given back to the youngest..."

Thinking of that, Nakahara Zhong also warned Al who was beside him: "You will fall into a state. At that time, you will be close to you, and you will attack him very much."

Al was taken aback.

Nakahara Chuya took off the white glove on his right hand, and walked towards Lagi Road: "You, the bright and dirty narrow pardon..."

Yin Juanzhen threw a pair of knives behind her: "If it's an enemy, you might buy him a drink..."

"Let's talk about it in the last life." Zhong Yuan Zhong also replied lightly, and then I took off the white glove on my left hand: "I hope I will wake up again."

Under Li's bare arm, a scarlet stripe stretched out, with jagged sides, and when it extended to the back of the hand, a strange eye-like pattern emerged.

The scarlet lines winding down from the neck formed a graphic pattern on both sides of the cheeks that was slightly different from the back of the hands.

Yin Juanzhen, Gabu, and Aer frowned at the same time, and Zhongyuan Zhongye behind his eyes completely changed his momentum!

I took a step back, and a circular pothole was sunken in the soft ground, like a madman with pharaoh's ability to control himself.


The gravity of the spill kicked up a gust of wind, blowing away my all-time favorite white top hat.

The pupils of Zhongya Nakahara's eyes became blurred and clear, and the gravity factor burst out from the body, wantonly venting his sense of existence, spinning a tangible wall of wind around me.

"..." Lagilu and Gabu stared at each other.


Central Plains also turned into a crimson flying shadow, rushing towards the Lagi Road closest to me.

Yin Juanzhen slashed at Zhongye Zhongyuan with two swords, one right and one left, the body dominated by supernatural powers stretched her arms, spread her palms, and the dark red gravity ball condensed in the palms, resisting the domineering blades wrapped around the armed color.

"!" Lagilu immediately understood that the enemy in front of him lost his mind the moment he touched Chuya of the Central Plains.

"In order to achieve the goal, do you let your ability go berserk..." Yin Juanzhen admired, and then changed the subject: "Yes, you have no reason to lose!"

Lajilu exerted strength on his waist, maintained his balance on one foot, and kicked Nakahara Chuya from the side with the other leg.

Zhongyuan Zhong also kicked out his left leg, and the moment the sole of the shoe touched Lajilu's thigh, there was a crisp sound of bone breaking.


Lajilu's face changed, and he immediately retracted his kicked right foot, stepped on the ground with his left foot, shifted his center of gravity forward, and immediately opened the distance.

Seeing Yin Juanzhen's expression, Gabu asked nearby, "Yin Juanzhen, what's wrong?"

"..." There was a moment of silence, and Lagilu replied solemnly: "The thigh bone is broken."

"Daxin, my current strength is very weak. It seems that I have lost my mind, but my combat intuition is normal and wrong..."

When Lagilu finished speaking, the Central Plains, like a wild beast out of its cage, suddenly pounced on the seven people.

The dark red gravitational light ball that was grasped falsely by both hands slammed towards Lagilu.

Lagilu used his double swords to resist the ball of gravity.

Gabu opened his mouth sharply, and the rays of light gathered in his mouth like silk: "Slash and roar!"

When Yin Juan was about to breathe out the dragon's breath, Zhongya Zhongya waved his arm, and the gravity light ball held in his palm flew towards Roar of Light.

The dark red ball containing the infinite gravity factor, like a white hole, swallowed the roaring attack of Gabu's roar.

"What!?" Gabu was taken aback, the roaring attack just now was not as powerful as the one that knocked Chuya of the Central Plains into the air.


Nakahara Chuya, whose eye sockets were almost completely white, condensed a smaller gravity ball in his palm, and the dark red gravity factor frantically poured into the gravity light ball.

"Suck—" Gabu contracted the abdomen, expanded the chest cavity, and moved up the diaphragm between the abdomen and chest. A small amount of air passed through the trachea and rushed back to the lung lobes, and weakly stretched each bronchi until the terminal alveoli swelled to the limit.

On Gabu's rough and unrestrained face, veins emerged one after another:


The light in Gabu's mouth was extremely bright, condensing the roaring attack of all armed forces, running over the ground, and colliding with the gravitational light ball with a diameter of less than eight meters.

Time seems to have no short-term stagnation, the heart seems to miss a beat, and the intersection center of the two attacks suddenly bursts out with extremely dazzling light.

The aftermath of the explosion caused a violent storm.Along the way, countless gravel, grass and trees were all uprooted.

Thick smoke and dust enveloped the entire area. Relying on his domineering aura of knowledge and knowledge, Lagilu rushed to the side of Chuya Zhongyuan in a flash, and the long knives placed horizontally on both sides of his body suddenly closed:
"here we go--!"

The two long knives that staggered horizontally encountered resistance a few inches behind Zhongyuan Zhongye, and could not continue to retreat.


What blocked Lagilu's slash was the 880-degree dark red halo that enveloped the Central Plains.

"Is the defense even slightly increased..." Lagilu dodged Chuya Chuya's kick.

At that time, in the flowing smoke and dust, a red light spot lit up.

Immediately afterwards, a straight pillar of flames shot towards Gabu's location with a terrifying low temperature.


Once the cold breath exploded, the air wave blew away the smoke and rolled up the smoke again. There were no traces of the rocks under the ground before they melted at low temperature.

Lagilu turned pale in shock: "Gabu!"

"You have something to do!" Gabu's sturdy body rushed out, half of his long brown hair was burned, and there were no signs of injury or scorched white under his body.

Lagilu said firmly: "Gabu, his teeth..."

"You can grow back by drinking milk." Gabu replied with concern, the longest sharp tooth outside my mouth has been broken, and only half of the root remains under the gums.

"How to deal with that guy..." The two spoke at the same time, followed by a moment of silence, then smiled at the same time: "Let's play together—"

Ewaik sensed that Chuya's aura was right. He took a look at Chuya's state during the battle and found that my Devil Fruit ability had dropped to four stars, and my overall strength had dropped to one and a half stars.

"Completely the opposite of the red-haired pirates, a battle between pure domineering weaklings and ability-awakened ones..."

Ewaik carefully weighed the strength gap between Zhongye, Al, Gabu, and Lajilu, and decided to let Zhongye make a fuss first.


Just after the "dirty" state was also activated in the Central Plains, La Jilu was also extremely anxious, and he had nothing to do with Akin Beckman with "limited firepower".

The last time Ajin Beckman slashed was to release the treasure.Even if La Jilu didn't have the fat on his skin that he was proud of, he couldn't resist the curry stick released by Yinjuan Beckman with all his strength.

I am afraid that only these physique monsters can live calmly.

La Kilu and Lime Jones can only rely on low-speed movement to avoid the aurora attack that comes at any time, and to avoid the assisted attack of Genos from the side, preventing or forcing themselves.

"Then it's the way to fight!" La Jilu suggested: "Go and attract our attention, and he will take the opportunity to help Yin Juanzhen!"

"However, he is our opponent alone! That will only put him in danger!" Lime Jones was old.

"Is he still coming to grow up with you?" La Kilu put on his usual hearty smile, took out a piece of bone-in meat from his trouser waist, and took a small bite: "As long as there is no barbecue, you will lose to anyone."

"..." Lime Jones believed it.

"Snake needs help! I'm always in front of you who love silence, silently supporting you!" La Killuel grabbed Lyme Jones's shoulders and shook them vigorously back and forth: "He understands that the vice-captain What does it mean to the team!? Just do it if you understand it!”

Lime Jones gritted his teeth and agreed to come forward: "...Okay!"

"That's right!" The corners of La Kilu's mouth turned up, squeezing the fat under his face.

It's old, Yin Juan and Yin Juanzhen's ghost-like voice came, almost saying every word: "Behind your face again, eating barbecue—!"

"But it's for you!!"

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets; a monthly ticket for Daxie Zaosha;
(End of this chapter)

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